May 19, 1930. Nl i an ad ian National iw Largcft "Railway SyAcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE s from Tirt'VfW tlftmT tr.- va iii! " --- aumw at w .HiVU V I lilk, T IV 1 V7i i I.: and intermediate paints, Thursday & Sunday 10 p.m. n ; and STEWART each Wednesday & Saturday at 4 p.m. Kill and SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, Wcd-i.i at 10 p.m. " i : NA RIVER POINTS. Mondays. 8 a.m., N 1 RIVER POINTS, Tuesdays, 8 a.m, i'ASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT ' kit ntMT at p.m.. fr ruiNci: ir;oitm:. iiimomon. irix., all Mlnl In tatcru Canada, and lulled Male. Ajeney All Ocean Steamship Lines Kit Office. SIS Third Ave., Prince Rupert Phone 2C0 -A "j" Ill 1iJ o DRIED SPRUCE, CEDAIt AND HEMLOCK MI, CEILING, RUSTIC, MOULDINGS, ETC. Specialties 'XV Grain1 Boat Cedar. Kiln Dried Edge Grain Hemlock Flooring and Cedar Shiplap, Boards, Dimensions nnd Timbers Doors, Windows, Shingles, Etc. ul lots off-grade material at reduced prices. BIG BAY LUMBER CO., LTD. TO THE OLD COUNTRY in Comfort ... and Cheaply I Modern Third Ont accommodation it thoroughly comfortable and up-to-date. There it every pottlWt convenience. Well ventilated lUteroomi, with toft hair mattresae, feather pillowJ, warn blanketi . . . large mirrors 4nd washitands. Excellent bathing and toilet arransements, spotlessly (lean. Fine, spacious Dmlns Saloons, Smoking Rooms, Ladiet' Rooms . . .wide desk tpacet for sports . i child-ren't Pla Rooms. Splendid accommodition, good food, txctlltnt ttrvlct ... and only $155 RETURM Book lhoug The Cunord lino, &,Haitinn! 51 ,W.,Voncouvr, (TaltpNon bnymour 3648-9), or ony ilflarnihlp byCUNAD ANCHOR-DONALDfON I IMPf. . . r-AMAniAN SERVICE r-. m In Plymouth. Havra. Lenm. Uvarpool, Blfi.t. Olnaow.trom Montrml faod Qtwbet) If you lose ahythinfr, try a classified ad. 5 Manufacturers Prince Rupert, B.C. m THIRD CLASS Tffe S. Moore sailed Saturdav afternn on the Prince Rupert fona brief business trip to Stew- art. .William Macey is making the round trip to the Skeena River aboard the steamer Prince William today. Miss Cathie Harvey left last night on the Prince Rupert en route to Seattle and Portland on a three weeks' holiday. Eagles' Smoker tonight. Boxing Wendle versus Neil, four other good bouts. Refreshments and Jother .entertainment. Admission. $1.00. Everybody welcome. 117 Mrs. Annette Stone sailed, on the Prince Rupert Saturday afternoon for a brief, business trip to Anyox. She will return to the city on the Catala tomorrow morning. Mrs. Lund has gone out to take charge of Oona River School on Porcher Island made vacant through the Illness of Miss Duclose who underwent an operation last week In the Prince Rupert hospl tel. i ' ANNOUNCEMENTS $. Moose Whlfit)riW' and Dance May 30. -mjjivl Umtia Eks danctes;MW2V.;,Elics,iHome. C. N. Recreation Picnic to Terrace July 1.- COMMODORE CAFE The latest thing in lunch counters just installed. Delicious Waffles Served by means of very latest Equipment , Business Men's Lunches a Sjitctalty Get the Commodore Habit HtjljEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel umikk m:w MAN.MIK.MKNT Mrs m llrutrd: Trnvrlhr' Sample KiKinn: Hot ami Colli Wnlrr t'rre Hun MrrU All Trains anil llnali Rates 11.00 and Up MltlAI. MONTHLY It ATM C.R.IJIGGART & A. DONALD Ifwprfrtora PHONE 51 Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water In all rooms A. J. PKUDHOMME. Prop. Cor. of Fraser and Fifth Sts. Savoy K. Brydon, O. Fraser, Peter WU' and Henry Bergeron, city; H. Deer- Ing, Tyee; W. Monk, Vancouver; D. A. Davidson, Inverness; Miss C. Dungeihann, city; F. M. Mayer, C.N.R. New Royal Hotel I. Zarelll, "rop. TIIK IIOTI-X MOKTII WHILE Hot. ft Cold Water: Steam Heat 75ciPER DAY AND UP Trlrphmir SMI Royal John Anderson, W. Hllbert. B. Beckman and T. Harper, city: A. Flanle, Frank van Beurdv and E. NMson. Queen Charlotte City; J. II. Pcets, CJil.; George .Hurst and E. H, Elliott. Big Falls; J. Paulis. Cedarvalc. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THRE8 5- L I i - - - r. is DAK TIMi fis HERE carry a full lino of Brownies and Kodaks ;ncos to syit every purse from the Brownie i Cine Kodak and Films to fit them all. Daily Photo Finishing Service TOT a' ues jlul 7fu Pioneer Druyrisfs j AVE. I, SIXTH ST. " TELEPHONES 8?t200 Three Graduate Pharmacists UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Halllntt trom Pvliw Kunert jfVBR, VICTORIA. Buiedaie. Alrt Bay, etc.Tuadn sin n OAST Jm p.m.. . UN atkliWALEfl ISLAND. Thursday pm 'mie K M SMITH Arent ftlnre Ituimt n r B. C. Coast Steamship Service SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT To Ketchikan, Wrangell. Juneau, Skagway May 10. 21, 31. To Vancouver. Victoria. Seattle- May 4, 14, 21. Princess Mary Ocean Falls, etc.. Vancouver and Victoria, every rriaay. 10 vm Agent's For All Steamship, Lines Oi hard. General Agent, 3rd Ave, Prince Itupert, Vho. Si Local Items Dentist. Dr t86. J. II. Gosse. Phone iciAhew chlriaware and HPiKa2L.iu.5t arrived. See Hunt's Furniture and upholstery.' ""ili W. E. Fisher sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for a business trip;, to Vancouver and Victoria. I vir Bathing Beauty's Complexion Secret " M nm hart now nviw wed ' KruKktn Battt ' for s lout . , , . ., tow veil I look and what wnui a v betulitvl vmuiiH. mil ttin i n . 1 ktttr. n.i'. I till them that it U il thankl thankt to to your your wonifrul wonderful Krutchen Salli. I hart jutt won a $econd prill in a bathing beauty tomjfitvm of a leadim inctpaper. 1 ihall it aim; and tell til my 1 trienit to do Uit tame." Miu) A. 1). UMilbaiaihtoiwiia, Tlilt U betnty't flrat aeerft a good com-riliton eomca from within. No nerd for creama or lotioni put the colour oa from inside. Krrp your btowl pura aul hflthy with tha dHy doM ol Krutcheo, and beautj'a nwui Witt Im yonn a clear akin, bright. parUlDg eyea the abouadins Joy ol good braitb, Knuchcn Salta la obtalnaMa at drag and department itorei tn Caaada at 75a. a bottla. A bottla contains enouim to last for 4 or. S BwaUi good health tor baU-a-ceut a day. 'Try Mlnehead eu coal for kit an extended trip to Mediterranean countries READ OF A CASE! LIKE HER OWN Decided to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Moncton, New Brunswick "Befora ray last baby wag born I was very weak, nrrvoua ana cua-oourssed. I saw an advertisement in the paper about a woman who had been like me so I boucht a bottle of l.ydta E. Hnlt-ham's Vegetable Cnmriniinil. I tank tiiree bottles and it earned me ly through that critical time. I liavi' thrtv rhililivn to care for and I ftfl well and strong. ' I bare told two other women about your medicine." Mint. (i. f Arkenai:i.t, 82 Albert Street, MonctoL, New Brunswick. "BUILD B. C. PAYROLLS" Pacific Travelling 181 (or x J l tjMll-li A lady. Mrs. Walter, sent a long and beautiful letter on Pacific Milk. It has this interesting paragraph : "During the time our child was1 on the Pacific Milk diet I made two lohg-trips, Involving boat and train. I carried ""the " milk with me and had no trouble at all. This is -impossible on cows' milk as it vhHps too much in different Dlaces." This letter is a strong endorsement of Pacific Milk as a food for. babies. PACIFIC MILK Factory nt Abbotsford, JJ.C. Glasses fitted by registered op-tometrist at Heilbroner's Store. (tf Football tonight Prince Rupert A.C. Regiment vs. 117 Retail i Merchants' meeting tomorrow night Commodore Cafe at 6.30. important1 business. - nll7 Tea and sale of nomecooklng at the home of Mrs. J. W. Moore-house May 21 from 3 to 6 under the! auspices of L.OB A. Everybody welcome. in Mrs. T. J. Shenton sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for Powell River where she will represent the local Pythian Sisters I T . .U n.lAl.t. LI. jjuugc ai. uic cntuui uuiumuia Qrand Lodge convention this week. Huntley A. Watt, who has been In the service of the Canadian National Telegraphs here for the past few years, sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver to which city he has been transferred. Mrs. Watt will follow south later. Archie Shlel of Bellingham, president of the Pacific-American Fisheries of which the Skeena River Packing Co. is a subsidiary, arrived arrived in in the ine city city on on the tne Catala uataia ohen . use. Clean and j hot. u Tit Phone n-i 771 . . .... . yesterday afternoon from the south tf to pay an Inspection visit t'o Port We have offices, stores,.... apartments, dwellings for rent and want more, llclgerson. 117 Edward Cannery. Mrs. S. H. Stott of Toronto and Mrs .T P MpOnnrrlo nf VrinH Tea seU and other crockerv at lion- Alberta, who have been visit- Hunt's Furniture and Upholstery. here for the Past two weeks Third Ave. 117 Wltn tnelr Broth" ana slster-ln- j taw. Mr. ana Mrs. M. M. Stephens. Mrs. A. J. Curzon is making the "alled la$t nl8ht on the Prince round trip today on the steamer RuPer t Vancouver. Prince William to the Skeena; River. , I After a very rough voyage which . ishe rode out well, CUR. steamer New quick change bod- lounge, Prince William, Capt. William the very Utet thing- In this line, Thomas, returned to port at 8 neat and usefal.' Hunt's furniture o'clock yesterday morning from and Upholstery. 117 Queen Charlotte Island ports and , i ., ; sailed at 8 o'clock this morning Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Frlcker of for the Skeena Riven' Hi" Anrox were D&ssensers aboard the 1 J v rrince tiupert last nignt going . 1 1 . . . , 1 , j . 1 . V . M j jt , . i i ma.. uiruugn iot a nouasy wip to van- uftoa."urnTeo'in"poTi at ojuiuuiu round i couver and ejsewhefis In the south, last evening 'from' the south andiIslands' ultAi ... O . . . r. . 1 . sumcu n. o luti. lur Anyox, oiewart Morte II. Craig sailed last night and other northern points whence on the Prince , Ruptit lor a Wo."he' will return here tomorrow tomorrow weeks' visit in Victoria with hi morning southbound. The vessel daughter. Mrs. D. D. MeTavish. had a fair-sized northbound pas-Soon after his return to the cltv senser list. 1 ' " from the south, he will leave for "'" " ',,;'M W. E. BanHe." reEUlar chiei enel- . ..ara . ' .f t.T w after having spHVeraJ 'months at Birkenhead, Engand. In connection with the new ships which are being built for the company there. ha returned to Canada and is at present in Montreal. It is expected he will be returning to this coast before long. .TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY j ' WANTED Dress-making and plain sewing. Mrs. A. C. Clark. Phone I Blue 395. 123 .FOR SALE Taxi 'and taxi stand. For full information phone Red 720. Oood opportunity. 118 FOR RENT Four roomed house close in. On Sewer.. $15.00. Phone Green 408. tf , HOUSE FOR RENT two bedrooms "vim iuum. Kitcnen ana Dam. 1028. Second Avenue. Phone 645 or 180. 122 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage. Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize in Piano and Furniture Movinp We Sell Nothing But the Best ' Our lines Include CHEVROLET and BUICK Automobiles Willard Guaranteed Tread Rubber Storage Batteries GOODYEAR TIRES RAYBESTOS Brake Linings and Genuine Ducos Ross & Moore Reliable Wrecking Service Phono 52 Prinno Rupert. B.C. Running Shoes i At Lowest Possible Prices Large shinment just received of men's, boys,' ladies' and girls' Goodrich running shoes. Prices guaranteed 25 to 30 per cent lower than anywhere else in the city. Also we have just received a shipment of Goodrich Hi-Press Men's RUBBER BOOTS Quality the Best in Canada Save money by buying at THE PEOPLE'S STORE Third Avenue Miss L. M. Ellett sailed last nieht on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver and Victoria. J. M. Hockln sailed last nieht on tho Prince Rupert for a brief business trip to Ocean Falls. J. A. Morris returned to the citv on the' Prince. William yesterday morning after having made the trip to the Queen Charlotte W. F. Trant. Post Office lnsrjec- tor, sailed by the Prince' Rupert utob lugui, uii uu return , to Vancouver after a visit In this district on official duties. M. M. McLachlan. local raaaaccr of the Brackman-Kcr Milling Coi. Ltd.. sailed on the Prince Rupert Saturday afternoon for a brief business trip to Stewart. F. D. Mathers, local representa tlve of the B. C. Packers, arrived In the city on the Catala yesterdav from Vancouver where he has been spending the winter. C. W. Homer, provincial assessor returned to the city on the Prlncr William yesterday morning after t two-weeks' visit to various Queer Charlotte Island points on offl clal business. O. Edgecumbe returned to th' city on the Catala yesterday af ternoon from a brief trip to Van couver. Mrs. Edgecumbe was re cently taken ill and Is now Ir hospital In the south. F. W. Hart sailed last night or the Prince Rupert for Powell River where he will attend the Britisl Columbia Orand Lodge conventior of the Knights of Pythias as dele gate from the local lodge. Ed. Crawford, well known Mas- sett Inlet logging operator, and Mrs. Crawford arrived In the city on the Prince William yesterday morning and will spend the nexf few days visiting In town. Provincial Constable Martin of Queen Charlotte City arrived in the city on the Prince William yesterday morning from the Is lands, having in his charge an insane patient who is to be sent on to Essondale. Mrs. B. M. Hoops of Telkwa, whr was one of the delegates to the Anglican Woman's Auxiliary an nual aneetlnauJast week, will re- turn to the Interior bn Thursday' train. She is the guest of Mr. anr' Mrs. James Farquhar. Agnew Pace Pilot J. R. Malcolmson has no taken over duty as chief officer aboard the steamer Catala for th summer. Capt. W. W. Mounce, who was acting as pilot on the Catala during the past winter, is now resuming command of the freighter Chllkoot, which is being recom- missioned In service after having been tied up at Vancouver for the past several months. ing. Opposite Empress Hotel The Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company of Canada, Ltd. Office, Smelting and Refining Department TRAIL, BRITISH COLUMBIA SMELTERS AND REFINERS Purchasers of Gold, Silver, Copper, Lead and Zinc Ores Producers of Gold, Silver, Copper, Pie Lead and Zinc TADANAC, TRAIL V. D. Caslev sailed last nieht on the Prince Rupert for a brief trip to Vancouver and Victoria. LADIES YOU ' ARE1NVITED Ladles who 'really appreciate good value and service who did not visit the B.C. CLOTHIERS Ltd. Third Ave., on the opening days are cordially invited to do so there are still many bargains for the whole family. Here in a tow- Children's Stockinrs, per pair, 75c. Ladies Fine Slippers reg. $l,for75c. Boys' Union Suits, $1.25 ..for 95c B.C. CLOTHIERS. LTD Third Ave. Odd. P. Burns fVi Inspector 'James M. Topper, R.C. M.P., left on this afternoon's train i for a brief trip to the interior on official duties. Mr. and' Mrs. M. Y. Alvazoff. formerly of this city and now of Vancouver were guests at the Harrison Hot Springs Hotel. James A. Brofn, Port Essington awmlll operator, arrived in the tfty on yesterday afternoon's train or a brief visit in town. D. B. Morklll, B.CIiJS., after having spent the winter in the with, was a passenger aboard the atata last evening bound Stewart. ' government. for Provincial Constable O. S. of the city detachment nnd Mrs. Blanev hrve taken tin rrvel - ence on Fifth Avenue East, near 'lays Cove Circle. This coming Friday, nrecedinp Victoria Day. has bsen derJarr-d holiday for the schools through out the province by the provincial T. B. Campbell, totem Dole nre- Tervatlon engineer for the nana. dlan National Railways, arrived in ne city on yesterday afternoon's rain from Hazelton for a brief visit in town. Mrs. T. H. WMaht of Hazelton is arrived from the Dominion W. 7.T.U. convention in Toronto and' s the guest of Mrs. J. Hector Wright, 2475 West Fifteenth Vancouver Province. Canadian National Railwav neti. mates submitted to the Hmisn nf Commons a few days ago lnclud- na an item of $318,000 for the con-Hructlon of a new car bar fnr ervlce of the railway on Okana-?an Lake. The Vancouver "On to thn Peace" Association is distributing Considerable literature in the Peace River district and will follow his up with Dubllcitv relative In the harbor and freieht facilities of Vancouver. The group tea of the Presbvter ran Church Ladies' Aid at home of Mrs. T. H. Johnson tha on Fourth Avenue East, on Saturday afternoon, was a very successful affair, a satisfactory sum being re alized. Mr. John Bremner was among those who assisted In serv