PAGE TWO HIS O-to NEW3 .Monday, May u UN The Daily News CROPS ON TO SURVEY I'aiNCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Evj inmaJiupert PRAIRIES NEW BLOCK Published in II. F. PULLER Managgdjrjif 5i.f SUBSCRIPTION RATES By mail to.all other parts of British Columbia, the British Em- CANADA SEEN IN ENGLAND 'Canadp is.very niych in the public eye in England just now. Every day there is some mention in. the newspapers oi tnat country about Canadian affairs. Politics of this country are-very much discussed and-developments eagerly followed. There has never been a time in history wnen this country loomed so large across the Atlantic as m 1980. WOULD HE GREAT FIGHT If T. D. Pattullo should decide to enter the lists against H. H. Stevens in Vancouver Centre at the forthcoming election and if he should be first created a cabinet minister, possibly with the portfolio of fisheries, there would be the fight of a lifetime in that constituency. Mr. Stevens has heJd his own in Vancouver for many years and has been an active representative but every man meets his Waterloo sooner or later and the prediction is that if he is opposed by Pattullo he will have the stiffest fight on his hands that he has ever entered. Naturally Prince Rupert people would be backing their own champion. , THE DUTY ON HALIBUT Opinion is very much divided in Prince Rupert as to the au.iMuiuy ui umij me uuiy on American naiiDUl as reprisal against the United States two-cent duty. J. C. Brady, member for Skeena, advocated it in a speech in the House of Commons last week. In that he will be supported by some Liberals and opposed by some Conservatives. At any rate it is not an important issue. He does not seem to have expressed himself on the other reprisals which have been suggested here from time to time. ONE HORSE TOWN It's a great thing not to be a one horse town. Any place dependent on one industry is in a parlous condition all the time because no one can tell when that industry may close down and the town practically go out of existence. ' Prince Rupert is developing awav from the condition of dependence on one industry. While halibut fkhino- nrnhnhlv remains the most important money-maker for the city, sal-l m,i mini if 1ai,i, A .1 it 1- 1 ?i , " . 1 luiw it aim uie ampouiming, railway snops ana lumber manufacturing all are important and the closing of any ono would affect the city prejudicially but not serious- jy. This typieal group photographed along the boardwalk at Ttlantlc City, during Easter, when beauty and fashion went hand-in- umiu unaer oiue sKies. iiere an in" elite are Seen with frock in lines chk- and graceful. new ji. Mpliiure Dearth Is Relieved But Weather Still Cool Conditions rGood in Peace River WINNIPEG, May 19: The dearth nf suhviil mntotitrp sn pirirtpnt. Aarl pire and United State, paid in advance, per year' -6.00 ir In the sDrine has. durine the Br mail to all other countries, per year . . ; .. :. . i .!, a . 7.50 phstiveek throughout many dls- Uniformity of germination Is evident in the levelneas of gram to well above ground and showing up in rows. A" few points report oat plants beginning to peep through VICTORIA, Mav. 19; Under an I agreement between the British Co- j lumbla Government, the Canadian Government, the Canadian Nation- j al Railways and. the Canadian Pacl-; flc Railway, announced by Premier t Tolmle, a systematic natural re sources survey of the Peace River ay mail to all parts of Northern and Csntral British Columbia. tficts in Manitoba and Baskatche- I block will be' launched almost im paid in advance forlyejirta ffiii fMffii'r! 3.00 , wan. been greaUy improved accord-1 mediately Ahd,,icarried on alljsum- Or four months for'.'. : . '. ; .'. r.U. . HW.vl W.f J 1.00 log to the weekly report of the ag- , mer. For lesser period, paid In advance, per month 50 : ricultural branch of the Canadian The survey organisation under City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance $5.00 National Railways. Alberta has not I Major C. R. Crysdale which con-Transient advertising on front page, per inch 2.80, been quite so fortunate although J ducted the Pacific Great Eastern Local readers, per insertion, per lino 25 'Scattered showers have assured the iRailway survey of last summer Transient display advertising, per Inch, per insertion 1.40 ; pretence of sufficient moisture in, will handle the Peace River block Classified advertising, per insertion, per.word 02 .the top soil for satisfactory germln- Lceal notices, each Insertion, tier ntrate line 1 Station. Contract rates on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone 93 Editor and Reporters' Telephone 86 Member Of 'Audit Bureau of Circulations :',. DAILY EDITION Monday, May 19, 1930 investigation also. For some weeks the premier has the ground bat the wet spell has portent part in the future of Bri-, Iana at Brooklyn fcractteally at a standstill. Hiah uver country, ine survey, winds are reported from some dfs-'l V?? l"e lntW?1 01 isrteUi and light frosta In others, but u" lwo 1,ere' Pu' P?,e in no damage from either cause 1 re- , JT " "MCT , u""ku, itorded. Warm weather is a net ea sily. Alberta weather has been vari able, some districts have had very f coia, cioudy weather with strong winds and, when winds died down, light frosts setUed but very few points report the generous rains which were prevalent In Manitoba and Saskatchewan. Coarse grain seeding in Alberta is a .little further advanced than In Saskatchewan and Manitoba, but most of the districts In central and north central Alberta desire warm weath er and more rain would not amiss. Peace River conditions In the Peace River mi nicer iiruuicmi aenniveiy mj a head. , , FAST TRAIN IS STARTING WINNIPEO, May 19: Running on a schedule three and a half hours faster than in previous years, The Confederation, crack through train on the Canadian National be RaUways. operating dally from To- iuuuj io Vancouver, resumed service yesterday. Leaving Winnipeg at 8:45 a.m.. Central Standard time, territory have been satisfactory as!8 arrIve" at R8lna flt 5:40 ,the? weather has been oiear and I awnoard time, tne same warmer with .cti-ri h-r. iQay an a saskatoon at 10:35 p.m. that nlBht ""n reached at TheJand has warmed up and prac- tlcally all the early seeding is now r lhe next mornlnB and Vancou-above at 11 'clock Pacir,c Standard ground and showing in rows DistricU t report seeding varying tlme 1116 IoUowln morning. This from 90 to total completion makes a savtng of tw0 and a nal ifoisture conditions are sajlsficftory nou between Winnipeg and Van-ror Ithe present and, with few couver over ,a,t schedule, warpi days, growth would be rapid.! TJ1 ilnt n east of .The Con- federation from Vancouver leaves ECZEMA Boils, Pimples 4 tU nifMlotu mail htm tloi im. BLOOD ixj ,ir Btrr; Oi.imM thnaia txii's !. 'oh will umi aa U mulu tn1 ik (priiiiil ! O LU .00, A, Oiat. JOc. ASK YOUR DRUCCIST ,. there at 1:35 p.m. tomorrow and arrives at 'Edmonton at 4:45 Mountain Standard time the following afternoon. Saskatoon is reached at 1 :40 the next morning and Reglna at 6:45. Winnipeg is reached at 5:28 the same afternoon. Eastbound from Winnipeg. The Confederation will start its first run Thursday at 6:20 p.m. This noted train touches at two of the continent's most popular resorts, Mlnakl. Ont.. and Jasper, Alta. The trs.lri,ls,.t)f course radio-equipped and carries most modern equipment BABE RUTH SHOWS 'EM Poled Out Hardest Home Run in History of Boston Field Robins Continue Climb Upwards ST. LOUIS, May 19: Chicago Cubs of the National League snapped the St. Louis Cardinals' win ning streak at cine by taking the been negotiating with the two , first of a double-header here yes transcontinental railways ior aniterdav date as all early sown whtat is now i agreement cohering the Peace River Brooklyn Robins continued their block survey to uie beiier tnat tnis ciimD towards the top of the league land to be turned over to the pro vince shortly will play a vitally im when they twice defeated the PhllHe before a crowd of 30,000 prevented much progress being I tish Columbia's railway and in the : Tn the American League. Babe made to the seed tog of barley and j development of the whole northern. Ruth hit what was probably the teats over that reported a week ago. (Ground still unseeded is in many pistricts showing green with a profuse gpwth of wild oats and other weeds. This growth, however, wtll be exterminated before proceeding Kith further seeding other localities will show results of these frostings. Pastures are Improving and live stock is rapidly putting on flesh. Bad road conditions. throughout the country curtailed loading and receipts on western stock yards were light and the na tural reaction to this was higher prices.' If receipts. increase, how lever, prices will react Jto lower levels. The excellnt grazing Drosoecta nan or uie province. He announced j longest and hardest home run in that a definite arrangement had .the fifteen years of the Boston been made whereby the government field's history when New York Yan- ana uie two railways win snare tne Kee blanked the Red 8ox. cost of the work jointly as before. "We need this information on the Peace River block before we can ln- Varying degrees on the nights of, this great area of about 3,000.000 May 1(S and 18, and Dauphin reports (acres." the premier aanounced. 13 degrees of frost on the latter J "The survey of the P. O. E. night. It is certain that garden ! land blocks, virtually completed truck In the Red River valley and last summer and now being crys tallized in a final report, waa sueh an outstanding success and revealed sueh invaluable information that we feel the new survey will be however, I amply justified by the facts which it will gather. In other words, we want to know what goods we have on our shelve before we start arrange for their sale." Not Difficult to Organization of the new survey which areinowKapparent. ,are .re!"111 not 06 difficult, as Major Crys fleeted in the.daslie.ef manv feed- 1 dale's staff of experts, used last ers to retain until fall all classes of stocker and feeder cattle. Manitoba weather this past week year in the P.G.E. land blocks, is still intact. It will operate with Prince George as its base again un- has been cloudy and ceol with der present plane but a definite de- plenty of rainfall and all seeding cteion on this pdtot has not been operations arv at a standstill. Very ! made yet. little upright growth above ground I 11 was explained at the lands de-has taken place, although early iprtment that extensive surveys sown wheat is stooling well. I nve been made In the Peace River Souths. SMkatfihewan points' "8 benejitk. by ine B,"fltn" " genemus rains dar-l15 lag the week, buV In addition. fT . oee" c, . tt w rather low temperature prevailed ! the Pro?lnce and to the transcon-and tlnentel rattways is the most lm- snow to a dervth nf fnr )nrh. vteited some districts northwest and !pOTnt aipect ' the malter The decisions of the to south of raUways Reglna. with the result that there ha hn v.rv iwi. 'cw-wpcraie in uie new survey seem Week-end scores were as follows: SATURDAY National League Boston 4-4, New York 3-3. Brooklyn 6. Philadelphia 14. Cincinnati 5. lPttsburg 7. American League New York 3. Boston 2. Philadelphia 5. Washington 16. St. Louis 7. Detroit 12. Cleveland 1-2, Chicago 4-8. SUNDAY American Lea tne New York 11, Boston 0. Phllaelphla 1, Washington 0. Cleveland 7, Chicago 4. St. LouisDeirolt,(rain, National League Boston 4-2, New York 1-3. PltteburT 2,Cinciriniu' 1. Philadelphia 0-6, Brooklyn 3-7. Chicago 9-2, St. Louts 6-8. TEAM STANDINGS National League American League W. Washington 20 growth. Fall rye. always quick to IT uVianwu. rnuaaeipna is rwpond to moisture. Is showing real !""a am- inRl ine reace K,ver : Cleveland 18 Improvement and in some fields the ",e uu OUK1 v 1 Bn ,m 1 New YorK - Prtanl u not a aomlnant part In Chicago ll rye plants are from five to six in- uk uuunave soiuuon oi ine racuic ' si, Lou IS )1 Great Eastern Railway problem. Boston 11 poinU. but the seeding of coarse I The Provlnce n" alwy thought Detroit 9 grains during this week has shown ; " 11 ha area to bargain ; lltUe Dsosresa over the reoort of a ; w,ul a ru gppgr Chicago 14 Brooklyn n.irm m y St. Louis Cincinnati Boston 12 IS Philadelphia .' 9 16 L. 10 10 12 11 14 15 17 20 Week. ago. as seeding operations for I ?U lnc and. QT A TF M A l)V northward O I H I EiO If 1 AULa Uhe last half of the week have been LU extei"Iona to the Pet .581 .571 .553 .538 .517 .444 .444 .360 Pet. .667 .643 .556 .560 .440 .423 .393 M0 CLEAN SWEEP Defeated Canada In Remaining Davis Cup Singles at Phlla-elphia on Saturday PHILADELPHIA, May 19: United States swept the Davis Cup series with Canada on Saturday by taking the remaining singles.' John Dolg defeated Jack Wright, 6-2, 6-3. 6-2, and Wilmer Allison won from Marcel Ralhvllle 62, 6-2, 7-5. King's Plate Toronto Race Kyland News Aymond Winner Event Saturday Whale Oil Second Itchitaro, Third of TORONTO. "May 19: Ryland News Aymond won the King's Plate on Saturday. Whale Oil waa second and Ichltaro. third. Eighteen horses ran. HeyUred Wilson of PrinceBut pert. Rev. c. E. Motte of Prlnco Rupert-Jtev. W. II, Pierce of Port Esslngton, Rev. It. T. Allen of Terrace, Rev. S. V. II. Redman of Queen Charlotte City, Rev. David ! GALLANT POX, WITH EARL SANDE UP, IS WINNER OF BIG RACE LOUISVILLE, Ken., May 19: Oallant Fpx. riddeniby Earl Sande, noted' AmerTcar? Jockey,t won the Kentucky Derby on Saturday. Gallant Knight waa second and Ned O third. By winning the race, Sande now ranks with the great jockey, Isaac Murphy, in having won three Derbies. The horse Gal- lant Fox takes rank with Sir Baron as the only two horses to win both the Preakneea and the Derby, the two $69,060 takes. In a week's time. The rase was run on Uie famous Churchill Downs course. JUNIORS DO WELL In the first half both defences, were generally too good for the! forwards. High School waa danger-! oui at times but the forwards finished weakly. Walters mtssed closely with a long drive for Booth from a free kick. The second half was jtttt as keen and there was not a dull moment. Fisher and Bacon nearly scored for High but Suehlro saved splendidly. On a well taken corner kick from T. Nakamotp, Christiansen scored for Booth. Until the end, the game was fiercely fought but there was no further scoring. For High. Smith, at back, and Na-kamoto, Oreer and Bartlett did well. The forwards found the Booth defence tight, Bacon playing well with Fisher next beat. Booth players all did well with honors going to the defence. Ward-roper and Cromp were the beet forwards although all did well. Jack Campbell refereed and the line-ups were as follows: High Stlnech; Smith and Kat-suyama: Bartlett, K. Nakamoto and Greer; Kanaya. P. Fisher. Qameron, Hlckey and Bacon. Booth Suehlro; Walters and Gomez; T. Nakamoto, Cross and Davies; Wardroper, Holatetn, Ivar-son, Christiansen andCromp. The next game wilf be on Wed nesday evening between Borden Stret and Booth schools. S0CCERISTS IN CANADA Kilmarnock Scottish Team to Play at Montreal Tonight Rangers at Toronto Tomororw MONTREAL, May 19: The Kll marnock Scottish soccer team ar rived here yesterday .and will nlay Carstecl, a local team, t6nigh.t after wnicn they will leave for a tour of Ontario. The Glasgow Rangers, Scottish Cup hofcters, arrived at Quebec on Saturday and will go to Toronto Tuesday to start a tour which will take them to the Pacific Coast. REGIMENT LINE.UP The line-up for the Regiment In tonight's Oilhuly Cup football game against the Prince Rupert Alh1lA M,,w 1 LTn Ro68 " Hellbroner; E Darf Wrfht of Ln e"a; n6V- T iEdunibe, Macdonald and Dolg and Rev S?of M-F ' Wilson. Rus-scll, Watson, Murray vx SorVern minS. " amonsland Norrlngton; reservea, Smurth-northern ministers who are In walte and Bradshaw. Vancouver to at end the annum1 conference of the United Church, 1 "Will the operation be a one. doctor?" "No1 not You can't have a dangerous operation for fifty dollars." SOFTBALL POSTPONED The CUM. Softball game of Round House vs. Dry Dock was fur WINNING WALKER Harry Sleman of Toronto BrMkl York Marathon NEW YORK, May 1!) Hirr?s man of Toronto yesterd . v w,, uuwunai amateur w 000 walking championship the national record fur ) ,,. by more than four Sleman covered th. .i:,!, four hours, forty-seven nnmus forty-eight seconds mi .. , , lead. UBYSSIES WIN AGAIN University Rugby Team I)(f(lW Manitoba All-Stan 2:! to J On Saturday rooth Defeated High School iwiiruj. May iw t By One to Nil Score ,Wl4y of British Columbi i rm jtesmi, on its way horm- v' ii,n ver after its eastern tmr A r,r.. Booth Memorial School defeated qUet, stepped off here .saturaa'v Klnf Edward High School Saturday, to defeat a selected UbumM jov afternoon by a score of one to nil a ace-re of 23 to 3. In a splendid Junior League foot- i The Vancouver rugRer bav. r. ball .game which was featured by lcet a single game in an , ( iu many incidenU of brttltent play. It; large eastern cities thev hav. v.. was, indeed, one of the finest andtted during the past tw , mart keenly contested Junior .week. This was the ia rrt League games which has been i the tour, " played In many a day. ; J Preparing For Yachting Fight Frankie Neal, Who Will be lira liner to Make First PnMlr Appearance Tonltht Frankie Neal, Pruv Rr' flashy young boxer, wt). : o the headliner in the r,n:.: brv ing tournament under 'ii cea of the Empress Socu.i ( i m the Prtnee Rupert Yarl'' .. make his first public ,ipp irjn f In a local ring at 'tv Eagles smoker this evening, when f w.J boxa three-round exhibition wit Benny Wendle. Frankie has been traimr" fn: the last few weeks in anti'-nutios of the fight on June 24(rt nh boy who will be brough' fr n r-, II Man in the Moon M , - Ml I -1 You may not be ubi piav golf in Prince Rupert bn- v i hang the carpet on clothes i line and tee off from th" flx r mat and keep bp-your prar'n " Tf von miss the carpet you Iom- thy ball "Do you have to see ci n r get liquor In this town " "No, indeed, it's aftrmi'i you'll have to sec a doctor. Talking of styles. tlvn will be little change this yem m Pnts pockets. They .will be about as empty as ever. A bungalow Is a roit is" the work on which Is ba hmielfd and on which you owe it 1S p5"' matedjthat at -least tw third" the buildings in town fimjln easily meet the specifications The newly-wed breakfasting. Time at zealous hotel manaRCf them and asked them all they wanted. ' tim' th y r -No, replied the youm man tho manager's sixth oppeo1 "Get us some honeymoon will you?" "What Is that, sir?" "Just lettuce alone." munity by pulling at vour salad' If you find you can t rui' v(r" self In the estimation oi trw - bootstraps, try a stick of dvuaB Doubtless a good mar.v pwP' would be pleased at the- "suit Therp wbs a man doWTI c tin wi n a a fnrtiina 1T? &l ther postponed from yesterday on Columbia nuts He sold account or unfavorable weather, j ler hats and bell bottom us:?5'