ft I rAUE TWO Published EverAfief roonVlMi" ndaiV f 'Prn' 3 , Daily $evv LTmJ1$lrd Ay-ejlue, ,! l" I II. F. PULLEtf - Managing-Editor By mail to all other1" parts of British Columbia, the British Em- i!v W,l .11 nihpr countries. r,er vear 7.50' Pple of Canada that their coun- earthquake shock was felt on the By mall to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, r lipald pald in in advance advance for for yearly yearly period period 3. Transient advertisins on front page, per inch Local readers, per insertion, per line Transient display advertising, per inch, per Insertion Classified advertising, per insertion, per word nls. While the Conservatives say they think they will make gains, these will not be sufficient to give them a working majority. The Liberals say they will make a net gain of 11 geafomaking them that much stronger than they are todatfL ; W Conservative , , Liberal, . NovaScoUa no change Noa Spptla ". 5 gains New.Brunswick 2 gains ' ew Brunswick 1 gain P. E. I 1 gain P. E. I no change Quebec .: no change Quebec 2 gains Ontario 12 gains Ontario 2 gains ; Manitoba 6 gains Manitoba no change Saskatchewan .7 gains Saskatchewan 3 losses Alberta 4 gains Alberta no change ,' British Columbia no change British Columbia 4 gains r The Daily News PRINCE HUPEKT - BIUTISI1 COLUMBIA Li'iit. SUBSCRIPTION RATES CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK V. AND 1.4C .02 Legal notices, each in.ertin. per agate line If Contract rates on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Editor and Reporter' Telephone 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations ' -V'. DAILY EDITION 1 'n Thursday,' July r3,'!1930 J.JL- -JL- T f NEED OF REPRESENTATION In view of the condition under which Vancouver candi Peace River grain growing country. That is one reason why Mr. Hanson should be elected to represent Skeena. ELECTION FORECASTS , . Manv of those not directly interested in the outcome of SHIPYARD .'OPERATING G. T. K 20,000-TON FLOATING DllYDOCK Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworkers. Etc ELECTRIC JSO ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle Alt Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 335 DEMAND (jfRupert Brand" WJr Rjpp ers "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD " Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, BXT The Letter Box k 1 T0k1 1'LUB-DUB I other hand, are all arguing that 'the Liberal Government has no 'right to take the credit for the wonderful era of prosperity through which Canada has been passing and in which she has become one of the leading manufacturing countries of the world. Which then is right, blue ruin or prosperity? Mr. B?nnett and the other Tory speakers hope by much noise to drown the voice of the financial papers and the banks of Canada, who are proclaiming that we arc the most prosperous nation in the world today. The Tory Concert must surely dates fnr Parliament are tiroine the buildintr of the Peace i thlnk toe. electors lack ordinary River outlet to Vancouver, it is of particular importance co"Tvn1!!f to Prince Rupert and the whole of Skeena district that a , government supporter be returned for the constituency! so that we may gjet at least an even break here. As we have pointed out before, Olof Hanson has a way of getting things. He learned how to do it in connection with his own business. Now he will be out to get Prince Rupert placed on the map as the western outlet to the Thanking you for the space. LONO-StJFFERINO-ELECTOR. Man in the Moon This Is the time for serious thought, not for jokes and jollity. There Is a political campaign on hand. ' the flection are trying to figure out what the result is like- j Let's blow the trumpet louder Jv to be. Uank managers seem to think the Liberals may And summon the faithful few pqibly lose a few seats but not enough to affect the government The Financial Post has secured two forecasts from Ot- To hold the country back in leash Away from all that's new. Let us all old things conserve, i 4.. .Wam hhJ tewa, one from Conservatives and the other from Liber-jAnd reuse to bend to ijm lift. n xl. ... ilk ruiA '4.1-i ... 1 1 .u thought Both today and evermore. Political orator: "I venture to assert there is not a man in this audience who has ever done anything to prevent the destruction of our vast forests Small man in audience (timidly) "I've shot woodpeckers." Jake says he's going to vote for the man that seems to. have the most intelligence and not lor trie man that talks the most or smokes the most or who craeks the most jokes. Voter's Prayer Lor help me to pick a winner So my vote I may not lose Now which, O Lord. If you werenw Would be the one tha,t you would choose? The meanest politician In this old world of ours Is the one who gives away leaves And holds on to the flowers. the About this trap a jnan has In vented to catch and .hold burglars a pity it wouldn't grab wild el ection promises, and the politicians who make them. Industry stands for for quality. Ernest Bloch. r You can't have toO)nuch thought In an opera. DeemTaylor. What you expect you get with Anhraser-BnMh Budweiser Barley-Malt Syrup, LIGHT OR DARK Rial IN BODY NOT BITTER iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiii fn2 DAfL? ICvv3 TEMBLORS ft .Ml Dear Mr Editer f Dispatch From Queen Charlotte I have been much amused wlthi Islands Confirms Report Made Ihe Tory IncohsisteneiM In thls B Local Citizens campaign. - ' 1 T, 1 - ' Mr. Bennett and his faint echo' SKIDEOATE, ' July 3: At 9:10 .j t.!. j ij i .j.... ,oo. .nn "u uccn Kiiiiis ij last mursaav evenint. la. severe try is not only unprosperous but Queen Charlotte Islands and at ,, hw rpacn n, A .,,' nnii. ,L?r,i":22?. S Kmg gov. City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance $5.00 eml nn,r on th, 2.80! Right r Mackenzie Leader. i vtre tremor'was perceived. A Je'wi seconds before the latter 'quake was felt, there was a long deep rumble which was followed by -several heavy jolts, one after the other, j Certain citizens of Prince Rupert erted that they felt an earth-j quake last Monday afternoon about; 5 o'clock but, as one was not reported at the Olgby Island meteorological station, no mention was made of it in the press. Death is not a calamity, but an adventure through which we all T T IT-83? II -I n Not just Election speeches . . . Liberal or Conservative candidates . . . but tbe actual Toices of Canada's greatest statesmen brought into your home by Victor Radio with Electrola. Thrill to the inspiring speakers who will hold thousands of distant listeners. Praise . . . criticize . . . judge . . . decide! Cast your vote as you react to their arguments ... for through Yictor Radio you will hear every word, every intonation, every meaning. You will know! None but Yictor Radio could reveal so much ...platforms and policies ... coast-to-coast conditions . . . "spot news" . . . final reeults . . . l?mi'&fi'-H yah ! - . . p , : iVKTMt TAUONC MACHINE COMPANY V T B Hie JVetc r 9 J Victor Radio with Electro I ' Complete urilh tubtt $375 Thursday, July 3, 1SSB You can buy Salada quality at three cups for a cent "SAMOA TEA Fresh rom the gardens' Hon. R.B. Bennett Contrrvmttvt LeoAar in tht FmUfl LToum f4 (5Clf" the actual voices of the election candidates with THEVictor all with that clarity of tone for which Victor is famous. Go to your Victor dealer NOW before the campaign reaches its height. His demonstration of Victor Radio with Electrola will show you what pleasures await; you today and for years to come . . . entertainment from air and records beyond anything ypu have ever heard. To Victrola owners; Your Victor Dealer tcill make you a liberal allowance on your Old Victrola against the purchase of Victor Radio ivith Electrola. Take advantage of this urt paralleled opportunity TODAY 1 H 4 lcror-jxaaio with ELECTROLA. OF CANADA LIMITED, MONTH EAI, ORTHOPHONY VICTOR VICTROLASAND M.U.p KfOQ I RADI records JLvJLXaC JL-FI J&9 JLlLU receivers mmmmmmmwmmxKmmmmmmmw If your News does not arrive before 6 o'clock Photic 98