ufsday. November ll. 1030 Norway Pine Syrup V.i Dnnnmndlo 1 LI. pr.Wooda w... Tnrrh rnilc,. - - - - - W W WMI Mrs. A. W. Power, 581 Jane St, Toronto, Ont., write : "Eight years ogo I had a very serious illness. I had. a bad attack of pleurisy and pneumonia and was six months in bed. This illness left me with a terriblo cough. I tried several cough medicines, but they did not Km to have any effect. One day my mother brought me home a bottle of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, and after I had taken icreral more I noticed my cough gradually leaving me. Since that time if ever my husband and children or myelf have bad colds I always get 'Dr. Wood's'." IVIce'SSe. Vbotlto large family site 65c. $ at all druggists or dealers. An endless and fascinating variety of fine imported FRENCH and ENGLISH TOILET AND BATH SOAPS HOUBIGANTS BOURJOIS ' DALCHOSE YARDLEYS MORNYS ROGER AND GALLETS Also a Fine Assortment of Novelty Soaps Price 25 Cents Per Cake and Up Ormes Lte. Zrfia Pioneer Drugrits Phones 81 & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St. THREE GRADUATE PHARMICISTS McDf$ I Gonmtnsrd I V?fr Stmt J ilLiyS 111 1 NI6HHP ; fMi Musky 'i- j advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor C n'tol Board or by the Government of British Columbia. DEMAND . "Rupert Brand" Kippers "THE DAINTIEST HREAKFAST FOOD" Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. P1UNCB KUPEUT, n.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Ktilllni IToiii Prime Huert V Hutedale. Alert ! Tnj ..m JNCOI VEIt, VICTORIA, r VANt om n VHTOIUA. Ilutedalr. lto. -'"L,, Jj ! 1 . SOU urn. bbbHL 1 'ml AlVuue It. M i iinnjgr tickets sold checked leelit ' rrlnCw nuperi, n.v. drf t i nation. H. C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE SAILINGS I ROM PK1NCE RUPERT To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Junenu, Skagway Nov. 15. 29. 'a Vancouver. VIMorla. Seattle NOV. 5, 19. Trtn. t.1L i-tr VlllirOUW SUd toru, every Friday. io P m- Agents For All Steamship Lines W C. Orchard. On. Agent. 3:-c! w . ' Vlc- Rupert. Phone SL Local Items Glasses fitted by rcgistertd optometrist at Hcilbroner's store. It docsn, matter. qw manw days till ChrtHnfa.'n-Wur gift won't be shopworn before you get them. Curzon's Men's Wear. 262 You will want to sec "Amy From Arizona" at First .United Vi Church tomorrow night, 8 p.m. Adults 50c. 202 Lecture by Right Rev. G. A.ftlx Wednesday, Nov. 12 at 8 pjn. in Cathedral Hall. Subject, "A Canadian's. First Impressions in England." 263 Miss Jennie DeMarco arrived in the city on the Prince William on Sunday from New Massett and sailed the same evening on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver. C. O. Stlmson, general manager of the Baxter Pole Co., arrived in the city on the Prince William on Sunday evening after having spent three, or four weeks at Port Clements, and sailed the same evening on the Prince Rupert for Van couver. Mr. and Mrs. E. James and child of Vancouver arrived In the city on Prince Rupert on Saturday from the south and made the round trip to Massett Inlet on the Prince William, sailing back to Vancouver on the Prince Rupert Sunday night. Mr. James is man ager of one of the city branches of the Bank of Montreal in Varv couver. ANNOUNCEMENTS A. Armistice Day Banquet, Tuesday Nov. 11. "Amy From Arisona," First Uni ted unurcn, Nov. iz ano 13. Eagles' Whist Drive and Dance November 12. ' Rupert Bast United Church Ba saar, November 13. Gyro Hoedown November li." Royal Purple Bridge and Whist series, next game, November 17. Presbyterian Basaar Nor. 24). Hifch School Concert, Dee. 1. Anglican W. A. Basaar Dec. 2. United Church Bazaar Dec. 4. Hard time dance Queen Mary Chapter. I.O.D.E. 1111 December 4 STEAMERS Joidfi TRAINS B0t !jmforl of f-i..J- Mu.lrri rqul'i ,mmI TblTr-U,. W.0O p.m. w VanrouM". wkf rrlnr. Buirt B ' pjnl. I ialwsisIlM ttwm' K. F. M.NAlClITOI lwt. rumiir Att IVmes Ituptrt, ll.C W4U TIIE DAILY NEWS PAGE TiniEB Let these 6 vital Salts rid you of MPLES Would you like ouirldy to free yrjtfrsrlf of those hideous pimples tltine unsightly blackheads- -and haye that smooth and soft skin perfectiua you've always envied? I)o you want to have eyes as dazzling and bright as water dancing in a summer's sun T Would you like to enjoy glorious health with plenty of energy aad possess a keen mind T Then Lake ' quarter tea poor) ful of Kruschcn, Salts in a glass of hot water every morning before breakfast I Kruschcn is a combination of the six vital salts . which your nerves, glands and body organs ought daily to receive from food if they're to function correctly and which are impossible to obtain in these days of modern cooking. Kruschcn swiftly clears your blood of those 1 armful acids which causa vour skin to erupt yoinl possess a skin like velvet, and a health perfection you didn't think possible I Billiards tonight Grotto vs Elks'. A big laugh and amusing situationsthat's "Amy From Be young aghv,' at the Gyro uynwTon ana iiyeuowti, muw. Hall, Nov. 'it 262 AU I.OD.E.' members please con gregate at Ilali .tonight at 7.15 prompt to attend . Armistice cer emony. 2G3 Canadian Legion B.E.S.L. Arm istlce Day Banquet, Moose Han, 8 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 11. Tickets $1.50. Best yet don't miss this one. 261 Another dance under Scandlna vlan auspices was. held Saturday night In the Metropple HaU. There was a lair attendance and all pre sent had an enjoyable time. Union steamer Qatala, Capt. Jas Findlay, returned to Jort at 11 o'clock this morning from the north and win sail .at 3.30 this af temoon tor Vanwuver and way points. Albert Farrow, steamboat in pector, sailed. Sunday night by he Prince Rupert. oiiihis return to ancouver. He came north to make in inspection oi the lighthouse tender Newingten. . A. D. '.iftJlftt, New Massett j tiuou a v t anil irri , atiticu m w.c ?lty on the Prince William Sunday jvenlng from the Islands and will proceed in few days for a trip .0 Southern Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith anJ -hild arrived in the city on the 'rlnce William Sunday evening ram New Massett and proceeded jy train from here yesterday Homing for a trip East. John Bird, South African; who addressed the Women's Canadian Club at dinner on Saturday evening, and Mrs. Bird left ci yesterday's train for Edmonton. They pnt the week-end In the Icty. ON.R. steamer Prince William. 2apt. William Thomas, returned to port At 5 o'clock Sunday evening from a voyage to the north end of the: Queen Charlotte Islands, bringing over quite a number of well known Massett people. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Keefe and son, John, of Southbank, Francois Lake, arrived in the city on Sunday afternoon's train from the in terior to pay a visit with Mrs. Keefe's brother-in-law and sister Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Connon, Summit Apartments. 1 1 Nina Qurvtch sailed Saturday afternoon on the Prince Rupert for Ketchikan where he is to ap pear In the main event of a box ing card on Thursday night of this week. He was accompanied to Ketchikan by his brother and manager, Jack Gurvich. , Mr. and Mrs. W.'T. Esselmont. who were married last evening in Stewart, the bride having formerly been Mis Muriel Crawford, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Crawford, are passengers aboard the OaUnv tnHr 2I 2 eymoon trip to Vancouver and elsewhere in the south. Northland Navigation Co.'s mo- torship ilner Northand. Capt. Len Williams, arrived in port at 6:30 this morning and. after dlscharg-j ng three carloads of frozen fish or transhipment to the, Eastern states over the Canadian National Railway, sailed at 10,15 a.m for Vancouver and Seattle. Dlnnerware, china, crockery, glassware. Hcilbroner's Store.. Augmented orchestra at the Gyro GymFrolic and Hoedown Nov. 14. 262 Mr. and Mrs. O, F. Glcrsh qf Butcdale were arrivals. In the city from down thexoast oruthe Ca- tala Sunday evenfhg. Canadian Legion B.E.S.L. Arm istice Day Banquet, Moose Hall, S m. tonight. .Tickets $1.50. Best yet, don't miss this one. 2S2 rarade to cenotaph. Fall in 70 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 11, at Canadian Legion Club rooms, Third Avenue. All interested please attend. 261 Oscar Landry, district sperinten- dent of Government Telegraphs, made the round trip at the end of the week on the Prince William to Massett Inlet on official business Corp. J. H. Smith, provincial po lice, and Mrs. Smith sailed on the Prince Rupert Sunday tight for n trip to Vancouver. They had prls oners for Okalla in their charge: Miss Evelyn D. Rice, daughter of F. . D. Rice of Prince Rupert, has passed her Registered Nurse ex animations at Victoria with'hon brs. She is graduating In about two, months time from St. Joseph's hospital in the city. Union steamer Catala, Capt. Jas. Findlay, arrived in port at o'clock Sunday evening from the south with an exceptionally light list of passengers. The vessel sailed at 8 p.m. for Anyox, Stewart and other northern points and Is back here this afternoon enroute back to Vancouver and waypolnts. "I was very weak after an operation. My nerves were so bad I would sit down and cry and my husband would not go out and leave me alone. Now my nerves arc mucb, better, thanks to a booklet that was left under the door. Lydia E. rink-ham's Vegetable Compound surely cut me on mv feet. 1 have taken eight bottles. My friends tell me I look fine. My sister has ta.en this medicine too." Mn. Annie Walton, 67 .St '.n'.ySt., Kingtfon, Ontario. 1 1 W conwne for. THE HOLIDAYS! fTOW pleasant to sro AA the old folks at lionia this year . . doubly so vlicn Canadian National hoola your passage and arranges all transporter jJ'on details for you, v Hiolce accommodation. Courteous, cffileut 1 service. MoIerate cost. Low Rail Fares to" Seaboard For information call or write: U. F. McNAUGHTON . District Passenger Agent Prince Rupert, B.C. "I sure thought of the old Sun Life when I lyas under there!" A MAN, a mine foreman in Ohio, took out a policy for $2,500.00 on October 16th, 1926. 'Fobr'dayS'flfterwards, a section of the mine roof fell and twenty-five ton of slate pinned him down. In falling it fortunately formed an inverted "V", else he would have been crushed. Two hours and a half later a rescue party extricated him. As he was being carried to . the surface, his first words were: "I sure thought of the old Sun Life when I was under there." The Sun Life of Canada will protect you too, at moderate Set on cf its RepreseniattvtM sun life Assurance company of canada HEAD OFFICE Savoy Hotel Prince Rnpen's leading family hotel. Hot .ind cold water in all roonu. A. J. PRUDIH)MM& Prop. Cor. of Fraser ind Fifth Sts. Savoy R A. McKay, J. M. Dunn, How-aid Lt'ask; Doris liudland, W. Fle-wui Peter Leigh ton. O. Dewar and Mrs J Bergman an dfamily, city; E. Bounsell, CVoyah Bay; Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Weaver, Lowe Inlet; J. Y. Oosthock, Falls River; Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Smith and child. Massett; Mrs. T. Yule and child. Sunnyside. New Royal Hotel I. jirelll, "rop. TIIE HOTEL WOKTII WHILE Hot St Cold Water; Steam ileal :5c PER DAY AND UP Ti'lepliuiir i I Royal J. Van Snellenberg. Vancouver; c II. Samuel. Oscar Dunlap, J. E. MacLcan and William Mclntyre. city: Martin Scnour, Montreal; O. L McLaren, Falls Kive; 3. A. Alio aim E. M. Letnes, Port Csstng-ton . Boston Grill Large Cabaret SPECIAL DINNKKS Thursdays and Saturdays DANCING Every Saturday Night, 9 to 13 Dance Hall for Hire Accomodation for Private Parties rhone 457 Prince Kuptrt Jewellery Manufactured or Bepalred riatinr Work Done LEO CONTOL1 3M SWth St. Mail Orders TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIilY FOR SKEENA BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City MONTREAL S. J. JAB0UR NORTHERN B. C. REPRESENTATIVE HOTEL' ARRIVALS Central Hotel INNER NEW MAVtOEMEST Steam Dented: Travelterr' Sample limm: lint and 'ld ster free nn MfeN III Trslni and IVwn Rates $1.00 and Up SPEl'IAI. MONTIMA RATES C. It. BIGOART ft A. DONALO rrafrMurs PHONE 51 -11U1LU B. C. fAVKOLLS" fhe Wisdo m of Sealed m 1 (X M It was a wise thought that first saw the good of placing milk in tins. That permitted heat. Pacific Milk for 25 minutes is subjected to 230 degrees. When the doctor prescribes it, the mother opens It, the full richness, purity and I freshness awaits the child. And ! every tin Is the same. So! you need not change the formula on which the child is fed. PACIFIC MILK Factory at Abbotsford, B.C. 4 Anti Freeze Is Much Cheaper Than a New Radiator Anti Freeze Is cold weather Insurance for your motor and radiator We have a full line, including Prcstonc, Rador Glycerine and Alcohol Overhaul Your Old Tire Chains a And anticipate your needs In this line while our stock is complete - ! Cold Weather ; Makes hard starting Why not install a new battery now? I OUUPRlblJlSftlGI! i ll.PIate nlMf. Woo ; 13-PIatc Battery . .$12.00 S.fc PARKER LTD. PHONE 83 FORD DEALERS A DMly News want-ad will bring results. m