m i ti'&zy September 26, 1930, No other Orange Pekoe can equal this In flavour I B t COAST It ,lmsiiips fF'''nai- vHff'"-1) J &OOOCHMlOO0ttOSyOIH SI m mm T Mi lFv26h fsrszn the gardens A Real SPECIAL "Face Value" A Fifty-Cent Jar Armand Cleansing Cream - - Twenty-Five-Cent Kleenex 50 Cents yfio Pioneer Druggists Phones 81 &. 82 Third Ave. &. Sixth St. Three Graduate Pharmacists l! MUN STE A MSI. I !S UM ITE U snllliir 1 rum I'rinrr llupert WtOIVIK. MCl(ii;l -. ii .-. :en liiy. Mr. Tda) , SJM p.m. am ( MM. MllOMV, t,i . . fcn, ..Friday midnight ".!J' l AK.-4, AXVOV MI '.' ,i. mo. Port MMpMM, Hondo. N.i i.m. imI 21. M : ! : "J(ei Print Rupert, B.C. i !ir ugh Mtfccts Id i.. . n Sfnt'W baggage check' d thn.a:!. di iMulloii. k G;! (Sast Steamship Service SAIl.lN'(iS raOM PBINCE KLTtKT "o Krtchiiutn. Wrangell, Janeaa, fekagwajr CHtobc 1. 11. 22. . . , j o Vancouver. Y:i . tin, Seattle BiiJicmber ll October 5, IS, M. Princess Uar Oueaa Falls, etc VAHoouver and V C. Or .hard, G$f l-Mftnl, Muee Rcrt, rheneil. CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert OI'KltA . ....... AND SHIPYARD r fcftut).TON HEATING UKYDOCK .... . .y.w, KnKlrrt&uMac&nkU. IJeili makers, lUacksmtths, Pattern Maker. Foandera, Woodworker, Btc. ELECI'KIC AND ACHTYlJiNE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kind, of MAKING AND COMMEBCIAL VVOKK PHONES 4S AND JM Want Ads - Let Them Be Your Broker in Haying' v and Selling Sumebody Is waiting to buy thai bouse or bedroom si t, or coat you have to sell. Somebody Is waiting tm . wll that car, or typewriter, or whatever else It Is yof arc in the market for. Get tht habit of shopping throuiih the Want Ads. You'll find unci: earned of bar- n;iin-undrewned of opportnnlties. Do your shopping tli rough these columns and see fceyriprf pleasant It is. HEAD and USE PRINCE RUPERT DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS , , Phone OS "Tf st'o fiilh. fnlH it's auicklv sold" w a uuj j j Local Items Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at I Jeilbroner stori C. M. Woodward, sob of United States Consul Q. C. Woodward, sailed last night on the Prince George for his home to Seattle after having spent the summer in thU Mrs. B. Cosman, who has been spending the past two years visiting with her aunt, Mrs. Arrogtomg, at Lahgara Light and in the ctfcy with her caustn, Mrs. O. F. Cum-aiings, will sail on the Princess Ma-quirma tonight for Vancouver eh route to her home in Woodstock, NJS., accompanied by her young! wn, Wallace. Claire-Donaldson who was formerly a member of the staff of the Consolidated Mining St Smelting Co.'s assay office here and who has been prospecting this summer north of Smithers, sailed by the Prince George last night for Vancouver after having spent a few days in the city. Lawrence Grieg of Terrace i went south with him. SFECIA. jS Kraft Cheese 1-lb. pkg for Friday & Saturday Classic Cleanser Cleans and scours. S tins and Juicy, 3 doz Fine White Sugar 10-lb. sack field's Sultana Cakes-Fresh Shipment, each PHONE 55 - 40c 17c Graham Wafers Fresh and BO r TV1i.lntu Mr IK lO led Arrow Sodas New Stock, per pkg 2Sc McLarens Baking Powder An per U-oz. tin Gold Reef Pineapple-Choice golden rings, tin 23c Bddy's Redbird Matches QtQn L per pkg. - Sunkist OrangesSweet tf-B AA 4c 25c Robertean's Bramble Jelly 12-as. Jar UIK, BUNCH CARROTS per bunch 5c BUNCH BEETS Cp per bunch SPANISH ONIONS Large qtC n and Firm. 4 lbs u GREEN TOMATOES For Pickling. 7 lbs 25c Watts Grocery duality llight Price Hight PHONE Sfc 1 III S time let ( anarlian ationel iMwk you lHrtli lnllirOldCUiuntrjr. Trnvrithr 'dilute' route aeroM Canada. Your Maaa ran be booked Itjr may KtramaWpHue and w Hi Ht. yoM In ssCuriHg. Well ako inaure your Itasef iaaue Traellera Cbeaiea . . . arrange llotrl Ac-rommedatkm. I'lreiie luakc your rcerrTatkuit early. Clutke ammiuo-da I Ion always goes Crt. . anadlan For Information rail or write: R. F. McNAl GIITON District Panjcnurr Afeat Prince Knpi rt, h,C, THE DAILY NEWS PAQE THREt Dinnrrware, china, crockery, glassware. Hcilbron'er'g Store. Scandinavian Dafice, Saturday In Moose Hall. Anderson's music. (220) Ride Safety First, Phone 32, John Gurvich, l?f i'Aafs WJflWi W jience. 4 Vj,,'ti Capt. E. J. A. Burke .is the aviator who Is to carry out a com mercial air service from Carcross Into Atlln this winter. Capt. and Mrs. R. Gammon, Fifth Avenue Bast, left on today's train for a two months' trip to Halifax and elsewhere irr their native' province of Nova Scotia. Miss Mary Heal of Telkwa . arrived in the city by train yesterday from the interior and sailed last night on the Prince iGoldbloom Is Local Merchant to Met One of Bi Fur Manufacturers and Will Bring Dome Latest Goldbloom. the old reliable local fur merchant, is leaving Sunday for Vancouver where he will meet one of the big for4 manufacturers of the ast and wiB make a selection of new coats lor the fall and winter trade. He win buy a large quantity and will consequently get the lowest possible prices. ' Mr Goldbloom wtO be glad to discuss the question of purchases with any local ladles who wish something different. He will be in a position to make selections of toe very latest styles of make and. will be siue to secure the best possible quality. Talk it over with him before he ?oes. even if you do not buy. By making purchases this way, Mr. Ooldbioom says Vancouver prices can be beaten a mile. Advt. LO'CAL IMl'ItOVEMCNT TAXES. These taxes are due at the City Collector's Office, City Hall, on or before October 1st, 1990, and unless paid by that date a penalty of iq cent will be added. 223 HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel UMli.lt NEW M.VX.tOEMEXT KlMm llnitrd: TrfHir' HampU Kmm; llt and Colli U'atrr I'rrr llu Mifli All Tralim and llnalf Rates $1.00 and Up MWIAI. MONTHLY lUTI.s C. U. B1GOART & A. DONALD PruprMuri PHONE 51 Savoy Hotel Prince Ruper.'s leading family hotel. Hot .tnd eoW water in all roonu A. J. ritUDIHMME, Trop. Cor. of Fraser md'Fifth SU. Savoy J. N. McLeod. Pacific: Hugh OUiis and John Watkins. Stewart: Chris Reite. city. New Royal Hotel I. Zatrlll. Top. THE IIOTKI. ttOKTII WHILE Hot Cold Water: Steam Heat 75c PER DAY AND UP rlerhn- till ftoyal C. H. Donaldson. Ksmsno; H. B. Ourdson, Big Balls: II. R. Cullki, Vancouver: G. Bergman and Mah Fen. city. Boston Grill Large Cabaret SPECIAL DINNERS Thursdays and Saturdays DANCING Every Saturday Night, 9 to U Dance Hall for Hire Accomodation for Private Parties Phone 457 Prince Rupert SHOPPING QUESTION George for a! offer, particularly our choice Na trip to-Vancouver. Tax sale of city lots will be htld in the City Hall on Tuesday, Sept. 30 at 10 a.m. Anyone interested carl get a list at the collector's office. 228 The meeting in the organization oi a itangen:niir . company in connection with the J local Oirl Guide was postponed ,from last evening until next Thursday night. Going South to Now Is the Tioic, to Buy. Coal As 1 Well as Other Commodities,' Says Local Dealer "At this-time of the year, between the holidays, it is the custom of many people to look around for bargains and buy supplies for winter," says M. P. McCaffery of Albert & McCaffery in a talk on the coal situation. "Now Is the time that many people look over goods while he best is being shown and secure their supplies. "We would like the people of Prince Rupert to visit our coal yard and inspect the goods we have to naimo-Wellington coal and our po pular Lakeside (Alberta) coal. In ull sizes including stove and lump. "We would like the public to re member that we are prepared to give a discount to these who buy i their coal from us while the weath- . . ... ' er i dry and in reasonable amounts. w. We wm be glad to have you visit ANNOUNCEMENTS 4 Premier orchestra Novelty Dance Friday, October 3. T. M r lJ United Church Anniversary Ban Uliy nCW IsUeUb quet October 6. St Peter's Church Bazaar Octo .ber 9. Moose Bazaar. October 1G. 17. Moose Whist Drive and Dan-October 24. ; Gyro Hoedown October 24. 31. Varden's Concert October 30. Hill as Bridge and Dance October Catholic Bazaar Nov. 6 and 7. j Moose Whist Drive and Dane November 7 ' i . RHpert East United Church Ba saar, November 13. Presbyterian Bazaar Nov. 20. Anglican W A. Basaar Dec. 4. Oet the Ad. leuOing uabit. I pays. Demonstration on Friday & Saturday Of Blue Ribbon Products U E OFFER REAL BARGAINS FOB YOUR BENEFIT Bnw Ribbon Coffee IZtZn perio 3V Bine Ribbon Tea CCn per lb Blue Ribbon Baking Powder QAn 12-os. tin U W V Drip Coffee Deal 1 lb. Blue Ribbon Tea ,55 1 lb. Blue Ribbon Coffee JU 1 Drip-O-Lator, 6 or 8 Cups - ..JM Regular Price Js.00 ALL FOR CORN ON COB 3 if osjen ORANQBS S dosen $2.25 Sl.OO Mcintosh Red Apples 9 Co 3 Mm Mcintosh Red Apples QO A A per box. S2JW to t?.UU, Mussallem Grocery Co. l.imtK 417-423 5th Avenue East PHONE It AND 84 An Easy, Quick Get-Away It's a hectic job getting daddy off to work and the children off to school with a nourishing breakfast. Every-' thing is calm and placid when Shredded Wheat is served. It's ready-co6ked, ready-to-eat. Heat the biscuits in the oven a few moments to restore their crispness, then pour milk over them. They contain all the energy-giving elements of the whole wheat grain and are so palatable and easy r to digest. Delicious with fruit, . f WIT li II 'Fill 06 a L MoU tool com for tJi superior W otJ.njr) work f! III mm, lhlil.ll WITH ALL THE BRAN OF THE WHOLE WHEAT "THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY. LTD. Clap Hands ! Energy just brimming over with encrcy! Only proper feeding can do this for babies. And Nestles Evaporated Milk it the proper food. And here't the Return! Nrle' Evaporated Milk ii just the beat of freah cow'a milk with part of the water rrmovcJ then .caled and MerUixcd In airtight containrrt. Add water Sata and you have abeoiutdf pure, east milk but more readllf digestible than ordinary milk bceauae the larce fit gkib-lea of the milk have been broken up into amall onea ... f the aaaoe aixe aa in Mm her 'i milk. Also, the curd which form la the atomach when Neade'a Evaiiorated Milk li used " are aoft and Oaky and therefore easily dlgcttible. Uae Needn't Evarwrated Milk for Your Baby. Ute It In coffee -In cocoa in tea. Uae it in all cooking and as a beverage by diluting with one to two parts water. the fund IS OUt Ot dilr li is old ium like i Ik uW nmo Ixjvy. turd as iion boots Biuitf th very Utcsi m work bod i jn modkin amf proyUr whdi Wit. i if years ago Ipthotifip 1 ht v in toll -rid plubk .1)00. ( Q TIP WO RKit BOOTS Your Dealer has themt i I H (ill CO. LTD. oi'Vil ac iS I' :'l tl,(.: (! '1 I ,! NP CT"? IT ' Qf EVAPORATED ( Un sweetejned) MILK ao-i el na ea aka A PRODUCT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 119 1 M