fa aE alias G. H. Arnold - Section Six. mn residential sites in the Cit we are offerin to ask us about these lots Insurance Prince Rupert Dry Dock & Engineering Co. Vessels of any size Docked Repairs of all kinds in wood or steel. can te dock fees boats making Several section, Business of Industrial Plants Solic Designs and Patterns SNAP For Quick Sale——Lots 5 and 6 Block 43, Section 8, $60.00 Each. 5-Room steam heated modern hous near drydock, $2,500, TermS. it is very moderate. thinking of building it would be worth your while light. materisis is being laid in. Foundry Work Castings in Iron, Brass, Bronze, Etc., made. at Reasonable Prices. Machine and Boiler Work of all kinds - Notary Public For Sale ] Double Corner on Fifth Avenue, Sea This is one of the most desirable y, and the price at which If you are H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. Real Estate Bonds ed together on one small Large stock of repair , Mines, Mills and Canneries ited. ‘ Made and Furnished. Remnants, Remnants, Remnants 26 Wallace's Wednesday. We carry first quality rubbers only—no seconds at the Famil, Shoe Store. : Ask for Atkins’ Sausages. 7 « UE l. seoece 62 -Room house, 7th Avenue, Section 5, $1,760, Terms. -Room house on Fifth Avenue in section 5, $1,600, Terms. 2 Lots, 6th $650 each, McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, Lid. |! Avenue, Terms. Section 5— [he Peerless Studio How many friends can you think of right pow to whom your photo- raph would be a most pleasing Ehristmas Gift?) And how long since was the last one taken? Make an appointment today. Suite 22, Alder Block All busses stop at our door PHONE 537 ‘Agents Phone 11 ° 3rd Avenue Insurance Real Estate Rentals. M.M.Stephens: Notary Publi- FOR SALE. Seven-rosmed House with two Lots, en Grafi Hill - | nomena ' Conveyavcer ‘ Closed in sleeping porch, fireplace and range, concrete pillars and wall in basement, and stationary tuba in kitchen A NN M. M. Stephens Real Estate insurance Financial Agemt $: DENTISTRY Don't neglect your Teeth -One decayed or missing tooth lowers your efficiency DR. BAYNE Office Hours--Morning, 9 to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.80; Satur- day, 9 to 12 only. Eveni Tuesday, \ ednesday and iri. day, from 7 to 9. DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE PHONE 109 FOR APPOINTMENT SPP PL ID DPE OOOO OC AOE OLE EEE ORAL ' :; EMPRESS :: | __ TONIGHT GLADYS LESLIE in | “The Cure” Charlie Chaplin in “The Cure” Pathe British Canadian Gazette || Two Shows - 7.16 and 9 i | | \dimission 15 and 80 cents aerate s nn rey nereionrttelt : In - Everybody’s Hands No doubt you already have our Catalogue, along with Mrs. Jones hext door and Mrs, Brown on the neighboring ranch. Have you made your Christmas selections yet? From hundreds of homes we will receive orders within the next few days for goods required for Christ- mas. Wil yours be among them? Despite all our efforts to prepare adequately for Christmas business we expect a shortage in some lines. Don't delay! BIRKS VANCOUVER, B.C, YESIGHT—-The most valuable of all the senses——{s the most neglected and the least understood, Many suffer from ills, which, upon examination, can be traced directly to defective eyesight. HE removal of the cause will often. restore the delicate and run-down sufferer to robust health. When glasses are properly preserib- ed, they restore the vision to nor- mal and eliminate all eye strain, Fred Joudry Practical Optometrist Third Ave. - - Prince Rupert Opposite Post Office chi Con Carne ¢ Hot Tomales At the CHILL! PARLOR - 835 Second Avenue Delivery Service Extra Phone 55/ SAE OUR SIGHT THE DAILY NEWS a SPECIAL, No. 1 Jonathan Apples $3.00 per Box Rupert Table Supply Co. Phones 211, 212 JELLICOE HAS A BUSY TIME Makes Technical Examination of Esquimalt Harbor as a Naval Base. (Speciai via G.T. P. Telegraphs.) VICTORIA, Nov, 4141.—Admiral Jellicoe, first lord of the admiralty received formal addresses from the city of Victoria and the Gov- ernment of British Columbia on Monday morning. He also in- spected the dockyard and naval college at Esquimalt. In the af- ternoon he made a technical ex- ‘mination of Esquimalt harbor as i naval base. FISH ARRIVALS The fish sales follows: Omaney, 57,000 Ibs., sold to the \tlin Fisheries @ 18.4¢ and 43.6¢. Volunteer, 7,000 Ibs.;: Ethel tune, 1,000 Ibs.; Elsie, 41,000 Ibs. These boats sold to Booth Fisheries @ 19.3e and 14.2c. today were as BUSINESS CHANGES HANDS I beg to announce that I have disposed of my interest in the Standard Dairy to George Hib- bard. While thanking the public for their patronage, I would ask for a continuance of the same ti Mr. Hibbard. 264 J. A. LINDSAY. Pianos correctly tuned. G. © Walker. Phone Blue 389. t Remnants of all descriptions at Wallace’s Wednesday. 263 OL Al ADDI SECRETARY WANTED Applications will be re- ceived up till Saturday, No- vernber 15 for the position of Secretary to the Ppince Ru- pert Board of Trade; and should be addressed to the acting secretary, Board of Trade rooms, Second Ave. oo —_ Prince Rupert Exhibition. All persons or firms hav- ing accounts against the Northern B. (._Agricultural Association or owing moneys to the Association are re- quested to present,* their statements to the Secretary before noon Friday, Nov. 14, to be passed at the last meeting for this purpose that will be held on the evening of that date. G. A, HUNTER, Secretary. St. Regis Cafe Special Menu, 50c. Wednesday, November 12 Luncheon 11:30 to 2 p. m. Dinner 6 to 7:30 p. m. Mulligatawny Soup Boiled Alaska Salt Cod + Baked Spring Salmon Potted Lamb with Spring Vegetable Italian Pot ROast, Steamed Noodles Minced Veal Hash, Sweet Potatoes Si. Kegis Special Steak Roast Shoulder Pork, Pan Gravy * - Mashed, Boiled or Baked Potatoes Baked Plum Roll with Custard Sauce Meringue Tarwlets Strawberry Eclairs Tea or Coffee Watch for THURSDAY'S Menu FOK SALE—Kitchen cabinet, cen- FOR SALE —m ee Local News Notes m— eee . Remuant sale Wednesday morn- ingat Wallace's. 263 . > > A real treat to music lovers at the Westholme tonight, , . ; 855 Sewing machine for #45 at Barrie's Stock Reducing Sale. ti 7. . * \. Belknap was a passenger to Usk on yesterday morning's train. + . > Dainty Doroty Gish in “Peppy Polly;"-good comedy; good music. Westholme tonight. The “Dinector’’ Gorset. Manu- factured in Prince Rupert. Phone Blue 92. tl Remnants of dress goods, cre- tonnes, prints, flannellettes, rib- ions, laces, etc. Wednesday morn- ing, Wallace's. 263 ys Council U. hail The Central Labor meets tonight in the O. B. at 8 o'clock. All O. B. U. men in vited, i * > . Oscar Trouson was fined ten | dollars and costs in the police court this morning for being irunk and disorderly. v*Phe resular Meeting of the Trades and Labor Council will be it this evening inthe Cafpen: evs Hall at 8 p.m. -it Derathy Gish in “Peppy Polly’ two-reel Mack Sennet comedy; four-piece orchestra, Westholme onight. it Don't forget the peace celebra- ion social in Baptist Chureh to- | ~ Ladies’ Shoe Special We are offering for a few days only an good dress shoe for women that is below the present market value, This shoe is th widely known EMPRESS— a name that isa al antee of quality and right style. This particular last has high cuban heel; very short vamp, has high upper, and is made of fine quality yje; kid. especially several] dollars teletee —, Specially Priced $7.75 || LL ee! es. H. S. WALLACE CO., 11). iight at 8 o'clock. Good musical program, patriotic speeches, and efreshments. Admission free ‘olleetion at door. Peter Black will appear in the police court tomorrow morning harged with an infraction of th Prohibition Act. He is allaged to have had liquor in his possession other than on private premises. On the recommendation of the Board of Works it was decided at ist night's council meeting to srant the request of the Prince| Rupert Hotel Co. to use the space | under the sidewalk abutting thei: premises for the purpose of stor- ng coal and baggage. Aul the evidence in the case of Mah Sang Sing, charged with ‘aving liquor, in his possession, taken this morning before Magistrate MecMordie. The case vas Corner Third Ave. and Fulton St. see N.B.— Opening this week another express ship- ment of dresses in silks, serges, ete. A Ne ee ee ee A CE - eee oe Cer oe ne. Dentistry DON’T NEGLECT YOUR TEETH! One Decayed or Missing Tooth lowers Your Efficiency~ Dr. Bayne va%® adjourned till tomorrow to tive the magistrate time to fur-| her consider the evidence. L. W., ‘atmore appeared in defence of the aecused. Geo. Bryant, W. A. Williscroft and party are leaving this after- oon for a five days’ hunting trip down the coast on Mr. Bryant's new boat. They expect to make, sucéessful raids on the haunts of. ‘he ducks and geese in the bays | f the southern islands and also! find out if there is anything to the | frequent reports that the deer also abound there. | SKATING | The launch Alice B. will leave the Prince Rupert Boat House for the Salt Lakes on Wednesday af-| ternoon at 2:30, 3 and 3:30 o'clock | NEW TANKER HERE “Dillwyn” Brings Haif Cargo of | Fuel Oil, | ‘The Standard Oil tanker Dillwyn | 000 barrels, of fuel oil for the | local oil tanks. The “Dillwyn” is practically a new steamer, this being her see- ond trip. She has never been in Prince Rupert before. Half of her eargo which she brought from San Francisco was put ot) before reaching this port. She will complete discharging her cargo tomorrow, Spirella Corsectiere, Pies *“*#epepeepe#eneeeoe eee * TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY * eee eee cee eatrunee PARKVIEW APARTMENT HOUS! ~~208 and 210 Ninth Ave. West Single rooms for gentlemen now teady for rent. Apartments newly renovated. tf 6 ee eee tre table, Singer sewing ma- chine, library table, two rugs, sectional bookcases, Phone Blue for appointments. ~ Singer Sewing Ma- came into the harbor last night at 7 o'clock with half a cargo, 35,-_ | ilack 257. ie OFFICE HOURS— ‘ Morning, 9 to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 6.30, Saturdays, 9 (0 '2 only Every Evening from 7.30 to 9 Dental Nurse in attendance Phone 109 for appointment w . Cor. Fulton and Sixth Phone 524 National Grocery Co. VEGETABLES A SPECIALTY Motor Delivery : Prompt Attention Canadians “Put it over” in France They always achieved their objective. Our boys made a reputation for all Canadians to live up to. Canada’s objective now is $300,000,000, Do your bit and BUY VICTORY BONDS. ne Ores, Limited Fwo Phones 82& 200 Al Y our Service chine, price $15, phone 110, tf,