PAGE FOOB THE DAILY NEWS j-m m - - imm V W " TP! W vttt 1 nnnninM Own itIit r-r Luav V swi Li nBlsTiT 8 iTirti OMfl nAin u jauamaii uuuu.d iimi ichuw iim Hamuli aim vi jumuium m - - - - xi m vr ! U1ZZV HAtriL. AND CHRISTMAS FESTIVITIES SAHARA DRY GINGER ALE A True Fruit Drink Unexcelled By Any on the Market Per Dozen, $1.50, Delivered A Trial Order Witt Convince You BEAVER BOTTLING WORKS Tetephone 132 Prince Rupert, B.C. Sunken Gardens Golf Course Recreation $or both Young awl Old Golf's Fairyland griB a HiroTmBTgi j Avoid Eyestrain Eyes gain lead to serious eempHeatierts with the eyes. Cheek H NOW with the riRht gtestea. We are prepared to griod jt the correct lenses for every need. J. H. Bulger .OITOMETKIST 611 Third Avenue West Phone IK Wfrcifxfijjxroxnair9 6HD r pi Thelst defense A$din3ttfipca7t LomeJuyfAe finestfue2m ZAAtSSOJcC. There "a1 only one defense against ahe cold weather and that itjijne propiiprlnd olcoati a ton of coal from us arid Buy or i fire away at Old Man Winter. He'll quit on the run. Order a ton of coal today and note the hatte that we display. Philpott, Evitt & Company Ltd. Phone 618 LOCAL ITEMS Bert Morgan sailed Sunday night on the Prince Rupert for a brief busing trip to Vancouver Frank Ma ik kite arrived in the city on the Catala this morning tram Anyox, being here to attend the fimeral of his. brother who ' died last week. R. F. McNaughton, CJJJt. dis-jtriet passenger agent, called San-Id ay nignt an the, Prince Rapert for la trip to Vancouver on official j business. E. E. Bsdall, Chicago fish deeJer . after paying h annual bottae Visit to this city, sailed Sunday night on the Prince Rapert for I Vancouver. ! Norman A. Watt returned to the city on the Catala this morning from a brief 4rip to Stewart on Power Corporation of Canada business. ..., Cant. Dan Donal0,rnhas taken over command of ,$it steamer Prince Rupert on the .ran between Vancouver and Prince Rupert, fb? the past several months Capt. Donald has been on the steamer Prince Henry. Travel to work irvcomfort TAXI -PHONE 32 TAXI CALLS: From 7 a.m. 16 9 a.m. Will receive special attention. LEMON PIES On Sale Each and Every Wednesday Before Noon At The Electric Bakery We Deliver Phone 6C7 The Regal Shop CANDIES In Boxes, Hulk or Bars Boxed or Tablet STATIONERY Crepe, Tissue or Waxed Paper rencils. Pens and Inks MR. & MRS. JOHN MeRAE 300 Block. Third Avenue Phone - Red 442 Christy Hats Latest Shades andiahapes, Finest Quality oltj' For Young Men and Older Men Steve King HIGH WINS LASTGAME Booth Memorial School Defeated In Last Game of Junior League First Half 5 Free For Someone Somewhere on this page, in two different advertise mcnts will be found the names of two residents of this city. Examine the advertisements carefully and find the names. If the two persons whose names are in the advertisements will call at the Daily News Office they will be presented with a ticket to cither the ?Capitol Theatre or two tickets for games at cither of the golf courses, they to choose which one they desire. These tickets are FREE. : ! Amateurs May Play Against Pros In Team Matches, Athletic Union put his team a goal up with a long itiMm and MacaonaM played fairly dropping shot that gave Allen no!wu 001 Chrtotlson waa too often' Chance. High had the better of the : out 01 oostHan. Oreen improved as game and. following a partial ! w 1 on- 'Tiit forwards clearance. Miller put High two ww cUsJohated, Ward roper got goals up and Cross added a third. Ward roper crossed a beauty but Nelson, who was really too ill to play, missed a good chance. The second half found High on top most of the time. In a breakaway. Wardroper picked up a cross from Cromp and went through to score a beauty, but High was back pegging away at the Booth goal and soon Cross headed a fine goal and then Walters with a long drive took the Booth goalie by surprise to make the total five. High School fluehlro; Walters, Da vies. Arney, Blake, Briddeq; Marshall Hill Cross, Welle. Miller. little of the ball. Nelson was really too indisposed to play but did his best. Cramp waa clever and dropped back to help the defence very opportunely afcthnes. Booth defence was lucky several times not to Vase more goals. The crossbar was hit and the upright or a defender got in the way but the defence is to be congratulated. This concluded the fall schedule of the Junior Football League. The second half will be played in the spring beginning in May. The standing now is: W. L. High 6 0 Booth Norman Allen; Ferguson, jBooth , 1 3 Ritchie: Oreen, Christison, Mac- Borden 0 4 Donald; 11 11 Wardroper, Santerbane, Nelson, McPhee, Cromp. Referee, W. W. C. O'Neill; llnes-! men, J. S. Wilson and O. Wlngham. Suehlro had an easy Ume in goal. ' Walters found it dangerous to try I tricking the opposing forwards and ! lost-, jhe. ball several times. Ills rWi'ttdnowerful kicking were itaTuaDfeVv-riPvlee wf" forceful back. There was little class in the i halfback line but all three played I steadily with Blake occasionally (feeding his forwards. Cross was the most dangerous player on the field, 'clever with head and feet and showing good Judgment and courage. Marshall was next best of the High forwards and was unlucky not to score. Hill has improved and combined well. Welle and Miller were triers. The Booth forwards were rarely D.PU. 0 12 2 4 2 2 Billiard Averages O. Ttl. M. E. Young tE 3. 70e J. Smith R) 2 746 O. P Tinker, (CD .3 70 A. Murray CIi ., 3 7W O. Waugh 0) ...2 500 WiWlllcrott (B) I 260 F. Lteman ) 1 260 M. Andrews (CL) 3 670 J. May (Oi ,.2 406 O. Howe (Ol 2 468 CYoungman Ct 2 417 C. P. Balagno - -3 666 MUleLachlan (O) 2 408 J. Andrews 10) 2 396 W. Mitchell E4 3 680 W. Murray (Ei 2 200 A. Macdonald (CL 3 010 Av. 236 248 3- 260 260 WALKER IS GIVEN CALL Outpointed Heavier Johnny Rlsko 145 If, At Detroit Friday DETROIT, Nov. II: Micke fWalker, middleweight., champion. won a 10-round decision from Johnny Rlsko, Cleveland heavy weight, here. Walker weighed 166 pounds and Rlsko, 193 pounds. 22L 283 232 219 232 202 1M 193 Sammy Farber, New York bantamweight, took a four-round de cision from Al Fueten of Vancouver. Is Remanded For Sentence M. O. Docherty. pleading guilty before Judge F. McB. Young ln County Court this morning on a charge of theft of money from the rooms of guests ln a downtown hotel, was remanded until tomor row morning for sentence. Docherty is alleged to have taken something , . . 1 41. - ' 1 I ui uvf nfngnDornooa Oi sU, 1 . l 7 ADVERTISING COPY MUST HI. IN KARI.V Copy for display advertise- menu should "be ln the hands of the printers not later than 4- 3 pjn. the day prior to publl- 4- oatlon. This Is necessary to en- able best positions to be so- cured. 4 Jlnf. . LOCAL ITEMS Joseph jArzcnea'j of SeatUe ar ,$d in Out city on the Prme ftAP-t Saturday Iran the south &a4 is vlatUng tor a week he. (trtth his brother. George Ax-n before proceeding to Premier t vMt with Jus father. Mr. and Mrs. Porter finger an -J oat. Gordon and Bruce, arrived In tbe etey on the Prince WUhani Sunday eraobig from New Mas-Isett and sailed the earn- evening on teel-Hupeli tor Vancou- Decides At Vancouver Convention i? siding m th nouth. VANCOUVER, Nov. 11 : The Amateur Athletic Union High inflicted tne most severe j Canada, in convention here, decided to permit, in team j defeat of the season on Saturday igames only, amateur team to play against professional last on Bootrf Memorial school in 'teams, pi vided sanction has been given by the proper gov-Sy wTs-i " bodies. The decision is not compulsorj' on the na-1 ia was without Fh.r fnr fcinal governing bodies of the various sports but it may ; 'whom V. Miller Dlaved while Booth had to find substitutes for five ol ln picture, and the defense had ; their regular players. While the substitutes did well, the absence of the first choice players was a handicap. High won the toss and played up hill and with the wind. Blake soon to bear the brunt of the frame Allen j stopped many a splendid shot and . the team has to thank him for his ! display. Ferguson and Ritchie both , put up a sterling fight but found the heavy ball hard to drive. Chris- oe taaen aavantage or by any of the , individual governing bodies with. the final consent of the branch of the Amateur Athletic Union of Canada in whose territory the particular game ts to be played. Lamp Shades at Special Prices JirtMSTITCHlNG and STAMPED GOODS Mrs. R Qark. 6th Ave W IDEAL GIFT SHOP 328 Third Avenue West Phone, rtfd MG ROWE'S Sheet Metal Works FURNACES - PLUMBING " EAVE TItOUOIIS All Kinds of Tanks made to order 340 THIRD AVENUE WSST Telephones: Office 340 Works Blue 705 Manufacturer Has Reported j Car Load of ! High-Grade : j Furniture To have been shipped to G. M. HUNT Third Ave. W. WAIT FOR IT and BUY FOR LESS nri AT fMluwung spe, W. Uoy. T!:, Out., rite-. s ail mi. dmcii :i. ItfV nd With fiiBtilit -i-to tr Uunii. after tskiiif; t indigcieior. 't,-art bulbing i. , hi took B H.ll ' '1 rttn. oalr br T5- T lliUwrn ( O. H. Arnott sailed 8unday night on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. Bd Varpy Jus been acquitted in city ponce court on a charge ol theft trow the penwn. Thai Misn train, due tro .file Xa a. tjfi, mm reportad this mogning to pe on time. Corp. A. H. Oamaron. R.CJ retorned to the citr on the Qktala this morning from a brief trip to Anyox on oftic la 1 bush s. Cant J. B. Watson of the snag-Mat newotinfc returned to tnecityi oa the Catala this morning after a brief van) to his home at Port J. B. Miller sailed Sunday night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver where he will spend some time for tot benefit of his health. He locked up his Montreal Im his absence. Auditorium bULl LU R. Just the place to papist! Joyable evening ( Iran MJ comf ertable kurroandiotv AUDITOPUM GOLF I MI USE U J. MARREN -P'ocnrls Distinctive Permanents The soft, hi have envleti n would do so niii' : your own h.ur v. looking and -' styles, and L'i ! wavers whu n .ii the hair durnv Phone for api avoid dela-buiiuess if no'A : t.a.1 : 1 id LA PAHiMKN'SE BEAm HOP 210 Fourth St. Phm DEFECTIVE EVESK m Means inlerf- rn duties! Scientifi and lenses fitt': : nnttflan will tin ' M 'IIS re edy. a. e. i!vi:: Nn Optometrist- I Third A" I'hnii if-,i im fnr t nointm"' Chas P. Balagno TEACHER 0) riANO Announces tv pupils, ' t l i who wish tt i' 8pecial at ten' gtnners ami a1 Mrs. Halcrnv. 325 Fifth 'V Greet) roo9 ' : nuiiu-- or Pbne : ' - n,CKEt DR. HUGH t iinu UI Hye, tar, Ho'cl - At St. Elm" Eyes Tested