iSZto'" ,fnoW' . 9 'JX 1w rrvooj 3 i LV rfffiv- xXTO Ml In the January 25th issue of the Saturday Evening Post, John R. Tunis says this about daily newspapers: Ine Daily 77ic thing that has made football what it is to-day, that has pushed it into the front Wave of sports in the United States, is the press. Newspaper publicity fills stadia, and don't you forget it." And daily newspapers fill more thanfootballstadia They fill ma)ufaym' pockets and retailers' cash registers with the proceeds of the sales of those products which arc in constant demand because they arc consistently radyertised in the daily press. It is daily newspaper advertising that keeps this brand of tea or that ' make nf cereal in the "front wave" of consumer prefcrcjj.,,. It is daily newspaper advertising that leads housewives in every part of the Dominion to buy this make of soup or that brand of soap. It is daily newspaper advertising that influences men from Halifax to Vancouver to buy this razor or that collar. It is daily newspaper advertising that maintains a constant flow of goods from maker to merchant to consumer. Daily newspaper advertising is the most powerful instrument available to manufacturer, distributor or retailer for influencing buying habits either of the nation as a whole or a particular section of it. And well do they realize it because years of actual experience have shown them that the results secured from daity newspapers arc far greater jhan can be obtained from any other advertising medium. -Vy newspapers sell most fcsods because theyare mad by most buyersu Newspapers o Canada This advertisement is published under the auspices of the Canadian Daily Newspapers Association