COc Lilas de Franco Talcum Free with a $1.00 Bottle of Lilas de Franco Lotion 50c Liquid Brilliantine Free with a $1.35 Bottle of Eau de Quinine Orates IicL yfie Pioneer Drugtisls Phones 81 & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St. THREE GRADUATE PIIARMICISTS TheFish which made Prince RupertFamous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. PMNCE ItUPKUT, B.C. $1,000.00 To Spend Will Be Yours Deposit $5.00 Monthly For 141 Months With YORKSHIRE SAYINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION Paying G Interest Compounded Semi-Annually LOCAL AGENTS McCAFFERY, GIBBONS & COLLART, LTD. TIHIM) AVKNIIK TELEPHONE 11 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED M'KCIAL UlNTHt KXCl IMOS I AKKH Tlilpls mi Mte from Nov IV 191" ' 1Ml lh rrturu limit Marvli SI. 1MI) l'KINLT KUI'LKT TO VANCOUVER $10.00 RETURN ..r,.xi Mmiiirr lrr ITIiir Kiirt tor Vatwmni : TMs rTAl.. l.i:ilV TIKMIAV. IS VM. Arrlvliif Vancouver, m Oen Tnily Thutwlajr Nom appro. TS.H. l.VIUIDYl EVKKV IKIHAV MIUMtillT Arriving Vancouver B-Jiiti.iy midnight M?- . V.ivKiy Miiingi to Port SUnpaou. AW Arm. Artyos. Stewart ana was aiver K'iU. Sunday. 8:00 p.m. I ' her information reuiirdm all Ulnga aud tlckeU at fa i rw.NCr: mri:uT aiikxci r ' 1'r""' B.C COAST liTEAMSlltPS I'Immic sos H. C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE SAlUMiS MOM I'UINCK KUixur To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juncnu, Skajway DlHTIllljlT 13. 27. To Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle Dwrmbrr 3. 17, Januury 1. ITIncew Mary Ox,... Fall., .-fa. v";i"Ver ttu1 V," u:i... very FriURj'. 10 p.m. Arents For All Steamship Lines W C Or, hard Pen. Aijent. SrdAv . Prince Rupert. Phon.81. SOMETHING NEW FOR LADIES AND GENTS Li'-"! assortment new clothes for ufumn und winter Just to hand. All finest quality and latest pat-jr:: come in and see us today. oii! or overcoat complete and fin-' In three days. Ling, the Cutter m, cleaning, pressing ind alter-"B We deliver any part of Uie city. . LING THE TAILOR Second Ave. Vhonc GI9 SPEED WITH SAFETY Is what you will enjoy In a comfort able roomy car, by calling TAXI 25 L Promptness, reliability and courtesy is our motto. A trial will be appreciated. Phone 36. 1 Matt Videck Ambulance and Taxi Service Daily News Want Ads. bring quick Results Eagles' Whist Drive anl Dance Wednesday. Dec. 10. in Eaitles Hall formerly DeLuxe Hall. Good music prizes and rerreshiiients. Admis sion 50c, -288 Mrs. Schaeff er arrived in the city on yesterday afternoon's train from New Brunswick to pay a visit with , her sister, Mrs. Love sr., C50 Fourth Avenue East. Owing to large demand for tick ets. the High School Concert will be held at the Moose Hall both Thursday and Friday nights, Dec 11 and 12. All tickets and admission good for either night. 283 Staveley Mellor, who is in the service of the Canadian Marconi Co. at Vancouver, is a passenger aboard the Prince George today bound for Stewart where he will spend the Christmas holiday sea son with his parents, Mr. and Mrs John Mellor. W. H. Tobey, C. N. B. divisional ; engineer, returned to the city on '' yesterday afternoon's train after i having accompanied a. T. Chappeli, I general superintendent, and his i "party up the line 'as far as Jasper Park. Mr. Tobey left again for the interior on this morning's train. Ensign R. Boys, who has been stationed at Wrangell for the past years as financial officer of the Salvation Army for Northern Bit tlsh Columbia and Alaska, was a passenger aboard the motorshlp Northland yesterday bound for Vancouver to which city he has been transferred in the Army ser vice. Court of revision on the civic voters' list is being held, this afternoon. There it .alto a special meeting of the city council this afternoon for the purpose of finally reconsidering ami adopting deben ture- "bylaw providing for the fi nancing of two downtown concrete sidewalks and the Section Five trunk sewer. Isaac Thompson, post-master, storekeeper and general factotum of JMhvay, Queen Charlotte Is lands who has been receiving hospital treatment in Vancouver for the past two months as a result of ! which his health is now much Im- proved, and Mrs. Thompson ar-; rived in the city on the Prince George this morning from the south and will proceed to the Islands on the Prince William to night. 'TENIHJU8 WANTED Sealed tenders for the purchase of the Anglican Mission Boat "Northern Cross" will be received by the undersigned up to noon December 13. 1930. Terras strictly cash. The boat may be inspected at the local Dry Dock and typed general particulars may be had from Rev. W. H. Rushbrook, P. O. MS, Prince Rupert, B.C. 270 ROUND y TsQILP WINTEHQ f ACES PRINCE RUPERT to VANCOUVER or VICTORIA fncluiin Mrmh nJ Bwlk. Tlrkcli ea ! up t Feb. Mill, 111. Ihlum limit March Slit. For Informallun ffall or writ R. F. MrNAliUHTON. H.P.A., rrlnr Knprrt. ll.C us Wednesday, December 10, 1830. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE Was Weak and Run Down Could Scarcely Do Housework Mtb. Edward A. Alien, lfc-uinson, Alta., writMs "I would like to tell you of the great benefit I have received from your Milium ' Heart and Nerve Pilla. I wm feeling very much run down In health, and wa lo weak I could scarcely do my housework, In fact, I would have to lie down in the afternoon for an hour or o. I law your lU la tn8 drug atore and took a box home with ' PriCe 50C a bOX fe' and 1 Wfl delighted with my renwid.itriigth. I have recommended them to a neighbor an' feel aure they will help her too," Sold br air drof nd unfral ,u,tm, or mailed direct on rwwlbt of v prict br 1 VL 1 T. l' Vllbani Co., Ui., Toronto, Ont Pinaud's Special Offer Local Items Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at Ileilbroner's store. J. Dacanovlch and S. Slklmlch left on today's train for Montreal whence they will proceed to their native home in Jugo-Slavla. DO YOU SUFFER FROM. CONSTIPATION? ' Countleis remedies are advertised 'for constipation. Many relieve for the moment but they are habit form ing andimuit be continued. Others contain, calomel and dangerous mineral drugs, which remain in the system, settle in the joints and cause aches and pains. Some are harsh purgatives which cramp an4 gripe and leave a depressed alter effect. Avoid lubricating oils which only grease the intestines and encourage nature's machinery to become lazy. CA purely vegetable laxative such as Carter's Little Liver Pills, gently touches the liver, bile starts to flow, the bowels move gently, the intestines are thoroughly cleansed and constipa tion poisons pass away. The stomach, liver and bowels are now active and the system enjoys a real tonic effect. AH druggists 25c and 75c red pVgs. Mrs. M. A. Dupuis of Haysport arrived in the city on yesterday af ternoon's train for a brief visit In town. Mrs. William Montgomery Jr. of Anyox arrived In the city on the Ca tala yesterday from the smelter town to pay a visit here with rela tives. The regular monthly business meeting of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club was held in the Commodore Cafe today. President C. A. Klrken dali was in the chair. Ted Smith, who is now in the employ of the Powell River Paper Co. at Powell River, arrived in the city on the Prince George this morning from the south and will spend the Christmas holidays here witr his mother Mrs. R. J. D, Smith. CNJt. steamer Prince George, Capt. Harry Nedden, arrived In port at 11 o'clock this morning from Vancouver. Powell River an.l Ocean Falls and will sail at 4 ojclock this afternoon for Anyox and Stewart whence she will return here1 tomorrow evening Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Burden and Mughter and two sons are paying a brief visit in Prince Oeorge anl will spend Christmas with rela tives in Nova Scotia prior to proceeding to London, England, where Mr. Burden""wIU assume his duties as agent-general for British Columbia. Dale L. Pitt, general manager of the Premier Oold Mining Co.. is a ' passenger aboard the ss. Prince Oeorge today returning to Stewart During a recent trip south, he addressed the annual meeting of the British Columbia branch of the Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy at Vancouver. In last Friday's Victoria Colonist appears a picture of the handsome new hospital at Hazeltoa which Is nearing completion, hav ing been erected by the co-opera tion of the provincial government with the federal department of Indian affairs and the Home Mls-mlsslons Board of the United Church of Canada at a total cost of $76,000. Inset is a pclture of Dr. H. C. Wrlnch, superin tendent of the Hazelton Hospital. ANNOUNCEMENTS . High School Concert, Dec. 11. Royal Purple Bridge and Whist series, next game, December IS. Operetta "The Enchanted Pal-tee." Booth Memorial School, Dec 10 and 17. Mdose Christmas Tree Whist Drive nnd Dance, December IB. Canadian Legion B.EJ3.L. Christmas Tree December 20. Moose Christmas Tree Dec. 21. Baptist Christmas, Tree December 33. Son of Norway Christmas Tree December 20. Lief Erickson Christmas. Gathering December 20, Moose Hall. Moose Legion dance New Year's Evo. Hogmanay dance l.O.D.E. Elks' New Year's Eve Cabaret Elks' Home. j ; Presbyterian Burns' Banquet on January 23. Dinnerware, china, crockery, glassware. Ileilbroner's Store. Otto Bergseth. youne Jocal rail- but fisherman, returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train af ter a six months' visit to his native home in Norway. Local friends will be interested to hear of the birth yesterday of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. R Mitchell, formerly of this city and now residing in West Vancouver. M. II. Dlott, local manager of Edward Lipsett Co. Ltd., returned to the city on the Prince George this morning from a brief trip to Vancouver on company business; F. J. Boutcll, local representative of the International Correspon dence School, returned to the city on the Prince George this morn ing from a brief trip to Ocean Falls. John W. Allen, superintendent engineer for the federal fisheries department, arrived in the city on the Prince George this morning from Vancouver, being here on of flclal duties. Seventeen cars went out with today's regular passenger train for the east, there being 10 express refrigerator cars laden with local frozen fish in addition to the regular passenger equipment. R. F. McNaughton, C.N.R. district passenger agent, left on today's train for a trip to Prince George and other interior points on official business. He experts to be away for about a week. On a charge of making a false statement In connection with a recent shooting accident, Tom Kersey appeared before Magistrate McClymont in city police court this morning ana was fined $10. Don Graham returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from Terrace where he was called at the end of last week owing U his mother having suffered .i stroke. He reports that Mrs. Graham is now considerably Improved. siaM II I M HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel UMIIU NI.W MAN.Kir.MKNT Nlruiit llratrd; TratrllW Samplf Itonmi: Hot and C'aild tUtrr Free l!u Merl All Tralm and Kates $1.00 and Up M'CCI.VI. MONTHLY IUTK8 C. K. HKK.AllT & A. DOSALII liirleturs PHONE 51 Savoy Hotel . Prince Ruper.'s leading family hotel. Hot and cold water in all rooms. A. J. I'ltUnilOMME, Prop. Cor. of Fraser nnd Filth 8ts. New Royal Hotel I. Zarelll, Prop. THE II0T1X MOUTH WHILE Hot & Cold Water: Steam Hrt 75c PER DAY AND UP Ti'lrphone JSI Boston Grill Larie Cabaret SPECIAL DINNERS Thursdays anil Saturdays DANCING Every Saturday Night, 9 to 12 Dance Hall for Hire Accomodation for Private I'artl's Phone 457 Prince Rupert Take Advantage of Our Closing Out Sale and Save Fifty Percent On 'Xmas Buying! Mens Gift Rayon Silk Shirts Why Pay $3.50? 10 dozen Rayon Silk Shirts regular value $2.50 to $150, detached and attached collars. Sizes 14 to 17',i. Manufactured by the best people in Canada. Special at $1.95 I Invite the best judges to inspect these goods. Ladies' Slippers A large assortment of Ladies' Boudoir Slippers. These make a nifty Christmas Gift that will please any lady. . Going at 30 Less Than Manufacturers' Price CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR EVERYONE We are carrying a carefully selected and choice line of Mufflers, Squares, Gloves, Hosiery, Doots and Shoes, Etc. These arc all being cleared out regardless of cost. Ladies' Sample Dresses A choice assortment of Ladies' Silk Dresses. Just the thing for evening wear. To be cleared regardless of cost. MONTREAL IMPORTERS Meeker Block Mr. Miller is retiring from business owing to 111 health, and la sacrificing this valuable stock. The Sweet Tone of The Chimes An exact reproduction of the Westminster Abbey Bells, are given by our Westminster Abbey Clocks Only $35.00 OUR EASY PAYMENT PLAN Enables you to secure one at $5.00 down balance, monthly. JOHN BULGER, LTD. Third Ave. W. Telephone 122 . HH00IOOO CW 0WOO OOP 000aCHOCH!lOrrOOOrrr Norwegian Anchovies Skin and Boneless, large tin 30c . Make Delicious Sandwiches. Ask JACK SELVIG Third Avenue & First Street Prince Rupert, B.C. OFFICERS NOMINATED Gyro Club Names Candidates For Officers Next Year The Gyro Club today nominated the following for 1931 officers: For President Dr. L'. W. Kergln. C. C. Mills, B. J. Smith. For Secretary William Mitchell Douglas Nelson, W. M. Watts, E. J. Smith. For Treasurer II. A. Dreen, O. C. Arseneau, N. L. Freeman. For Directors William Crulck-shank. I W. lVaughN. L. Freeman, M. II. BlotUMM..rMcLachlan, V.; M. Watts, S. J. Jabour. T. W. Brown and A. 8. Nlckerson were elected to membership In the club. Eddie Myers, of Charlerol Pa., 'former page in the VS. Senate, I owns n baseball on which the orig-' lnal signatures of President Hoover, 'former Presidents Harding and ICoolldge. and Vice-President Curtis appcui. PEACE RIVER POLICE FORCE IS INCREASED rc-UCE COUPE, Dec. 10: As an indication of the rapid settlement of the Peace River Block, it Is pointed out that the work of the provincial police has practically doubled during the past 12 mr -tits. At present there are detachments at Rolla, Fort St. John, Huda n Hope and Fort Nelson and it Is probable that a detachment will be opened up in the Sunset Prairie district In the near future. SCALE OF C1IAKUES The following Is the wale of charges made fqr rending notices: Marriage nnd Engagement announcements $2. name. Rirth Notices bOe. Funeral Notices $1. Cnnls of Thanks. 12 Funeral Flowers 10c per