66 Taxi 66 Constable Thomas Smith to Get Humane Association Medal and Two Other Men Certificates VANCOUVER WHEAT VANCOUVER, May 5 Wheat Exchange today, WINNIPEG, May 5 Practic'ally'ail points throughout the prairie provinces report the land holding sufficient moisture to insure rapid germination but cool weather and frosty nights have been prevalent, with the result that nearly all points feel the need of warm weather to promote growth, according to the first, crop report of the agricultural branch of the Canadian National Railways. Many points in the park belt areas' of Northern Saskatchewan and Alberta report an increase df acreage over last year. - ; i uailoweTcr, It appear as if the in- crease ol acreage seeded to wheat N H W Pill ,-r If Y wlH not 1x5 smtet than a year ago, llLl ? I VLtiVs 1 as the new land is mosUy being . seeded to coarse grains. At older fir r, TFY Rl II lK N established grain growing centres. 1 Lilx. 1 JD J J IxU a few points report a small Increase ; In acreage but, when seeding has ibeen completed, very little differ-Only Canadian or British olumes fnce aJ compared to that of a year to Be Uied Now-All Foreign ag0 w,n be found Books Weeded Out In Manitoba wheat seeding varies from 60 in some districts to en- VICTORIA. May 5: Results of Ure completion of this operation in the policy of Hon. Joshua Hlnch- others. The seeding of coarse grains cliffc minister of education, in ui- at all points has commenced and tag British text books in the 'rom jo to 40 are in the ground, schools of British Columbia were weather has been fine and warm announced on Saturday with the an(j soil moisture is good. Carman Issuance of the annual list of books the only district reporting an infer the school year. 'crease in land being prepared for Evpry text book used will be jjtx and in this province there ap-published in Canada or Great Brl- to be a very small acreage tain All foreign texts are ellmln- seeded to rye. atcd, The minister announced that i jn Saskatchewan, the sou therly hf! had succeeded. in securing Ca-'districts report the seeding of nadun publlcaUon of 18 books for- ;wneat rapidly nearlng completion maly printed In the United States, and nearly all points have been Three Ocean Falls Men Rewarded "iic Association 10 wiu" Thomas Smith of Ocean Falls for heroism In the rescuing of two men Irom drowning at the paper town some time ago. George Maynard and Austin Masony, also of Ocean Falls, have been awarded parchment certificates. vulted with scattered snowers i which have been welcomed although the weather is exceptionally cool at night and irosia are prevalent. Fall rye is stoollng well and the Carlyle-Olenavon suD-aivisions Ireport a slight Increase in wneai and an Increase in me mv Uhi to rve. The rye increase may be accounted for by the fact that bast fall the province was favored with an exceptionally long sprei, m A bronze rriedal has been awar-l weather enabling farmers to JJ u .. . ii tf..-Ov,w I... .11 l.ll nz.lli.llv u.u oy me itoyai uanaaiau "u Dractlcaliy compiew nu " "' (Continued on Page Four) Japanese Baby Dies While On Way Into Town morning while being was quoted at S1.03M, on the localbrought to the city by It the Pn" two i treatment, 10 ior iiitujv - . MMld of Mr. and weens ' , Mrs. Union freighter Chllllwack. Capt.Toshlko Eaakl of DJuCnS John Mulr, arrived In port early died aboard a hoa ner Sunnyslde la mornlnir via the Naas River cannery. vi.. . . . 4 ...it. tA VtMn An h4""j . , due to natural vne BOUtti and U aiscnarBinB acavn returned to cargo of cement for the rower causes. .. dertaker8 to Corporation of Canada. The vessel day by the B. u amu where 1 leave tomorrow on her return Port Esslngton south, terrcd. Hon. H. H Stephens, who is expected to seek re-election in Vancouver Centre, despite announced retirement. HECATE STRAIT . LIGHTS .Minister of Marine and Fisheries Promises Aid in Matter In regard to Improvement to Hecate Straits aid to navigation, the Associated Boards of Trade of Central British Columbia has received the following letter !rom Hon. Dr. J. II. Kin;, minister of pensions and national health: "Olof Hanson of Prince Rupert, who is at present in Ottawa, has brought to my attention ropy of your letter of March 19. addressed to the Rt. Hon. the Prime Minister and the Minister of Marine and Fisheries, in retard to improvements in Hecate Strait. "At the request of Mr. Hanson, I communicated with the Minister of Marine and Fisheries, some time ago in this connection, and have his promise that he will do everything he can to further the desires of Mr. Hanson and other residents of the Prince Rupert District to have additional aids to navigation installed at Hecate Strait," Toronto Stocks (Courtny 8. D Johnnon Co.) Amulet, .67. .70. Dome, 840, 8.25. Falconbrldgei 3.65, 3.10. Howie, .80. .83. Holllnger, 6.45. Mclntyre, 18.05. 18-25. Mining Corp., 1.52, 155. Manitoba Basin. .05, .06. Noranda. 26.00, 26.10. Sherrltt Oordon, 1.81, 1.84. Sudbury Basin, 1.92, 1.05. Teck HuRhes. 6.40, 650. ; Treadwell Yukon, 4.25, 4.75. Ventures, 1.12, 1.20. Hudson Bay, 9.15, 9.20. Int. Nickel, 32.25, 32.40. Imperial Oil, 24.25, 24.50. Mr. and Mrs. John Newlck aim ar- rived In the city on yesterday afternoon's train from Hazelton and sailed last night on the Prince Ru-ncrt for Vancouver where they 40. Several of the injured have little chance to live. BIG FINDS FAR NORTH Copper Said to Be Discovered, on Great Slave Lake; Silver Lead In Northern B.C. WINNIPEG, May 5: Rumors reaching here on Saturday told of important copper finds along the shores of Great Slave Lake In the sub-Arctic region, 1000 miles north of Edmonton, The mysterious Nahannl country of Northern British Columbia, from which have come fabulous stories of great riches, is the source of a new rumor which reports the discovery of heavily laden silver-lead deposits. Neither rumor can be NAVIGATION! ON? - - TAKU NOW OPEN ' Navigation on the Taku River is now open, according to word received by J. II. McLeod, collector of customs, from T. M. Haney. new customs officer, who was able to get up to his post at Tulsequah last Thurs- day. will attend the united cnurcn v 4 conference. U Boston Grill LAKGE CAUAKET Tl rrllablt day nd nlrlit in-rlot and (Special Dinners Thursday and Saturday! Till: ONXV 80c. IAUE ANf IXACB Dancing Every Saturday Mfht, 9 to it IHTEKT. Cull CS lor IN qgtrk nwlcc. Dance Hall for Hire Try It and yon will b plenum Accommodations for Private Parties DAVE 7.ILI.K. Prop. . Prlniy rtoptft NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PHONE 457 4 Vol. XXI.. No. 105 4 . i,..,v,n..n.ijagfc. u-. MAHAfM Leader of Nationalist Movement in India Has Been Taken in Custody Rt. Hon. Wedgewood Bcnn Tells House of Commons That Situation Is Now Under Complete Control of Authorities BOMBAY, May 5:Mahatma Gandhi, Nationalist leader, whose arrest for being the prime mover in the civil disobedience campaign has been frequently predicted during the past week, was taken into custody yesterday at the village of Jalapur. LONDON, May 5: Rt. Hon. Wedgewood Benn, Secretary of State for India, today told a questioner in the House of Commons that, following the arrest of Mahatma Gandhi, the authorities were in complete control of the situation in India. Spring Crop Situation All Over Prairies Is Favorable Although Warmer 'Weather Needed Now PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, MAY 5, 1930 Niece of Local Man Starts Today In Moth Plane Making England to Australia Hop CROYDON, England, May 5: A pretty golden-haired 23 year old girl, Amy Johnson, started this morning in a tiny Moth plane on a flight of 22,000 miles to Australia and return. She hopes to better the record of Bert Hinkler, who flew to Australia in 15 days. Miss Johnson is a niece of T. H. Johr.son, manager of the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., being the daughteHof Will Johnson, who is well known in Prince Rupert through visits here. California Plane With Pilot and Two Passengers Missing ; On Smithers-Whitehorse Hop plane had been weatherbound at Hazelton for four days before going to Smithers. LIVERPOOL EXPLOSION Three Killed and More Will Following Blast in O't Cake Mill Die LIVERPOOL, May 5: A terrific explosion in Blbbys oil cake mUl on Great Howard Street today killed three persons and Injured at least MAY SELL 0UTRGZ rremier Tolmle and President Beatty of C.P.R. to Confer Next Month VICTORIA, May 5: Discussions concerning the Pacific Great Eastern Railway will take place here in June between Hon. Dr. S. F. Tolmle, Premier of British Columbia, and E, W. Beatty K.C, president of the Canadian Pacific Railway. Interest in the possible sale of the Pacific Great Eastern is aroused by announcement of the impending conference. It is considered possible that the Peace River Block may figure in any negotiations which may take place for the sale of the railway. ANY0X IS PURCHASED (Well Known Coast Freighter to Be j Converted Into Well Equipped Salvage Vessel VICTORIA, May 5: The Pacific Salvage Co. has purchased the freighter Anyox from the Coast wise Steamship Si Barge Co. of Se attle for $100,000. The latest salvage equipment will be Installed on the vessel which will be used for salvage work on the coast. The Auyox, well known as a freighter all along the BrlUsh Columbia coast, was built at Wlnslow, Wash., In 1917. She is 193 feet, four Inches In length with beam of 39.7 feet and deDth of 19.8 feet. Her l gross tonnage is 1207 and net, 749. I The vessel was formerly of Am-erlcah registry but, on being ac quired several years ago by the Coastwise Steamship it Barge Co., was converted to Canadian. PRICE FIVE CENTS GANDHI IS UNDER ARREST LOCAL EXPERIMENTAL FARM IS URGED Will Run Again Dr. King Promises His Assistance in Getting This Agricultural Aid Olof Hanson Makes Representations at Ottawa and Associated Boards of Trade Hear From Minister on Matter Olof Hanson, while in Ottawa recently, urged upon the (federal government the advisability of establishing an experimental farm in the central interior. He has received j assurance from Hon. Dr. J. H. King, minister of pensions ! and national health, that he will do everything in his power to lurther the project. Dr. King writes to the Associated Boards of Trade of Central British Columbia as follows in connection with the matter: "Olof Hanson of Prince Rupert, who is at present in Ot tawa, has advised me of your rc-0 presentations in regard to the es-iw . tablishment of an Experimental! Iff j ft w I Farm in Central BriUshChimbi4jlliIij 1 wnicn i note nave Deen presented ; by your association to the Hon, Mr. 1 (Bt Government Teleeranhs) iMouierweu, Minister ui. Agriculture, - . i ,1 "I might say that since 1927,1 HA&L J.UN, Jiay o: A caom monoplane, owned DV have been impressing upon the De the AenrTransnort of Alameda. California, and piloted bviDartment of Aericuiture the advis w.GiMc"FayUert; with two- passengers TpmMftchell andbmty of, setting, aside some pro Utr a 1 . 1 I rr 0T4.u..-" . r 1I, nertv in that district for exneri. i v r.iiiiinniiM mmiiiimii mi I f 1 1 1 I iTi 1 1 i f i ? iii. ii ii I ii ii n ' Sunday morning, bound for ' Whltehorse. The machine wmSHT TlfeS last seen by the lineman at Seventh Cabin, 150 miles north on the Experimental vW.thwugh'M of Hazelton, at 7 o'clock, headed into rough weather. The out the whole of Canik fApAf ' attrtbutf? to .1 i - reluctant . u-T Impaired marginal accounts, blocks parenUy such- a ca thg rvirf. of narllamont In. InrTPAV. lLlr4 been able to undertake such a pro Ject. "Mr. Hanson will be in touch with the Minister of Argiculture while in Ottawa and you may rest assured that I will do everything I can to assist him in presenting to the Department a statement of the need for experimental services In the vicinity of Prince George and body'was RECOVERED Corpse Floating at Harbor Mouth Believed to Be That of One of Falls River Drowning Victims Believed to be the remains of one of four men who several weeks ago were drowned from a skiff in Falls River near its confluence with the Ecstall, a body, so badly decomposed that Identity by the features is impossible, was discovered floating into the harbor not far from the Digby Island marine station yesterday afternoon. The discovery was made from the beach by Mr. Eastman, an employee at the marine station, who tied the corpse to the beach and immediately notified the police. Officers then went out in the police boat and brought the body to the city. It is now In charge of the B. C. Undertakers. The rexalna are those of a man who would be about five feet eleven I Inches In height and of about 180 pounds weight. It was clothed In rubber overall suit ankle length. blue pants, black Sweater with two CRASHES Stock Prices Ground Down Satur-dtr Under Avalanche of Selling Or'rdrs NEW YORK, May 5 Stock prices crashed on Saturday under an av- of '.from five to thirty thousand !,- iv,. At "ifmare's being dumped. After selllnir $15 off, a slight rally was followed by another break before the close. There were record Saturday sales of 4,800.000 shares. TALK OF ELECTION Some Think Date May be Set Next Week Others Are Not So Sure OTTAWA, May 5: With a caucus of Liberal members scheduled for this week, conjecture here runs high on the possibility of a definite pronouncement being madd regarding an election this summer. On all sides is heard the opinion that the budget delivered last Thursday was an "election budget." While it is conceded that the government, in drafting the budget, had in mind the possibility of an election campaign. It is by no means certain that the government's mind has been made up on the quesUon of appealing to. the country this year. Edmonton Mill Rate Has Been Fixed at 47.5 EDMONTON. May 5 The mill rate of this city has been fixed at 475 which is a considerable Increase over. 1929. Expenditures of t W. n lt. n.tbA mmlnff VMir will white button?, kHakl shirt, green," w f , T buckle. There were no shoes but m, rat "?!Rts addlt.lonal the remainder of socks at the, . ankles. The clothes contained no I garment which might lead to lden- TAlWfiPDnWQ TIIlP tlty. In the front of the upper law j lUlUUiUvUn J llLILj is a gold tooth. Men will bo brought from the Falls River construction work tomorrow in the hope of having the remains identified. An Inquest will then be held. Tuesday, May 6, 1D30. High 7.49 a.m. 17.3 ft. 21.14. pin. 17.4 ft. Low 1.5S am. 9.9 ft. 14.34 p.m. 5.4 ft.