Le? ae PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, excopt Sunday, by The News Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. §H. F. PULLEN, Manacine Eprror. {SUBSCRIPTION RATBS: City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c. By Mail—Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per year $6.00. To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.50 dimen TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING — 75 cents per inci. Contraet Rates on application. anigign: Monday, Nov. 10, 1919. Railway Belongs To the Nation. The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway now belongs Ao the nation. It has been acquired along with the parent fine at a big price and we must make the best we can of it. Possibly it may be better for this city to have the line owned by someone that has money to spend in improving it. At anyrate the railway is purchased and it is for us all to unite in making it cater to the needs of this and surrounding communities. So far as Prince Rupert is concertfed it should not makey much difference who owns the railway. It is probable, however, that the railway improvements will now be made. There is the station, the coastal dock and the ocean dock, these in particular are necessary to the development of this port and it will be worth while going after them. Keep Clear of ’ Political Influences. It is hoped that now the railway is owned by the country u will be kept quite clear of all political influences. It must be run on business lines if it is to be a success. One reason why so many people dreaded Government ownership was the knowledge that in the past polities had played such an important part in the operation of big publie utilities. If the commission ts freed from political influence good results may be obtained, but otherwise we may expect nothing but failure. Grand Army Of Bond Buyers. This is the last week of the big Victory Loan drive. It is the last opportunity for the people individually to come to the aid ot the country as a whole and lend their money to help tide over an emergency. In order to increase the interest in the loan, people are asked to wear their Victory Loan buttons for the rest of the week. There is no idea of brag about this, but it is simply a means of helping the lean. It is not much to ask of people that they display their emblems. The button wearing has had a good effect in other cities. It shows that the wearer has been enrolled in the grand army of bond buyers who have come to the aid of their country and at th same time have been able to make for themselves a good an- vestment. ——————_——_—_E=__ ee ———E_——_————eEESS= 7 $400 GIVEN IN CASH PRIZES ist Prize $200 Cash. 2ud Prize $100 Cash. 3rd Prize $50 Cash. Special Prizes, $50 Cash. These prizes go to those whe secure the largest number of new subscribers to the Daily News. The competition is decided by points which are earned on new subscriptions as follows: City Circulation. Out of Town Circulation. 4 Month; 750. ....: 75 poin't- omnia 6 Months, $4 ..... 450 points i Month, 50c........ 50 points 4* eam BB-cir << -- 1,000. poinia 6 Montes, $3........ 350 points 2 Yearsp@s@ ...... 2,000. points eS Pree 800 points Renewals, City or Outside. On every doliar collected, 50 pts. SPECIAL CASH BONUSES. Anyone turning in ten fully paid up new yearly subscriptions during the first week of entering the contest gets a starter's bonus of $10. Anyoue during the course of the contest securing 100 fully paid yearly subseriptions gets a Century Bonus of $100 in addition to any prizes or commissions otherwise earned. Every competitor, whether the winner of the four big prizes or not stands to make a substantial sum, according to the amount collected, Nominations for the competition should be on the form here- with and its receipt at the o‘lice starts the competitor with 1 points. Nominate yourself or a friend, but each contestant can be nominated only once. The contest manager wil! be in the office only from 4:30 to 6 each afternoon, when every information will be given intending competitors. CEOOOSOO EBS O0 4 CEC OHEEDR ERROR OHEAHBE COSCO ewOee ee ECR CCC EOE OEE HERE NOMINATION BLANK | hereby nominate as a contestant in your Prize Competition: NN 4, TE Vives ac ye CER OVEN Seva Address COB CCeOeSS © Om OTR Owe & 0 6 Oe 0 oe WEP 4 0 FEW o RECOMMENDS ITS MONEY ORDERS As a safe and economical method of remitting amounts up to { These Money Orders are payable without charge at any branch of any bank in Canada (Yukon excepted), in Newfoundland, at the principal cities of the United States are negotiable at over 800 points in Great Britain and Ireland. and under - - -8eents Over $10, not exceeding 10 cents er $5, not exceeding $10,6 cents Over $30, not exceeding $50, 15 cents | Prince Rupert Branch - - - A. W. Cameron, Manager THE DAILY NEWS Tue Dany News THE WONDERFUL FRUIT MEDICINE Every Home in Canada Heads “FRUIT-A-TIVES” Tothose suffering with /ndigestion, Torpid Liver, Constipation, Sick or Nervous Headaches, Neuralgia, Xid- acy Trouble, Rheumatism, Pain in the Back, Eczema and other skin affections, ‘‘Fruit-a-tives’’ gives prompt relief and assures a speedy recovery when the treatment is faithfully followed. ‘“ Fruit-a-tives”’ is theonly medicine made. from Fruiteontaining the medicinal principles of apples, oranges, figs and prunes, combined with valuable tonics and antisepties. 50e a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25e. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, Ont. ——seeeeeeeee TIMBER SALE X 1889. Sented tenders will be received by the Minister -of Land® not later than moon on the 2nd of December, 1919, for the purchase of Licence X 1889, to cut t,- 082,000 feet of Spruce, Hemlock and Cedar on an area Situated in Juskatia In- let, Queen Charlotte District. One (1) year will be allowed for re moval ef timber. Further particulars of the Chief Forest er, VictomMa, B. ©., or District Forester Prince Rupert, B. © TIMBER SALE X 1881. Sealed tenders will be received by the the 2nd day of December, 1919, for the purchase of License X1881, tw cut 1, 370,000 feet of Spruce, Hemlock ano Cedar on Lot 1511, Charlotte District. One i year will be allowed for re moval of timber. Further particulars of the Chief Forest er, Victoria, B. C., or District Forester Peince Rupert, B. C. Dinan Bay, Queel CANCELLATION OF RESERVE NOTICE 18S HEREBY GIVEN that tix reserve existing over Lots 4005 and 904 Range 5, Coast District, is cancelled, G. KR. NADEN, Deputy Minister of Land Lands Department, Victoria, B.C __ 8th ‘October, 1919. MINERAL ACT. Certificate of improvements. NOTICE. _, 'Stiver Tip” and “Monarch” Minera Claims, situate in the Naas River Mining Division of Cassiar District. Where located:—About four miles fron head of Alice Arm on its west side. TAKE NOTICE that Lewis W. Patmore F. M. C. No, 31018-C, agent for B. H Tyrwhitt Drake, Kegistrar of the Supreme Court of British Columbia, B. C., Free Miner’s Certificate No. 33583-C, intend Sixty days from the date hereof, to app!) to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate of Improvements, for the purpose of ob- taining a Crown Grant of each of the above claims. And further take notice that action, un der section 85, must be commenced before the issuance of such Certificate of Improve tents an this 18th day of September, A. D NOTIOGF IN THE MATTER OF an application for the issue of a fresh Certificate of Title t Lot Nine (9), Block Thirty-one (314;. Section Seven (7), City of Prince Rupert (Soap 923). ; NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that it i my intention to issue after the expiration of one (1) month from the first publica tion hereof, a fresh certificate of tithe to the above mentione} land< the name of ee eyete. wit sareinente of tile nh are is numbered 427-1. ~~ rk... oe ont é BACLEOD, stric egistri Land Registry Omice, oe ee Prince Rupert, B. C., ____29nd day of September, 1919. NOTICE IN THE MATTER of an a icatio ‘ the issue of a fresh coremeate ot tithe 6 part of Lot Eight hundred and forty-eight (848), Group One (1), Cassiar District satisfactory pres? of loss of certificate having been filed, notice is hereby given that it is my intention, at the expiration of one month from the rst Publication hereof, to issue a fresh certificate of title in the name of Thomas Richard Tomlinson which Certificate of Title is dated sth February, 1913, and is No. 3067-1. Dated at the Land Registry OMee, Prince mepert, B.C., ‘this 16th day of October, W. E. BURRITT, Acting District Registrar IN THE SUPREME COURT OF COLUMBIA. hie IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF HUGH MacPHERSON é CEASED, INTESTATE, M*TIN, DE NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN Po IT MAY CONCERN of an a mane in is anew seaee vouns, Local Judge, in ron t P ., 1919) 48 follows: oe ay er eee s ERED that J. H. OMeial Adminiswator for a cruneey ie. County of Atlin, be allowed to wear to the death of Hugh MacPherson Martin as having oceurred on the 4th day of August 1919, one month from the date of the frst publication of notice of this order unless in the meantime Proof is furnished the District Registrar of this Court at cannes Dapert eps Re Said Hugh MacPher- as livin cin af ‘suey ae subsequently Jo the ; 5 FURTHER ORDERED that said J. H. MeMullin publish notice of chis order in the Prince Rupert Daily News 8 new oper published at the City of period of one’ month. pane Sem Bek Dated at Prince Rupert, p. C., this 100b i day of Oetober, A. D, 1919. 4. WH. MeMULLIN, Minister of Lands not later than noon on e#eeee ee eee eee ees MAIL SCHEDULE ’ ese ea ee ee eee eer ere For the East. Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat- urdays at 10 a.m, From the East. Sundays, Tuesdays and Thure- days at 7 p.m. For Vancouver: BaturGAys ..cicvescvsss 2 p. m. Bundaye oo. ccsccccccees 10 p. m. Tuesdays scree cevses 6 pi m. Thuredays: s.0. ceees 10 p.m. From Vancouver po. eer ra 10 p. m. Wednesdays .......- 10:30 a. m. | canes s Os M.) BOUTBNPOS occ cccces 10:30 a, in. For Anyox: CR NG i os kc's - 004 K000 10 p.m. Vednesdays .......... 10 p. m. ae ee 10 p. m. From Anyox: PRCRENIS 4.0 6c ss sedis ose M. OER .'Fecac saci éooced M. gg ere p- m. Tor Port Simpson and Arrandale, Mill Bay and Wales Island) sunday®...... Seeders 10 p.m. From Pt. Simpson and Arrandale. Mill Bay and Wales Island. PRs 6 vc cate ccscone p.m. For Port Simpson and Naas: Rive: points: seareGaye... . . .akennes 10 p.m. From Port Simpson and Naas River Points: saturdays Queen Charlotte Islands: For Massett, Port Clements. and Upper Island poiats: October 23, November 6, 4, 18; Jam. 1, 4. p.m. *romr Masset, Port Clements and Upper Island points: October 24, Nov. 7, 21; Dec. 3, 19; Jan. 2, p.m. for Skidegate, Queen Charlotte ity and Lower Island points: October 17, 31; Nov. 14, 28; Dee. 12 and 20. From Skidegate. Queen Charlotte City and Lower Island points— ctober 14 and fortnightly there- after. 20; Dec. For Skagway and the Yukon. October 13 and every ten days thereafter. From Skagway and Yukon. Friday, October 17, and every 10 days thereafter. For—Wednesdays 12 noon. From—Thursdays p. m. Why Pay More Than $13.00 LUMP COAL delivered in your bin? We screen every pound Phone Black 85 Terminal Coal Co, For Confort, Courtesy and Service go to The SAVOY HOTEL F. T. Bowness MANAGER Phone 37 P.O. Box 1704 Hotel Prince Rupert EUROPEAN PLAN $1.60 per day and up. FIRST-CLASS CAFE A La arte. The “Gartland” Boarding House 416 Sixth Avenue East Near Drydock Board by Month or Week, Phone Red 246 ~ occ semen ; | .? re N U soldier who agh! Fre ‘ . ance and Flanden the | his f to p Was men glor nre ‘ 4 ovr sneer o Vice-Chairman Provin times prepared 4, of the prineiy ing for. home does his + is prepared to give dollar if it is rey charge Canada's debt 2 were disabled for jit widows and turned r Orphans of b. ious dead and te ; ver | ’ 6) mer wh > need 7 vided that thea . | hI . j me sh_ themselves and "| Canada’s honor 4 | sons is at et the « an )6hCor:€=Cf | Viet ry Loar Te f 4 &* anadiar Cor 1 } Was lll duty inle 4 Shy . U9 the } ay with his lite ; Mm _— ‘i ’ ; eed of : need of it for the « j ; es he Was { No one wh, . ™ rduy TN egg he i UD his lag | jWired + tig a . . ' who. by fighting for hor | ty ailnre anada must not fq"! VICTOR W ODL Savings Departinent Deposits of $1. and up- ward received, and Interest allowed at highest current - rates. Savings Department YA accounts given special” attention. Deposits may be made, | and withdrawn, by mail as | easily, readily and safely as in person. ESTABLISHL” OVER 100 YEARS oe : ~~ i} | | i}] i}| Mit H. St G. LEE, Manager, ° . E. W. MARENTETTE, Manager, . . PRINCE RUPERT BRAMH . TERRACE BRANGH Now More Than 380 Branches in Canada Constantly enlarging our sphere of may extend to you-our cust banking accommodation, we have mace to our branch bank system in Canads during this yar We have 360 branches and continue to We aim to be the Biggest Bank in standpoint of Character and Service UNION BANK OF CANADA RESOURCES, $153,000,000 THE PIONEER BANK OF WESTERN CANADA Prince Rupert Branch -~ - SS CANADIAN PACIFIC RAIL «CANADIAN PACIFIC OCEAN SERVICES B.C. Coast Steamship Services | Ps alae w — influence that v9 omers-—-the fullest possible notarie additions grow Caneds from th A. T. Broderick, Manage 8.6. PRINCESS For Ketchikan, Juneau, Skagway, Alaska, November For Vancouver. Victoria and Seattie from Prince R November 1 S. 8. PRINCESS BEATFICE From’ Prince Rupert for Swanson Bay, Ocean Falls, Hardy Beaver Cove, Powell River, Vancouver and Victoria Saturday at Every For rates, reservations and VW. C. ONCHARD, Genera Agent. 24 . enue and 4th Street i ai P 5 5.5. THURSDAY and SUNDAY MIDN WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY MIDNIGHT 8. 8. PRINCE JOHN For Stewart, October 29th, November 2th Massett, and Port Glements, November ¢ Southern Queen Charlotte Island Points Passenger Monday, W°dnesday and Saturds Edmonton and Winners Prince George, all points east and AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSH! For information and reseryatl: City Ticket OMce, G26 Third Aven’ N 1QHT for SWANSON BAY, OOEA’ VANCOUVER, VICTORIA and SEATTLE. 1 27h “ . b st \ mber '* A tobe rs, for smi the 1:30 68 - ; ~A jirect connections making @ south : p LINES wns apply Phon® 260. ) MARY from Prince Rupert: upert ardy Bay, Alert Bah seilings, apply ™ B.C. Prince Rupert, ——— RINCE GEORGE AILING FALLS, FOR ANYOX. ; oF and 2 THEO COLLART, 4-room house with bath telephone, etc. $1,700.00, half cash Por sale, one water, electric leht, 23, section 7. Price MARINE ieunancs FIRE WOURANOS ia ox PHONE GLUE 69, WESTHOLME THEATRE 900% FO ape Notary P ublic 4 cold astered ; use paperee » months palanet 1% ee neat estate im ; m »