1 c: s ! ttonalist Oovemment of China will be asked to take over the care of all Chinese confined In mental hospitals in British 1 tolumbjaRpinjLb, I net decided at a meeting yes- NEW BOAT ISEARLY Prince Henry Will Arrive From Vancouver at 8 o'clock Tomorrow Morning The fine new Canidian National steamer Prince Henry will arrive in Prince Rupert at 8 o'clock tomorrow instead of at the regularly scheduled hour of 11:30, it was announced this morning by R. F. McNaughton, C N. R. district passenger agent, who received word to this effect from B. C. Kerley. Pacific Coast manager of company steamships. The new ship is being brought in ahead of time by Capt. Dan Donald so as to permit of the vessel being thrown open for public inspection from 10 o'clock until 11:30. She wilt sail for Skagway at 2:30 In the afternoon. One of the ceremonies in connection with the first visit here of the Prince Henry will be the making of a presentation of an engraved walking stick by Mayor C. II. Ornie, on behalf of the c'ty of Prince Rupert, to Capt. Donald. Among those who will be here with the Prince Henry on her maiden trip will be G. A. Mc-Nirholl, general passenger acent, Vancouver; II. C. Keeley, Pacific Coast manager' of Canadian National Steamships, and Reginald Beaumont, assistant Pacific Coast manager. CHEMICALS BLOW UP Seven Persons Killed and More May Die as Result of Rlast at Castlcford, England CASTLEFORD, England, July 4: ExDlodlne chemical killed seven persons Instantly today and wrecked the plant of Ulekson and Parsons, chemical workers. More than a vnrA mm taken to hosDltals and I .vnultH til llVP Towns 10 miles away heard the ' CAR CRASH; a SEVEN DEAD MURRAY DAY, Que., July 4: Fire persons were drowned last night when a car plunged over a bank with seven people while proceeding to the rescue of another car which had plunged over the same bank. Three passengers of the first car escaped and two of the second. Among the dead are Olivia Trembley, Napoleon Trembley, Eugene d'Asylva, Ellas d'Asylra and Alfred Asselllng, all of Murray Bay. Tomorrow's ' Tides -BOSTON GRILL Saturday, July 5, 1930 LARGE CABARET High 9.44 ain. 15.6 ft. Special Dinners Thursday! ttuS Eaturdajt 22 .33 p.m. 19.8 Xt. Ianrlnj Errry Saturday Night, 9 to It Low 422 Dance Hall for Hire am. 5.1 ft. Acoommo&tlon lor Private Partita 16.26 p.m. 8.9 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIAN NEWSPAPER rUON'E 457 Vol. XXI., Ni . 155. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, JULY 4, 1930 PRICE FIVE CEN1U WHEAT POOL DENOUNCED Former Commissioner of Railways Attacks Canadian Grain Body Tells Empire Club in Winnipeg That It Has Shaken Dominion's Economc Structure Through Us Disregard of Business Principles WINNIPEG, July 4: Addressing the Empire Club here last night, Hon. Frank Oliver, former member of the Board of Railway Commissioners, declared that Canada's entire economic structure had been shaken to its foundations through disregard of well established business principles due to the Wheat Pool's method of handling crops. His remarks were a scathing denunciation of the Canadian Wheat Pool's marketing activities. He declared that the principles of the Pool's marketing, expounded in Western Canada by Aaron Sapiro, had failed in their purpose. DOCKS IN VICTORIA Arrangement Between Japanese Line and Canadian National VANCOUVER. July 4: According ( jin Aanosacemca I tHed by. B, " KeeWy, Pacific Coast manager of the Canadian National Steamships, arrangements have been completed between the Nippon Yuson Kaisha, Japan mail line, for the latter to use the Odgcfl Point docks at Victoria. These docks are located at the outer harbc.- and have complete accomodation for deep sea Teasels. The N. Y. K. service operates between the Orient and Vancouver. Seattle and Victoria and the new, arrangement goes into effect with the outward sailing of Korea Mam on July 9.. TWO BURN T0DEATH Coking Still of imperial Oil Co. at Sarnla Exploded Today SARNIA, Ont., July 4: Two men, Reginald D. Connors, aged 37, and William T. Gilbert, also 37. both of Sarnla, were burned to death and five suffered burns In the explosion of a coking still at the Imperial Oil refineries here today. FINANCIAL HOUSE DEAL MONTREAL, July 4: Through purchase of controlling interest. Credit - Fonder Franco - Oanadlen has secured the Holland Canada Mortgage Oo. Ltd. In a deal Involving more than $9,000,000. 4- NOTES AUSENCE OF CANADIAN FLAO If VISITING THE CITY Dr. Piper of Calgary was in the city this morning and he said that American tourists on the boat remarked: 'This must be an American town 4" because the Stars and Stripes ! 4" are flying and there is no Un- Ion Jack in sight." He said he thought It a pity that a flag was not flying from the court house or some other public bulldin . The little old well-worn city hall fae was the only one flaDDlne in the breeze. CHINESE GOVERNMENT ASKED TO TAKE OVER ITS INSANE IN B.C. 4 VICTORIA. July 4-The Na- PREMIER KING IS SPEAKER IN CALGARY Parade in London Royal Canadian Members of R.CMP. as they KnlghUbridge barracks, where End of Free Trade in Great Britain Seen In Manifesto Issued by Very Powerful Group English Bankers Stringent Measures For Promotion of Inter-Empire Trade and Conclusion of Reciprocal Agreements Arc Urged By Financiers LONDON) July 4: "This is the end of free trade in Britain," cries the Morning Post today in an editorial commept on the trade manifesto issued last night by a powerful group of bankers, a document which urged stringent measures for the promotion of inter-Empire tradr and conclusion of reciprocal agreements between the countries of the Empire. An all important sentence of the banker's manifesto is considered to be that which says, speaking of rec'procal agreements between the countries of the Empire: As a condition to the securing of these arrangements, Great Britain must retain an open market for all Empire products while being prepared to impose duties on all imports from other countries." FISH SALES American' Ooolldge. 36.000, Booth. 11c. anB Mm .u.i or 7c NoVlh,'17l6b6; Royal, 11c. and 7'c. Canadian Cape Spencer, 8,000. At! in. 11.0c. and7c. Gunda, 3300, Cold Storage, 14.1c. and 8c. Al Small returned to the city on today's train from a business trip to Terrace, Smlthers and other Interior points. Mounted Police on rode In review past Lord Mayci of London, recently, on way to they stay during their appearance at International Horse Show at Olympla FISHERMEN MAYV0TE Weekly Close Season Altered at Federal Flection Time OTTAWA, July 4: To enable fishermen on the British Columbia coast to vote in the federal election without having to sacrifice a day's fishing, the fisheries regulations have been so amended that the weekly close season in tb?t pvriod will end at 6 p.m. on Monday, July 28, instead of at 6 p.m. on Sunday, July 27. . thSr Jack Munro returned to city on today's train from a trip to the interior. i, ( ; m i.kjh - TO SELL DCCR IN SOLDIERS' CLUBS ' VICTORLV July 4-Sa. of beer by fyildiers' Clubs 11- rnsed premises will start al- 4 most Immediately, the govtrn- ment, by order-ln-couneil 4 having formally allowed 'the 4 liquor board yesterday to 11- cense soldiers' dubs Under legislation passed last mdhtli. 4 BY OLIVER Prime Minister Today In British Columbia: At Revelstoke Tonight 4 Reiterated His Stand on Unemployment at Gathering Last Night in Alberta CityHecklers Removed By Police From Hall CALGARY, July 4: After one of the most strenuous meetings that he has addressed thus far in the campaign, Premier King left for British Columbia early this morning. Tonight he will speak at Revelstoke and Saturday night in Chilliwack. Then he will go on for meetings in Victoria and Vancouver. On his return trip, the Prime Minister will again speak in the province of Alberta when he will address a meeting in the north at Edmonton. A discussion of the unemployment situation by the Pre mier last night evoked a series otu - . interruptions which finally resulted - y in one of the hecklers being escor ted from the crowded hall by a policeman. With respect to unemployment, the Premier once more announced the readiness of the government to assist any province- ln .whlch .emergency conditions prevailed. He outlined what had been done by the federal government In the way of giving money grants for various .,.IT,., , . . purposes to the province of Alberta) "1NT?AL'1 Jul Rh Lemleu and declared once again that the onn" Si" of the Hcmse of Dominion government had received Commons, was no formal appeal for , assistance i mu pTed 'l7' 11 ! from any province which found iuPP0 a,1 Victoria Hospital self unable to meet unemployment j wheJ he 13 belng treated forJM conditions. If such an appeal were made, the federal government was ready to sit down with that province and try to solve the problem. VANCOUVER WHEAT VANCOUVER, July 4 Wheat was quoted on the local Exchange today at 94 Vic. The Political Corner Vol. 1. Friday, July The Tories and LLMitUA IMPROVED Former Speaker of House of Commons Recovering From Pneumonia UlVliMSt DUE WEDNESDAY The squadron of American destroyers, which It was stated yesterday would be here from Monday to Wednesday, of next week, will,' Instead, be here Wednesday to: jFriday. 4, 1930 No. 20. the Fishermen For years the fish canning interests of British Columbia knocked loudly at the door of the Liberal Oovemment at Ottawa demanding fish traps and other concessions by which they might better "regulate" the fishermen and the fishing. In spite of these Importuning, bow- ever, Mackenzie King, supported by Nelll of Alberni and Fred Stork of Rupert, remained adamant in refusal. But what a difference when the canning branch of the fisheries was transferred to Victoria. Scarcely had the transfer been made before the canning interests had their lobby working overtime knowing that their Tory friends, the Hon. M. Howe and associates could not say them nay. And such a set of regulaUons they did frame. The fishermen were to be sewed up into a pocket wherein competition would be stifled and fish prices properly "regulated" to suit the cannerymen. Mr. Howe capitulated in toto and had It not been for the hue and cry raised by the fishermen, by the Liberals both on the Fisheries Committee of the ilotvw and off and by some of the fairer minded cannerymen them-slres. Mr. Howe and;Uic "interests" would have succeeded in their designs. As it was. the outcry was so great they were compelled to drop them. -(Mr Because tome of the Howe regulations were .ultra vires of the local House, representations were made for the support of the Liberal Oovemment at Ottawa so that Uiey might be made effective This tho Liberal Oovemment declined to give on the ground that the Liberals stood for the "open door" policy In regard to fishing, aiming as much as possible to allow free and open competition lnstear of monopoly and over-regulation. The fishermen have seen the attitude of the Liberal Oovemment on the one hand and that of the Conservative Government cn the other, and all of Mr. Brady's protests to the contrary notwithstanding, they do not wish to put themselves in the power of a political party which could father the Howe regulations. , t V; - : V;:. t J. V i i