Monday, September 29, 1930. TUB DAILY NEWS PAQE FTV1 Steamsliip Sailings For Kunday ,unday Vancouver s. s. Prince Pr. Rupert Charles JO p.m. pjn. CLASSIFIED ADVERTI SEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR RENT, LOST & FOUND Tuesday ss- Catala JO p.m. ....-3 Thursday sa. Pr. George 10 p.m. THIS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPL E HEAD BECAUSE IT IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. I i'Mrty-HOJsHrli IncnIliir&iflOpM ss. .Csujdena, .12 midnight Oct ., jd ss. iTin. Louise pjn. o i 26 ss. Prtn. Louise p.n From Vancouver -uiida? Catala 4 ; SB. p.m. W!d. ss. Pr. George .. .10.30 am. t i iduy- -ss. Cardena... p.m. t i iday ss.Prl. Maqulnna, 4 pan. ii.ur ss. Pr. Rupert, 10:30 a.m. l ss. Princes Lqufee ajn, f ii : llss. Princes! Louise a.m. im. p2 ss. Princess Louise a.nt. fcr Naas River and Port Simpson unday ss. Catala 8 p.m. From Naas River and Port Simpson TttP?.day SB. Catala 1U0 ajn. For Stewart and Premier 'trday ss. Catala, 8 p.m. V finesday ss. P. George 4 pjn. urday ss. Pr. Rupert 4 pjn. From Stewart and Premier mday ss. Prince Rupert 8 p.m. Tuesday ss. Catala ....11.30 a.m. Thurs. ss. Prince George 8 pjn. For Ocean Falls ,un ss. Prince Rupert 10 pjn. Thurs. -ss. Prince George 10 pjn. Jaday ss. Pr. Mary, . ..10 p.m. From Ocean Falls Pr. George 10:30 ajn. 1 j iday ss. Princess 'Mary 4 p.m. ss. Cardena p.m. ."vi'ur ss. Pr. Rupert 10:30 ajn. For North Queen Charlottes niir ss Prince Charles noon From North Queen Charlottes i;i(!ay ss. Prince Chariee p.m. For South Queen Charlottes Monday ss. Pr. William. 8 pjn. From South Queen Charlottes Thurs. ss. Prince .William, aja. Prince Charles ajn. For Alaska 1 1 Prince Rupert 4 pjn. l -ss. Princess Louise p.m. '.. 11- ss. Princess Louise ajn ' t 22 ss. Princess Louise ajn. From Alaska : intlay ss. Prince Rupert 8 pjn. 5 ss. Princess Louise pjn ' : is as. Princess Louise pjn t 22 ss. Princess Louise pjn. From Skeena River ss. Cardena pm For Anyoz and Alice Arm mday -ss. Catala 8 pjn. V dncsday sa. Pr. Oeorge 4 pjn. From An) ex and Alice Arm -as Catala 11:30 am Prince Oeorge 8 pjn. CUM. TRAINS From East Dally, except Tues- C 12.30 noon. For East Dally, except Sunday 1 pm, SKI'.KNA LAXII HKOOKIHMl lilSTKIP notice that the British Oolmn-i mih: Pack'.rm company. Ltd oiiu-ot. BC. occupation, tls i:;trnU to 'ipply lor lease ' 1 !; devritvrt foreswore, situ ' . 'iv H.irh'iur !ruiitlng on Lot 1 c-wii Dutn -t Commencing v I m ed on tlx- eiut lde otnut hv:ir west is chslni. mors or )r optvjiiu ahori; then .. oastTlv. nrt northerly, ftrt : :h water mirk, to the point o 'i:!nt. i;'d containing twenty- rf i. more or lea. . !ith August, 1SSO. J. H Buahnall. Agent VUITISH COLUMBIA TOHtNO ft PACKING CO., LTD MRS. JAMES CLAKK Palmistry and Crystal Reading: White House 223 Second Ave. Telephone 7C7 75 TAXI 75 DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE C '.ireful and Courteous Drivers -LUXURIOUS CARS-.,. PHOTO FINISHING IIV KXI'KBTS S'nd ynur i'lliii nnd I'hototVork To Uruthnll Photo linMiliig Prince ltii-rt. II.C. Quality auarnnteed. Prices Reasonable . TYPEWRITERS No olher vnlue can approoth the rpei'liil RKRUILT UNDERWOOD 5 $75.00 Very ry terms All either makes from $13.00 8VMSTRM ,I)l)IXO .M(lllr,H United Typewriter Co. Lid. v j;ovvi:it. n.c. PHYSICAL CULTURE Dieting is punishment. Dally dozens are fatiguing. Try my course in Physical Culture with the Oraybar Health Stimulator. Results guaranteed in 24 lessons. Craig School of Dancing STUDIO 217 Hays Bide Second Ave. Phone Black 11 A BIG OPPORTUNITY for those who want Tailor Made Suits See our windows for special low prices. Regular Prices Reduced $5.00 to $15.00 Finest quality ancj latest patterns. Come In and see us today before it is too late. SUITS Special order complete and finished in three days. See Line the Cutter Ling, the Tailor Second Avenue Phone C49 A. MACKENZIE FURNITURE Chesterfield Suites; Dlnlnc Suites; Bedroom Suites; Carpets and Linoleum Rues Everything for the Home I We wU makean allowance for year urmture on the new Thone 775 DrivurselfTaxi Why not enjoy a nice drive this evening or tomorrow? If you cannot drive now, why not learn? There'll be a day jvhen you'll wish you could. We will teach you. Our charges are reasonable. Walker Motor Co., Ltd. Distributors of CHRYSLER and PLYMOUTH CARS Hunt's Furniture & Upholstry The Slore or ijuaiiiy" Complete House i uruiMilncs Trrms Arranted G. M. I1UNT Third Avenue, Thone Red 637 Chimney Sweep Chlmnev swept and repaired Furnaces and stoves cleaned and renalred. Oeneral handyman. Phone 201 Nlfht phone Blue 712 II. J. ZUMKEIIK Get quick results with a want ad. BRINGING UP i THIK1K OUK.E F FSET WOU COUU3 . TAMO CUOtER TH& BAt-L-A.N" Holiday Resorts DOUGLAS LODGE KAlMwiv TUOtrr are plentiful this uon U the atuirt lk dUtflA, they take either fly or apoun. In this wide virgin country thtre are hundred at miles of waterways In lake and stream with many pleasant bays and wooded Isles, untxplored by white luen. Now that reall) good accommodation Is provided and modern camping pqulpmerit Is obUlnaWe, many are taking fishing; trips. Another Important attraction there Is a ride or hike to the top of Mount Tope, from which a wonderful picture ls'seen 100 miles of lake and woods in every direction. Apply to C.N.R. or by wire or letter to IxwglM lwl-r, Fort St. James, B.C. 3m Je 34 JITNEY SERVICE Between Port Clements and Queen Charlotte City, Mondali jtnd Saturday leaves lnrt dements. 8.30 a.m. )oeen Charlotte 1 JO. p.m. rare S3 earn. Round trip SC. I.. I1VSOX. fort 'lrmfnt Stage & Taxi Service Queen Charlotte Is. Sedan Cars meet all beats at Port Clements and at Queen Charlotte Clt-. Regular trips to Par, elements ever'. Tuesday and Thursday leaving Q. C. City at 9 ajn. returning frcm Pert CU -jeeats at 2 p.nn. luir iiueen charlotte my to rcit Clement SIJW or SO return or vlretrru. Intermediate points, 1)e. a mlie. Hide in comiort. it oasts no mor. Phone 2 short, I long. Wire or phone our eipense. rilMI'NIl Kl r:KNS Proprietor Prince Rupert School of Music Fall Term Begrns September Z II. AUBREY PRYCE Professor and Teacher of Violin and Piano. Orchestra Practice Tuesdays and Fridays. Telephone 674 Silversides Bros. WALLTATERS TAINTS Window Glass TIeture Frame Mouldings THIRD AVENUE - PHONE Vt STEAM KATIIS 201 6th Street Thone Black 761 Opposite I'rlnrC Rupert Hotel Ladles from 2 p.m. to 9 pm. Qnts. from . . 10 ajn. to 10 p.m Whirldry Spinner Washer Do Monday's washing in that wah- er you've always wanted. Two years old $75.00 Thone Mark 161 (227) INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS Room 10 Smith Block Courses in Technical and Engineering Training. Write or Phone Local Agent for information. Box 155 F. J. Boutrll rhone 76S FATHER 'T QUIET- PUEAS. I'.iiuif To mm FOR RENT FLAT. FOR RENT Wallace Bloclc Enquire store. tf FURNISHED FLAT, 4 rooms and bath, Phone 517 tf FOR RENT Furnished room, . board optional. Phone 543. FOR RENT Modern Flat, kitchen range. Westenhaver Bros. tf FOR RENT Five roomed flat furnished. Phone Blue 345. tf FOR RENT Furnished suite, two rooms. Fhone Mussallem Grocery. (tf) FOR RENT $5.00 a montn puts a piano In your home Walker's Music Store FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms by day, week or month. Phone Red 607. . tf FOR RENT nine-room flat close la Bath, moderate rental. Westenhaver Bros. .... f tf -4 '4i FOR RENT Extra warm modern house, 5 bed rooms. Also smaller .houses furnished. Apply 215 Fourth Avenue East. tf SECOND-HAND DEALERS New and Second-Hand Goods Bought, Sold or Exchanged W. H. Montgomery 3rd Avenue Thone Blue 339 AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART We buy, srll or exchange any kind of furniture, or household goods, musical instruments ma chinery, etc. Oeneral repairs, crating, packlng'fend shipping. Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone Black 120 and we will call. G. J. DAWES, Auctioneer., Federal Block. tf itAIXAtJri ANIVTOVV1NG "If lt or. or under the water we do it." Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. Fully Equipped for. Diving and Oeneral Salvage Work Boats and Scows of all descrlp-, tions for Charter Row Boats and Canoes for Hire Bargains In Gas Engines Agents for EASTHOPE ENGINES Northern B.C. Distributors Coolidge Fropellcrs Sand and Gravel in' any.-quantity, delivered anywhere py water Thone, Day or Night iS4 T.O. Box 1561 To Rent Cosy Two & Three Roomed Apartments Free use of electric light and washer Rentals $10 to $16 monthly DYER APARTMENTS 3RD AVE. Dally News "Want Ads" bring quick results. WEUU- I'M 5lAOTV1AT't omR But i'm Olad i met HIM AM' PLACED CSOUF tT O. PUEAftE MACClE- GUT t mutt rr woz hard WORK- I'M TIRED FOR SALE FOR SALE 19-foot row boat In first class condition. Can be seen at Pacific Salvage Co. (tf) FOR SALE New Chesterfield, suite, lamps to match, other furniture. J Phohe Red C22 after 8 pjn. 229) i FOR SALE Second-hand furniture j and linoleum at half-price. I Barrie's Home Furnishings, 3rd Avenue and First Street! 223 PRICE REDUCED The price of the launch Owen is reduced to $200 for quick sale. 'This is the best buy on the market. Cylinder recently re-bored and new rlngi installed. Pullen, Daily News, tf FOR EXCHANGE EXCHANGE and Pay difference-Single 22 for 3.2 pump: 30-30 Winchester for .303 Ross Enfield or Winchester. Phone Black 773. (227) LOST LOST Homing pigeon, N.U.R.P. band on left leg. Phone 467 or 353. 227 BOARD AND ROOM BOARD and Room. Phone Black 707. tf PLASTERING GEO. MACKLIN Expert Plastering Artistic work of all kinds, stucco, chimneys built, calsomlnlng. Phone 427 s.30 CHIROPRACTIC GENTLE STETS TO HEALTH Chiropractic points the way. Don't scoff, don't be prejudiced. Be fair and liberal enough to Investigate what chiropractic has done for others, perhaps friends of yours, and what it may do for you. You may consult us without any obligation. W. C. AST1NALL (Chiropractor) Thone Green 211 6 & 7 Exfchanee Blk. (Opp. Orme's) C. M. BRYANT A. R. S. M. Enr. ASSAY OFFICE Results guaranteed And returned by next mail. Stewart British Columbia WELL: MACrie 5HOT ffl I'VE HAO OU1TE A, CVSY OP ITV AGENTS WANTED AGENTS MAKING $15 PER Week up, In spare time (more according to time given) selling "Imperial Art" made-in-Canada Personal Greeting Christmas Cards, acknowledged by agents and public the greatest 'selection in value, price and new variety. Season in full swing. Write for sample book on approval. British Canadian Publishing Company. 51 Wellington West, Toronto, tf CALENDAR Salesman. Full or part time. Good contract, highest commissions, exclusive line and territory. Apply stating qualifl cations to Box 520, London, Ontario. 232 IIELP WANTED GIRL wanted to mind children twa evenings a. week. Phone Blue 69L tf RELIABLE man for one' hundred store route this country; experience unnecessary; no selling; distribute and collect. Should net seventy dollars weekly. Shamas Mfg. Co., New Toronto, Ont. tf SITUATIONS VACANT CHRISTMAS money easily earned taking orders now for our beautiful, line of Personal Christmas Greeting Cards. Sell on sight Regal Art Co., 310 Spadlna Ave. Toronto. tf DF.IM RT.M FAT OF THE SF.rRF.TAUY OF KTATE Itepsratloiu PURSUANT to a notice that appsar-ed In the Preps, dated the 10th da; C November 101B. aaklne .h:se of th 1 civil population of Canada, who mx) have boon subjected to lass and pecuniary damage arising from the dntrii.--tlon of life end property dur'ng Uk late war through the Illegal warfare o; the enemy, to flic claims for compen-atkxi with this Department. Phbllc netlec is hereby given that b; an Order of Ills BkeeUency thr Cover -I nor Genera! in Council, datod the St!i day of September ISM. the underttgnc?: Commissioner was appointed f:r .h I purpose of comtlnulng and completltK an enquiry and reporting upon a'.l for been disposed of in the report j' the previous Reparation Comruls-ilont dated the 14th day of Def mOer 10X7. Instructions rajpecUng the meth a of fMlng aaxl the proof to be furnished mar be obtained fr m the understand. I The last day cn which claims will be 1 accented for conalderaUou Is toe 1st U) of November 1930 ERROL M. McDOUOALL. Reparation CtiunKtloner. Rooms 301 -8, Trafalgar Building. Ottawa. Samember 17. 1BS0. 339 RANOE 3 COAST DISTKIOT Recording District of Prince Rupert TAKE NOTIOE that Joha Edwsrd Underhlll of Vancouver. B.C.. Engineer. .Intends to apply for permission to laae the following described toraabore laadi i Oommenclng at a poet planted atlttta ! west end of small bay about 1 1-3 Botes i south and -3 miles east of the sotith fast corner of Lot 338 Swindle Island. I thence south east 30 chains, to east n-I trance to bay, thenoe easterly, norther-. Iy and westerly along High Water Mark to point of commencement, and containing 30 acres more or less. Dated July 4th, 1930. i John Edwsrd Underhlll. James T Underbill. Agent. By CO At CAkl- OvJ'f,R l O OP OOrJTAMMoV MB Can't TOO iE6 I'M IKl e HORRV? f MNP ACT Notice of Intention to apply for tense I .an (I In the Stlkine Land Recording District of Casalar District, and situate about three miles and one-half south of Tulsequah Post Office on Taku River. Take notice that I, Oeorge Robbing of Tulsequah, B.C., occupation hook-keeper Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted on b&iik of slough, thence south BO chains: tbeooe east 40 chains; thence north 83 chainv thence west 40 chains, and. containing 320 acrei). more or less. GEORGE ROBBIN3 Dated August 25, 1930. LAM ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In the Bilklne Land Recording District of Oasstar District, and situate about three miles and one-half south of Tulsequah Post Office on Taku River. Take notice that I, WUllam Strong, of Tulsequah. B.C., occupation merchant Intends to apply for a leas of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted ou band of a slough, thenoe south 80 chains; thence east 40 chain: theneo north SO chains: thence west 40 chains; and containing 330 acres, more or less. WILLIAM STRONG. Dated August 35. 1930. RANGE 3 COAST DISTRICT Recdrdlng District of Prince Rupert, TAKE NOTICE that Frederic Clare Un-derhin of Vancouver, B. C. Land Surveyor, Intends to apply for permission, to lease the following described lore-shore lands: Commencing at a post' anted on the South shore of small S iy on North End of Price Island about 3 miles south and 1 mile east of the south east corner of Lot 338, Schooner Passage, thence North 10 chains to opposite shore, thence westerly, southerly and Easterly, along High Water Uark to poln of commencement and enclosing the bay and containing 13 acre more or leas. Dated July 4th, 1930. Frederic Clare Underbill, Jamas T. Underbill. Agent. RANOE 3 COAST DISTRICT Recording District of Prince Rusert. TAKE NOTICE that Richard Walter Underhlll of Vancouver, B.C., Aeedun-ant, intends to apply for permission to :ease the following described fore.ih&re lands: Oommeneteg at a post planted at High Water Uark about 1-3 mils south and 1-3 mile east of the south fast corner of Let 338. Swindle Island, thence south 8 Chains to Island, thence ast 7 chains to shore, thence northerly westerly and southerly alone Hlih i Water Mark to point of oommence-; o.ent and containing 90 suies more or ! .. ' ; Dated July Stb, 1930. Richard Winer upd'rhlU. lames T. tlnderhfll. Atent. RANOE 3 COAST DISTRICT lecordinn District of Prince Rupert. S AKE NOTICE that Nrmn Kill of Vnnoouver. EC, Clerk, intends ta spit y for permission to lease the fcitaw 'ng described foreshore lands: Com-uenclng at a pott planted on the sduth here of Swindle Mead abrut 30 chain outh and 100 chains west of th south west corner of Lot 33S thence westerly ilons High Water Mark about MO chains o a point betting Double Islaftd. thenoe s chains more or last to Low Wster Mark, thence easterly 'along Low Wtter Uark. thence north to Dotnt ,,f edmi I menceroent and end -sing all tidal fiats ana witanris ana esntaming 130 res more oi less Dsted July 6th. 1930. NOrmsn Hill James T. Uftdethni. Agent. RANOE 3 COAST DISTRICT Rccordlax District si Prince Rupert TAKE NOTICE that Frederick Rivweb B'rtlett of VMstauvcr. DC, 8rcretsry. intends to apply for permlselen to ls the 1J Ww tag described foreshore land: OoBimencmg at a post planted on the south shore ct stndl IMind about 30 okals south and 100 chains west of the south west corner r ut 338, thence easterly and northerly tdohg High Water Mark to th soutU west earner of Lot 33J, thence to Low Water Mark, thence southerly and westerly locur Low Water Uark. thence I north 3 chalnc to point of eomroence-I mens, and enchwlng all ridal naU and lagoons, and containing 80 acres more ; or less. Dated July 6th. 1930. j Frederick Russell BstUett, I James T. UacrhUl. Agent. George McManus AMD dET rM.ED UP QUICK At XOU WE ARE GQlNj TO MRb MlBUCi-b HUM -orvita you- Shut op1. oom t VVAMT TO HEAR A WORD PROM OO i rrm 1 v - j MAKE JiYOUR WANTS KNOWN THROUGH DAILY i NEWSw'WANTwAD, COLUMNS