4 t page roua "The daily news Monday, a- "P'.emotr ( Sport News HIGRSCBOOL WINS SOCCER filed Up Big Store at Expense of Borden Street .Saturday The regular Junior football t league fixture between High and Borden (Schools took place on Saturday afternoon and resulted In a win for High School IJorden put up a plucky fight but they suffered more from the effects of the wind and rain than their older and heavier opponent? and goad were smred for the High School by Walters (6), Marshall 2),' and Ulli (1). Teams were as follows: High: Suehiro; Bridden, Blake; Eby, Walters, Cross, Davits; Mar shall, Hill, Walters, Welle, Church. Borden: Annestey; Currie, Wil-llscroit; Naylor, Hardy, VeitchT Lindsay, Wilson, Nakamoto, Campbell, pungate. J. Campbell refereed. Doc Clapperton Gets Big Ones Pioneer Prince Kupert Sportsman Turns Antler Durinc Visit WHOOPING COUGH No "ccrs" but btlpi to redact paroxysms of coughing. V . 1 ICKS HOME RUN KINGS BUSY 'ON SATURDAY NEW YORK, Sept. 29:-- Babe Ruth hit his "forty- pighth and forty?ninth hoie runs of the season on Satux- day vhile- the New YOrk Yftti- t kees .were def eatine the cham- pion Philadelphia Athletics. Hack Wilson hit his fifty- fifth and fifty-sbjth circuit ' clouts of the year ss Chlcajp Cubs were beating Ctncinnrt Reds. x . t t t SPORT CHAT Teams representing the Glscome and Quesnel tennis clubs, were the guests on the Prince George courts recently. It was the first occasion on which Glscome and Quesnel players had met during the season. On the day's play, Quesnel took five of seven events with Gis- fcome. Prince George defeated Quesnel in all three game they played while the home players divided honors in two matches with Glscome. at Prince George "ow inai 11X6 ax- uuu cardinals Big League Scores SATURDAY SCORES Na(inJ League Boston 2-7, Brooklyn 8-1. Cincinnati 8. Chicago 13. Pittsburg U, 8t. Louis 8. tv. Philadelphia 2, New York 5. American League Washington 8, Boston 3. Chicago 5-10, Detroit 6-$. St. Louis 7, Cleveland 9. New York 10, Philadelphia 8. SUNDAY GAMES National League Pittsburg 1, St. Louis 6. Boston 5 Brooklyn 6. Cincinnati 11. Chicago 13. Philadelphia 0, New York 7. American League Now York 0. Boston 3. Philadelphia 4, Washington 9. Chicago 10. Detroit 7. St. Louis 11-5, Cleveland 5-15. nave coppea me National League pennant after a hectic strueele. all Doc Clapperton, pioneer Prince i is now set for the World kh Rupert sportsman, is having a fine baseball classic of the year, which hojiday at Prince George where he j will open on Wednesday. Maan-is visiting with his son. Jack Clap- j time, speculation is rife as to whp perUm, a card received from him 'the next world champions are to by a local friend states. He Is hav-1 be. Connie Mack, manager of the ing some great angling and says that the smallest trout caught so far weighed a mere two pounds. The weather has been fine in the .interior town. Doc will be returning to the city next Sunday. Philadelphia Athletics, does not seem to be very hopeful. "This series is going to be a mighty tough one for us to win," he says. The veterap manager is afraid of hit pitching staff. Close finish to English county middleweight handicaps was witnessed at Gatwick, recently, when Musical Prince won from Ellenborough and Clarette. Major League Baseball Season Closes and Cards Are Off For World Series In Philadelphia NEW YORK, Sept. 29: Another record breaking major league baseball season came to an end.yesterday, leay ing Philadelphia Athletics, the American League winners and St. Louis Cardinals, the National League titleholders, to carry on the battle for the works's championship. The Cards, after yesterday's content with Pittshurg Pirates which they won six to one. entrained at St. Louis for Philadelphia where they will rneet the Mackmen confident of winning the World Serfefe. The Athletics, hpw-ever, are just as confident of retaining the title. The first game will be played at Philadelphia on Wednesday. Met at Banff Highland Games At Banff Highland games Left to nuht Ci A. j i : i ; Ontano; Major Gillies, secretary to L,'Utenunat.-n..v::)..r Egbert R R Bruce of British Columbia; R A. CuUcieil n v.-.iuuuver an Columbia Lieutenant-Governor. Cii- to Lii u' Governor of i. I ionti lunt-Oovernor Oliver, aide to British sTIASWli.IdL,.'4HkW When you feel chilled, feel a cold coming on, GO TO BED and drink IfflHH I iitgH so ti 1 1 1 m1 r 1 1 vrM cwELQQaHsiBsl Salts Apnttt Ilirold F Ritchie Co. Ltd, Toronto HftT It will increase your vitality and resisting power and help you to avoid a possibly serious illness - puff. .eutfl fpr lunclj pn u Vnrm day Keliogg's Corn Flakes and cool milk or cream. Crisp, Easy to digest, Keliogg's fr. nisi; pnergy without "heating" the body. They help you feel cool! CORN :- FLAKES Drtttloui trith jrtth or canned ruin KEEP ORN : HENNESSY BRANDY HANDY BOTTLED AT COGNAC, FRANCE This advertisement is not published or displayed by ttic Liquor Control Board or i. ' mept of British Columbia. A NEW STANDARD OF PERFECTION Cool mild fragrant, as captivating after months of -.4 uiuuaimtmuc em at me nrsr npiinnus M!e from selected Virginia leaf-blended by experts rolled right so they smoke right Canada's pleasure . smoke i the cigarette that puts n joy in smekine. new K fits. jvj in aiuoruiig. . 1 .-T'. DiAiE THE BETTER CIGARETTE SAVE T H E Aj PI A B E POKER HA Nj? 13