t The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally Ntws, Limited, Third Avenue E -yPULLBli? 'C Maaaglnflrxgdltor jk&x Turned the Tables (Long Rory suggested that they "take some fun off Angus" and ask him to help them haul the big fishing boat up the shore. The idea was that they should all perk away and upset Big Angus at the other end, Into the sea.) The wind winged their whispering to Angus And he smiled as he waded tp help, Upstanding and bold, to the box he took hold, And kicked a good stance in the ktlp. row shove, you MeLeods' while I haul. J And we will land her over the sand: I know you are strong, and the push mi l long If everyone gives a true hand." At the heave ahd the' strain The MeLeods "braced again" (With the ebb of the. tide giving helo to their sidfrt Not a foot or an inch did they budge her, For McAsklll was having his fun, (He enjoyed their grunting and grouching). Then he took a fresh grip , Of the bow of the ship;, And tore her In two, Left the stern with the crew, And ran up the strand With the prow in his hand. He laughed till the sheep on the mountain answered, And the birds in the birch Joined the strain; Even the game in the brush were Joyful Never such mirth we hear again. City of Pittsburg Gives a Wet Vote Radio last night gave the Literary (Dlgest figures for Pittsburg in the literary uigeai straw vote on pro hibition as follows: Total vote, 20,751. For enforcement, 4,363. Fonmodlf ication, 5,244, For appeal, 1 1,139. The Weather Dominion Telegraph Service Prince Rupert Rain, fresh. southeast wind, temperature 36. Terrace Cloudy, 8.E. wind 36. Rosswood Cloudy. S.W. wind, 36 Aiyansh Cloudy, calm, 34. Alice Arm Cloudv. calm. 38. - Port Simpson Sleet and rain. ,. Haysport Snowing, calm. 24. i Hnzelton Part cloudy, windy, 38, r ritf. 141.... 1 . . , n n .' uimuicis uiear, caim, au, Quesnel Part cloudy, calm. Eighth Cabin Snowing, calm. ' ' ! Man in the Moon ; TTgm Supposing the .Lord had waited as jiong about the work of crea- uon as tne Federal Government seems to be about dealing with the radio question. Man would never have been made under such difficult circumstances. The man who is decent and at tends to his own business seldom goes to the newspapers and asks to -ha ye his name kfpt out. The difficulty with our modem aristocrats in that th world dna not teem to reeenlze their arl- ptrociuoy ana reiusei to pay them enough to give them a chance to iora u over their fellows. " .k.J.f. . ',1-, --'ft . i. . f: Tteifdmouj RE-4J- Musk from, tit , ot ucorJi with eqiidljitvoriJtrftih tonal qtud-'.., Price; ,tomplete'tv:tb i,373.-. J ! librmf of .VictorjletorJt.J -without additional charge, " RJC1 ' t PAGE TWO THENDAILY REWS Thursday April 3, A i - SUBSCRIPTION RATES By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Em- plre and United States, paid in advance, per year ........... 6.00 By mail to all other countries, per year 7X0 For lesser period, paid in advance, per month 50 By mall to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, , paid in advance for yearly period ...: '. 3.00 Or four: months for 1-00 City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance $5.00 Transient advertising on front pace, per inch 2.80 Local readers, per Insertion, per line Transient display advertising, per inch, per insertion ....... 1.40 Classified advertising, per insertion, per word ................ .02 Legal notices, each Insertion, per agate line .16 Contract rales on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone DAILY EDITION GIANT OF 0LDN.S. Ancient Poems Tell of Famous Giant Angus ot Englishtown He lived in Englishtown, St Anne's Bay, Cape Breton, and has been dead a long, long time, -says a 93 Thursday, April 3, 1930, LOGGING ON BIG SCALE One. Hundred and Thirty-Five Men Now Employed By Kelley Co. At Selwyn Inlet The logging camp of the T. Ai Kelley Logging Co. at Selwyn Inlet ; Sydney, NjS., paper. He was born on Morseby Island, is now operating; one of the Scotch Isles and camel run oiast witn a crew oi 135. men to Canada when three years old.! employed. This trip north the. He was nearly eight feet tall; he I steamer Prince John brought from weighed 480 pounds and was one of 'Vancouver two new trucks which the strongest men known In all his- are to be used In hauling the logs tory. There is a brother of his still the distance of three miles from living on the old McAsklll farm at the bush to the wharf where they Englishtown and he has $ome of i are dumped into the water and rat his brother's clothing that he is pleased to show visitors. Two big men can button themselves in the giant's vest and I have seen an 80-pound boy almost buried out of sght In one of his boots. One of his feats of strength, the one "The Song Flshermens' Union" likes beet is told In the following "Come All Ye." (A 'Come All Ye' is (he old-fashioned form of-'telllngai story in lie wasn 't a giant. He wasn't a freak; , Just a braw Scotch laddie, Humble and meek; Reared in the North, Where the winds are strong And nature's toughness Makes folks shun wrong; He loved to work, He loved the kirk, And for a bit of fun He wouldn't shirk. To this big handsome boy A plow was a toy, And a stump that two oxen would back at. He would yank out at ease, Then fall on his knees And thank God for his strength, For his farm, for his trees. ted. Two gasoline donkeys with 125-foot "A" frames are being used In connection with the operations. The .outputof the Kelley Logging Co. is going to the sawmills andf pulp-mftlTrlbg-eoaat. TowH$im Oannery Busy! .- i ' BiriPackIBein Turned Ont Tlf Langara tish;j & racking Company The-Laneara Pishing & Packing Co.'.i.filam.eannertn'M TowlHill, Queen Charlotte ilsJanda. Is working full blast antf u turning out a Targe? pack of shellfish. This trip norths the steamer Prince John made delivery of 2500 empty cases to the canery from Vancouver. TROOPS STILL HERE IN 1854 Fear of the United States Led to MiJnse IriiKingitqn l; KINGSTON, April 3: Some time ago a discussion arose as to when the Imperial troops, were withdrawn from: Canada. One writer Intimated it was as early as 1854, but this is incorrect. Imperial troops were then withdrawn from Canada for service Jn the Crimean War, but some of those who survived were returned fthctitUl others 'Were sent out from England. An aged resident of Clayton, N.Y., John Bazinet, who lived In Klngson as a lad, told the writer he recalled Imperial troops marching back from the Crimean War and parading over the old Cataraqut, bridge, to Fort Henry, opposite Kingston, in 1857. This fort was the home of the ! Royal Artillery in those days. Dominion Archives records show that the last Imperial troops to leave ' Kingston, af tr it had been decided I that Canada would supply Its own (soldiers to do garrison work, was a 'battery of Royal Garrison Artillery j which 'left hjje for England in the autumn of 1870. The Imperial gov lie radio equi ernment presented, the Canadian government with all military lands and fortresses it had maintained since the days of the French re- ' gime. Records show that in 1854, the year the Crimean War broke out, the. $4th Regiment of Foot, now the 1st Battalion of the Norfolk Regiment, relieved the S4th Foot prior to October, 1854. In 1855 the 9th Regiment of Foot, was relieved bv the Royal Canadian Rifles, re cruited from Imperial Army men whose time had expired and there fore, wholly Imperial In eomposi-i tion. I'arade Strength A parade statement on file in the ly Ottawa Archives, dated Nov. 1, 1835, gives the strength of Imperial troops stationed at Kingston as follows: Royal Artillery, 14 oth$r,( ranks. Royal Engineers, 1 officer. 16th Regiment of Foot, 1 other rank. 54th Regiment :of Fpotjfcl ran. i ' .iiu. .ri.. fleers and 398 other ranks Staff clerks, 1 other rank. Total strength, 17 officers dther Royal Canadian Regiment, lSof- and 413 other ranks. In 1861, owing to "The Trent In The official record shows a full hJ tery of Royal Artillery, with oth?J Regulars, was stationed at KlnKtJ for a time, that city being so cll to tne unuea mates Dorder. Following their marriage tonlehl smnn-anajnis nnae. uisa a.. Kudelki'R.N., will sail on the Print. George for.a honeymoon trip tc Vancouver and elsewhere in thi south. The bride-elect has been, member of the nursing staff of thi Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospital fo cident," and the danger of war with I the past two or three years. Jurl the United States, Imperial forces j Smith is In the service of the UnkJ in uanaaa were largely augmented, uu uo. nere. combination oped with a LIBRAKY OF VICTOR RECORDS S'J vTvT you may obtain more musical enjoyment than i- N you ever thought possible before, both from air and records. And only Victor with its direct access to a world-wide army of famous singers and. entertainers, h in a position to give you this unbelievable record collection. And at no increase in the regular price. New Victor Records, constituting a library chosen for its universal appeal, arc now standard equipment with Victor Micro-Synchronous Radio with Electrola. The instrument has special compartments to accommodate this magnificent musical collection. The free offer entitles you to both Red Seal and Black Label Records, vocal and instrumental, popular music and classical masterpieces by the greatest artists and the most gifted instrumentalists of all time. There has been absolutely no increase in price. Victor has simply gone one step further in giving you. an instrument "completely-complete." VICTOR TALKING MACHINE .,..J.j.J1.:jll,iar, V witk AT NO INCREASE IN PRICE - - - Victor' vast resources, backed by more than thirty years of skill and experience in the musical world, have made Victor Radio with Electrola mirror-like truly triumphant in the art of tonal reproduction, whether playing a broadcast or a Victor Record. Hear it, and you, too, will y "Victor is the real, final musical instrument." To present owners of Victor Radio with Electrola (RE-15 and KIM6) Find out from pur Victor Dealer hbvv you also may acquire the free record library.. This off er is unique, only Victor cart makt it. A small Jowrt payment will put the RE-45 into your home today. An J you receive the $25 gift record collection with it. Victor Radio ELECTROLA COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED, MONTREAL - McRAE BROS. LIMITED ir B&BinBnHiannx -,"'"''""""'"''"J''"'imi'im,l''1':