PAGE FOUR THE DAILY NEWS BT 7 .T 0 m a Ban r NDY ly, and met with a favorable reception, wholesale prices beginning at 14 shillings per 120 eggs. An official of Empire Dairies, Limited, the dairy Importing agency of the Overseas Farmers' Co-operative Federation, stated that the eggs had arrived in a satisfactory condi- SOFT-WARM-DURABLE A QUALITY TO MEET EVERY MEED THC BEST VALUE AT EVERY PHICE Guaranteed toiil-WS'toWW I i( A III. j ,. . a M :' .! -a. HA BOTTLED AT COGNAC, FRANCE Thi advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. Rhodesia Sends Eggs to England LONDON. Oct. 30: The first consignment of eggs from Southern Rhodesia., comprising 368 cases, each of 30 dozen, was offered for sale on the London market recent m jMfl-K HIS I tion, considering their long journey I in cold storage. He had found them to be well graded and attractively packed and in every essential they compared "with eggs from the Union of South Africa. There is stated to be every likelihood of regular aut- umn supplies from the colony. DniUTmp pTAMFIELDJ 3 SUPERIORITY Accurate measurements . . superb tailoring . . perfect fit. Exclusive easy-fitting closed crotch. SPORT CHAT Jt Js bad enough 'o undergo the humiliation oi shooting a cow lor a deer but a Nova Scotia hunter had, 1t hand uwi $25 to the owner of the cow in addition. The son'of rdmrod. on hearing a noise in the underbrush took deliberate aim and fired. Not waiting for the smoke to clear away, he rushed to the undarbrush and found he had shot a cow. Before he had recovered from the shock, the Infuriated Owner at the animal arrived on the scene and demanded redress. The rifle hag been put up for sale. Many hunters, including most of the major league baseball stars, go Into iNova Scotia each year for deer and moose. Once again the women of England have been the pioneers of another sporting adventure At Greenwood, history was made by six women members of the Greenwood Amateur Trotting Horse Drivers' Club; when for the first time In this port, they engaged in a trotting race, and what is more, proved their capabilities beyond all question. The six ladies who so successfully ventured on the sport were Miss Byron, Mrs. C. Money, Miss Florrle dough, Miss Vera Salter, ilrs. J. ! Leonard Jones and1 Miss Ethel ' Knapman. Miss ,Hyrori, a gallant ; winner behind the pacer Volo Jay, ;was engaged during the war in work in the Army Remount De- part men t;' Miss Salter has hunted, and has driven at Richmond and other important shows, while Mrs. Money is a recognized horsewoman. Salesmen inevery line find Gwnfoit Fit helps lliem sell UNCOMFORTABLE. Ill-fitting underwear is a handicap. You can't feel right in a shrunken, irritating suit of underwent that seems to be cutting you in halfand you won't look your best either. For being well dressed starts from the skin out. Perhaps that's why so many successful salesmen insist upon Stanfield's. They know, from experience, that this unshrinkable underwear always keeps its shape that it is comfortable, easy, every day of its long life. They know that because it is tailored to exact measurements it fits perfectly. And thqy know that no matter how often it goes to the laundry, it comes back soft and warm. Little betterments, too, are important to them. They appreciate the way the four-hole buttons are put on each backed so that you can't pull it off. And they value the amazingly longer wear Stanfield's gives. If you are not now wearing this famous underwear the largest selling in Canada try one suit. Let it prove to you how much better underwear really can be. Go to your favourite store today. Select the style and weight that suits you best. And remember Stanfield's costs you little or no more than ordinary underwear. Wis - art J "ppjj IlilWl mmtMMImStKtBS l'tla 'n9t '''tium winter v,ttghv IS?arnra2R9nv!?f9WU9itMt,l 'ur 1 he trtttnt under- ! value in 4nd. gQgjgjtijygvcM Uolm is going lo he comfortable litis trip" A word to the wires-Mf you are entrusted wjth the buying of your husband's underwear, gel him a suit of Stanfield's ana put it in his baft before he goes on his next trip. We'll warrant you'll get a letter of thanks. Non-rip cuff seams' . . . smooth and elastic. Always soft . , always warm . . . outwears them all. Zj Duttons that won't pull off. r ' , --Thursau (jr,0,, . . - A NEW STANDARD OF PERFECTION a new pinnacle of smoking delight a cool, mild, fragrant i ' . j 'v ' mellowness that comes from the ' best of golden Virginia leaf. Dixies are rolled right so they smoke right try a package today learn why they're called i i i I linn I MillW ri A r-marta c nlMcnrp smntp. r - .. III ' ! Hill ' JT&mi EMHM1.. --a--------- kt ' - -. fs iw i v.wh - i iiiv ir I HOT V -V UMVT f W"r.W I lvW "i5. Tk . w v-l n I -utimw I -sK f 3 '--.V, L - S A V WEATHER WAS BAD Three Flyer Were Unreported Yesterday Afternoon In Connection With Rurkc Search ATLIN. Oct. 30: Weather condition wie extremely bad over Northern British Columbia yesterday with heavy snow and rain reported I and in - tInSf5 i B E I IP I ! FS Rl-w mmm imm i2ty THE BETTER CIGARETTE E THE V VALUABLE A POKER HANDS north and south of Atlin. No word had been received from Prank Dor- , brandt who left on Monday to search for Capt. E. J. A. Burke, mil- ! sing commercial aviator. It was be lieved that Dorbrandt was await-lng improved weather conditions at Liard River Post. Pilot Robin Kenahan, who left i Vancouver Tuesday , afternoon for Atlin to Join in the search tor Capt. ; Burke, had not been reported up to yesterday afternoon. i NEW CABINET IS SWORN IN rrcmier Tolmic Completed Ills Ko- orfanizaiion Vct(erday Afternoon VICTORIA. Oct. 30: ReorRanlza- tlon of the cabinet as indicated yesterday was completed In the after noon with the swearing in of the rearranged ministerial slate by Lieut. Governor R. R. Bruce. Twenty Years Ago In Prince Rupert October 30, 1910 Vcrnor W. 8mlth of Foley. Welch St Stewart received a message last evening that three laborers had been drowned at Smith's Gamp on the. railway (construction work up the Skeena River, ..,,, .!' ..; iV ii.'.-) The Queeft Charlotte Island Col lieries Ltd. has becrWormed to engage In coal mining on the Queen Charlotte Islands. Prominent Van couver and Victoria men are mem bers of the syndicate. Including w C. Nlcol, publisher of the Vancou ver Province. T. J. Vaughn-Rhys of Stewart In in the city. He savs that thoro should be no rivalry-between Prince Rupert and Stewart but that thay snouia strive together for the development of the north. The holder of ticket No. 0M, which was dawn for a round trip to Vancouver at a ' recent social function by 'the Moose Lodge, has not yet claimed the prise. If the prise is not claimed by November 7, it Is proposed t n over as x donati.n. section ill 'Air Prlnr- F rary Read the Want A : il r: Bring New Rooms to Your Home with Gyproc A WORK-ROOM for you a play-room for the youngtten in the basement. An extra bedroom or two in the Attic. These arc now possible in your home at little expense. The new Improved Gyproc Wallboard that dots not burn and takes any decoration will give you additional space in your present home. Easily and quickly applied, structurally strong, it provides firc-safe walls, ceilings and partitions. Your dealer's name is listed below. Consult him today and ask for full information regarding Gyproc Wallboard or write for Interesting free hncAe "Hull, I. .ing and Remodelling with Gyproc" GYPSUM, LIME AND ALADASTINE, CANADA, LIMITED Vancouver - fl.C i i m r.i m For Sale By . ti r Albert & McCaffcry, Ltd. Prince Unpen, w M,F.Noursc ' Burns Lake, Bc Th; George Little Lumber Yard nf Smithcrs, Hazelton and Terrace, IL.S.,Sanrent.Ltd. 14 Hnzcllon,