Indar. May 19, 1930. THE DAILT NTEW3 - PAOE FTVB District News TERRACE CLASS! F1ED ADVERT ISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR RENT, LOST & FOUND THIS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. Mr- R w. ujiey returned on Lifxd'y from a visit to Rupert.' i Mr D. 8. McNeil and her .small; ,n arrived from Parksville last! nt duy to take up residence I A. tordlft and tigHgon)Urpm i,r a'" spent a few days In i. ...... . ,rlu last. wrlr Mt Thornton, is in town from T IT McCubbin of Pacific spent: days in town during the f Ti w ir won nnmR uinnniv nnn : v from Prince Rupert. Parkinson left for Rupert r ,1.,., nftAM aMo.JIH. iU. NEWHAZELTON T;.:: Hazelton Horticultural Socl- ytur: President, 8. Kincald; : :dont. Mrs. R. S. Sargent; ,r. -treasurer. William Qrant .i':-,T s J. Wlnsby and Mrs. fiharpc. The usual flower h -a Will be held this year. 3 Wlnsby, manager of the J; : m branch of the Royal J:' : of Canada for the last six v l).is been transferred td Van-1 :c ..nrl. with Mrs. Winsby and Si': will be leaving next week south to take over his new A Mr. Hunter is to be his or. k is progressing preparatory n construction .of the new ! vrl bridge across Balkley here A camp Is being estab-and. by the nof this week f a dozen men will be em- T:z Women's Auxiliary to the !: n Hospital met at the home i he work for the year. Mrs. was chosen representative a' t;:c year. '' n 1 work in this district the j-oason will Include: con-in of construction of the highway between Kltwanga 1 1 further improvements to zolton-Smithers and Smltn-Ikwa sections of the main ' construction of the road We Hot Springs; cemple-f the Terrace-Usk section of ia highway, and malnten-: the main highway and roads throughout the dls- i ritives of Kfctptox have J the construction of a r Dimodiousrtew hall and the ! ore is already in use for so-: nd public gatherings. It' is r-itiipped, all the construe wrk having been carried out tr.;: natives themselves. Twenty Years Ago . In Prince Rupert May 19, 1910. P' ince RuDert is todav holdine " ;t civic election. Candidates for mayor. William Manson a"J Tied Stork- fnr nlrWmpn. V. )V rnith, D. W. Morrissey, J. H. " tv Mamllton Douglas, Dr-. A. A. M TnfVPP n W Arnnfr V 11. M; ! W. P. Lynch, T. D. Pattul-j " M, Stephens, A. R. M. Bar-r ;1 H. Clarke, G. R. Naden j111 O w. Morrow; for sehool tu v,s c. V. Bennett, John Cur-n? n n oA... ... i r in n c'Vton, tl MeCnll whn hnvn the fw.iurt for the first cut west of 7 Welch & Stewart's ock, lost ..p wttlo uuu a uuunc cii- Elnc m the harbor yesterday as s r ult of a landslide under their' dump. The "J awufjMi VT nwivuwv wnany is to build a 50 by 150 "V-iVhrtiien L..IU, ... tr uunaing on me waier- -I. ana it 4i expected to be com- Mulkin Co.. Ltd.) Holiday Resorts Wonderful TIcll tl chaki-otte" islands The Home Farm Fine beach and meadows for Children's playgrounds. Salmon and Trout Flshlne River and Sea Bathing Excellent Cuisine TarllM ran be met at Skldesate r Tort Cleiiientx. Wlrelrm. for lteervatlonn MADAME RAJAUT Lakelse Lodge New Lakelse Lodge on the shore of Lakelse Lake Is now open to guests. Fine Fly Fishing On the lake and river. Lithia Pool Springs (Largest in Canada) Good for rheumatism. Phone connecting with Terrace Pare from train to Lodge and return $2.50 Manager J. Bruce Johnstone JITNEY SERVICE Between Port Clements and Queen Charlotte City, Mondays and Saturdays, commencing March 31. Leaves i Port Clements 8:30 ajn. Queen Charlotte 1:30 pm. Fares $6.00 each. Round Trip $6.00. Other points In proportion. Meets boat at Port I Clements. Special trips arranged ' at any time. No heavy baggage. L. DYSON Poit Clements Graham Island Stages Operating Between Queen Char lotte City and Port Clements Meets all boats northbound at Queen Charlotte City vo convey passengers to port elements, ana meets southbound boats at Port Clements to receive passengers for Queen Charlotte City. Fare $5.00. and m proportion to Intermediate points. R. G. McKENZIE PREMIER HOTEL QUEEN CHARLOTTE CITV, n.C. SUITS! SUITS! MADE TO ORDER Cutting, Workmanship and Style All Guaranteed SUITS STEAM CLEANED AND PRESSED We Deliver to any Part of the ' City Ling, the Tailor Thone 019 BRINGING UP i U. CUT THE TCUEPt-OWE WIRE SO via6GS WOMT BE ABLE TO PHOrOE rR eTAVi- then we wont be able TO GO TO THE ARCHERS' MOSICALE- THEnE'S SOr-tU" AOVANTTA6ES LIVlNl'lM TKB FOR SALE FOR SALE Boat "Point May." Apply Howe ,& McNulty. tf MOTOR Boat for sale. Terma Rosa and Moore. Phone 62. tf FOR SALE McClary Range, good condition. Phone Back 487. 113 PIANO for Sale. Snap for cash. Dawes Furniture Store. 117 FOR SALE Lot, Fifth Avenus West. Apply 141 Fifth W Phone Black 817. 117 TOR BALE Large galvanized tank miltable tank for stationary gas engine, ete. Apply Dally News Office. tf FOR SALE 4-roomed house with bath, 1536 Second Avenue, West-view. Phone Dagllsh, Blue 232. 118 FOR SALE Nice level building lot Section 6, Eighth Avenue East, taxes paid to date. $250. Apply P.O. Box 512, city. FOR SALE Monarch range, brick lined heater, White sewing machine and bureau. Apply 116 English Hill before Thursday. 118 Two Canvas Tents FOR SALE 14x16 feet and 16x19 feet Telephone 212 CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. Hunt's Furniture & Upholstry -The Store of Quality" Complete House Furnishings Terms Arranged G.M.IIUNT Third Avenue. Phone Red 637 HATEIt MITICE , Vff and storarf. Tak Dottae that Northern Bnai Columbia Power' Compnny Limited vbuct tddren U Beaner Blnck. Prince Rupert, B.C.. will apply for a llcenat to take and use 1.000 C.F8. and to atore 370.000 acre teet of water out of Mr.Udln Lake and Mealadln River, which Mows aouth- eaattrly and drain into the Naaa River about 11S mllea i. t ttderater and 69 nllea from Alyanan, B O. The noraee-dam wui be located it about 8 ohalna above Govt, ttsh laMer Hi Lot No. 3450. The capacity of the reeervolr to be created la about 370.000 acre feet, and It will flood about 8.000 acre of land. The water will be diverted from the itream at a point ner the tor- aae dam and will be uaed for power purpose upon the landa deecrtbed na Portland Canal Mining Division. Tnia notice waa poetea on the ground on the 31m ttay of March. 1930. A copy or tbla notice and an applica tion pursuant thereto and to the "Water Act" will be tiled In the office of the Waler Recorder at Prince Rupert. B.C, Objections to the application may be riled with the aald Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water Rights. Parliament Buildings. Victoria, B. C within thirty days after the first appearance of this notice in a local newspaper. The petition for apsroval of under taking and an application for approval of the Schedule or Tolls will be heard In the office of the Board of Investigation st a date to be fixed, and any interested person may file an objection thereto in the of nee or the Oomt roller or of the Water Recorder tt the Dla- Within a radius of 133 mllea of the power site. NORTHERN B.C. POWER CO. LTD. Applicant By Alesander Plrie. Agent. The date of the first publication of this notlre 1 April 11th, 1030. SALVAGE ANH TOWING "If It's on or under the water we do it," PACIFIC SALVAGE CO. LIMITED Fully Equipped for Diving and uenerai salvage woric. Boats and Scows of all descrlp Hons for Charter. Row Boats and Canoes for hire. Bargains in Gas Engines. AGENTS FOR EA8THOPE ENGINES Northern B. C. Distributors Coolldge Propellers Sand and Gravel, in any quantity. delivered anywhere by water. Phone, Day or Nljrnt 564 P. O. Box 1564 CHIROPRACTIC CHIROPRACTIC FOR COLDS Rheumatism, Toxemia, Back-aches consult R. E. Eyolfson, D.O, rh. C. AT STEAM BATHS Opp. McCutcheon's Black "64 Phones Blue 805 W. C. ASPINALL (Chiropractor) 6 Ss 7 Exchange Blk. (Opp. Orme's) 1 Sunshine and Red Ray Treatments Nervous, Female and Chlldrens' Diseases Specially Treated Thone Green 241 Steam Baths anidjlassagc -llxtrrstt- Opposite Prince Rupeftf Hotel Phone Black 761 AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART. We buy, selljoricxchange any kind of fumlture0rvhouse-hold goods, musical instruments, macninery, etc. aenefatrejjairs. crating, packing &nT shipping: Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone Black 120 and we wlil call. G. J. DAWES, AUCTIONEER Federal Block Correspondents MILLER, COURT & CO. LTD. Stocks, Bonds, Industrial Securities Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent INSURANCE TODAY ONLY! Today is the only day. . Insurance is the only way you can protect yourself against the possible destruction of your home or the possible loss of your valuables. , Tomorrow always holds the possibility of loss. Today always offers the protection of insurance. See an Insurance agent today. Our office is open or we will call upon you on request. We can furnish you all forms of Property Protection Policies. S.D. Johns ton Colld. 617 2nd Avenue rhone 130 Prince Rupert. B.C. COAL! COAL! PEMBINA EGG Delivered, per ton $12.00 ALBERTA EGG Delivered, per ton 12.50 ALBERTA LUMP Delivered, per ton 1.1.50 Special Prices On Your Winter Supply WOOD JUST ARRIVED, NEW SHIPMENT OF BIRCH AND JACK PINE MILL ENDS Per load .$4.50 BOX CUTTINGS Per load 3.50 HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 PHONE 580 m.' jar r-T'i tso i COAL Buy the real Coal our famous Edson and Cassldy-Wellington in any quantities. Also Bulkley Valley Hay, Grain and Robin Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 558 NOTICE Take Notice that I, W. O. McUorrls.l of Vancouver, B C., intend to apply to the Commissioner of Lands for permls-, slon to prospect for coal and petroleum over the following described lands, situate in Queen Charlotte Islands District: Commencing at a post planted at the southwest corner of Section 31. Town ship 1; thence 80 chains east; thence SO cnams norm; tnetvee bo cnaina west; thence 80 chains couth, to point of eocMaeneement. W. O. McMORRIS. Dated the 11th dag of March. 1930. US NOTICE Take notice that I. H. P. Leonard, of Portland. Ore., Intend to apply to the Commissioner of Lands for permission to prospect for coal and petroleum over the following described lands. situate In Queen Charlotte Island District i n" ""S1 ship 3; thence eat so chains;' thenca aoutn cu cnajns; tnenco west on cauuns; thence north 80 chains to point of commencement. W. a. McUORRla. Agent Dated the 11th day of March. 1930. 133 ' NOTICE Take notice that I. H. F. Leonard, of Portland. Ore.. Intend to apply to the Commissioner of Lands for permission to prospect for ooal a Bad petroleum over the following described hands, situate In Queen Charlotte Island District: Commencing st a post planted at the northeast corner of Section 14. Township 2; thence west 80 chains: thence south 80 chains: thence east 80 chains: thence north 80 chains to point ot commencement. W. O. McMORRIS. Agent. Dated the 11th day of March. 1930. 138 Attention! TRADERS AND TRAPPERS. Ship all your furs to The Arctic Fur Co, where you will get full market value. Don't forget the address ARCTIC FUR CO. Prince Rupert, B.C. - teu fcjw w& v l . . . rsklll. V mm' I KvT I icnnirr3t:ant::: nE:asl TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR SKEENA BRANT) Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City NOTICE Take Notice tha. I,. W. O. McMorrls. of Vancouver. B.C., Intend to apply to the Commissioner of Lands for permission to prospect for coal and petroleum over the following described lands, situate in Queen Charlotte Islands District: Commencing at a post planted at the southeast corner of Section 36. Township 3: thence 80 chains west; thence 80 cnaim north: tnence bo chains east; thence 80 chains south, to point of eoBuneneemeot. W. a. McMORRIS. Dated the 11th day of March. 1930. 138 LAXn NOTICE We the undersigned apply for permission to purchase the following described land. Situate on the north east bank of the Telsequah River about one mile from the confluence of the Telsequah and Taku Rivers. Commencing at a post adjoining Staplers and Patmore's pending application. 30 chains northerly. 30 chains westerly, thence 30 chains southerly thence 30 chains to point of com mencement and containing to acres more or less. Dated April 10, 1930. OEOROE BACON D. J. MacDODOALL 168 Telsequah. B O. NOTICE Take notice that I, H. P. Leonard, of Portland. Ore., Intend to apply to the Commissioner of Lands for permission to prospect for coal snd petroleum over the following described lands, situate In Queen Charlotte Islands District: Commencing at a post planted at the southeast corner of Section 33, Township 3; thence west 80 chains; thence north 80 chains; thence east 60 chains; thence south 60 ohalna to point of commencement. W. O. McMORRIS, Agent Dated the 11th day of March. 1930. 138 NOTICE Take, notice that I. IL F. Leonard. ot Portland, Ore., intend to apply to . the ODjnmkwloner of Lands for permls-stoc to prospect for coal and petro-lewn over the following described lands, situate In Queen Charlotte Islands District: OMtuntoclng at a post planted at the isowttrweat corner of Section 34, Tbwn-I ship 3: thence east 60 cnalnv thence i north 80 chains: thenee west 80 chains: thsnne, south 80 chains . ta rulnt of SMismefccwaent. w. a. McMORRIS, Agent. Dated the 11th day of March. 1030. 138 Try a Daily News Want Ad. By George McManus &f Oi-LY TU. t-06 OM AW' Ckaa.sV 1 Ar.AM I CJ I M i I I - - . . VI I liVW'ttnni:i;::;eva.T.f J 1 IfV YTA. MM 1 I I iW ISSsal I l ' 1 st . I a. PaavTTl V I I 1 1 -AV.V. '..WU 1 T1 na . MAKE YOUR FOR RENT FOR RENT" Flat in Wallace Block. Apply store. tf FURNISHED Houses for rent. Ap ply 215 Fourth Avenue East, tf tf FOR RENT Furnished 'apartment by day, week or month. Phone Red 607. tf FOR RENT$5.00 a month. putJ a piano in your home. Walker's Music Store. FOR RENT Furnished apartments 2, 4, and 5 rooms. Applv Mussallem Orocery. (tf' FOR RENT Clean well-furnished modern apartments. Palmer Apartments. tf BOARD AND ROOM BOARD and Room. Phone Black 707. tf PRIVATE BOARD RESIDENCE MRS.' JOE COOK, 521 Fifth Ave., West, central location, harbor view. Phone green 806. tf INSURANCE INSURANCE Our Fire Insurance Companies carry your risk at a definite rate, based on past ex perience. No rebates. No Jokers. M. M. Stephens & Co. Ltd. tf BOATBUILDERS KIT B O At5oLi9?iVs'.' COtt BA P. O. Box 7r'J'J'J(Pn6he Jti-d 415 l T,,M,. SILVERSIDES. BROS. Wallpapers Paints Window Glass Picture Frame Mouldings Third Avenue Phone Z DrivurselfTMi Whv notieniovt a Aice drive this evening or tbmorrowi If vou cannot drive now. whv not learn? There'll be a day when you'll wish you could. We will teach you. Our charges are reasonable. Walker Motor Co., Ltd. Distributors of CHRYSLER and PLYMOUTH CARS MRS. JAMES CLARK Palmistry and Crystal Reading White House 225 Second Ave. Telephone 767 Dr Alexander rnoNE S7S HESN'ER BLOCK DENTIST FATHER Ha I V"v I Li7V COUMTfVf 11 WANTS KNOWN THROUGH DAILY NEWS WANT AD. COLUMNS m