v October 30, 1930. r I ' 111 Tt!'" THE DAILY NZW3 PAGE PTVfl Classified Ads FOR RENT micfl flat for rent. Phbne e: :il,r. tl mjr RENT Wallace Bloc. r store. tl F'.'l , iiED Apartments for rent. Mussalfem Grocery, Phone on TiENT Furnished room, . optional. Phone 543. 1::NT Modern Flat, kitchen r Westenhaver Bros. tf RENT Modern house, J ::is and bath, Apply Munro V'.' tf FOP RENT Housekeeping room t' ilny. week or month. Phone . 007. tf F )' PENT nine-room flat close In E. 'I) moderate rental. Westen-t, ivnr Bros. tf FOi PENT Modem house, 5 in ind bath. Fine sea view, , i :: Atlin Avenue. Phone Black ii-i 254 To Rent Cosy Two & Three Roomed Apartments Fr use of electric llfht and v. r Rentals $10 to $10 monthly I)Yi:it APARTMENTS 3RD AVE. FOUND Fv'ND Motorcycle key. Owner : . Ikivp same by calling at the 3j ,i!v News and paying for Jhti .iiivrtlsmcnt. BOARD AND ROOM BOARD and Room. Phone Blaefc ffl7, tf NEEDLEWORK lira,STrrCHINO. Mrs. Feasby, rii.mc Red 316. .''). K Stockings mended at De-!n i Phone 21. 27 SALVAGE AND TOWINO "If it's on or under the water we do it" Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. Fu! Equipped for Diving and Oeneral Salvage Work E i at: and Scows of aC descriptions for Charter P w Boats and Canoes for Hire Bargains in Gss Engines Ajcnts for EAST II OPE ENGINES l.urincrn B.C. Distributors tloolidge Propellers p 'ihi nnd Q ravel in any quantity, livered anywhere by water rhohe, Day or Night 5C4 P.O. Box 15G4 AUCTIONEER PI fNffc RUPERT AUCTION MART buy, sell or exchange any '-at! 01 furniture or household "His. musical instruments ma- Uinnry, etc. General repairs, f Mtins. packing and shipping. Workmanship guaranteed. Just ''"one Black 120 and we will I Q. 3. DAWES, Auctioneer r i- .al Block. tf Extra Special Chesterfield Sale make room for furniture on the from factory, to clear the fol-'ov,ing, every suite guaranteed, ' ' Chesterfield Suite Mohair stun Pacing g-f QA ;4i' iv ClflBerfleld HulteMohalr V, mut pSclng c-f nr $235, now Chesterfield Bulte C-f "7A r all over, now :!.p CHeStorfleld Suite 47 -i A ''mr.itry, Reg. $180, now tpiuu Sfc them. They arc real bargains, Terms Arranged A. Mackenzie Furniture Telephone 775 FOR SALE FOR SALE-Tull sized bed. Cheap. rnone 459. 255 FOR SALE Table model Victor Radio Jugt as good as new. Apply to Pullen, Dally News, tf FOR SALE Davenporfijn good ! cuiiutuon, opera u ixii0n,e Deq.'i half price.JPhone .Blacfe- (333.-t25B, FOR SALE Cores of newsprint rolls with a fair amount of white ; paper on them, 52 inches long, 10c each. Apply Dally News. (tf ) LAST and lowest price of the season. As a final inducement to possible purchasers the gasboat Owen is offered for sale for $175 cash. The boat is in good condition and may be seen at Yacht Club float. Appy Dally News. tf. i -p SECOND-HAND DEALEUS T New and Second-Hand Goods Boucht, Sold or Exchanged W. H. Montgomery 3rd Avenue Phone Blue 339 MISCELLANEOUS WILL the man who took the fawn overcoat by mistake from the Capitol Theatre last evening kindly return same to Theatre Wood and Coal Cheer up! The best was coming. Now It's Here Try our new coal just arrived CASEY'S CARTAGE & FUEL CO. Telephone 303 Chimney Sweep Chimneys swept and repaired Furnaces and stoves cleaned and repaired. Oeneral handyman. Phone 204 Night phone Blue 712 II. J. ZUMKEHR STEAM BATIIS 204 6th Street Phone Black 764 Opposite Prince Rupert Hotel Ladles from 2 pjn. to V pjn. dents, from .... 10 ajn. to 10 pjn Hunt's Furniture & Upholstry The Store of Qualiij" Complete House Furnishings Terms Arranged G. M. HUNT Third Avenue, Phone Red 637 Prince Rupert School of Music " Tall Term Begins September 2 II. AIUIUEY PRICE Professor and Teacher of Violin and Piano. Orchestra Practice Tuesdays and Fridays. Telephone 674 1 THE AUS Of DI5EA5 GET AT THE CAUSE! That's the idea with chiropractic. The seat of most disease lies in the spine. Our method discovers where the root of your ailment Is and uproots It! No knife, no drugs, no dieting merely nature's own way help(eoy chiropractic. ' W. C. ASPINALL (Chiropractor) Phone Green 241 0 & 7 Exchange Blk. (Opp. Orme's) MRS. JAMES CLARK Palmistry and Crystal Reading White House 225 Second Ave. Telephone 767 Nelson's Beauty Parlor Permanent Waving and Hair Bobbing by Mr. All Nelson! Violet Ray Scalp Treatments, i-Facial, Marcelling, Hlngei),&., Water Waving, ManlcurlnE. MRS. 1HCKEY, MRS. NELSON 211 Third St. Phone Blue 5C1 Ray Oil Burner safe Silent economical See me now WALTER LONGWILL Clearing Engineer Phone 581 P. O. Box 730 TYPEWRITERS So other value ran approach the wrll REBUILT UNDERWOOD 5 $75.00 i Very easy tfrsi. 'All other makes from SI 5.00 UrNnSTTMND AII1MNO MACHINCH United Typewriter Co. Ltd. YAMW'VEK. I1.C A. W. Edge Co. Wholesale & Retail Plate, Window and Ornamental Glass. Wallpaper, Wallfelts, Muresco Brushes. Paints, Varnishes. Oils, Painters' and Paperhangers' Supplies. Phone Red 53 P.O. Box 459 330 Second Ave Prince Rupert Singer Sewing Machines On Easy Monthly Payments As tow as $3.00 per month Cheaper to tmy than rent AH makes of machines repaired. McRAE BROS. LTD. JITNEY SERVICE Betvetu Port ClmnU and UMn Charlotte City. Mondati afad Saturdays. Iraws INvt Clements. 8JO a.m. )iifni Charlotte Uo.p.m. rare SA each. Hound trip pi. L. l)NON'. IVrt Clement NEON ELECTRIC !TUBE .SIGNS SILVERSIDES BROS. Local Agency IttBVf : men I Bl I CB tBi-JULl DON'T BE SO SERIOUS Here's a chance fer a little fun. One of our 95c surprise packages may contain Just the think you nmd vrfaioh wuld never have been" btiUght otherwise. It saves you shopping around. We have boxed up lots of articles valued from $125 to $S.sa. Soms wf tb urtttjes in the pac-kMtenKN'fnuntalni m, china goods, dttttfn 'efefl, atihyeltlee, cutlssvr-Pniwh ivory, etc) Oet one en Saturday. ?0? w TK f -t W W sj ill TIIC STORE WITH THE CLOCK UB:im:Bifl;B::.Bi;B;iB:.B:iBa:Bdi:BXB CORPORATION Or THE CITY OP PRINCE RUPERT. I TAKE NOTICE THAT: 1. Tha city council or tpe Oerpori- .... tk. nttf Mt Pvlm RimAPf Via.. MiutnitH m local tmirrwpintilji th following concrete sidewalks: Sixth Street (Went Bide) 2nd Av enue to Wayna Plao. ,. Third Avenue JNorth Std) 3rd Street 'ii 2nd Street. Hind a sewr In Section 6 pursuant to Initiative BrUw No. 671, and Oonatruc- tn Bylaw no. oho ae amended wr By law Wo. 78B. 2. A Court of Revision wlU be held on the 8th day of December. 1030. at 2.30 c'cloek p.m , at the Council Chamber. OHjr Hall. Prince Rupert. B.C.. for the urpoee of bearing complaint against f he proponed assessments or the accuracy of frontage measurements and any other complaint which person interested may desire to make and which li to law ooeaiabl b the court. I. No sum osmftetatt sjftaU be heard by the Court of Revision unless the cervon oomDialnrnit has at least ten days before the sittings of the Court of Revision given cmtk nonce in wrltlnc. eUned bf himself, his sol lot tor or agent, sftlras his grounds of eorn- pULUll ssamsi ine spamaj aaaeatmani. open for Inspection at he office of tkve Clerk on the 25th day erf November, 130. E. F. JONES. Cttjr Clerk. Dated this SOth day of October, 1080. SOMETHING NEW FOR LADIES AND GENTS Large assortment new clothes for autumn and winter Just to hand. All finest quality and latest patterns. Come in and see us -today. Riilt nr overcoat comnlete and fin ished in three days. Line, the Cutter Steam cleaning, pressing and altar, inf. we deliver any part 01 tne cny. LING THE TAILOR 817 Second Ave. Phone 649 Miss Trench, who has been spending some time in the city, eft on yesterday's train for MAY LEAVE DOMINION vlTTTvvrTTTTTvTvTTTVr?fTTfTTffTffTTVttvTTT1 ST. JOHN, N.B., Oct. 30: Approval of the stand taken by Premier J. B. M. Baxter of New Brunswick regardtn? the inadvteablllty of New Brunswick remaining within the Dominion under present situation dfistng out of the attitude taken towards the Marittmes by Upper Canada wart given in p. Resolution pawed yesterdajrat a council meet-i in gof the local Board of Trade, i A committee was appointed to Interview Premier Baxter regarding grain freight rates decisions adverse to the Marltimes as well as other matters. Well Known Tyneside Shipowner Is Dead LONDON, Oct. 30: J. H. Beck-Ingham, well known Tyneside shipowner, coalowner, and coal expor ter, died at his residence at New castle, at the age of 87. James Hot ace Becklngham was for over half a century ,one of the best known figures in Tyneside commercial circles, he also found time to take a prominent part in public affairs in Newcastle. Q. J. Dawes, who has been stopper of the fisheries patrol cruiser Metra during, the latte part of the season, has tied the boat up for the winter and Is again in personal charge of hi furniture store and auctioneering business. J the texturesof Carnation-made thahe?r Pvmg W,em unusual smoothness and delicacy, TlaJu But better results are only one of many advantages which Carnation offers. It is econ- omical because it keeps perfectly in the can until used, saves on butter and cream.and being of dependable quality Prevents spoiled disftes. It is convenient because you can always keep a generous supply, and in anal space. Anijt it k good. Carnation is simply tha best of ukol milk from selected herd, Nothing is permitted to impair its freshness; it goes into the cans the day it is received: and it is then sterilized to keep it pure and wholesome until you use it. Try the recipe below. And send for the Carnation Cook Book. It is free. Address Carnation. Co Limited, 134 Abbott Street Vancouver, B.C. Carnation Curried Shrimps 3 tbep butter, 3 tbsp. diced onkm.3 tbsp. flour, 2 tsp. curry powder, I Up. salt, few grains pepper, 1 cup Carnation Milk, 1 cup water, 2 cups shrimps. Scald Carnation and water together. Melt butter, add diced onion and cook Sminutes ; add flour, curry powder, salt pepper and scalded milk, stirring constantly until smooth and thick. Cook over hot water 10 minutes. Drain shrimps, re- ...... A, kM.1. o rA uiuvi; uaiiv tcui, uiut tuu muww add to curry sauce. When mixture is heated, serve in patty shells or on toast points, uarmsn witn pamey. serve & AND THE SAUCE THAT MADE THE CHURCH UPPERS FAMOUS A rrtam trnman T lrtvw tms vertZjTI tides also have their effect on always aUced to provide the creamed chimed beef at church suppers. No one elae could b, make such delicious creamed Tftatu chipped beef so rich and but- ' tery as to sauce, so smooth and velvety and altogether detectable. t- . , . . , j ! uIZ. Effil,0! 'k; k. "7- "v I she attended ailed amon crwKMand the domestic science exrezfesiAfled the merits of Carnation btx could stand it naigsjiBM wm- lesdy she excla meorxnfilisyw my creamed chiDDed beelaa Bowitood. I ne'er told anyone bei fere but it's the Not many of us can guard a cooking secret so vigilantly. I know that I cannotwhen it comes to Carnation Milk. For it does make so many things better fives a better body to sauces and cream soups, a cream iness to puddings and custards, a smoothness to ice creams and candies, a fine, delicate texture to cakes and waffles, a velvety richness to everything in which it is used. Evry drop of Carnation Milk is doubly rich in ertam Because Carnation Milk is evapor ated to double richness and because the. cream content is broken up into finest I . -i . i:..:v.... i nii u i. .V.nM fjdlliucv luuiamwuic 1 1 Hi i uuuuutbupj milk, every drop of Carnation Jt ICS double portion oi enriching creatnwXbis richness it snares witn even'uimg m which it is used. The finer cream par- 6mk Carnation Milk makes such delicious dishes because it is 6uch good milk. -Evaporated to double richness and sterilized for safekeeping, it is convenient, economical and dependable. (See recipes above) REMEMBER PRODUCBD IN CANADA The Safeguarded Mtf f( "from Contented Cows" ave Tour CMIeSreEt and Build up Tlieir Strength PERHAPS YOUR BOY DOES NOT NEED A JOB! YOU are sending him to the University and later on he is goiny to study for the medical profession. He will locate some-v here in British Columbia. What does it matter to him whether people demand B. C. Products or not. Ask any experienced medical man who his best paying patients are and he will tell you they are working1 people who have steady jobs. One half the community cannot be prosperous if the other half is not. Think it over. Ask for B. C. Products. B. C. PRODUCTS BUREAU Of the VANCOUVER BOARD OF TRADE i DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Kippers "TIIE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD n Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & PltlNCB FREE! Hand Painted Enlargements To introduce our work to local customers, until November 1. we wlU make a guaranteed hand-painted enlargement from your own snapshot or photograph, without charge. And supply frames for your paintings at 25 to 90 lower prices than prices quoted by outside concerns. Before placing your order for enlargements-Consult Us Either phone or write We Will Call WESTERN SALES COMPANY P. O. BOX 158 CENTRAL HOTEL TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIKY FOR . SKEENA BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City Dr Alexander X-RAY SERVICE PHONE 575 BESNER BLOCK DENTIST m ww. mi W9MZ m TTT 1 Cold Storage Co., Ltd. RUPEOT. B.C. FREE! FREE! menfUBBuaama COAL Buy the real Coal our famous Edson and Cassidy-Welllneton in any anantitles. Also Bulkier Valley Hay, Grain and Robin Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co I'll ONUS 58 AND 558 Phone 566 Rupert Motors Garage and Service Station DODGE and RANT AM AUSTIN Distributors FENDER AND BODY WORK A SPECIALTY 1 0