Tuesday November 25. 1930 tttt; datly wtiws PAOE t'ivd 1 I mm Uassiiied Advertisements. Business and Professional Men s Guide. Leea olsces" Mi A DAILY NEWS FOR SALE AD. WILL CONVERT THAT UNUSED PIECE OF FURNITURE INTO CASH. TRY IT! FOR SALE (SACRIFICE of new Mink Stole. Wonderful Christmas Gift. Apply Dally News Office. tf Foil SALE 16 h.p. Imperial En-pine Can be, seen on "Bonlto", Cow Bay, Price $400. 285 FOR SALE Brick lined heater, almost new, cheap. Apply Mr. Schl-bip, 331 Second Avenue. (tf) CHEAPEST White Newsprint Paper lor wrapping or other purposes, may be bought ten cents a core as long as they last. Dally News. FOE SALE Business property on F'vnnd Avenue, Store Building, living apartment, six rooms over. Store rented. Snap $4,000, terms. M. M. Stephens. 274 FOR RENT ROOM for Rent. Phone 943. 279 FLAT FOR RENT Wallace Bloc. Enquire store. tf FURNISHED Apartments for rent. Apply Mussallem Grocery, Phone 18. (tf) FOR RENT Modern house. 3 rooms and bath. Apply Munro Bros. tf FOR RENT Furnished apartments by day or week or month. Phone Red 607. tf FOR RENT Room with board or batching. Heated rooms, 704 Mc-Brlde Street. tf To Rent Cosy Two & Three Roomed Apartments Free use of electric light and washer Rentals $10 to $16 monthly DYER APARTMENTS 3RD AVE. SITUATIONS WANTED PROPERTY repairs, plain furniture ! made, furniture repaired. Get my price Phone Black 707. (275) WANTED WANTED Secondhand range In Rood condition. Phone Red 519. 278 BOARD AND ROOM BOARD and Room. Phone Black 707. tl ROOM and Board. Phone Red 129. tf NEEDLEWORK 1JEMSTITCHINQ, Mrs. Feasby. Phone Red 315. TRANSFERS " CAMERON'S Transfer. Phone 177. Dry Birch, Cedar and Jack Pine. tf RED'S TRANSFER. Cartage and Furniture Moving. Phone 204. tf Second-hand dealers New and Second-Hand Goods Hought, Sold or Exchanged W. H. Montgomery Jfl Avenue Phone Blue 339 HA!,VAGK AND TOWING " It's on or under the water we do It.M pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. N'y Equipped for Divine and General Salvage Work Ants for EASTIIOPE ENOINfS Boats and Scows of al! descriptions for Charter Row Boats and Canoes for Hire Rarealns In Gas Engines Northern D.C. Distributors Coolldge Propellers 8and and Gravel in any quantity, delivered anywhere by water Wione, Day or Night 561 P.O. Box 1561 LOST MISSING Black Labrador Retriev er. Notify Dr. Tait, telephone 108 or 109, NURSE'S pin, between Post Office ana Hospital. Leave at Dally News. . 270 CHIROPRACTIC Sunshine and Red Ray Treatments Nervous, Female and Chlldwns' Diseases Specially Treated W. C. ASPINALL (Chiropractor) Phone Green ZU 6 Si 1 Exchange Blk. (Opp. Orme's) AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART We buy, sfll or exchange any kind of furniture or household goods, musical Instruments, machinery, etc. General repairs, crating, packing and shipping. Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone Black 120 and we will call G. J. DAWES, Auctioneer, Federal Block. tf TiMiiEit sam; wtnn Sealed tenders 1111 be received by the Minister of L&ndi at Victoria not Uter than noon on the 24th day of November 1930. for the purchase ot Licence X12-7Bfl, to cut 2.614.000 feet or Spruce, Heratoek, Balaam and Cedar on an area situated on Apha River, Alpha Bay Pttt Island, Range 4. Coast Land District. Two yeara will be allowed tor removal ot timber. Further partioulara of the Chief Forester, Victoria, B O. or District Fores tar Prince Rupert, B.C. oct 27. no S. 10. 17. LANK ACT Notice of Intention to apply for Lease Land In the Btlklne Land Recording District of Caaalar District, and situate about three mllea and one-half aouth of Tukequah Poat Office on TakU River Take notice that I. Oecrge. Robbln of Tulsequsn. B.C., occupation bookkeeper Intends to apply tor a leaae of the following described land: Osmmenclns at a poet planted on bank of slough, thence aouth 80 chain; theatre east 40 ehalna; thence north 83 chain; thence weat 40 ehalna, and eontalalRf ' 39 acre, more or lea. EOROK ROBB1N? Dated August 15. 1930 LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In the Btlklnt Land Recording Dls-trlet of Oaaaiar District, and attuate about three miles and one-hair aouth of Tulaequih Poat Office on Taku River. Take notice that I. wmiam Strong, ot Tulaaquah. DC, occupation merchant, tntenda to apply lor a leaae ot tlit following deacrlbed landa: Osmirvenchig at a poat planted on band of akragh, thence aouth 80 chain; thane eaat 40 chalna; thence north 80 ehalna: thence wrat 40 chain; and cefctalaUg 330 acrea, mora or leaa. WILLIAM STRONG Dutad AULruat-34. 130. i. 4- SCALE OF CHARGES . . The following Is the scale of charges made for reading notices; Mnrrlaire and Enjrncement Announcements $2. itame. Itirth Notices 50c funeral Notices $1. tarda of Thanks, $2. Funeral Flvvers 10c tier A D.ly News want-ad will 'irlnp rfmilta. E RJNCING UP AiO YOuClsTT CO OUT- I'M RUMrOlM' TMI HOUSE IF I'M tsJOT I.VAMTi i TO KMOVJ'THSi!. COUNCIL TAKING STEPS TO HANDLE UNEMPLOYMENT ARISING IN THE CITYi - Cusslar District Land Recording I District of Prince Rupert, nnd situate ' Ion Dog Plah Bay on Portlanu Canal, (continued from page 1 ) 1 Take notice that The Canadian Flah- i , lng Oo. Ltd.. of Vancouver, B.C., occtl- slty t,. of . additional funds being 6 ob- K"eu. In diSCUSSion which followed, it' was pointed out that the principle was for the city to be refunded two. thirds from the governments for amount spent In direct relief. Aid. Collart suggested that unem ployment relief work might be extended on the new road and that an appeal be made to the government with that end in view. Mayor Orme replied that about sixty men were now employed on the road and it would be difficult to handle many more without opening a new camp. Under the appropriation, efforts were being made to carry on as much work as pos sible. Grading was in progress f toward r Cloyah Bay and this end' was being surfaced. 1 Handling Unemployed After City Engineer Good ha re-' quested a ruling on how the unein- pioyea snouia De nanaiea in giving out work, the suggestion seemed to be agreed upon that, for a start, say within the first two weeks, all the unemployed should be given a few days' work, the marired men with families coming first and the single men next. After all had been given at least a few days work during the first two weeks, adjustment could be made on possibly a more efficient basis. It was conceded that it would be impossible to have the same efficiency as would be the case tf a regular permanent crew were on the Job. No hard and fast rule was set down by the council either as to who should receive work or In the matter of the number of days they should receive. All this, It was felt, should be handled by the engineer himself without Interference on the part of the council. The aldermen, however, expressed their willingness to co-operate wherever possible. It was suggested that a conference might be held, more J particularly to determine who among the applicants were really in dire need of work. Taking some eighty men at a time, It was pointed out that it would take at least five periods of work to handle the total number of men who were already registered at being in need of work. Aid. Llnzey stated that he had heard that the government was contemplating dividing up the work on highway construction Into two panes ner month each wnrklntf half a month. It would be necessary i for the city to watch that men from ... , . . . .. . this work did not get on city relief work. Mayor Orme stated that he had not heard that It was the in tentlon of the government to divide up the crews. FIRE LOSS $1515 During the month ot October, the city fire department responded to four calls, it was reported to the council last night by D. II. McDon aid, fire chief. Damage totalled $1545 all of which was done In a fire In the basement of D. E. Murphy' home on Fifth Avenue West. Expen rilturcfl 01 tne department lor ineipathm Fish Packets intends to applying Co. Ltd. of vanetuver. B.C., occu-month, including Salaries, amoun ) ,or of the follewmg deserlbed pation Fish Packers tntenda to apply ted to $1105. The usual inspections j . ... 'Jjl of the. w,w,n """ had been made of equipment Which ! urns was iounn fnnnri to to be De in in eood gooa order oraer. , , City accounts for the two Weeks ending November 21 and totalling 4M8 were nassed for rmvment at last night's council meeting. FATHER BUT,OADOV-OEAR 1 PFVOMiSHO JlMMlE ROGERS VO CO FOR A jPlr) VJTH HIM HEti Waitvmc isy Tne CVRUOR MOW s- rxi -aV j LAND ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Lne l Foreshore P h P- intend, to apply .for a leaae of the following described fnreshoi - Commencing at a poat planted at camiar District: thence west 5 chains; thence North 10 chalna; thence - Eaj'. 9 cha-'ns more ot less to high water mask; thence South westerly following high water mark to point of commence ment; and containing 5 acres, more or Ices. THE CANADIAN FISHINO CO. LTD. per A. II. Holland, Agent. Dated Sept. Bth, 1930. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to apply to LeaJe poreanore In Range 5, Coast District. Land Re-; Notice of Intention to apply to Lease cording District of Prince Rupert, and Foreshore situate on the North end of Haystack In Range 8, Coast District, Land Re-Island, cording District of Prlnoe Rupert, and Take notice that The Canadian Plah- lng Co. Ltd.. ot Vancouver, B.C, occu- j Island. S miles South east of the moat pation Pish Packera Intends to apply westerly of the White Island a roup, tor a lease oljh following describe"' Take notice that The Canadian Fish-fcreshoror- I tag Co. Ltd, of Vancouver, B.C, occu- vAwivMviiiajAf.i b yuai yuxuia , recntencL monui nt on the (North-west tcrner hf Havktack Island: thrnrn rurth jSf halns; theiEJ East 10 chains; thence Sgfeuth ' 5 chajafr more or lf to high (water marraKence scuth-westerly. fcl- lowing high water mark, to point 'f 5?l?eat' conU1Illng 5 acrM- THE CANADIAN FISHING CO. LTD per A. H. Holland, Agent. Dad Sept. 7th. 1P30. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Lease Foreshore In Range 8, Coast District, Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate on an unnamed Island lying one mile North of Haystack Island-Take notice that The Canadian Fishing: Co. Ltd, of Vancouver, B.C, occupation Plan Packer intends to Apply for a lease of the following described foreshore: Commencing at a post planted on an unnamed Island approximately one-quarter of a mile North and one-half of a mile West of Lot 8931 B. 8 Ooas. thM Vaif 4 ili. t . .. n OA,k IA chains; thence East 5 chalna more or Jsasv to shore line: thence North wMrtoriv falong hlft water mark to point of commencement and ce-maimni o acre. Lmore or i . per" A.' H. 'HHacd. Agent. Dated Sept. 4th, 19 LAND ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Leue Foreehore In Fange 3, Coast DlrtrlcV Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and snuaie on tne Baft snore it Dundas island opposite Qreen Island Lighthouse Take notice that The Canadian Fish ing Co. Ltd, of Vancouver. B.C.. occu pation Fish Packer Intends to aopty tor a. tease, c tne aonowing described foreshore:, ' Commenting af a poet planted at hlghwatcr mar on . the Eats, shore of Dundas Island opposite Qreen Island UhtHot)e; tiSmeeBast 8 cltis: thtawsr lNorttMO. chains; thence West! I clttlnM more or less, to high watyr mark: thence Southwesterly along high water mark to point of commencement and containing 8 acre, more or less. 1 1 IX CANADIAN FISHINO CO. LTD per A. H. Holland. Aeent. Dated Sept. 8th, 130. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to applr to Leas Foreshore In Caaslar District Land fceeortUng Distriet of Prince Rupert, sn.i situate Dn Lr cnn on uana. iu oo, ud, et Vancouver. B.C.. oocu- f"cn VtnJZ?trl i fffi for lease ot av tha .Vllwlng deacrlbed coresherc- Commencing at a post planted at ;nMhI ' the North west corner pas', of Lot 6ia . Caaalar. thence 1 ehaln Wet to high voTf'S L" Jl E'JJi water mark; thence South 10, chains; htf. iiJ i oS2. Sfil thence East 10 chalna; thence North Ctt i Jhi ivnl wTj eiSfir chains inert or leas, to fclah water JLha."V !nff. f?' 'J?.1"; mark: thence North westerly atone hf 1 water water toark mark te te nnlnt point of ot commencement. nonJmMvSnt: ! and containing b acres, more ,or Ion. THE CANADIAN FISHINO CO. LTD. per A. H. Holland. Agent. Dated Sept. Sib. 1930. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Lease Foreehore In Range S, Coast DUtrlct, Land Recording District ot Frlnce Rupwrt, and situate on the South end ot I lays tack Is' nd. Take notice that The Canadian Fish ing Co. Ltd., of Vancouver. B.C., ooeu-1 sroth-east eorner et Haystack Island; tnenoo tsoutn a naina; taeocc went 10 chair: thence North S ehalna. more or 1(M to nlgn wtt.r mark; thence South- terly, following high water mark to Tng s acres, more r leaa. TUB Canadian fishino CO LTD I per A. II. Holland, Agent. Dated Sept. ?th. W36. i'UV- EE TO T 7 i THACT HU fig oonj't wait" nria uoNiq he's COIN' FOR Av SPiH AyUE- iff:,, LAND ACT.? ''T' Notice of Intention to apply to Leae Foreshore In Ranfce 8, Coast District, Land Recording District of Prlnoe Rupert, and srtuat on the South west hore of Walts Island, opposite The Proctor Islands. Take notice that The Canadian Fis.i-uvg Co. Ltd.. of Vancouver, B.C, occupation Fish Packers Intends to apply for a lease ot the following uescrltwi fureshore: Commencing at a post planted on the South West shore of Wales Island-apposite the Proctor Islands; thence West 10 chains; thence North 10 chains Ibence East 8 chains more or less to high water mark: thence South easterly along high water mark tolnt of commencement and containing 8 acre more or leas. THE CANADIAN FISHINO CO. LTD. per A. H. Holland, Agent Dated Sept. 1st, 1930 , land act situate on the West shore of Dundas yuuuu r 111 riic&crs uiictius ui apply far a lease of the following described loresnore: Commencing at a post planted at the outh entrance to a Bay lying about 5 miles south east of the mot westerl) of the White Island Oroup; thence i North west 10 chains; thence South I west 8 chains: thence South east 10 chains: thence North east 5 chains and containing 8 acres, more or less. THE CANADIAN FISHING CO. LTD. per A. H. Holland. Azent. Dated Sept. 1st, 1930. LAND ACT Notice ot Intention to apply to Lease Foreshore In Range 8. Coast District, Lanl Re cording District ot Prince Rupert, and a situate on Zayas Island of West shore line, I and one-quarter miles south of the north west corner of the Island. Take notice that The Canadian Fishing Co. Ltd, ot Vancouver, B.C, occupation Fish Packers Intends to apply for a lease of the following described foreshore: Commencing at a post planted 1 an1 one-quarter miles south of the North wast comer of Zayaa Island; thence North east 10 chains; thence West 8 ehalna; thence South west 10 chains; thence East 8 chains and containing 3 acres, more or leu. THE CANADIAN FISHTNO CO. LTD Dated Sept. 4th, 1930. per A. H. Holland. Agent. USD ACT Notice ot Intention to apply to Lease roresnore In Ranee 8. Coast District. Land Re cording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Bartlett Point on the 8outn West of Wales Island, Take notice that The Canadian Fishing Co. Ltd, of Vancouver, B.C, occupation Fish Packers intends to apply for a lease of the following described foreshore: Commencing at a post planted at Bartlett Point, on South West shore it Wales Island, thence Weat 8 chains: l hence South 10 chains; thence East 20 fhalB to high water mark; thence north uurba westerly westerly following souowing high nign water waier . mark, and containing 10 W more THE CANADIAN FISHINO CO. 1 per A. H. Holland. Agent Dated Sept. 7th. 1030. ' LAND ACT Notice Of Intention to apply to Lease I Preshore , in Range 4, coast District, Land lie- . cording Dktrtct ot Prince Rupert, and situate on the West hore ot the most westerly of Whit Island Oroup, 1 and one-half mile west of the Arnlston Point, DuncHs Island. t Take not let that The Canadian Ptsh- Oo. Ltd, of Vancouver, B.C. occult :.n Fish Packers Intends to apply nTl Jl l .' haln and COnUinlng w 5 acres, more or less THE CANADIAN FISHINO CO. LTD per A. H. Holland, Agent. Dated September 8th. 1930. LAND ALT Notice ot Intention to ' apply to Lease ? Foreshore In Range 8, Coast Dltrlct. Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, an? situate on Zayas Island, one-quarter if a mile North east of the South eat corner. Take notice that The Canadian Fish- Commencing at a post planted one- : quarter or a mne norm east or tne , smth eaat corner ot Zayas IUand.-K thence North east 10 chains; thence )T South eat ft chains' thence aouth west ( and containing 5 ivrr m ire or lew. I 1 TOE CANADIAN FISHTNa CO. LTD 1 per A. If Holland. Agent. Dated Sept. lit. 1030. S) itM. I ml Ft.iurt iuvu, Ik . C 8tiu cwkU nMnta Prince Rupert School of Music Fall Term Begins September 2 II. AUBREY PUYGE Professor and Teatner of Violin and Piano. Orchestra Practice Tuesdays and Fridays. Telephone 674 Wood and Coal Cheer up! The best was coming. Now It's Here Try our new coal Just arrived CASEY'S CARTAGE & FUEL CO. Telephone 303 MRS. JAMES CLARK Palmistry and Crystal Reading White House 225 Second Ave.' Telephone 767 SKEENA LAND RECORDING ' PISTKICt Take notice that the British Colum bia Fishing tt Packing Company, Ltd. of Vancouver. B.C., occupation. flai packers, Intends to apply for a lease at the following described foreshore, situate on Naas Harbour, fronting on Lot-J Range 5, Coast District: Commenelng i post planted on the east side of Naas Harbour, thence west IS chain, more or less, to the opposite shore: thence southerly, easterly, and northerly, following high water mark, to the point ot commencement, and containing twenty- ilve acres, more or less. Dated 8th August, 1930. j. H. Buahncu. Agent BRITISH COLUMBIA nSHINO PACKINQ CO. LTD IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH : COLUMBIA IX PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF TUB ESTATE OF HENRY MANUEL RICHARDSON, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY OFTEN "that air creditors and other person having any claims or demands against the, estate or Henry Manuel Richardson. Testator. . late of Prince Rupert, In the County of Prince Rupert, Deceased, who died ' on the 2nd day of August 1930 and whose will was paoved In the Prince Rupert Registry of the Supreme Cour , of British Columbia on the 33rd day cfi October 130 by Alex Strachan c.r Prince Rupert. B.C.. Laundry Manager. the only Executor therein named mlr. . . ' r , , i g -1. 1 claims and demands to us the under. (signed solicitors tor the said Kiccut'r Ion or before the list day of January 1831 at the under-mentioned addres '.after which date the said Executor w:i! ' proceed to distribute the assets of the I said Henry Manuel Richardson deceased amongst the parties entitled thetwvo having regard only to the claims sod demand or which he shall tnen have had notice and the said Executor wi!! not be liable for the aarets of the de- ceased, or any part thereof, so dlatrKm-' tea to any person or persona or whur i claims and demand he shall not then have had notice. DATED this 1st day of November. 1930. WILLIAMS. M ANSON. OONCALIS! St TAYLOR Besner Block. Prlnoe Itupert, Bj;. Solicitors for the Executor. Alex Strachan. ADVERTISING COPY MUST RE IN EARLY Copy for display advertise- ments should be in the hands ! of the printers not later than 1 3 p.in. the day prior to publl- cation. This Is necessary to en- " able best positions to be 86- cured. Z Daily News "Want Ada" brim-wick retilb. By Corg DOkjt 6e OUT TOO LATE' I I V v NELSON'S SANITARY Beauty Parlor Crnquignole Permanent Wave, $7.50. Only genuine Ringlette Supplies used: Also artistic Hair Bobbing by Mr. Netoon. Expert operators to serve you in all branches of beauty culture. 211 Third St. rhonc Elue 501 TYPEWRITERS Wo other vslne ean apprnaih the sperlnl REBUILT UNDERWOOD 5 $75.00 Very ensy tfrmn All other make Iron SI 3.00 ftUNDKTBAND ADDING MACHINES United Typewrker Co. Ltd. VAXCOl'Vfift, B.C. Ray Oil Burner SAFE SILENT ECONOMICAL See me now WALTER LONGWILL Heating Engin-er rhone 581 I. O. Box 730 Singer Sewing Machines )n" Monthly Payment As low as $3.00 per month Cheaper to nuy than rent Ail makes of machines repaired. MeRAE BROS. LTD. aUMauaWlVM UHIIWJ1 jUft4 I 1 1 II III Phone 566 Ruoeri Motors Garage and Service Station" DODGE and BANTAM AUSTIN Distributors FENDER, AND BODY WORK A SPECIALTY Dr Alexander 4 : 4 ' X-RAY SKRV1CE PHONEYS RFNER BLOCK DENTIST NEON ELECTRIC Tl'BE SKINS siLVF.asinEs nuos. Local Agency MfMmii? SOOO N1VCHT DA.DOV. I'M 5UAvD You fQtJR MiMO' -9 ' " I lit wwawmn i -4ia" If r 01 i yi Mi tot. HI mm Ah ?