November 8, 1919. =] sturday ah | | Kee Guilty of Issuing Worth- less Check, 4h Kee, the G f hinaman e . ODLaini aman charged ok, Way fo MS @ Wonthless MB n th Und guilty by Judge © COuntY e P ate eourt yester- "Noon, He was sentenced 'Prisonment be. of &t00 ® will have to serve Additional. *'X Months a fine ® ey dency il il | HN as that reported from the pre- liminary hearing in the police court. Besides the testimony of the accused, Nakano, to whom the bad check was presented, gave evidence, Roy Lancaster, of the Royal Bank, also appeared in the witness box and Chief Vickers told of the arrest. Lee Lou acted as court interpreter, the accused, as ey ‘is very customary with Chinese Mehses by ic. Ney under false | prisoners, having suddenly los| all savee of the English language (Speciat by G.T. P. Telvarapns.) Failing to} BERLIN, Nov, 7.--Hugo Hasse, ‘the Socialist leader, is dead as ! jthe result of wounds intircted by ire > : * Young . “sented before an assassin who shot him on (et. ‘'rgely the same 8, THE Fond parents dream for their children. They dream of the literary and musical they are going to give their education daughter, and of the high take in her sphere of womanhood. They dream of the education they are going to give their son and vision hin some day as a clergyman, a famous lawyer, an eminent physician, a prominent financier, or a Captain of industry. But to make these dreams come true DAILY NEWS Come Irue ofa bright future planning and money. position she will —or even partly true—requires foresight, To provide the money what plan so wise as to buy Victory Bonds for each child? Thousands of parents bought Victory Bonds for their children in 1917 and 1918. Surely you will be among the thousands of loving parents who will buy Victory Bonds for their children—this year. Victory Bonds may be bought on in- stalments at such easy terms that every parent who so wishes may buy. Buy Victory Bonds For Your Children Issued by Canada's Victory Loan Committee, Hi i i | 4 SS Hi) ' iH | HN My iid H iii Hh Nh ae ol be) si \ : a As y 1 oe wy 7 . a a ' i. cl IS CONVENIENT IN. CASE OF EMERGENCY Money Invested in Victory Bonds is Not by Any Means “Tied Up.” It would hard to estimate the number of people who have a cou- ple of hundred dollars on 80 In the savings bank just as a sort ef an emergency fund, Their money is drawing three per cent interest and is readily available should the unexpected happen. If that money was invested in Victory Bonds it would be draw- ing five and one half per cent. It would also be easily available in jease of emergency for it is an es- { y ‘tl mn i! Gayot i pal in co-operation with the Minister of of the Dominion of Canada, Mio STATA Wl t ae Hi) a 7 Nei) ) { i | mat - | we, I i y ¢ iil eee = Finances 4 i | P tp ! l i] | hi | i, i “ie Whi ‘AN a ‘ “/\ tablished fact that Victory bonds | can find a market at any time. Victory Bonds are everywhere re-| garded “as good as cash," The ‘security they offer for the invest-| ment ineludes the banks in which! inoney is deposited at three per cent interest. Why let the banks have the extra two and one half) per cent? Besides baving his money pro-, tably and conveniently invested the Vietory bond holder has it out working for him as well as | the Nation, for he must in some will continue to the extent in which Canada's business can be conducted on money lent by her people, ee way share in the prosperity which | BENEFIT DANCE BY !\dams very kindly played the 'piano and various artisis accom- SONS OF ENGLAND Enjoyable Time Spent Last Night | At 8t. Andrew's Hall. The benefit dance given last night by the Sons of England Football] Club for one of its mem- bers who was injured last season, was voted a success by all those attending. The affair was very bright and jolly and a large crowd was present. Dancing commenced shortly after 9 o'clock and kept up continuously till long after midnight. The music was fur- nished by Harvey's orchestra in its usual unsurpassed style, Dur. ing the supper interval Miss panied her at the traps and drums, During the course of the evening cards were indulged in by some of the senior members of the so- ciety who were in attendance. The committee in charge were Jack Frost, H. Wearmouth and G, Perey Tinker, the first mentioned acting as floor manager and hold- ing the organization together in excellent style. Mrs, Leek was in charge of the supper arrange- ments and the supper was pro- vided by the ladies of the Daugh- ters and Maids of England Se. ciety. Dining room suites in fumed oak, $110 for 895--at Barrie's Stock Reducing Bale. ut 3 a . + i, 2 ‘way. ‘ i 1 ‘ ‘ » me” a - ’ Sur. 5 = 4 ht) ee 7s aE