PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS Thursday, October 3D Tw Daily News 1'iUNCB ItUPERT - BRITISH COt.UMIHA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert : ", : ' Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue lose or the he of AdtlsTnR and Circulation Telephone ... .93 Editor and Iteporters' Telephone . .., 86 Member bf Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION tv. Thursday, October 30, 1930 FINAL CHANCE TO IiE(iSTfclt Tomorrow will be the final chance jocal house holders will have to register in ohler that thy may vote at the next civic election. We suggest that this be done even though at present there may be no apparent need of it. No on ctin tell what may happen between noy and election day. 1 INTEREST LN CHANGES Keen interest was taken locally in the cabinet changes told about yesterday by this paper. While the changes were not very great they were very important both to the pro vince and the political party which the cabinet represents. . As we have said on many occasions, it is much more im- TortiMit to the nrovmce that there should be good govern ment than that any political party should win or lose. Many people do not recognize this. They are pleased when a government does something foolish because they see in it a step toward a change. We think Premier Tolmie did the right thing in at least some oi the changes, others we know little about. Carry out the prosperity week idea every day in every week in everv vear. ' Wil H to to Kiddies Kiddies Meal. MeaJst I E Adds Neurit foment Nter be without a tin of OtfO CiibM-for OXO th'duld be a part of every child'! mid-dijr meil serre if bowilloo add to soups, ajravirs and stews for that ettra nourishment that rnan strong, healthy child, ten. At Your Grctr's la tint of 4 and 10 cubes nEanaUaoaaaaiaiMaKMninauaanM .. - FLOUR tysa it alike For Bread and Cdkes'Youll notice the difference at once.... Purity Flour has been giving success in Canadian homes for so many years, you canuseil with your best recipes with full confidence. Your grocer has it. A IWiicI offf'ritrrn Canada Flour Mitt Li in 1 1 r, I 0(( payapayaayayayierapggwiaai VICTOROIO R '' 1 ' 1 " - M$mv Scores A GREAT new triple instrument, bringing you . more entertainment J $hd 'more kinds of entertainment than has ever been offered! NovrJlctot-combines the amazing radio which created such a sensation when it was introduced only a few days ago the first and only screen-grid jive-circuit micro-synchronous radio with a brilliantly improved El ectrola . . , featuring the delights of h'ome-rjecormng! (i The New aorlRadioHome-Recording Elec-trola is entirely new -riew in design new in appearance new in construction . . . new in the complete entertainment which it gives ... in an acoustically engineered cabinet of supreme beauty. Here is the finest achievement of radio's greatest scientific organization". . . the culmination of Victor's 30 years of absolute leadership! Learn what modern radio means in selectivity, sensitivity and tone quality. ; Enjoy the glorious fun of recording yjour own voice. Marvel at the greater thrill ofTvit6fJtecords irt your home . . . new truth of reprcybajon-rnade possible through the Victor Inertia rorie arrii v ' " ii. ;. See your nearest Vjfct6rpealer today. . . . his tfcm , onstration will show the varied enjoyment, which- only Victor can give ... he will explain the con- ' venience of the Victor payment plan. SSSSSfc Micro-Synchronous Victor Radi to again uiih th grmt T T VICTOR TALKING MACHINE COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED - MONTlftlAt LE TRIUMPH ! 'Victor's jfawin-one Instrument giving youlhree kinds of Entertainment VICTOR'S NEWEST RADIO VICTOR RECORD MUSIC 4 VICTOR HOME- v RECORDING . COMPLETE; In One Magnificent Cabinet! THE NEW ictor Radio HOME-RECORDING ElectrolcL EIRST SCREEN 5-CIRCUIT -GRID - - MICRO-SYNCEOtONOUS RADIO McRae Bros. Ltd. Orthophonic Victrolas and Records RE-41