October 30, 1930. SPECIALS! SPECIALS! C: c Bottle Klenzo Liquid Antiseptic 50 c" Tube Klenzo Tooth Paste .... 50 jiGTil iTJR 50 CENTS Value 1.00 i: j.I FO 10 CENTS Value .60. t ' ' .s Tiny Tot Baby Soap g. . Wiish Cloth 15 ALL FOR 30 CENTS Value .45 , One Tubb Rexall Shaving Cream Ohi 4utostrop Razor, One Blade, One Strpp ALL FOIt 35 CENTS . tines lid. ZTJw Pioneer DrtiQfiste Phones SI & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St. THREE GRADUATE PIIARMICISTS SENSATION! Nothing Reserved! Everything Must Go! Mr " Iillcr says if he cannot sell to you, he will sell to the jobber! Positively closing out! MAI KIN AW COATS ; Mechanic Mac-C'.it.v Guaranteed J'i !. Keg. $10.50. 85.95 ROYS' MACKINAWS Boys' Master Mechanic Mackinaw Coats. Guaranteed 8hower Proof. Reg. $5.95. Close Out (?Q Q? Price $0uD Men's Combinations Wool Combinations. Regular $3.50. ut Price $2.25 71 Pfrufan's Shirts and Drawers. Regular ntZn vQyA Vtto I iO Hoys' Caps - shiwthg a geod nt All sizes ntn Puce Men's Overalls MM'i Overalls Master Mechanic. Extra heavy riveted pockets and seams. Regular 92.90. Close Out J SIDES! SHOES! SHOES! : ck has never been so complete, so hurry ur share! Why pay more when you can 'icni for $2.00 less? All sizes and styles to ' cliooso from. . .''if Blankets. Orey and White i tr $2.50. Close Out Price $1.95 Seize This Big Ckance All !f.ck on the premises must be sold. Closing out! Montreal Importers MEEKER BLOClt LOOK FOR THE RIG YELLOW SIGNS UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Milling I rmii Trlnre Kuperl 1 VI , Vlf'TOItlV, llulnlalc Alert lUy. etc. Turila. 3.30 p.m. ' l VCIi. VK'TOItll. ilitti'd.ilc Aler Ifci.v. rlr. . Irlclii) midnight Mt i AliM, ANYox, HIKWAKT. Nua Ither, rrt Mmpaon, Sun- '! u.m, V mii- It M. SMITH APrnt Prince Kupert, II.C .,: ticket tola to Vlct' tM and Seattle and bamfuge clMCkrd through 10 destination. B. C. Coast Steamship Service L win ivnc iriiftllt PltlXPK IIIIPKRT fo Ketchikan, 'wranecll, Juneau, Skasway Nov. 1, 15, 29. Vo. Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle V. Nov. 5. 13. Princess Mary-Ocean Falls, etc., Vancouver and Victoria, every Friday. 10 p.m. ,,, Afenls For All steamsnip unw 1 'r-Hi:ifd, General Agent, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, rhonc31. Rentals, Properties For Sale STOCKS AND BONOS ' UK EVERYTHING Life. Fire, Automobile, Accident and Sickness, Liability, and Piute Glass. J YORKSHIRE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION J'-CAppeuy, GIRRONS & COLLART, LTD. T,,l!l W'ENUE TELEPHONE 11 Local Items Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at Heilbroncr's store. Thisftrftrrtrfin'R t W tS. ptie cast. ati3;30, waB-e Imbrnlrig toSTe on tt 3P- lnjuejroml reM-ttHfthK me. 3 K k ? 9 M Salmon Fishermen attention t Northern 13, C. Salmon Fishermen's Association Convention Nov. 6, 259 'When, 'the cat's Way tho mice will J)lay Com to First Unlt&i Church, November 12. Admission 50c. 254 A. J. Galland of the local excise department staff will sail on the Prir.ee George tonight for Vancou ver on. official business. One hundred of the most beauti ful dresses ever shown In Prince Rupert are In show cases at An nette s. You are welcome to call and look them over. (264) J. W. Berry, M. L. A. for Delta. addressed the Vancouver "On to the Peace Association" at a luncheon in Vancouver yesterday. Ilk sub ject was "ine peace River afwiew-ed by a Farmer." Mr. Ber?y, recently visiioa me peace Kiver dMinpt. "U Mflinr Jamm MrM-rlt.t. nf ;nshpnn. ver, divisional commanded Mi the Salvation Army for Southern Bri-tish Columbia, is at Juneau. Alaska. just now conducting the annual Al- Aka CongreM of the Army in olace of Commissioner Hoggard of Win nipeg who Is fareweUing Canada and will leave for England where he will live In retirement. Major Merritt wlllrrive here Sunday eve ning by steamer and, after con ducting a service in the local Cita del, continue through to REGISTRATION OP VOTERS The office of the City Clerk. City Hall, win remain open from ? to 10 o'clock p.m. each evening an Oct 25,27,28,29.30,31. to receive declarations of householders and licence holders. tf TAXI -PHONE 32 Comfort.. Courtesy and Safety NEW CARS John Gurvich, Prop. Day or Night DR. HUGH L. DICKEY SPECIALIST Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat At St. Elmo Hotel Eyes Tested For Glasses DELUXE SERVICE TEAMERJ GtrndL a L 8 TRAIN fast IjNJOY tli luxury anJ ram fort of (HtmIUn NtlMifit whntrr you lral tMtulla or rat. Mmlrrn rulpmrnt . falling from IVIiieo 1tiiMrl SumUyN 'mil 1huriMlii 10. (H l.m. to Vanrtmtrr, 1 liirr 1 nw TrM'Ity Srrvlrv in MrlorU una (Mettle. For Slrwarl ami Anyov, emlayt 4.UXJ p.m. For Slvwarl and Krtelillan, iurlr 4.00 .m. r Wrrkly BaiHnaa for North and Sulh Viin Cltnrluttr lLitif. Attention! Hill 00 Bridge and Dance tomorrow night will commence at 8.30 prompt. 254 T. J. Shenton, inspector of mines, sailed yesterday afternoon on the Prince George for a trip to Anyox on official business. i Mr. and j.rJHiA Hdeper of Digbv Island wireless station staff will sail on the Prince George tonight for a trip to Vancouver. Just arrived 100 dresses too late for fashion show. Latest styles, colors and materials. You are invited to come In and look ihem over. The prices are right. .Annettes. 254) Come and join the fun at the Elks' Hallowe'en dance tomorrow night in Elks' Home at 9. p.m. Good music, good refreshments and ,a good time for everyone. ' DANCE IN CAFE The Zenith Cafe was the scene of an enjoyable dance last night, a fair crowd being on hand as the guests of Mine Host G. Vaccher. Music was supplied by an orchestra from Ketchikan. Boston Grill Large Cabaret SPECIAL DINNERS Thursdays and Saturdays DANCING Every Saturday Night, 9 to 12 Dance Hall for Hire Accomodation for Private Parties Phone 457 Prince Rupert easonable Specials nJSrSr'iZ, !ZirfBimt Potatoes Klunda;. Wwlnwiiijr nil tl- 3 IK. lbs. uni unlay at 1I.3U a.m H Canada twi tnhtr"tmthm i rutn 9 n. r M.NAK.iiiov n.r.A. imrlty Quick Oato Each package contains new style china 9 Op OAs ware, per pkg Clark's Tomato Soup For OQp Fine Haflowt Ddtes 2 Ins Peanuts Fresh roasted 9 I ha ww, vp- ropping vol 2 lbs. . Braid's Tea Each package s con tains a China cup it saucer, per l-lb. pkg Del Monte Pineapple HVs squat tins, each Red Arrow Sodas Fresh tt crisp, per pkg Empress Strawberry Jam The i best best that's packed I9c Q nrr 4.1h tin Ouick Puddings per pkg 19c 25c 25c con- 55c 20c Hallowe'en Candy Jelly Beans. leans. Kisses, Spice Strings QCn I5c per lb.::.:: ..A WW' 3 lbs Qanong's Coconut Dainties A new confection 42C "pfcr lb. -2's 21c 7c $1.00 Cooking Eggs Per AC 3 dot. rfUl doz. Royal City Pumpkln-2 tins $1.30 25c Fruit & Vegetables Apples, Mcintosh Reds 2 00 Apples Terrace Grav- C4 QA enstoina. uer case vAttlv Oranges poadsiae 2 dostt .. . CranberrjM From Massett per lb:' Florida Grapefruit Large 2 for California Grapefruit-Large, each - Fine Uprlver Turnips 10 lbs. New Bunch Carrots Firm Celery 2 heads $1.05 25c 25c 10c 25c 5c 29c 25c Watts' Grocery Quality Itight- I'lIONE 55 -Prices Right PHONE 56 Dinnerware, china, crockery, glassware. Hcilbroner's Store. The Home Leaeue of the Salva tion Army held Its regular weeklv meeting yesterday afternoon in the Citadel. There was a good atten dance of members. Rev. J. R. Frizell, foKaVly pastor of First Presbyterian cMrch here, has been relieving in thifnulDlt of Mount Pleasant Presbyterian Church In Vancouver., "i Sam Gourlay, lucky miner, who was paid $50,000 by D.tD?Mann of the Canadian Northern?1 Railway for a property neanfBfewart, has returned to Vancouver from a trip to his native Ireland where he learned that most of his relatives and friends had come to Canada. Twenty Years Ago column, Vancouver Province. HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel UNDKIt NEW .MANAGEMENT 81mm llratrd; TravfMrs Kaniplr Kooma; lint and Cold Water Frre Bun Mrrtt All Trains and Boat a Rates $1.00 and Up SPIXIAL MONTHLY KATES CICRIGGART St A. DONALD I'roprlrtori PHONE 51 Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot iind cold water In all roomt A. J. PRUDHOMME, Prop. Cor. of Fraser uid Fifth Sts. Savoy Walter Nlem and Agnes Niem, Port Essington. New Royal Hotel I. Zarrlll, Top. THE HOTEL VtOKTIt WHILE Hot It Cold Water: Steam Heat 75c PER DAY AND UP Telephone Ml Royal R. Van Dusen, Vancouver; W. J. Lineham, J. S. Urrell and A. W. Fixter, Osland. School Grips School Grips Q-t Reg. 65c, 2 for V Broadcloth Broadcloth, 5 patterns to pick from, Reg. 65c Q-J yard, 2ty yards for V Ladies' Silk Hose Ladies' Silk Hose, assorted shades, Reg. $1.50 For You can buy Saladia quality at three cups for a cent s ALADA1 TEA 'Fresh from the gardens1 ;. 4 ANNOUNCEJIENTS Varden's Concert October 30. Royal Purple Bridge and Whist scries, next game, November 3. United Church Hallowe'en tea Oct. 30. 31. Hill GO Bridge and Dance October Elka' Halloween Dance Friday, Oct. 31,' in Elks' Home. Eagles' Smoker November 4. Catholic Bazzar Nov. 5 and 6. Lcif Erickson Whist Drive and dance November 5. Moose Whist Drive and Dance November 7. Armistice Day Banquet, Tuesday, Nov. 11. "Amy From Arizona," First United Church, Nov. 12 and 13. Rupert Bast United Church Ba zaar, November 13. Gyro Hoedqwn November 14. Presbyterian Bazaar Nov. 20. Anglican W. A. Bazaar Dec. 2. United Church Bazaar Dec. 4. Get the Ad., residing nabit. H pays. Figured Kayons Figured Rayons C-fl Reg. $1.50 yd. for .... V-l White Flannelette White Flannelette P 0 yards for Pyjama Cloth Pyjama Cloth. 36 in. Q4 wide reg. 50c. 3 yds. it Boys' Combinations Short Sleeves, Knee Length sizes 20 to 26 tt-g Reg. $1.50 for a. $1.95 Tii Jewellery Manufactured or Repaired Plating Work Done LEO CONTOLI 330 Sixth St. Mail Orders The Regal Shop We carry a complete line of Academy Vellum, Stationery & I'apetcries, Artcraft Crepe Paper British manufacture, for all kinds of decorating. Candies and Tobaccos MR. & MRS. JOHN McRAE 300 Block, Third Avenue Phone Red 442 MILADY BEAUTY SH0PPE Offers an attractive price on ' PERMANENT WAVES RINGLLTTE OR NESTLE WAVE For $6.00 From October 15 to October 31 See us and get free advice before having your Permanent Wave. Telephone 65S Jabour Bros. Limited Hug a I H m e aUoiiar uays FRIDAY & SATURDAY Habics' Bonnets Babies' Bonnets Q4 Reg. $1.40. for vl liabics' Booties Babies' Booties O J Reg. 65c. 2 for vi Child's Slippers Child's Carpet Slip- Q1 pers. sizes 5-7, 2 for P Ladies' Gloves Ladles' Gloves t? Reg. 05c, 2 pairs ?A Girls' Vests Girls' Silk & Wool Vests, reg. $1.35, for SI Curtain Scrim Curtain Scrim, Ecrue Q4 5 yards for ?X Pillow Tubing Pillow Tubing 40x42 in. C Reg. 50c yd. 3 for .... V Boys' Gloves Boys' Gloves Q4 Reg. $1.60 for Girls' Bloomers Girls' Wooltex Bloom-era. 2 pairs for Girls Nightgowns Girls' White Flannelette Nightgowns sizes 10 to 14, fnr vl Children's Hose Children's -length Hose Regular 75c 2 pairs for r-OTHEfrDOLIM DAY ATTRACTIONS LADIES' RUBBER BOOTS Ladles' Rubber Boots. Red, Fawn and SO OA Green. Regular $4.50 pair, for pUUU GIRLS RUBBER BOOTS 19 Pairs Girls' Rubber Boots -length DO 75 W sizes 6 to 10. Regular $3.50 pair, for Children's Raincoats To clear at, each BOYS' OVERCOATS $1 2 Only, Boys' Overcoats, Grey Tweed (J7 ftl! size 9 and 10 years, reg. $13.50, for . V s tt cs LADIES' COMBINATIONS Ladles' Cee Tec Combinations, long sleeves, unkle length. Odd sizes. G?0 Ef Rpr. $3.50 suit to clear for I Kim 47aU.tV t I