PAGii rJTO DAILY MOTION Terry. The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, limited. JTtord Avenue , agg j. H. F PIIT.THV . SWMariaeTnir-Editor v v. SUBSCRIPTION RATES By mail to all other parts ef British Columbia, the Btltish Empire and United State paid in advance, per year 6.00 By, mail to all other countries, per year .-. .. 7.50 By mail to all parts of Neither n and Central British Columbia, Friday, September 28. News of the Mines ABOUND PRINCE RUPERT Espcrarfea Mine May Resume Keystone Property to Be Further Developed Sibola Property Said to Be Rich mence operations this fail, negotiations having almost been completed whereby Seattle capitalists will purchase large blocks of stock. Sufficient money will then be available for development work on a much larger scale than elooMant distanojugflE AHriHgM fesa.rr' The work will be startM as!"01" Ior sno lean wm tvM early as possible In the spring and eoatinoed for eight or nine months. 1 The main tunnel will be ertended to the ore body an an upraise will i thee be driven on the ore to the sort ace. Mr. Terry, who has had considerable experience in mining development, will be in charge of the ope rations. The Consolidated Mining Smelting Co. is instailing heavier tractor nuinment for use in in.-.s-portation of material and supple -required to connection with development operations being carrier: out on the Emerald group of claims on Sweeney Mountain in the 8ibola district. The Emerald group it located high up to the Coast Range of mountains and the eomaan is forced to bring op feel as well as oiher mine supplies over a road six the property possible even should there be no Immediate prospect for a boost In the prices of metals. P. B. Chettleburgh arrived at last week from Victoria and CORN FLAKES Kettogg'i mr ittitloui ttiih u(r, honrj mni tnilk or trrwm NORTHERN B. C. NEWS Arthur Lemon PdrriU. for several years a resident cf Telkwa dieo in the 8autaep; Hos-r-'ial last Saturday from paralysis which fofiwea ypon Igji an a' tick prwr.snia. Dcrr-d .was Lorn lr England fl ye-.r- ?&o. jThe funeral took rlace !n T-.!k-va oa Tuesday afternoon with Rev. L. J. Ales nffr'T'nt After an tOnecs of several -ea:s. John Harrison, employe- ba :r-e jCaasulan Matioml ahops here, died last 8atnrdsy to the ftnlthers Hos fVnseiwllnsi of rJUe the geotlnciai wiB hold a oa October far maattoaed as pos- ase those it F. M ia past contests, and Dr. R. C. Bamford of Smlthers ho. It is said, is willmg to take a chance. carriec an "jr Uae ConsolMatsd on! the Smerald group. Neither he nor I T A rIf!ii"Si.T Af?7 anyone connected with the com- i T ri.lU Il iJJi pany vriU taft of the prospects of 1 The KenLone tuntam ftiSr nn. the mine although it Is said that dertake farther dev year of the Keystone tuated a short inlet and opposite stated by Harry Bowyer wfco reeently the property. gjtiunuauuica uu at uu property T gj. ' one of the big stiver-lead mins cf Inline province, ine ore in urge t. leertalned bodies has a mineral con- -,, ilent valued at 1100 per ton with an inspection of J ty oenU per oon so aocamnftnlMl bv M even tne preeent torn quoia- R. O Matthews, president f th? Vanderhsof and District Board of Trade: Caleb Prout, president of District X" Farmers' Institute; John H. MaeMUlan president cf the Vanderhoof Conservative Association; Roy M Taylor, village commissioner; 8. W. Cocker, Stephen Hobnes and Ernest Smadley Journeyed to Prince George at the end of last week to consult with Hon William AU&ison. minister of azri-cuitare. with reference to the Me- chako Creamery don. SKIDEGATE In connection with the recent E. M. Haynes, Post Office inspec- nurder of Charlea Yocfc at Houston, tor, w?u here this week In the course the police are now searching for a of his annual inspection of Quen mysterious stranger, giving the . Charlotte Island post offices and jdamc- of Fred Anderson and id to : left on Tuesday on the Prince WU- iU u,atc i jwi.j who was seen in ths distrsrt by In-1 Or fonr months for . i.w .... dJanr aoout twc weeta ago. j. Rentier, owner for lesser period, paid in advance, per swain -ov, i mty delivery, Dy man or earner, yeany period, paia in auvauct o.w Rey Nejson jjartnes;. Transient advertising on iront page, per men "" secretary o the British and lgai notice, eacn insertion, per agate nne lign Bible Society, Contract rates on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone 93 Editor and Reporters' Telephone 86 Member pf Audit Bureau of Circulations sting address hen an Tuesday 'night on foreign mission. There was s. good attrnrtanfff at the !cft with a force of eight men for - ".2 1" diu8aton th of the well known Last Chance Farm, Sldde-j travelling 1 gate Inlet, has lei a contract to' For-! Messrs. Valley and McKay to build gave an Inter- a large Bungalow on the fans. Large flocks ef geese have been flying around here lately, these be- j jing '.he first of the season to bet seen. Several grey doves have also! ibeen seen around lately, it being) tne nrst tune iney nave ueen seen for many years. PROGRFSS IS MADE Official SUt-tatn ReyanUpf. B, C. Silver Peyrlepratnt pital. A native of Zacjand. rh: : ormtxAirr . . , , mTbpkii Is rented by a ' J?L2?. f Jy and ym son Tne funeral took 'Jg? tSZJ ttZ -i - .hmmimm Mine- has lust oacne to band from IPT" r"T" " r the comaanv'i main ntlL in tyn. ........ T-i ... , hi jihm Aiwmiatt muMi v;in : " " vtVittVt hoe Koan iAfiaikci fnr a shnrt timp msv surain mm- 1 ; During the xanih all work wx confiasjd to Mo. I ieeeL Drift &M the north-easterly dityc on the sone from the stein gtf i roatcat was ed- jvanoad SOJ feet, thus bringing tlv face to llfiJ fact fron the suln has been the case in the Dast. Harry Bowver. represents- IiZTImL. 'icnosanu. TWs v all hi hiahiv tive of the Seattle interests, is at present in Alice Arm and gent of uaaeiton. who have already states that everything will shortly be arranged satisiac- torihj. Mr. SovjaKJallLhe in charge Jtr -' of operations at the Ksperama unalpr seven miles in length, the aver- he states mat n uou intention to age grade of which is 18 insta! a compressor plant this fall and eommenee work on the property as soon as possible. ?ftt first work to be carried oat will be a sur vey and mapping out of an order-grotmd workings and also a survey of all surfsee'ahowuigSr'laellcaUng the strike of the ore bodies. with; nttehes as tuga as X. H. C. Hughes, mining engineer, who was i badly bitten and mauled by a gris- jay bear last year, is still in charge Miss Mary Rasbe left at the first of the week for Prince Rupert where so: has entered High School. Sfae was accompanied by her mo ot the develonment work beinai tner wno wui visit lor a wnue iubw( ieiiisiMijsi.ii BBspnfry rc short csasseaU wt.v driven eff the main drift to foot and hanging walls of the zone, ihowias th '.ne to op 40 feet wide Mo commercial ore was fiund in either drift or' croescuU. Citrascut 696 TTa? advanced a further 136 5 feet into he banging trail of the main tone, in a northwest dlrcc.khi, (has pat.i.ig the fare at 314.5 f?et from tie miin 631 drift. ThLn is an in green porphyry 3hov -tog no mBfletanaatton. A total of 2SS feet of drrfttog, croncBtttag and stdesweeping was done. :he coal property of the Yorkr-hlre .cdLtrta Me- ZP,C?.TJ" :UBeCOTd Can Treat Co. in the Copper S-SSSiiflVZ U c . ,qoue an imposmg one :eeJoptr.sat in the fom of seasonal sessment work Is to be carried out. Tae Ycrksblre Oanadtan Trust Co. : carryini out the work as liquid -tor for the old Matinnsf Ptosnce Oa. which at one time held over one rgndred claims to the Coppti River -'strict, the holdings having now dwindled to about zz of the very test. Recent forest fires burned the company a camp bwUdings sad damaged diamond drill equipment. fresh fruits and berries are all the more inviting mIicd served nith Kellogg's Corn Flakes. You'll enjoy a bowl of Kcllogg'g and fruit for lunch. Convenient. Extra delicious. "Wonderfully crisp ! At a resent meeting, a Young w jhartag spent the summer on the coast engaged in salmon fishing. After a month's visit here with her sister. Mrs. E. F. W. Heath. Miss I. Mtatelth left last week for Powell River where she will visit with her mother. BURNSLAKE Advices from Victoria announce that T. S. Thomson has been reinstated to his former DosUlon to tne opartaent of pubUc works service m this dhtrist. Dr. and ilri. T. C. Holme rstum- ied to town test week after speeding a month's holiday to the soeUi of the province. Mr. and Mrs. Riley of Peshtlgo. Wisconsin, have been the guests for the past couple of weeks of Mrs. Riley's uncle. C D. Haven, at Top-ley E. S. Peet of Streatham was a vUltor in Darrta Iake1ist week. I t People's Society was organised to I Connection with the local United Church. Officers were ejected and a program of winter activities drawn up. Oeorge Mapes has returned to his home in the Manes district after Stewart Draws Up Town Bylaws DottdJng nefoUtMns, OemeUry and Dot Tai niceussed STEWART. Sept. 96: A major portion of the two and one-barf session of the Village C'wnssiseion-rrs on Tuesday as taken up !: a BaUdln? By!iw i At the reooeet of the eorr Tiliur. -' era, i. Scott atter.ded ' the ntln Charles Bint Prince Oeorg half ,n anjuonaltbree months, for : over the adiiilstritlonof WWniK8L Kt' Plot "d keer reawrde of bur-case was tried here by Stipendiary i wagiswaic 4. u. qtarieaon, minth.ioMni..Ki. and final reading and now becomes law. It wfB come into faS affect at the begtafrtag of toe yaar. Artist Here For First Golf Links In Exchange Block The artist who is to paint the asenery for Uu maatatare golf eoanst In the Exchange Block, arrived to the city yesterday. The ma- jterial for construt Uon will arrive today and the architect who will have charge of actual coMtncUon and layout will be hare early next 'tftck, it Is announced. HAViTVOIJ TRfED-A CLASSIFIED? More and more people are turning to the classified columns of the Dally News to find what they want Used ears, furniture for sale, lest and found, houses to rent or or sale, positions wanted. All sorts of things are advertised there. If you do not read the classified page, set the habit now. Try it todny. W"U ft" r?D fUday, September i7 WARMING larifitMa. t OraMa -a aifc.-. Tkr. f W0t T m "imim tOJli I Th Wtfttti fagM fg Fwsntsw it. eu tiM ww ML i. Og VALTTNH ol rfrcomes f sleepIcssneM even acute rases of Iniomnu. Tl1rn nit - wv.v.v uu retire, it soothes raw nerves, allays digestive unrest, and brings sound, nifural sleep. Ovaltine is free from, drugs or narcotics. It is made by an exclusive process from ripe barley malt, fresh eggs, and creamy milt. It is a sdentincally correct food for body and urain. As a night-cap, to bring you sound sleep, or as a meal-time beverage, it gives you health and vitality. CRHI31NE TONIC fOOD BEVERAGE BUILDS UP BRAIN. NERVE AND BODY AiaBuMmiaSOcTir. ias4 UI hm? 1 .V. DMIN1N iNLAic LINOLEUM LVfeaP JLLLIgEsLVBHugLBLLVna Unit iilminttid u V-UwUmm .So. ihi. "3Iy Kitchen" How proudly you'll display the "work-shop" of your home . . . its gleaming enamel and paint and spotless drapes set off by the colourful and permanent Dominion Inlaid Linoleum floor you have chosen. It's the same with any room. Its appearance will be enhanced and your housework lessened from the minute Dominion Inlaid Linoleum is laid on its floor. Delightful desiens and colour ings . . . original arjdappafc. m priate ... to choosci from, all made more beautiful by the love- ft ly soft-lustre Domolac Finish. F Dominion Inlaid Linoleum is ! permanent because inlaid, easy j to lay and to dean, odourless j and moderately priced. Olhtr Beautiful Dominion Floort jf Dominion Printed Linoleum and Do- ' minion Linoleum Rues offer lovely and appropriate designs "fdf tlffy " room. Durable, practical, work-saving sod sold, of course, at popular . prices. a tUlt fa CjmtJi !UVnS Si 'Ailltutt Fttnutbinf tmi DtrtmtiJ Sttrtl. ii m i KEEP SSY NDY NDY BOTTLED AT COGNAC. FRANCE This atlmtisjfneat is not published or displayed by the Mquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia Daily News Want Ads. Bring Quick Returns