.I. I Immediate Relief for INDIGESTION WlIAT most people call indigestion is usually excess acid in the stomach. Food has soured. The instant remedy is an alkali which neutralizes acids. Dut don't use crude helps. Use what your doctor would advise. The best help is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. For the 50 years since its invention, it has remained standard with physicians. You will find nothing else so quick in its effect, so harmless, so efficient. One tasteless spoonful in water neutralizes many times its volume in acid. The results are F.n rep for Trouble, ?NutoAdd "OIG$TIOM STOMACH IT "AUSiA YOU buy radio battrrici on the banf of temce, IF ihrrc ii hut one thine you need to know. Be lure they are Eveready Layerbilt, Then you will be certain of more dependable power, clearer reception and far longer life. Due to the exclusive flat-layer construction, Layerbilt Batteries contain nearly twice as much active, EVEREADY Radio Batteries powcr-proaucing rnaienai ow-iype batteries of equal size. For Uue "B" battery economy, insist on Layerbilt, made only by Eveready, the world's largest builders of dry batteries. SoU at Radio Stortt tttrywhere. CANADIAN NATIONAL CARBON CO.. LIMITED Ciliary Vancouver TORONTO Montreal Winnipef Ownmi Enretdf RhJio Simon CKNC. Tcioma DEMAND Rupert B rana TIIK l)A!'TIKST MtEAKPAST FOOD Smoked Daily by RD2 immediate with no harmful aftereffects. Once you le"arn this perfect way you'll never deal in any other manner with the headaches, gas, bloating, nausea, dizziness, indigestion, biliousness, etc., due to an over-acid stomach and bowels. Be sure to get genuine Phillips. It is always a liquid; never made in tablet form. Look for the name Phillips' on the bottle. All drugstores 50c. layerbitt y 4 Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. P1UNCE HUPEHT, DC Dr Alexander X-RAY SERVICE I'HONE 575 UESNEH BLOCK DENTIST COAI 4 Ruy the real Cial-rTar: famous Edt,on and CaUldJ1-Wtlllncton in any Quantities. Also Bulkley Valley Hay, Grain and Ilobln Ifood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 53 AND 558 Try a Daily News Want Ad. '.howed the slightest trace of dis coloration. By the sodium chloride treatment, the fish does not become salty nor is its taste affected. The effect of the solution on the appearance of the fish is to lump the slime together and remove the Uoss slightly. While these are two factors' that govern the rule of 'humb method of grading at potts .1 sale, they play no part in the udging of the quality of halibut at interior points, such as the large THE DAILY NEWS WATERFRONT WHIFFS Discoloration of Halibut Can Be Eliminated Salmon Season About Ended In This District Halibut Landings neries is engaged in packing chums brought ln from the seiners. W.th, was the first time in several months that a shipment of these logs had been taken from here and it will probably be the last for a time as the veneer mill at NeV Westminster, it is reported, is abeut to close down. uuiavuiauic nca kkl iw 1427 143 caas price of 10c for the fish none too' ' ,.,., 1.. ..... .w . : are District After having labored for a year or more with the prob- botfiftftKtfta! ufeTSKifHiveT crsniiuis lem, Robert H. Bedford of the scientific . staff of the ; Trading Co.. win return here . The Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station announces , river boat twcu River and seven that he has been successful in discovering amethod ! fori JS me jjieveiiuim ui uisciiiurauuii in jicuwjul iu uiotuvci.y is the direct result of experiments that were made during the past summer aboard the Prince Rupert halibut boat Morris H., Capt. R. Giske. Peter Black jr., who was Mr. Bedford's assistant during the summer, having been in charge. The process is simply to" ' immerse the fish for 30 minutes four more salmon canneries still In immediately after they are caught in a brine tank containing a solu won be closed on the Taku and, pven now, the water Is very low. j British Columbia's canned sal-I mon pack for the curernt season lieaph-d a record-breaking total of U.813.404 cises. according to latest figures compiled by the denartment operation in District a 2-South ma;lne and flsherles Bay and Lagoon Bay on the South, lg mpn tnan doubIe the 1939 pack tion of 25 sodium chloride (com- - Queen Charlotte Islands and Namu rornv0Mng perlod whlch mon table salt). Mr. Bedford an- and 'Sella Bella on the witeml? nounces that he has proven that ; mainland portion of the district. 0nfDrevSus1er! discoloration can in this manner be ! The former two plants are to close Vo'f r?veS Ke vear 01 19M 1928 ta 18 ate aW3 reTeaiea ln lne nrrvpntrrl prevented not not nnlv only until until fh the fish flhlm i-r 1tr,. on I reach port but until they reach the markets because the discoloring bacteria have all been killed or such a negligible quantity of them left that they canont grow until the brine water is washed off the fish. . After the fish, have been, given thelr,,30 minutes." immcrslon-iln the solution, they can bc-i thrown, as Is ordinarily done, into; the fish hold, where i they are stowed in ice. The irocess would not interfere with fishing operations as now carried on and the necessary mechanism can be readily installed- on a boat already in operation and even more readily upon a new boat as it is being built, The sodium chloride solution, while killing the bacteria, has also been found to be not injurious to .he flesh of the fish. The fish, having been treated with the solution, lose most of their bacteria and, if sufficient is applied, there is also a tendency to kill the bacteria ln the ice in which the fish,.i stowed, Thus the necessity of, (disinfecting the ice is eliminated, hi, The apparatus used in,thlsum,i ner's experiments consisted of, a wooden tank fixed to the deck close to the hold. The tank was equipped vith pipes and pumps in order that he solution might flow in or be Irawn off. The sodium chloride so-utlon was made up with sea water ind partly ground common salt. After the fish were placed in the October 10. Each of these four can- .uncHw. me Dlstrlcl 2 ,Naas Rivert, 108,847;! gmning qu.u iu, lRlvers Iniet. 119J29; Smiths Inlet, nit 30UII1. , a mmn, ,rk..AM lUiriflntra TalnnHa With the exception of a "very few .J . 1 ,,t i r 1 -it it,. . lers have also ceased operations al- i though about 70 glllnetters are still I busy ln the Skeena River taking fair i catches of coho which are being disposed of to the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. The price for coho is now 33c a fish. The spawning beds and creeks are now reported to be full of pinks, j Indeed, there has been a better escapement of all kinds of salmon to the spawning grounds this year than has been marked for many years pt. Barring freshets and such natural causes, the good escapement of fish to the spawning grounds- this season should augur well foiPthe next pyele learnt wo years frcJm now ln'tliy c4e ot pinks and front four to sltfyefcWfer Hook-eye, chum, coho and'sprlngs. The great improvement in fishing during the past year is attributed by many to the sane conservation regulations which have been operaterf-'by the fisheries department during the past several years. Certainly no depletion has been indicated in the run of salmon that District No. 2 enjoyed during the Mth, the top was fastened dqwn ' past summer. ma tne iisn jeit immersed, Jer,t30 - ', nlnutcs. About 20,000 pounds of capt. Teny Martfritert got'a far 'lallbut was treated in thfaiwaynd. as Metfakatla on Thursday With his although the greater portion., of It .halibut boat Livingstone llwhen a vas from five to 13 days old ,when burned out bearing made it neces-it reached port, not a single fishery for him to turn back to port. Repairs were made and the Livingstone was away again yesterday. Capt. R. Gammon of Oammon It Watt, who left with Mrs. Oammon last week for a visit to his native home In Nova Scotia, is expected back about November 5. They will return via Vancouver and Capt. Oammon will probably pick up and bring north the Oammon A Watt seineboat Bertha O. Which has been engaged In pilchard packing on the West Coast of Vancouver Island. .Ities of the east,, where : thr great- i Meantime. .Tom Watt Is sole occii est portion of the (halibut to sold, Shipments made ipfi . treated fish luring the past, summer to Toronto, Montreal and Winnipeg were declared satisfactory ond accepted, without question, as fresh fish. "It is obvious then," declared Mr. Bedford, "that the discrimination against the treated halibut by the graders -on account of the slight lack of gloss and slime Is not Justifiable and is merely the reflection of personal bias. This has recently been forcibly demonstrated by the sale, unknown to the grader, of 40,-000 pounds of treated halibut, some as old as 17 days, at an American port as well as smaller quantities ln Prince Rupert, where the cargoes were passed by the graders as untreated fish because they were unaware of any treatment having been accorded them." This treatment enables halibut to be kept much longer in the fresh condition because the bacteria, one important factor that causes t to go bad, are nearly all killed and those that survive the treatment take a long' time to grow and increase. j'THe" "fflTOtlgairbh Tr'beteJ continued. It Is desired to know wh- ther the strength of the sodium chloride solution and the time the halibut are ln the bath can both be reduced, and whether by reducing the temperature of the brine bath by storing the sodium chloride solution in the hold along with the Ice the fish would be further improved. Salmon Season Ending pant of the family dwelling1 bh fifth Avenue and, while' he Is chief codk and bottlewasher, he doe not find housekeeping such a fine Job after all. This does not mean though that Tom Is in the market for a housekeeper Just yet so no one need ap ply. Davfs Rafts Adrift Pacific' Salvage Co.'s power tug Red Boy was called to Captain's Cove on Tuesday by the report that two Davis rafts from the Queen Charlotte"'Islftnds, anchored there, had dragged their anchors and gone adrift. On the arrival of the Red Boy at Captain's Cove, she found that the Oape Scott had got there ahead of her and taken the unruly rafts in hand. The Vancouver power cruiser Pride of the West, with party of several commercial travellers on board, spent a few days here this week en route north. The vessel was tied up at the floats of the Pacific, Salvage Co. The Power tug Salvage Princess of the Pacific Salvage Co.'s local JffeWttlPbe through on October 20 with a throe months' pilchard packing charter on the West Coast of Vancouver Island but it ls hot certain as yet whether she will return here Immediately or spend a while in the south,. Union Steamship Co.'s freighter Chlliiwack, Capt. John Mulr, took a full cargo of Terrace cottonwood logs on Thursday from the local dry The opening of Oetober sees only dock boom to New Westminster. It 1 trict 2 continued to yield the heav iest pack. with a total of 456,761 s Skeeni River with Other districts totals 1 (Fra-ser), 202,913; ! 216,830; and District 3, 207,332. Halibut Landings H-illb.it. landings at the port of Prince Runert fpr the week of September 27-Oetobcr 3 inclusive to-''llin? P 0.900 pounds, of which '13 'TO i mr.ds was American fish -.nd ST300 pounds Canadian, brought in 195.000 pounds in six for thr sex-wn to date up ta20J02,-200 pounds mode up cf 14.481.700 pounds American halibut and 5,-820.500 pounds Canadian. During the week, prices fluctuated a great deal from average to very high levels. The high bid of the week for Canadian fish waa 19.8c and 5c which the Cape Swain received for 7,000 pounds and the low 8c and 4c paid the Takiu for 19,000 pounds. The highest price of the week, and ' Df the entire season for that mat-1 ter, for Anericr n f Lsh was llz and J 3c which the Teddy J. wis paid for 10,000 pounds while the lowest American bid was 8c and 4c received by the Northern for 43,000 pounds. 1 Up to September 88, the Takla, Capt. Chris Parkvold. was leading the Canadian halibut fleet operating out of Prince Rupert for volume of fl;;h landed this season, having briught in 195,000 pounds in six trips. The Prosperity A , with 172,600 pounds in 13 trips, was second and the Kai"n, jytth 151,000 pounds in 13 trips was third. Others which had landed over UOOOO pounds were: Covenant, 143.000 pounds nine trips) ; Tramo, 142.500 pounds 14 tripe); Melville. 141AM pounds (12 trios); Oslo, 139,030 pounds (13 triwi: P. DTrern. 114.5)0 pounds (14 trips); Capella, 133,500 pounds (14 trips i ; Embla. 138,800 pounds (nine trips); Livingstone II. 127,500 pounds (13 trips); Cape Beale. 119,-000 pounds (four trips); Edward Llpsctt, 119,000 pounds (14 trips); Relief, 118.000 pounds 12 trips) ; Johanna, 118,000 pounds (11 trips) ; Vtklng I, 108,000 pounds '14 trips; Helgc H., 101,000 pounds (13 trips). Fourteen trips was the greatest riumber that had been made by any of the Canadian boats and those making that number are all Included in the list of boat that landed over 100,000 pounds. Of the American fleet, the Eagle had made th; heaviest landings of fotlibut at Prince Rupert, having brought in 221.000 pounds ln seven trips. The Majestic was second with 221,000 pounds ln seven trips; the Portl-jck. third with 218,000 pounds In wen trip, and the Celtic, fourth with 213,000 X)unos in six trips. Thirteen was the greatest number of catches to be hnded by Individual American boats. Boats which had brought this number of catches to Prince Rupert were: Alkl, 177.800 pounds; Eastern Point, 45,-000 pounds; Reliance. 118,900 ! pounds; Wat i.!;, C4.790 pounds. TOI A. f FRIDAY and SATURDAY TWO SHOWS 7 and 9 P.M. Feature starts at 7.40 & 9.40 !1 George Sydney and Charlie Murray in "The Cohens & Kellys In Scotland A GREAT ALL TALKfNG RIU-TICKLER Comedy "RICH UNCLES" Novelty "INSI ltA.rr Song Novelty "I'M FOREVER BLOWING BUBBLE v ADMISSION 3( SATURDAY MATINEE at 2:30 15c & 40c Feature Oct. iifeie; MONDAY AND Ti, t.iri.-, WILLIAM HAINES lrJ "Way Uut Vest" CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD oi'Hkatim; u. t. v. 2o.ooo-ton FLOATING I1HVUIH h Kngiricerx. Machinists Boilermakers, BIprkKoilttit, I'au n Makers Founder, Woodworker, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Hind of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 38S ENCOURAGE FLORAL ART there is added to ; I lawns and gardens i:. (home, it is pointed Mtlrs will be abk- t ln beauty. Hertkiiltitral Association Beinr ' tyfjB . Formed In the City By Residents Preliminary steps are being taken : looking to the formation of a horticultural society in the city. A large" Iy siftned list of those willing to Join j has been secured and. ln the near ... . i , , , i ,i , , muirv, a uieaviitf wut ue uuueu u elect officers, draft a constitution and lay out plans for future work. The idea seem to be to encourage the improvement of local gardens and generally to advance the movement for the growing of flowers ln the city. One means of doing this will be by Inducing the fair board to Increase the number and value of prises given for flowers grown In the city. Already the Improvement of gardens has been such as to draw favorable comment from many visitors. The city lends itself to beau-tlflcation more than most cities through the Irregularity of eontqur and the large number of ptqftr-esque trees, growing everywhere. If anil i art rn r nm rs rirti ti i am Little Things Like Cliff Links We have variety suit every purse. enough to Gold-filled in fancy and plain designs with double ends for soft shirt ' ' $1.00 to $2.00 Better grades with heavier layer of gold ln engraved designs $2.00 to $1.50 Solid fold links in the new tints and engravings in 10-K and 14K - 2 From $5.00 SO? To $18.00 1 (Jewellers IBtiic store with the ClOCIS 1 Ul AU111UI ' CUii Trapping iir i We have what vgu r il and our prices a' suit you. GIVE US A TRIAL BREAD per loaf CORNED BEEF I s 2 tins . QUICK DINNER A tins Iffdjund's Meat Balls I tins vTA!L 8TEW 2's per tin Jlark's Pork & Boaji., . tins Clark's Soups Assorted II tins Jlark's Ketohup 5 bottles Xing' Beach Jams per tin 45 r i 401 i Last Call on Preset riv Fruits Italian Prunesv- C ' ' per crate 9 - Preserving Pears ' per box Crab Apples rffl Oj per box v s Concord O rapes Qt f per basket Ouc umbers Large size Z( 4 for Ripe Bananas ftO J 2 lbs. :. Ripe Tomateee OjJ " per bWet This is the hut chance at Uu J The Economy Cash & Carry 'Where Hollars Phone 3G0 Have Mor" 119 Thlrti A'1