PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS SOMETHING GOOD FOR SUPPER t WHEN EVERYONE'S HUNGRY J What sudden and overwhelming appetites families develop when you least expect it I You know the dens everyone wonders when dinner will be vy ready, and displays exceptional TTvfw Interest in whether or not there ' Is to be "something eood". What they mean is something hearty and warm and satisfying. And sometimes it is a little difficult to think up a dish that wis mese requirements ana yet is a Variation on the usual. ,' I suggest that on such occasions you I try the red pes here. They are quite 1 simple to prepare, most delidously appetizing and have the"nlling"quality ! that is just what you require to satisfy umiiy-vmeiicu appeuies. The Added Rlchntti and Noariihment of Good Milk One of the best features of these re. dpes is that they combine with other loans the rich, wholesome nourishment of pure whole milk. For, as you will note, both call for Carnation Milk. Perhaps you didn't know that Car-cation Milk is twice as rich in cream as ordinary milk because it has been reduced by evaporation to half its original bulk in order that it may go into convenient sized, cans. Because of the extra richness you can effect many economies in your cookery. . In one other respect Carnation Milk differs from ordinary milk. The cream particles are broken up to keep them distributed all through the milk. The finer particles give foods the most mar-velously smooth texture a fine velvety quality that you couldn't Not is you - - I lVAPORATCD I EWl HI III lSA I ffittf.'il S t2 JOIN PRODUCBD IN CANADA nothing taken out except about TZIaAl half the water. It comes from dairies where 1 the highest sani tary standards prevail, and is sterilized so that it keeps safe and pure until it comes on your table in the lorm oi rich, creamy soups and sauces, smooth, velvety ice creams, delicate, fine-textured custards, light, fluffy cakes, and fragije delectable desserts. Their extra dehciousness is proof of the extra-goodness of this uniform and convenient milk. Sehd for free Carnation Cook Book. Address Carnation Co., Limited, 134 Abbott Street, Vancouver, B.C. Carnation Ham, Country Style 3 slices of ham (medium size), 2 tbsp. brown sugar, cup carnation Milk. Pan fry ham until well browned; sprinkle both sides with brown sugar; continue cooking until sugar is melted. Remove ham from pan ; add Carnation to syrup in pan. Cook until slightly thickened, stirring carefully to prevent 6Corchinjr. Pour browned cream craw over ham. Serves & Carnation Veal Fricassee 11 lbs.' veal steak, 3 tbsp. flour, salt and pepper, 2 tbsp. butter, 1 cup water, 1 cup Carnation Milk. Cut veal in 2 inch squares: dip in flour well seasoned with salt and pepper. Brown in butter and add water. Cook slowly until tender (about 30 minutes), add Carnation and continue COOking Until mic has thirlrpngH Serves 5. only food value but flavour added to your meals when cook with Carnation. Twice as rich as bottled milk, always pure, always dependable, it makes the best of dishes. And how it saves on cream and butter 1 (See recipes above) I The Safeguarded MHft "from Contented Cows' iff! qtbwq-r 1 . hi vr iV. I Rupert AND COAL! COAL! PEMBINA EGG Delivered, per ton $12.00 ALBERTA EGG Delivered, per ton 12.50 ALBERTA LUMP Delivered, per ton 13.50 . Special Prices On Your Winter Supply WOOD jfcST ARIUVEI), NEW SHIPMENT OF IUIIC1I AND JACK PINE MILLENDS-Per load $1.50 BOX CUTTINGS Per load 3.50 HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 PHONE 580 mm CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince YDOCK get by using ordinary milk;. Carnation Milk is simply the' best of pure, sweet, whole, milk. It has nothing added to it, and SHIPYARD Ol'KHATING fi. T. 1 20,000-TON FLOATING DUYDOCK Engineers. Machinists, Boilermakers, Illacksmlths, Pattern Makers Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 Twenty Years Ago In Prince Rupert j April 3, 1910 I Attorney General W. J. Bowser Is ;l declining' to Issue cannery licence this year until inc cannerymc'ft ! agree to limit the number of boats they will fish. Thomas Deasy, resident of Bri-1 tlsh Columbia for 30 years and former fire chief in Victoria and Kelson, has been recommended by the Liberal executive for the position of Indlan Agent at Masrett. ; inent newspaper men from uanaaa H. F. Mcltae, James Mcltae, M. ' and other parts of the British Em-Bondeaux and B. R. Harrison have pire, as the program was outlined been elected mcmbe-s of the Prince , by the president of the Empire Rupert Board of Trade. j Press Union. Major Hon. John As- jr, M.P.. chairman of the Times ' I publishing company at the recent mwmmmmm -, f union in- Week In London, a week in Week-End ! i Specials I . , Sunnybrook ; Creamery 9ft rt4 Eutter-3lb, brick . Burford Peas frb. S 25c 2 tins Faultless Com-2's 50c 3 tins Nabob Fancy Sliced 7Cc Feachev-2's, 3 tins . Dutch Maid Sandwich 25c Spread Per Jar Hollanl Herrings- 1.85 Milkers, per keg "aultless Sockeye Salmon A Ap l-lb. tin :abob Strawberries or 15c Raspberries 8-oz. tin .-iabob ApiouU or Poaches C 8-pi, 2 tint r Otter String Broom-Each 40c - Dty Prunes 60-70 2Sc 2 lb - v9eklt Ilonoy 8Sc 5-ft. tin - ilionparo Seedies Ralnslns gg i i-eah Bxfra' Large Eggj ''25 Map of Italy Olive Oil Q-J Q f quatt. tin.... v LiU . . 25c -. J4w V I Un i el Naplha Soap- Rftn Jf J v 1 1 per pkg. Alberta Market P, GAMULA. 1'ioprietor i Iftli Street. Phtinc 20K Economy Specials OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS! TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE TRICES WHILE THEY LAST. Flour Five Roses or 2.45 Purity, 49's, per sack White Sugar 63c 10 lbs 3hredded Wheat 25c 2 pkgs - Sunnybrook Butter- 1.20 3-lb. brick II. P. Sauce 29c per bottle St. Lawrence Marmalade 25c 16-oz. Jars, each Fresh Eggs 30c per dozen - rresh Ayrshire Dacon 35c per lb Bunllght Soap 20c per pkg .i Rinso 10c per pkg. Old Dutch Cleanser 10 c per tin .-...:...;..:... Ivory Soap Flakes Similar 9c to Lux, per pkg The Economy Cash & Carry "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Phone 3G0 319 Third Ave. PRESSMEN WILL MEET IN ENGLAND Plans For Imperial Press Conference Include Many Important Events LONDON, April 3:Plans for the entertainment of the delegates to the Imperial Press Conference which is to be held In London be- ginning June 3, attended by prom- i England outside the metropolis, And a week In Scotland. The party a ill attend a reception of the Kins jund Queen at Buckingham Palace. During the week In London the 'si tors will be entertained at the Houses of Parliament, and at the Royal Academy. There will be a nvernmerit reception at Hampton lta uia oy ine aeiegates u several in- luf trial centres and places of his-oric interest. The London program wiii include i binquet at Guildhall over which he Lord Mayor. Sir William Alfred Waterlow, will preside; a luneheon -iven by the Empire Parliamentary ssoclation. in Westminster Hall, with the Speaker of the House of 'orr.rr.ons in the chair: a dinner by he Royal Empire Society to bring he delegates in touch with ex-Governor Generals, Viceroys and High Commissioners; dinner by the Empire Press Union, and other dinners and luncheons. There will be 'site to the Derby, to Ascot, to the Mdershot Titoo, and to naval, military and Air Force displays. There will be a government mention at Hampton Court, at .which the Premier. J. Ramsay Macdonald, will re "ve the delegates-and there will ? private week-end parties which ill Uke the victors into the coun y from June 14 to. 16. To Liverpool In the second wee the delegates vtll be taken to Liverpool and the ndustrial districts around Bradford and Doncastet; to see sqme- i'stsj va use wiiuiMViM ill urc va - j miniM world. Thfiv L - ill visit Warwick CaU& and wlil 1 1 i. A 1 :pfnd a morning at Stratford-on- Avon. During the third rweek the party will go to Scotland, stopping on the way for a few hours at Coventry where they will be shown something of mass production. The Lord Provost of Edinburgh has expressed a wish to help in every way he can to make the visit in Scotland a memorable one for the visiting press men. In connection with the Conference sessions in London the dele-gates will be enabled to see something of the leading statesmen and to hear their views on important questions. With this subject two sessions will be devoted to the government and one session to each of the opposition parties. Prime Mln ister Macdonald has promised, If possible to address the opening se sion on Tuesday, June 3. Lloyd Oeorge. former prime minister, will give an address on June 6, and former Prime Minister Stanley Bald win will speak on June' 25. There will be four other sessions, at which the delegates will discuss communi cations, cables, wireless, the air malls and other matters, such as newspaper production and adver tising. Hans Hanson has purchased the two-storey house and two lots on Fifth Avenue East near Bowser Street which was formerly owned ' by A. Berner and was occupied for some years by Jarvls McLeod. Make dresses bright as new! DIAMOND DYES are easy to use: go on smoothly and evenly; mako dresses, drapes, lingerie look NEW. Never a trace of that re-dyed look when Diamond Dyes are used. Just true, even, new colors that hold their own through the hardest wear and washing. Diamond Dyes owe their superiority to the abundance of pure anilines they contain. Cost more to make! Surely. But you pay no more for them. All dealers 15c. DiamondoDiyes Highest Quality for 50 Years Diy, Weak Heart TerriWeHeadacSies All Gone. New Life "Wm txt!:otvd with dlz.lncs?. wenk heart, terrible htadachet. m .i' 'Fruit-a-iv: h' ara entirely ro-ncvort. feel like new prm." Mrs. P. vulcourt. St. Oabrlel, East. P. Q. Ihoutandi tell miracles of "Frult-a-tlvt " Constipation, liver trouble, dlslrteu. weakness, headaches end overnight. Bad stomach, bilious-ham. indigestion, heartburn, gas vanlth promptly. Kidney and bladder Ills, pain In bsek go in 24 hours. MiTves and heart quiet, sound sleep t once. Rheumatism, neuralgia decamp quick. Complexion clears. . Ion ol n:ture ' greatest remedies o nibliKd In handy little tablet. Marwlctu discovery of famous Can-ad in dctor Speedy resulto amaze. Oet Fruit-a-t!ves" from druggist tidiy. Beccme new person overnight. Eagles Whist and Dance Is Success Large Crowd in Attendnee at En joyable Affair Last Eveninc The Eagles held a whist driv and dance last nlht in the new Ftles' Hall. There were 20 tables of whist and a good crowd came in for t'i dine? which followed. P'i-.e winners were: Ladles' first. Mm. J. Viereck; sec ond, Mrs. TJndseth; consolation. llr. O. M. Daggen: men's first. P. Fhard: second, J. Roma; third, J. C. Scherck. Afte- cirds, dainty refreshments w?rr? served and dancing followed. Premier orchestra supplied peppy music. W. H. Sherman Jr., assisted by O. Hebb. J. Scherck, Wm. Reid. Lee Dell and other members, had charge of refreshments. R. O. Ford was at the door and T. dough acted as master of ceremonies. 1 r I We Want mi m ltl6 I Thursday, April 3, 1030. In "WHY BRING THAT UP?" All Talking;, Singing and Dancing Talking Comedy-"For Love or Money" Novelty "The Spellbinder" And a "Scenic" Admission, 20c and C5i Sat. Matinee, 2:30. Admission, 15c and 40c DEMAND "Rupert Brand" - Kippers THE DAINTIEST HKEAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT To Have a DEMONSTRATION of the MARVELOUS NEW AND BETTER lOOPER CENT CANADIAN Small Down Payment Balance To Suit Your Convenience Covered by a 12-year Conditional Guarantee This is the most liberal guarantee ever given with an electric washer. I'MNCK HUl'EHT. n.C. A 5 I Lvery ihermo THURSDAY, FIHDAY AND SATURDAY two aiiows 7 and 9 p.m. ni i r wo mck trows H orne In " if Three Outstanding Features: 1 Stccl-cncascd Nickel Plated Copper Tub. 2 Insulated to Keep Water Hot. The Safest Wringer Made Automatic Pressure. A real Canadian machine designed by Canadians, built by Canadians in the largest exclusive washing machine factory in Canada, financed by Canadian capital. P. 0. BOX 07 ASK FOR A DEMONSTRATION, TODAY NO obligation' PHONE 125 Parkin & Wards Electric Gd. 3 19 TIII1U) AVENUE I Moran'aricl JVIack m iv