att rf. i Pore ae yo ~ Page 6 THE DABLY NEWS NC LS A LE A A ere enn 0e eR ER a G.H. Arnold - - Notary Public For Sale A fine level Double Corner on Fifth Avenue, Section Six. This is one of the most desirable residential sites in the City, and the price at which we are offering it is very moderate. If you are thinking of building it would be worth your while to ask us about these lots. ec ei AL H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. Prince Rupert Ory Nock & Engineering Co. Vessels of any size Docked Repairs of all kinds in wood or steel. boats can Fe docked together on one smali making fees light. Large stock of repair materisis is being laid in. Foundry Work Castings in tron, Brass, Bronze, Etc., made at Reasonable Prices. Machine and Boiler Work of all kinds Several seclion, Business of Industrial Plants, Mines, Mills and Canneries Solicited. Designs and Patterns Made and Furnished. SSS = M.M.Stephens ; Notary Public the button have not bought a *| If you do not wear you probably i bond. We carry first quality rubbers only—no seconds at the Family, Shoe Store. 62 FOR SALE | === Prince Rupert Exhibition. Seven-roomed House with two Lots, on Graft Hill ee 7 All persons ov finms hav- ing accounts against the Northern B. C, Agricultural Association or owing moneys to the Association are re- 4 qti@sted ‘to present their Statements to the Secretary Closed in sleeping porch, fireplace and range, concrete pillars and wall in basement, and stationary tabe ia kitchen before noon Friday, Nov. 14, to be passed at the last meeting for this purpose that will be held on the a M. M. Stephens evening of that date. Rea! Estate insurance Financial Agent G, A, HUNTER, Secretary. Ee > TA ODO Pes ' CPC PO OO ODI OO KOIDE Ow OO 8 3} SECRETARY WANTE At your Service with ; . ¢! ooiwear } Applications will be re- + ceived up till Saturday, No- vember 15 for the position of FOR LADIES Secretary to the Prince Ru- Dorothy Dodd, Onyx, Lady pert Board ef Trade: and ee savietua, Wane, should be addressed to the . s other well known’?! ccting secretary, Board of rands. Trade rooms, Second Ave. FOR MEN 1 Slater, Invictus, Fitrite, S gseneheeb ieee tie eanedentineetaratebipstonthiomenebunaiase Tetrault, Williams, Leckie, ete. FOR BOYS AND GIRLS or ale Le ‘e, Eelipse, Williams, Pillow Welt, Clums, ete. Rubbers—Rubber Boots SNAP For Quick Sale--Lots 5 and 6 for All. Block 43, Section 8, $60.00 Each. Sree 5-Room steam heated modern house Fami ly Shoe St ore hear drydock» $2,500, Term®. i-K h se, ’ Geo. Hill E. R. Tabrum — ee ee section 5, é > . Phone 357. i-Room house on Fifth Avenue in The Practical Shoemen section 5, $1,600, Terms. = pene DELTISTRY || eae, Gib One decayed or missing tooth , lowers your oliciomy DR. BAYNE Office Hours--Morning, 9 to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.80; Satur- day, 9 to 12 oniy. Eveni Tuesday, Wednesday and ri- day, from 7 to 9. DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE PHONE 109 FOR APPOINTMENT & Doyle, Ltd. Agents Phone 41 ° 3rd Avenue Insurance Real Estate Rentals. Violin Lessons J. SENESCU Leader of the Westholme Orches- tra, is open to give Violin Lessons Phone 15, Central Hotel Launch Alice B. josqngamquonnasnnseats Chilli Con Carne * Hot Tomales At the CHILL! PARLOR - 835 Second Avenue Phones 41 and Red 391 For Hire by the Hour, Day or Week —_——————_—___ Picnic and Fishing Parties Trips round Harbor J. MYHILL-JONES Delivery Service Extra Phone 557 Tuesday's Special No. 1 Jonathan Apples Rupert Table Supply Co. Phones 211, 212 COUNTY COURT Two Cases Adjourned, One to Wednesday, the Other Next Week. In the County Court this morn- ing there were two actions up be- Judge oung. In both cases the Georgetown |(Lumber Uo. were che plaintiffs and both actions have arisen out-of the price and payment for lanier. In the first ase, in whieh P, Laporte is the defendent, evidencé was taken for rotun the plaintiff!’ company and the defendent. The was ad- journed in order to allow the plaintiff to produce Hatmburton eck as a witness. This will take it least a week before the case an be proceeded with. The second case, in which the defendent is C, K. Ytreberg, is ad- journed until Wednesday. iore case Wear your button if you have bought a victory bond. WANTED TO RETURN TO THE CITY LOCKUP Evidently the treatment given it the Hotel de Vickers is very popular. This morning a Chinese who had just been let out after being a guest for three months, came back and asked if he could again become a boarder at the famous establishment. Constable Adams showed him the door and told him that the bus left for Seal Cove at ten o'clock. There an honest job awaited him. Have you bought a Victory Bond ind do you wear the button? BIRTHS There was born at the Prince Rupert General Hospital on Sun- day, November 9, to Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Reith, of 642 Young Street, 1 £0n, There was born at the Prince Rupert General Hospital on Sun- day, November 9, to Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Kergin, of Alice Arm, B. C., a daughter. The nation needs the money, so now is the time to buy the bond. Pianos coitectiy tuned. e. €. Walker. Phone Blue 389. tf Phone 41. B. C. Undertakers. EMPRESS TONIGHT GLADYS LESLIE in “The Cure” Charlie Chaplin in “The Cure” ‘Pathe British tale Gazette Two Shows - 7.15 and 9 Adinission 15 and 30 cents St. Regis Cafe Special Menu, 50c. Tuesday, November 11 Luncheon 11:30 to 2 p. m. Dinner 6 to 7:30 p. m. lice Tomato Soup Fried Salmon Steak Tartar Sauce Boiled Alaska Salt Cod Bolled Piekled Pigs’ Hocks, Spanish Calves Brains, Scrambled Eggs Individual Steak and Kidney Pie St. Regis Special Steak Hoast Beef and Pan Gravy Mashed, Botled of Baked Potatoes Bread Pudding, Lemon Sauce St. Regis Famous Jelly Roll Assorted Jam Tarts Tea or Coffee 'WATOH FOR WEDNESDAY MENU ~~ ee Local News Notes | 9 es ee ee eR es nr Wear the button; buy the bond, Kemnant sale Wednesday morn- ingat Wallace's. 263 Get behind the button and buy a Victory Bond. the family at the 262 Rubbers for Family Shoe Store, . ° . Alex. Chanley, of Alice a visitor in the city. . Arm, 18 \ real treat to music lovers at the Westholme tonight. ae le i 855 Sewing machine for $45 at Barrie's Stock Reducing Sale. tl . 7 7 Capt. Wm. J. Selig returned from up river by last night's train, . * . The “Director” Corset. Manu factured in Prince Rupert. Phone Blue 92. ti . . * The light-house tender was in port this morning on coal. Leebro taking Jas. MeAleenan came in from Alice Arm on the Prince Rupert Jast. night, Haifity Dorothy Gish in “ Polly?” good comedy; Westholme tonight. , Peppy good music, We are agents for the “Arnow” brand gum boot—the best Ameri- ean boot. Family Shoe Store, 62 N. Miller, of Chicago, arrived in the city on last night's train to visit with Mr and Mrs. A. Guttstein. Dorothy Gish in “Peppy Polly’; two-reel Mack Sennet comedy; four-piece orchestra, Westholme tonight. * 7 , Remnants of dress goods, cre- tonnes, prints, flannellettes, rib- bons, laces, ete. Wednesday morn- ing, Wallace's. 263 > . . Jack Falline, charged with -agrancy, was dismissed in the police court this morning, there ing insufficient evidence to con- viet. Mrs. Peter Wallis is for Vancouver on Mr. Wallis will weeks’ time. the south, leaving Thursday, an: follow in a few They will reside in . * * The Coquitlam was at No. 3 shed this morning unloading sa! mon from Mill Bay. She had ; capacity cargo of the fish, most « which she took -right on to Van couver. . . . Mrs. J. Pitts returned to the city last evening from Boston where she has heen visiting for the past several months and was welcomed back again by her many friends in town. > > . Remnants, Remnants, Remnants Wallace's Wednesday. 263 . * . If you do not live in Prince Rupert, your name fo: one of our new Christmas cata logues Beautiful goods at spec ial mail order prices. Send at once while they last. John Bulger, Jeweller. tl The button is the emblem that signifies the bond buyer. . . > MY’ Frederick Taggart, the well cnoWh Scottish baritone, has been engaged by the. Prince Rupert Syyiyphony Orchestra, for its next coheert ty be given in the West- holme Theatoe Sunday evening, November 16, 1919. . > * Remnants of all descriptions at Wallace’s Wednesday 263 . * . The case of Mah Sang Sing, charged with having liquor in his possession and whose bail of $100 was estreated, was remanded this morning. Mah had been sick and was unable to attend the court with the result that he lost finan. cially, as the fine he probably would have peceived would have been fifty dollars for the first offence. Spiretla Corsetiere. Phone ack 257. ee eeeseseeceesese * TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY * FHT eee LEMAN who is also good gen- eral blacksmith, wants job, Ap- ply box 17 Daily News. 267 FOR SALE—Medium-sized heater, one flat-top oak oftiee desk, Phone Blue 148, 266 IANITOR WAN... — Part time Job. Reliable man desined. Ap- ply American Consulate. if Is J ewelry a Luxury Much of a jeweler’s sto k, such a clocks, rings, chains, etc., can necessity nowadays. It is necessary to keep up to date. Pr, of jewelry give real pleasure, Say that a little most of us? Often a rather have the pleasure a gift brings than twice the nv it costs. and who pleasure is not needed hy person would We show a splendid selection of cifts 4) season. (all in an. how. JOHN BULGER f The rl Stoie TE A A nt ere Seer ee ee - a ee es oe re re ee oe _ ly) a, a .< ee. We wil smnounee to the Public th. TIM'S - TURKISH BATHS AND SANITARIUM Everything modern and up to date We guarantee expert service Give us a tria 722 Fulton Street, formerly Klon< tke Hotel OPEN DAY AND NIGH‘ Phone 309 Georgetown Lumber Co, PHONES 130 Bt 423. . BOX 1632 Largest Assortment of Lumber in Central B. C. FISH BOXES 4 SPECIALTY SPRUCE FIR CEDAR Consult Us. CAROL HALLOWAY Starring in the great serial “The Ia Test” opening at the Empress Theatre on Wednesday &0! rhurs day of this week. ~~ oe mo 5 =F ETA ET ET Canadians “Put it over” in France They always achieved their objective. Our boys made a reputation for all Canadians to live up to. Canada’s objective now }s $300,000,000. Do your bit and BUY VICTORY BONDS. ha a Ormes, Limited Two Phones 82 &200 At Your Service