i TOMORROW'S TIDES Friday, April 4, 1930 High 4.21 a.m. 20.4 It. 17 M p.m. 16.1 ft. Low 11.15 a.m. 4.7 ft. 23.10 p.m. " 0 ft. jVol. XXI., No. 79. Definite But Issues a Warning Which No Official Statement Was Given OTTAWA, April 3: The t tt i u i icniiuf iii hi i niiiiniii: in llfl 51 1 i. lit j Hit- iiJ uiiiLtai oiavvuivuv th'it Hvamtat Mnnnvio Kinrr t eaueu wnetner 10 noia an h:in fin ivjia rhvpn mnnths arm it is snir that the fremier 111 t Tl 11 I II I Tr-a I 11 JJ 111 IU SET FREE Charles McCre if lit Arntiittrd On North Vancouver Murder Charge r Ann umo r.nin n a riu ri rai nnr mukiii; myitis U4 M U1U1UVI U tfW i .tipuj wnv i :mnju nnnmar msi ADMINISTER f ? PALESTINE Great Britain to continue Rule. Premier Macdonald Tells House .fiNiiciiM Ann .1- firm pr Ramsay Macdonaia toia me iiouse oi commons toaay tnat me umun Kovernment wouiu continue ut u- III 1 1 1 1. , I X lira L11 1C 111 aLbU4UKMkV tviin rno Lorma oi me manaate as Leaeue or Nations. ci ; i I. - una wiiii: an i-uivu Swept By Fire Da mace of SI0.009 none lesieraay In Vancouver Island Town VICTORIA. April 3: Fire yes- fi 11:1 v x u. r 1 1 l i.i ic uuaiiiLoa avwmwH fof Shawnlgan Lake, causing up- wards of $40,000 damage I (JUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLAND EI.K LIKE LIFE IN TOWN NOW V The eight elk from Wain- wrlght National Tark which were liberated last week on the Queen Charlotte Islands by the Game Board evidently like eitv life for they have not straved very far from wueen rhorintfn ritv ana come DacK t from the woods to tne town ai mm tiiinsiinn ni I nntpsi ir 1 jisrussori at i.inrr.n i annus Alter Nnt to Be Ready question of a general election inu i.i iifj ri i iriri i truuiii ri - j r ! . . 1 Ji. .1 L I cvo loouvvii w nao unuui &,jja ctntnri that, ho urn a nn mnrn election mis year or in ivai. At rhp snmp timp. hnwtvnr. warned members tnat tnev - 1 4 1 11 A A 1 Lord Privy Seal ' Rt Hon. J. H. Thomas, prominent member of the British Labor Party, Lord Privy Seal in the Mac-Donald Cabinet. He is the deputy leader of the House of Commons. W.H.LECKIE I f.I A DA CCUSii I iri.lJ i vQLllJ Vancouver Business Man of Over Thirty Years' Standing Died Yesterday VANCOUVER. April 3: William Henry Leckie. for 30 years one of Vancouver's best known industrial-IcU, died yesterday. He was manager of J. Leckie & Co. Born In Toronto March 3. 1874, the late Mr. Leckie was educated In tho nnhiic schools of that city and n-narta mUtae He came to ., . aM l una nn nn -i i wrn of the Burrard Land St Develop ment Co., and Capital Hill Land Co. He took a great interest In the Children's Hospital of which he was a director. He is survived by his widow and five sons. Mrs. Nils Wick Is Laid to Rest Service Took Place In St. Paul's Lu-theran Church With Interment at Falrvlew Funeral services for the late Mrs. an Church after which Interment was made In Falrvlew Cemetery. Rev. John it. 'Hanson officiated andi made suitable remarks oi respect fo? the deceased And sympathy for the1 bereaved family. Peter Lleh presided at the organ and funeral music included a duet by Mrs. John Murvold and Ivor Pcttersen, the song having been composed by the latter for Mrs. Wick. A large concourse followed the cortage to its last resting place. Pallbearers were I. Fenness, B. Ch'arstard, Ivor Pettersen. K. Hall-berg, Carl Johnson and Gunnar jselvlg. most every day. Game Warden ! Nils Wick took place at 2 o clock . . . .... . t - I. Alikl. this nrtrnnnn afternoon 9l at St. St. Paul's Paul's Luther Luther-' A WH Martin who Went OVer 10 the Islands with the animals. returned to the city on the Prince John this morning. During his stay of 10 days on the Islands he made nil efforts possible to assure that the animals are not molested. .. . i i j. Soon alter tne arnvui ui the animals at Queen Char- lotte City, ono of the cows headed down the road for Skidegate whence it swan a- cross a Three-mile channel to Maude Island where it Is still believed ,to be. 4 , NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 1930 IS POSSIBLE ON IMPROVEMENT TO VANCOUVER CANUCKS IN LEAD Took First Hockey Champion ship Play-Off From Bruins 3 to Nil BOSTON, April 3: Montreal Canadiens won the first came of the two-out-of -three series with Beaton Bruins for the Stanley Cup, emblematic of the world's professional hockey championship, by a score of three to nil Tuesday night. The second game will be playrd tonight on the Cana-diens' home ice at Montreal. MISSIONARY MURDERED Yorkc Scarlett, Britisher, Is Killed By Chinese Outlaws TIENTSIN. China. April 3: The London mission was informed by teiegraph today that Yorke Scarlett, British missionary, murdered at Poihallo last night Crew of Inez H; Are Now Home Boat Might Have Bern Salraged Had It Not Been For Severe Storms of Past Few Days Capt. E. Skogmo, owner and skipper of the halibut boat Inez H.. which on Sunday last at Sardonyx iReef, and his crew, consisting of Askel Ouvavik. M. Sohcim, C. Ha- Igen and Martin Fladset. arrived in jthe city on the Prince John this morning from Skidegate. Capt. which the Inez H. sank was not very deep and salvage of the vessel ; might have been effected had it j not been for the heavy southeast' gales which swept the cast coast af Graham Island during the last few days. Now it is very doubtfu) If the boat may be recovered. So 'quickly did the Inez II. sink after striking the reef that the crew was able to escape only in the clothes In which they stood. Every thing ebe went down. The vessel, on which considerable improve-' mcnts were made during the past winter, was partially Insured. BIG LUXURY TAX PUT ON Drastic Tariff Action Is Taken By Government of Australia CANBERRA, Aust, April 3 Premier Scullln today announced the imposition of a 50 supertax on luxury Imports. The import of some luxuries Is absolutely forbidden and others are limited. The tax, which becomes effective immediately. Is expectefl to reduce imports P by $00,000,000 annually. IS AWARDED FELLOWSHIP Victoria Man Is Honored Under Carnegie Peace Endowment tfTnrrttjTA Anrit 3 Feilnwshin in international law of the Car - neele endowment for international peace has been awarded to Lionel H. Lalng, son or Mr. ana Mrs. r. w. Lalng of Victoria and a graduate of the University of British De Valera Who failed to wrest Irish Free SJate presidency from William, Cosgrove. j 4-4- . COSGROVE IS AClAIN IRISH PRESIDENT T DUBLIN. 'April 3:WlUlam T. Cosgrove was ro-elted president of the Irish Free State council by the Dall Eir- eann yesterday aJter.Eammon d Valera and Thomas O'Con- 4 nel, the latter tho Labor nom inee, had been defeated. It AGREE ON PACTNOW Comnlete Arms Accord Beached By States. Britain and Japan LONDON, April 3: An official announcement wxs made at headquarters of the United States delegation today that representatives of the United States, Great Britain and Japan were in complete accord on a tri-partite naval limitation agreement. TORONTO STOCKS (Courtesy S. D. Jonntton do.) Amulet. $1.45. $1.46. Dome. 8.90. 9.10. Falconbrldge. 4.41. 459. Holllnger. 5.75. 550. Howie, .79, .80. Hudson Bav. 12.35. 12.50. Imperial OH, 26.75, 27.00. Int Nickel. 42.60, 42.75. Manitoba Basin, .00. .07. Mining Corp.. 2.60," 2,65. Mclntyre. 18.50, 1855. Shcrritt Gordon. 2.45, 2.47. Sundbury Basin, 3.05, 3.10. Teck Hughes. 6.15, 620. Treadwell Yukon. 6.00, 6.05. Ventures. 1.77, 1.80. Wright Hargraves. 1.72, 1.75. Plenary Session of Conference Is Postponed LONDON, April 3.-The naval! nn'TpronrA hnrfi vesterdav decided n nrtlmirn the nronosed nlenarvl srsslon until next week when It is lhopcd that their plans will be ma- tured for some definite; arrange- ment which may be Incorporated In ;a uvc-puwer pact. It is rumored here that the Bri tish plans have been accepted by France. STAMP TAX IS UPHELD Chief Justice Morrison Dismisses Test Case of Miller, Court & Co. VANCOUVER, April 3! Validity of the federal stamp tax on transfer of stocks and bonds has been upheld in the Supreme Court by Chief Justice Aulay Morrison who, in a test case, dismissed the appeal of Miller, Court & Co. Ltd. from a decision of Magistrate Henry C. Shaw which imposed a fine of $100 upon the brokerage firm fr filling to affix stamps as required. Unemployment In the States Before Congress WASHINGTON. April- 3: The' ostlon -of unemployment is still stating the minds of congressmen nerp A bm now Morc the Snate fathereU by senator Wawwr pro. for tne expenditure of $154.- nnrvnnn ,i..iU utWatUAn nt public buildings as emergency mea surcs in case such action should be necessary.' Of several other bills dealinc with unemployment, that to provide for a national clearing house is the most important. It is pointed out here that Canada has her employment bureaus through which Information can be secured as to employment conditions in all parts of the country, but It Is proposed to go even farther than that here. The exact terms of the bill have not yet been stated. Wheat Prices Show Strength WINNIPEG, April 3: A combination of good export business, light offerings, short coverings and un-looked for strength at Liverpool sent wheat prices up five cents today. May closed at $1.15. July at $l.l7a and October at $1.20. FISH SALES Summary American 155,500 pounds, 11.-9c, and,5c to 13.5c and 5c. Canadian 26,100 pounds, 10.5c and 5c to lUc and 6c. American Polaris, 30,000, Booth, 12c and 5c. 'Pioneer, 20,000, Pacific 12.4c and 5c. Brisk. 28,000. Cold Storage, 11.9c and 5c. Democrat-, 22.000. Royal, 12.6c and 5c. Nordic, 23,000, Atlin, 12.6c and 5c. Norma, 5.000, and Bollnda,- 3,-500, Booth. 13.2c and 5c;- ' Llndy. 9,000, and Norland, 15,000 Cold Storage. 13.5C and 5c ' ff , j r rl tanauun Cape Spencer. 5,000. Cold Stor age, 10.5c and 6c. Atll, 2,000, Cold Storage. 10,6c ana oc. Brant, 4,600, Cold Storage, U.lc and 5c, Drott. 4300, Booth, lUc and 5c A. J.. 1.000. Royal. 10.6c and 5c' AUGUST Cold Storage Plant to Be Erected as well as -New Deep Sea Wharf Extension of Grain Handling t -Million Bushels Also VANCOUVER, April 3: Construction of a cold storage plant, fishermen s wharf and fish storage plant costing $1,500,000, addition of 5,500,000 bushels to the port's grain storage capacity and preparation of plans for a deep sea pier at the old Hastings Mill site are projects which will be undertaken by the Vancouver Board of Harbor Commissioners, it was announced yesterday. It is understood that work on additional storage space at the public elevators will commence immediately. These wilj give the port a wheat storage capacity of 19,885,000 bushels. In British, House : ! Colonel Grant Morden, MP., pro minent Canadian, who is a Con servative member of the House of Commons. He represents Chlswlck In the House, Surveyor-General Is Now Appointed F. C. Green Named Successor to Late J. E. Umbach Frank Morris His Assistant VICTORIA, April 3: Official announcement is made of the ap pointment of F. C. Green of Victoria as provincial surveyor-general In succession to the late J. E. Umbach. Frank Morris, chief draughtsman of the department of lands, has been appointed assistant surveyor-general. IS ROUGH IN NORTH Motorshlo Princess Pat Suffered Damage in Crossing ef Gulf of Alaska CORDOVA, April 3: -After a stormy trip through the Gulf of Alaska, the motorshlp Princess Pat arrived here with her pilothouse stove in by high seas. The Pat re- ported that the schooner Stanley had been forced to seek shelter at Yakutat. Peter Blanchard, sentenced to four months' imprisonment at' Okalla by the magistrate at Mas-sett for having unsealed liquor in his possession, was brougnt to tne city on the Prince John this morn- Kalen, 7,000, Attln, 11c and 6cj ilng from the Islands by Game Morris II, 2,000, Cold Storage, Warden Ed. Martin. He will be 10.5c and 5c. taken on to Okalla later. Boston Grill LAKUK CAKVK'f Special Dinner Thundi ji md S&turdtyi nanring Kitty Bat nr day Nljht, 8 to II Danes for Hire Ajconnr-xlitloni for Private PartlM PflONE 4S7 PRICE FIVE CENTS HARBO Facilities By Five and Half to Be Undertaken NEW BOAT LINE HERE Border Line Navigation Co. to i.- .Serve Prince Rupert ' - - -f - - A new freight servico to this port will be inaugurated early next week with the arrival of the steamer Border Queen, which will be operated regularly between Vancouver and Northern B.C. ports, making Prince Rupert t rt uh:r por of call. This vessel Is 954 tons grass, has a length of 201 feet and 40-foot beam and Is owned by the Border Line Navigation Co. Ltd.. Vancouver, and operated by Dodwell & Co. Ltd.. agents for the B'-e Funnel Line. The Northern shipping Co. Ltd. will act as local agents. Keeley Coming Here Saturday Pacific Coast Manager of C. N. Steamships to Spend Few Days in Clt VANCOUVER. , April 3:-B. C. Keeley, Pa c Coast manager, Canadian Naii nal Steamships, sails this evening on ss. Prince Charles for Prince Rupert. Mr. Keeley will spend a few days at the northern port Inspecting company territory "and steamship facilities. WHEAT TOOK JUMPT0DAY Number One Northern Was Quoted at $1,124 on Vancouver Exchange Today VANCOUVER, April 3:-Wheat took quite a lump upwards In price today belpg. quoted at $1.12V2 for No. 1 Northern. On Tuesday, tho luotatlon was $1.07. AUSTRALIAN TRADE TREATY AITROVED VANCQUER,.Aprii 3. Urg- ing retenUon and expansion of the Australian trade treaty, the British Columbia division of tho Canadian Manufactur- Asanclatlon last nleht an- 4 pointed a delegation to leave 4 tonight for Ottawa to meet a 4 committee of the federal cab -4 inct next Tuesday to discuss 4 4 the matter. 4 44444444444444