mm 1" . . it.. nil 11 I LA ilsHSSSSBSBSSSSBSSSSSSSSm Good News S Mothers J Daily News Want Ads. bring quick Results PAGE BIX TIIE DAILY NEWS Tuesday, NovrhfP - .,, TEMPTATION 30c 25c $1.00 S1.95 40c 0K... Fresh Fruits and Vegetables at Lowest Prices. Arriving Every Boat. Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited 417-423 FIFTH AVENUE EAST IsLd IS! CONTINUES Our annual Temptation Sale, which caused such a sensation last week, continues this week bigger and better than ever, with prices that simply will not brook opposition. Come and sec for yourself and be convinced. ARGAINS FOR TH BOYS' CAPS Boys' Caps in assorted shades, tweeds & velours Temptation Sale Price BOYS' KNICKER PANTS Boys' Knicker Pants in all sizes, in tweed or serge Temptation ftf Sale Price BOYS' CORDUROY PANTS Boys' Corduroy Pants in Troubadore high wiast, snap button, slant pockets 24-inch bottom. Temptation Sale CM zh Price iJJfoSW WINDBREAKERS Boys' Windbreakers, in all shades. Tempta- CXo tion Sale Price ... Suits The following lines in Boys' worsted and tweed suits make it inexcusable for any boy to be without one Boys' Blue Serge Suits of exceptional quality, guaranteed fast dye. Temptation Q-fl 7 AC Sale Price V A BOYS' LONG PANT SUITS Boys' Long Pant Suits, in assorted shades, in pure wool tweeds. Temp- tationSale QO Price ?0.i?J OVERCOATS Boys' Winter Overcoats, smartly tailored in the latest style, the same as Dad s. Temptation Sale Price . . . $11.45 Alterations as usual no extra charge EBOYS BOYS' LECKIE BOOTS Boys' Leckie Red Stitch Boot s, solid leather. BOYS' SWEATERS Boys' All Wool Sweaters & Jerseys in all shades Temptation Sale Price BOYS' UNDERWEAR Boys' St. Margarets Combination Underwear made in England, sizes 21 to 34 Temptation g-fl Off Sale Price ....?A00 CHILDREN'S SUITS Children's Margaret Cashmere Wool Suits, regular price, $4.5(1; Tiinlp-tationSale C Qf! Price pXV& Many other bargains which space does not permit us to quote THE ACME IMPORTERS ALWAYS SELL GOOD CLOTHING The Acme Importer OUR COAL IS IN A DRY S1IKD When you are buying coal look on the economical side of life. If you buy wet coal, you arc losing 10. So start today and burn dry coal and see what 10 means to you. I'UMHINA EGG Delivered, I'ef Ton $12.50 MINLIIUAD EGG Delivered, 'Per Ton 12.50 MIXEIIEAD LUMP Delivered, Per Ton 13.50 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580 CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Ul'EKATINU (i. T. IV 20,000-TON FLOATING DKYDOCK Entinccru, Machinists, Ilollermakers, KlarkamUha, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 Weekly Special What About Your; Bread Business? Uread Raisin, Drown and White, 3 loaves for Cutter Hollybrook, Woodland, 2 lbs. for Sunnybrook 3 lbs. for Soda Biscuits Large pkts. 3 for Arrowroot Biscuits per 1-lb. pkg Sweet Mixed Biscuits per lb Sunklst Oranges-; 3 .dozen for ' Jap Oranges per bundle .. Bananas 3 lbs. for VcgfetafilFqpmbinatlo: iWfcnirTTfe Ihs Tnrklrx rTT.w.. it m i a r.'... 25c 85c $1.15 ,i 'arrotsl 95c f- li.ftJfl.'-J i Third Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. P.O. Box 667 NO CHARGE ACCOUNTS NO C.O.D: TERMS, STRICTLY CASH Mail Orders Promptly Filled at These Prices Twenty Years Ago In Prince Rupert November 25, 1930. The Harris B,ros.,havc refui an offer, of $100,000 for. the AmerlT can uoy mine Tieat' Haiellon. Th offer was made by Prince Rupert interests. The property will be bonded for a much larger sum In Vancouver, W. 8. Harris states. The work of erecting the pole line along Third Avenue In con nectlon with the new power plant is proceeding. Two boilers In the power station at Cow Bay are nov In place and the enclne is on iU SaP;'ay from Vancouver, -r Mrs. Sarah Chrwtlna Mortoson wife of Louis Mortoson, Third Av cnue, died from the effects ol Durns suswinea some time ago when she fainted while carrying a lamp. She Is survived by two sons and a daughter. (Mrs. F. W. Chandler, who still lives here, is the daughter.) lbs"'. Cab(CITY UOItROWIN $100,060 FROM BANK J&ter .hai " lnformatMi been received from F. E. Robertson, local manager, to the effect that head office of the Royal Bank of Canada had approved the advancing of another $50,000 to the city, the council last night put through a bylaw providing for the temporary borrowing from the bank of $100,000 Including $50,000 for the new loan and $50,000 for the renewal of a note now coming due. Maturity date will be In March. NEWS OF THE MINES AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Annual Meeting of Dalhousic Co. Interior Coal Proving Popular 3Icu.ll Keviews Activities In Omineca AHmn division At the annual mectiiigaTtlie Dalhousie Mining Co. Ltd., vhich was held recently in Victoria, the president, in his address, stated that it was hoped by next spring to have actually blocked out sufficient ore to keep the proposed mill at the Molybdenum property near Alice Arm running for two years or more. In view of the length of ore bodies xposed on the surface and allowing for them to extend downward for a reasonable depth, there was probably, as a matter of fact, sufficient ore for the property to keep a mill of reasonable slip going for an ' r indefinite period. EfforU to finance Vancouver mining engineer, made the work have met with excellent a brief examination of this property success ana. witmn a short time, it:,n nrtnher nH u niri tn h. hn is expected that all financing will .... be completed to equip the property vorf pressed with gold- 'howings which have at- wlth a good mill of fifty tons per ?Mnlu.h day initial capacity and to develop """ "'UV, Z 7 u ' J sufficient ore to keep it working fori"' "Xrw""" . long period. The mill should be,'' u c .m-:au- ompleted and the prooorty in pro- showing, on the same property fltable production within approxl- '"T w. 1,1 ' rclhed in order to centre his mately a year. Directors wore rc. efforts the 1'orchei laland on gold elected and oflcers for the ensuing year are: president. Andrew Wright; r1" " "7 , treasurer, E. Butterworth; secretary. I , T 7, ... .17 D. S. Talt; directors, W. D. Brown, tenry Mitchell. Oeorge Cameron and William A. Pratt I Thc- has been a great run on the itput of the coal mine which Is eing operated near Telkwa by 'rank Dockrlll ever since the cooler The end of the season of activity 1 nd settling down for the winter inds Omtneca mining division not ltogether without some hopeful igns writes L. 8. McOill. well known j lwyer and mining man of Smlth-rs. The activlUes of W. R. WUson i Sons on the Ingenika River have ccomplished a great deal and some f the Flnlay River prospects taken p last year are said to be showing, p very well. Con&ilidated Mining i Smelting Co. carried out an active J eason of work on the Emerald pro-crty In the Sibola region, south- est of Houston, but It Is reported hat some of the work that was lone did not meet with quite as nuch sucess as might have been vntlcipated. Another field where Consolidated was also working dur- ng the season In the vicinity of rakla Lake and Driftwood River vhere promising copper and gold howlngs are said to have been discovered. In the Omineca Itlver and vianson Creek sections placer oper ations were carried on by a number of operators. Including Consol-dated. Distance from transporta-lon has been always a serious landlcap for this section but the construction of a new government oad Into the area from Fort St. 'ames appears to help out In this -espect while the Peace River rail lUtlet through Peace River Pass will e sure to put the district on Its :eet. In the Bablne Range, some vork has been carried out on the ironln mine and It la concurrently eported In Smlthers that the Cro-iln Interests will carry on a derel-ipment program on the property :ommencing In the very near future. Such work as has been done in the past two years has opened up nuch new ore and Is very encour-lging but finances have been lacking for extensive work. The Lor--alne and Silver King properties lave had active development work which has met with success. The nost recent work in the main tun-lel of the Silver King has advanced i tunnel as a drift on ore for fifty feet and some remarkable showings if native stiver have been brought .n from the new development. F. W. Galloway, Spokane mining engineer made an examination of the pro-; perty In the latter part of October j and Is understood to have been favorably Impressed with what ho saw. Olacler Gulch group on Hudson Bay Mountain is still under negotiation for a deal but so far none has Jieen closed. J. p. Woqdworth, nif. i COAL Buy the real Coal our famous Edson and Cassldy-Wellington In any qnantitles. Also Bulklcy Vallty Hay, Grain and Kobht Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 558 QEBQBKDSXSB9CXB fall. Telkwa Collieries, five miles from Telkwa, have operated for several years past but, owing to the death of Prank Taggart, who waf promoting a large project to develop with English capital a plant to utilize the by-products from the coa: ........ . Iku j A4t... I .H.. I- vepther has set In. Up to the pres- " . V"". nt. it has been out of the question ie nne "ow,ct,8?,, h tricl o wt any coal ahead for shipment "W? ,n Frank M DockrtU s people with trucks have been at c?' Jim op-he mine bunkers to cart the coal en,ed operation another coal Just one mile from the Telkwa wv a v.n a. min.r. hrin. it now read tert ,ut. The Telkwa coal Is proving very c",c1rlc uto opular with the people of the - Julkley Valley. . ... . " TUESDAY and W T Tll.n CI BEBE DANIELS In - lawful Larceny' With Lowell Slirt-ri ..i All Talking Thrill- Irlv, Woman Who Evi r i,n, a COMEDY "Neighborly Neighbor- NOVELTY "Meet the Coy I i n. "CAM BRA TRAILS PARAMOUNT n: . rlnSsln Feature Starts a' 7 THURSDAY ant! r: if) And Kemri- :.i . THURSDAY MATIM i A ) JOHN BOl ' ' CAPTAIN OP THK i ; is known as the Betty other coal property m work has been done tin., j is that of th' Copper ' Fields at Coal ''reek 7v valley. F. B. Chettleburnt development there in on Oet pays. the Ad. re.mi. . I : Cf.W BfeOZ Jmanaa This advertisement is not published or displayed lv Lhjuor Control Hoard or by the Government m British Columbia. FOR SAT F HOUSE 9 rooms and bath, sew nice fenced in garden with concrete walks A real bargain HOUSE 4 rooms and bath, sewer connection, double corner, Fifth Ave. W... partly furnished HOUSE 7 rooms, fully modern, Fifth Ave. Terms to arrange cr i 3,500.C3 S1,500.C3 4,000X0 McCAFFERY, GIBBONS & COLL ART, I.TR Third Ave. Mutual Life of Canada ri.c:,- 11 Chevrolet Prices Reduced ii'urr Reductions $60.00 to $80.00 NEW LOWER PRICES EFFECTIVE" AT ONCE TIIE FIRST SEDAN SOLD Under the New Prices we will special attraction, a set of new chains, a radiator full evaporating Antl-frccze and car fully conditioned tn- use. Licensed and Registered. This Is excep- Q-flftflft fli tlonally ouUtandlng value. Price lUUV"" KAIEN MOTORS LTD. Telephone 52 CHEVROLET and BU1CK DEALERS Prince Itiij" ''JHJ