PAQE pour T: 7 i . MM Vfj ANOTHER PERFECTLY GOOD ."it 9 . PICNIC GONE WRONG! - SOMEBODY hat forgonen to pot In the tot packate of Rowntrce's York Milk , Chocolate. Aunt Mary (extreme left) U suspected, but noboJr can find the heart to accuse her. Llnle Bartholomew (seated, with arms crossed, at the right) felt alt along that something was going to happen to spoil the day. Truly, who can imagine anything more disconsolate than a picnic without Rowrv tTee's York Milk Chocolate the delicious bar that sets a new standard of milk choco-kte goodness? Try a bar of Rowntrce's York Milk yourself and mark how much you enjoy eating It, But be sure it is York Milk oo other bar has just that perfect flavour. Ttm k mlm T N Mill wiik dtlleiomt vhole )Ohm lr choae wko brcr t milk chocolate THE ROWNTREE CO. LIMITED. TORONTO Fire Prevention Essay Results William Mills of Sheraton and Maxwell Patrick of Anyox Winners For Northern B.C. William Mills of Sheraton School and Maxwell Patrick or the Anyox High School were winenrs for Northern B.C. In the 1D29 fire prevention contest conducted among school children of the province by the Fire Prevention Committee. Lenny Johnston ef Booth Memorial School, Prince Rupert, and Bar-barfuLeetff Anyox:Hlgh School won honorable! mention? in the contest, roultsjoflwhiqh hve Just been announced. ' Peter Haan of Queen Charlotte City arrived In tue city on the Prince John this morning from the Islands and will proceed tonight on the Prince George to .Vancouver where he is to pick up a new boat which he will bring north. If- f the cleanest kit-chen EVEN will look untidy if the stove is shabbily gray and spotted . . . but any unsightly stove can be made brilliantly black with Zebra Liquid Stove Polish ... the one quick, easy, clean way to make that stove the most attractive spot in the room. ZEBRA LIQUID STOVE POLISH RKCKITTS (Oversea) LIMITED arorrrvMi. - tomonto - vajscouvui 'SUPPLIES ! ORDERED School Board Dealt With Tender List at Special meeting The school board, at a special meeting last night, accepted the lowest of each of the following ten ders for supplies' for the year: Satlonery Rose, Cowan & Latta, $1043.75. MeRae Bros., $10,48.28. Clark & Stuart, $1154.71. Lumber Manual Training Albert & McCaffery, $505.00. Mitchell & Currie, $613.00. J. Fyfe Smith, $013.00. Janitor Supplies Q & S Grocery Co., $182.23. Hardware, Tools, Etc. Gordons, $80.95. Paints Manual Training A. W. Edge Co., $33.28. Gordons, $34.00. Sllversldes Bros, $39.10. Chemicals Ormes Ltd., $154.00. Rose, Cowan & Latta tender for stationery was accepted by the board as being the lowest and only completed tender received. Miscellaneous Shower Held ftliss Alctta McKinley Honored at Home of Miss Agnes Dawson A miscellaneous shower was held Tuesday night in honor of Miss Aletta McKinley. whose marriaee to Clifford Ollker takes place this month, at the home of Miss Atrnes Dawson, Fifth Avenue East. There were 30 guests and the eve ning was spent in games and contests. Many lovely gifts were Dre- sented. Former Local Man Gets Appointment Word has been received from Sid ney Bazettf son of Mr. and Mrs. Bazett-Jones of Prince Rupert, that he is now holding an executive po sition with the Transamerica Corporation of Los Angeles as assistant to the president. Mr. Bazett, who Is a member of the Chi Pi Alnhen. was recently complimented by the bulletin of that club on his- recent McLACHLAN ISWINNER Eliminated M. E. Young From Intermediate Billiard Competition M. M. McLachlan eliminated M. E. Young from the city interme diate billiard comDetltlon last nfght by a score of 300 to 240. The time of the match was one hour and 40 minutes. McLachlan's aver age was 4.7 points, and Young's 3.8, while the former made a high break of 24 and the latter, 36. a Sporjt ...Chat ' The National Boxing Association of the United States has given warning that It may stop what Is termed the one - round set-un knock-out tour of Primo Camera, Immense Italian heavyweight who has been making money by floor ing allegedly Inferior opponents. Stanley M. Isaacs, N.B.A. president, said the situation called for Im mediate investigation and has an- pointed a committee, headed by General John V. Cllnnin, Chicago, to report findings to the public. The past National Hockey League ' schedule was a record-breaking one for the world champion Boston j Bruins, the speed merchanU from the "Massachusetts city, smashing the-following records: Most points scored in' th6 season, 77. Previous record, 64, set by Ottawa In 1926-27. Most victories, 38. Previous record 30, set by Ottawa In 1926-27. Most goals scored, 179. Previous record 116, set by Lcs Canadlens In 1927-28. Longest winning streak, 14 games. Previous record 11, set by Les Canadlens In 1926-27. No games lost In Canada this year. This afternoon's train, due from the ;East at 3.30, was reported this morning 1o be on time. 1 THE DAILY NEWS. Thursday, April ; W.M. 108 i'hiD ud tirtisement U not published or displayeo by the Liouor Control Board or by the 'Jovernment of British Columbia LOCAL ITEMS B. B. Boyle, representative of the H. R. McMillan Lumber Co., arrived in the city on the Prince John this mornlrrfeirom Selwyn Inlet. Charges of drunkenness against Roger and Kenneth Powell, Indiana, have been adjourned for eight days in city police court. F, D. Simmons of Ocean Falls will sail hy the Prince George tonight on his return to the paper town after a brief visit in the city. John Watklns. Well known Stew-are proagector. after a visit In the city, salted by the Prince George yesterday afternoon on his return north. Guide and Brownie Display "at Rupert Bast United Church, Frl day,. April 4. Danelng, Marching, Exercises,. Presentation of colors Admission 35c. B. J. Melllsh, manager of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, was the speaker today at the weekly luncheon of the Rotary Club on financial topics. President G. A. Bryant was In the chair. Mrs. David Perkins of Prince George, who has been visiting In Victoria for the past two weeks, Is now in Vancouver where she Is the guest of her brother and sister-in- law, Mr. Justice and Mrs. Denis Murphy. F. W. Crawford, president of the Vancouver Tobacco Co. which owns the Grotto cigar store here, and Mrs. Crawford are expected to arrive In the city on the Catala Sunday afternoon from Vancouver, Mr. Crawford being here on company business. They have been spending the past three months In San Diego. Norman McLean, purser of the OMR. steamer Prince Charles, arid A. II. Robson, purser of the Prlncl John, will both be leaving later this spring for Birkenhead, England. Each will come out on one of the three new boats which are being built In the Old Country for service of Canadian National Steamships on this coast. There were three very sick patients aboard the Princess Norah, from Skaaway, last evening going couth tot hospital treatment In Vancouver. One man from -Atlln was suffering from dropsy, another man had cancer of the liver and the third was a'steward of the boat who had contracted blood poisoning. Each had treatment from local physicians daring the brief stay of the steamer here. . LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize in Piano and , - ; Furniture MovlngV CREELMAN ON (AIR COAST VISIT Passenger Traffic Manager Foresees Busy Tourist Season This Year .. VANCOUVER, April 3: R. Creel-man, passenger traffic manager, Canadian National Railways, western region, arrived on the coast on i Wednesday and plans to remain In this vicinity for a short time vlsit- !lng the various points of interest in this territory. This Is one of Mr. (Croelman's regular visits to the coast and, before returning to Winnipeg, he will visit Victoria, Seattle ; and Portland. Discussing the summer's tourist outlook, Mr. Creelman stated that ithe "tourist Industry" would no j doubt feel the winter's shake-up to some extent, but, on the whole, there was an encouraging volume 'of business in sight. "We have a number of special tours arranged! ior the summer, which will cover! . unous sections oi uanaaa. u nas been our experience that the personally conducted all-expense tour is becoming more popular each year, especially as each trip carries with it an angle of great educational value. ' "Special attention Is being paid to British Columbia and the Pacific Coast this summer and we are happy to be able to present to you on the Pacific Coast our palatial new steamships to augment our present fleet. There is added interest this year In the Alaskan cruise and this trip prom toes to be more popular each year," said Mr. Mr. Creelman expects to visit Prince Rupert on his way home. Stock Quotations (Couttety a. D. Johnston Ob.) Bay view, life, 2. Big Missouri, 60, 62. Cork Province, 214, Cotton Belt, 17, 35. " George Copper, 22$, 2.50. t Georgia River, 7, 7 ft. Golconda, 81, 85. Grandview, 9. 10. Independence, 3, 4. Indian Mines, NIL 4. Kootenay King, 2, 3. L. & L 1, Nil. ! Lakeview, Nil, 1. ' 1 Lucky Jim, 4V4, Nil. Mohawk, 1, 2. Marmot River Gold, NIL 5. Marmot Metals, 1, life. National Sliver, 4, 5. Pend Oreille, 2J50, 2.66. Premier, 1.01, 1.02. Porter-Idaho, 10 Vi, 12. Reeves Macdonald. Nil, 60. Rufus-Argenta, 5V2, 6. Ruth-Hope. 12, Nil. Silverado, 11, Nil. Snowflake, 10, 11. Sunloch, 80, 1.00. Topley Richfield, 2, 3fc. Woodbine, 214, 2Vi. Bluebird, 2Vi. Nil. Oils A. P. Consolidated. 1.81, 1.03. Calmont, 1.33, 1.3?. Dalhousle, 1.45, 1.47. Fabyan Pete, 0, 10. Home, 8.05, 9.00. Hargal, 1.15, 1.10. Freehold, 70, 72. United, 68, 71. ' ' , Sterling Pacific, 21, 23. Merland, Nil. 20. Mercury, 30, 32. ' INCREASES Xew Service on Pratc :., Pfoting ...,. .. . Vers rtaUr WINNIPEG, April Air mail out of Winnipeg has ben increasing at the rate of four or five rounds every day, In the mall oar-ied over the prairies, aocortlrng to W. Lee Brintnell, operating manager of Western Canada Airways In a recent interview here. He stated that business houses were starting to use the air mall, and a considerable amount of mail which was stamped for air travel was coming from the eastern provinces. The success of the prairie air mall was shown In the fact that little more than a week's operation the new service was fielng patronized to a greater extent than any of the air mail services in Eastern Cancda, Mr Brintnell said. Hr at tributed this in larze part to the realization of the saving in time that could be effected over the long distances covered by the air mail service over the prairies. No passenger service is operated 1 10 In connection with the tarry mail Dy aeroplane and up t present no definite plans j,,. veying passengers on th aeroplanes have been niadJ cording 10 me oincials of tl cm Canada Airways. Ii u iifiwnver, that the I tying passengers will be conj in toe near future. Former Local Youth Passes InV ancomjj The death occurred last te Vancouver of Robert Col' .-Mcdonald, agfd 26. a forme; resident. Besides his parent ! cased is survived by a : E. M. Lauder, North Vaw and two brothers, Douxla.s or t e ;.ivur and Hubert of Union freighter Chllliwut lulu' .war is aue in pjii or urday from Vancouver with L-Hrgu unci wui go as lar ' Port Simpson this trip. Daily News "Want Adi" 'uich Tvnultn IS A SP&ENDID PICK-ME-UP mi A UqqI Flour for Homo Coohinq -for Bread and Cakes alika One flour . . . "Purity". . . eerve every linking need. Only quality wheat nnd milling coulil produce so successful a home flour. Try it. Phone the grocer now. A Prmtnrt of W'rttrrn Canntlu Flour MUU Umltril Af ter the Score is Counted MM Mm KELLY DOUOLASLCO..LTD, ill