Delicious Salada quality f B . M IFU MM. B H H B A aaL B n M W H n W. R X H IP If Ifl III a ?j sna ra in m nth wi it rr.i . aBaaai i . assart aamA w fj'i rmmm aaaavf iajh i it i T 'Fresh front the gardens Easter rabbits, easter eggs EASTER NOVELTIES )ur Easter Goods Have Arrived and Are on Display Ganongs' and Pascalls' See Our Wndows HAVE SOME PUT AWAY IF YOU DESIRE TTfiv Pioneer Drufeist THIRD AVE. t, SIXTH ST. TELEPHONE f,20C Three Graduate Pharmacists UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Mailings rem Prliir- Ktinert r V'NCOUVER, VICTORIA, ButiUale, Alert Bay. etc. Tuesday. 3.30 p.m nr iam in til lliuit. iiuiraj . Alert ui. rlr rruui inidnifhi r a .lie ak.ii. .i.iiua. nir.n.inr. nu inter, rori iimiiMix sun , m nil n m ' i w.i : ojti a IIU . . au . J . . . . iiiui lunj f.u.. it jiiu Avenue k si p.iiiih ireni mine mineri. 11.1: llriiiirli CWarts uld iu Mr toils and Seattle jind batutt checked liloiijCh to ilestluviloii If C r COAST rsn,AMsuips B. C. Coast Steams InlStviA H7 bi .ii" hAM.IN(.S FKOM I'KINCE IU)PM To Ketchikan, Wranseil. Juneau. Skagway ril 9, 19. 30. To Vancouver, Victoria. Seattle P-H Z. 13.3. .. r jprlneess J.)Lry-it)ccan Falls, etc., Vaiunv3uMl Victerla. ery Friday, 10 pan . jg m AjenU For All Steannhlp Mnes V a1 fC. Urrliaril, (ieneral Agent, 3rd Ave Prince Itupert, I'lionc 31 - .a AN AO IAN NATIONAL r. , i'llib t.tirKJ lttl;f vtw STEAMSHIP AND TKAtN SEItVlCE fallhias from I'KINCK RUPERT for VANCOUVER. VICTORIA. U:ATTI.E and Intermediate points. Thursday & Snnil.iv 10 n m or AN VOX each Wednesday at 4 p.m. For STEWART each Wednesday and Saturday at 4 p.m. North and South Queen Charlotte Islands fortnightly. WNSIACiKIt TKAINS I.BAE I'KIM'K Itl'PKKT r l.UMUir.. KII.Md.VION, MINMI'KU, all wiU Yoxinn CmmhU, United btulr. AOEM'V ALL OCEAJf flTCAMSIIir UNtS MANUFACTURER'S ANNUAL Safin Qiuuts Pints I!. 4. $3.50 1.85 1.00 2 i'm LjVW tfr li B. e. 4 Glo .$39, . 1.35 ,75 .15 Sale Satin-Glo Paint; Satin-GIo Clear; Satin-GIo Enamel For One Week Only, Commencing March 29 SAU8 PKICES- Wc Supply Coupons SAWN-GLOlWut f' & STAIN COLQjtS ' Rcjrular Vxlq&r-' .Sal? Trices ' . Gals )SATIN-(iLO ENAMEL Regular Prices Sale Prices Mi Gate. $3.50 $20 Quarts 1.85 1.35 Pints 1.00 V4 Pints .00 py , SATIN-GLO REGULAR Vi Gals. $2.85 $1.85 quarts 1.50 1.00 Pints .85 CO Va Pints .45 30 75 .43 .25 0 THOMPSON HARDWARE Co. Ltd. vertise in "The Daily News" Local Items 1 a Taxi Phone 4, Uig 4 Taxi, tf Read Jabour's ad. In today's ' ' (79) ' i L;0.ll. Bridge, Whist and Dance. Mctropole Hail at 8 1 Good music. (79) Mrs. George. Fritz, who has been , on ft Iinllriav vl1t In tho smith tb I turned to the city yesterday Irom Vancouver. Mrs. David Wilton and little child arrived.. in -the- city on the Prince John this morning from Port Cle ments. The child is to receive medical treatment here. The 'Annual Oeneral Meeting of the Prince Rupert Rowing and Yacht Club will, be held, Friday. April 4. in the City Hall, at 8 pjn. prompt. Alex McRae, secretary- treasurer. 80 t ANNOUNCEMENTS Eaglet Whlat Drive and danco April 2. ,' ' ( Preebyerlantar Sale April 3. Moose Whist Drive and Dance, April 4. Eagle Smoker April 7. First United Church Baster Sale April 10. Elks' Smoker, Clks' Home Thursday, April 17. Daffodil dance April 21 in I. O.DJU Hall. Moose dancrf-Aprll 21. Catholic Women's League Sprin:; Sale April 24. lEii Frlofc, April 35. Ridley Home Bazaar May 8. J HOTEL. ARRIVALS Central Hotel r.Mt:i NEW MAN.W1EME.NT Steam llfnt-cl: Travrllrm Smnnlr KHini: Hot and CcilJ Walrr I'rrr llu, Mrrt All Train and IWctI Rates $1.03 and Up M'EI IAL .MONTIIt.V UATI.S C.R.I1IGGART & A. DONALD Proprietor PHONE 51 Savoy Hotel . Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water in all rooms A. J. rRUDIIOMME, Prop. Cor. of Fraser and Fifth Sts. Savoy J. D. Simmons and II. Norman, city; E. S. Lund, SeatUe; William Hansen, Jap Inlet. New Royal Hotel J. 7-arHII. "iop. THE HOTEL MOKTII WHILE Hot Si cold Wtir; Steun Ht 75c PER DAY AND UP w Royal Steve Elleff, Vancouver; O. A. Oillesplc, Cotirtenay; James Shaw, city; Bernhard Ostrund. Port PRINCE RUPERT . SPAM BATHS Dew Slrnd Madam: , VHY HESITATE? Steam baths and massage promote health and happl- Pff56n,al cleanliness produce a charming personality. Massage Induces the natural ' healUi to go wiUi it. KAMM&Moy BojhT, Tlie Prince RuertSteahr'1 Hatha offer you both at very reasonable rates. And we feel sure that one trial will convince you. Tour patronage is solicited, and inspection is invited. May we expect you? Respectfully, Prince Rupert Steam Baths. Hours Ladles 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. daily. Gents 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. dally. ti'.ap rsartMotrm 11 1 iaun-iurr.gjss'gw; Gas On Stomach Hated To See Meal Time Coming Mrs. B. Lesnick, Fort William, Ont, d writes: "llj husband suilnrecl with a Itj bad etoipachj could not eat at all, bat 1 on using lour bottles 61 he ii feeling a different man alto-yether. "I, myself, was terribly bothered with gad on my itomach which kept tie awake, night after night, and I haled to eee meal time coming, so I '.ried the B.B.B. too, and now I can at what I lik." Pot up only by The T. Mllbnm Co., Jmited, Toronto, Ont Dentist. Dr J. R. Cotsc Phone fi8C. $1.00 Day Sale Jabour's, Friday, Saturday and Monday. (79) Money to loan on improved city property. Helsenon. (79) Billiard ChamDlonshiD match to night, Wtugh'vi. Brown. . 79 For niche r orlces and prompt re turns ship your raw furs to T. Pap- pa, Prince George, u.c. u Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at Hcilbroncr's Store, (tf L.OJ3.A. Tea and Sale of Home1 Cooking at Mrs. Ccs, 833 Seventh Avenue W., Friday, April 4. from 3 to 6. Aid of Protestant Home. 79 C.N.R. Open Badminton Tournament Tuesday, April C. Entries may be phoned to W. C. OBrrie. R 197 and A. Teog. Oreen m All entrie-, shouW be hi by Mond 81 ) C. P. R. steaor Princess Norah, jCapt. Thomas Clllf, arrived In port at 7:15 last evening from Skagway and sailed an hour later for Van- j.iuver. The vessel had rather eight southbound passage list. n m I Aicer a voyage in w.ucn iqiuuw id ccndderable rain wen; encoun-red. C.N1. steamer -Prince John, Sapt. William Thomas, arrived in -ort at 8:15 this mornlnc from Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Elands. The vessel brought a good-:l?cd list of passengera here from the Islands. We Save You Money on Quality rocene; Specials for Friday and Saturday j WILD ROSE PASTRY Flour 10-lb. sacks. each BEST JAP RICE 5 lbs IVORY SOAP Guest siee, 6 bars LIFEBUOY SOAP- The Soap of Health, 3 bars LONG SHRED COCONUT- New Shipment, per lb. . NABOB COFFEE 1 -lb. tins per tin 50c 85c 25c 25c 20c 58c 5-lb. Uns. per tin ........V O SPLIT PEAS QfTo 5 lbs SWANSDOWN For Better OOp Cake, per pkg. NABOB DESSERT FRUITS In handy buffet size tins, packed in the following: Poaches, Pears, Pineapple, Grapes, Apricots, Raspberries and Strawberries 4 2?,-, JLOl ner tin QUAKER CORN per tin ;.. REX) ARROW SODAS iJollar boxes, each CHOCOLATE ECLAIRS Fresh and delicious per lb. i4c 65c 35c Watts' Grocery Quality Right Prices Hight IMIONE 55 PHONE 56 n m 2 n a fi a . 1 1 Dollar Days n i 1 J ax jaoour s l, Printed Dress Materials Reg. yd. Sale Price, 2 yds Printed Dress Rayons Reg. 65c yd. Sale Price, 2 yds :.. Plain Rayons Reg. C5c yd. Sale Price, 2 yds Assorted Dress Ginghams Sale Price, 5 yds Checked Curtain Scrim Assorted shades. Sale Price, 5 yds Kitchen Curtaining 8ale Price, 6 yds 10 Pieces New Cretonnes Reg. 45c yd. Sale Price, 3 yds White Cotton Reg. 35c yd. Sale Price, 4 yds White Cotton-Sale Price, 6 yds Lace Curtaining Reg. 05c yd. Sale Price, 2 yds. Good Quality Pillow Tubing 42 and 44 Inches. Sale Price, 3 yds. White Flannelette Reg. 30c yd. Sale Price. 5 yds Sale Price, 2 yds. The Store of Good Values Ed. Johnson left the Prince Ru-I pert General Hospital today and will snend a week on Eighth Avenue West before leaving for Oona River. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Western Region Sctl-d tridcr wl!l be recelvM t the - sdee ol Chief Engineer, Wlnnlwg. until twelve --cl'rk n-cti. Thundtjr. April h '9'0. f-r clr'.: g. grading and ln-rtklletlon of culverts on the Swift Creek Te c Jtun Branch ppr:xlmtt-1. Ik,'... mil n; iiMQ tor replicment :.' on; hur.-rcd fcriy-flve w oden vr. ?i:l'rrts vi;t concrete pipe culvert! and one, c?ncrtt box culvert afd con'.tructlon of eight concrete box -ul' r's :x c ucrpte pipe culvert! and wctdrn brx culvert through '.'x:t'ng Railway treaUes Brltlih Columbia. Plan.-, spexlllcktlona and formi of ccntrar: mry be wen and fcrm of tender rtt: !r.d at offices of Dlitrlet En-Ktnr-r u Vancouver and Edmonton. DIvtilr.r. at Calgary. Prtnce i. 1 K.imloca end Victoria, and C. ..R As-nt. Prlr.c Oocrg.. T'ndfrs will r.ct he cinalder-d unless made or form supplied by the Railway C mpany and asccmpanlod by an accepted ct,eciu on Chartered Bank equal to five rwo.nt. of the value of the wcrk pya-: to the drder of the Treas-orer cf Canadian National Railways. No bid tend U1 be ooepted with teiKlw -n this wcrk. The lowest or any tender not necessarily aocepted. A. E. WARREN Winnipeg. Man. Vice-President 82 W I1K90 HOOPING COUGH No "cere" but helps to re- doc. paroxysms of coughing. VICKS VapoRub TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR SKEENA BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City BIG ORDER For Beaver, Martin and Otter Pelts Just Recciv-' cd By W. Goldbloom FUR BUYER He pays more for all furs than anyone else. Bring your furs to him first, the old reliable place. 65c Q4 AO 81.00 Si.OO $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 Figured Kimono Cloth Reg. 55c yd. Q-fl A A Shetland Floss All shades Sale Price, 3 sheins '. Barber Towels Reg. 25c pair Sale Price, 5 prs. VICTOR";Qrrio; phones 6''' lead the world for thirty years. VICTOR Radio now occupies the same exalted ALWAYS Look to the leader for mute THREE You'll be delighted with what a doll ?r will buy at this store, Friday, Saturday and Monday. It's one of those happy occasions when quality and quantity combine. $1.00 ft M Huckaback Towelling Reg. 40c yd. -I AA Sale Price, 3 yds $!.UU Linen Towelling Reg. 40c yd. Sale Price, 3 yds Bath Mats Reg. $1.35 each Sale Price, each Bath TowelsLarge size. reg. ' Jl.35 pr. Sale Price, 1 pr. . Misses' Running Shoes 11 to 2 G?4 A A White and tan. Sale Price ' JX.UI ' Children's Beaded Bags Salo Price, 2 for Boys' Sweaters Up to $1.50 Sale Priitfi '. 2 Saucepans, 1 aluminum. bowL l Qi (111 cake plate, 1 measurlncup, all foi vvU 1 Scrubbing brush, 1 CTCedar polish, 1 dlshmbp, 2 pot cleaners, 1 windollne, all for 2 Soup plates, 1 scallop dish-All for 2 Children's Brooms For Jabour's Limited 1.00 $1.00 $1.00 1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 Third Ave. Seventh St. Gives You A Royal Gift to every purchaser of a New VICTOR Radio with Elec-trola Model RE-45 at $376.00 we give Free New VICTOR Records, value $25. We Trade in Your Old Phonograph or Radio and You II Find It's Easy to Pay the Victor Way See the beautiful new Ford bodies at our showrooms Now on display " Tlic Canadian Car." S..E. PARKER LTD. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. S m H H m u g H ii if It Hi H H Ik Ml H to H m m B m U S3 n m a i nmeamn in tiiuixiia i :usi irsa n m a i ? k i b n t f n i aiti tn tmm mmatsmmi :a