: x] Ge Daily News . Management PRINCE RUPERT ip ee ml _ Northern and Central British Columbia’s Newspaper Le ‘ EEE : ————EE : — woe ee: a T wo, 264. PRINCE RUPERT . WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4: vor. X ; anahia ORT, De. Oy ee tty ve ane vay Beers one PRICE FIVE CENTS “We Hurry” TAXI Fe 99 Night TA XI Phone 75 and 35 We Never Shep PRINCE RUPERT AUTO 707 Second Avenue British Are to Make Peace (itn ian|Riots in Centralia With Bolshevists of Russia” «2.57 On Armistice Day . | W. J. Leary, stipendiary niag- Premier Lloyd re Long Favored sucha Course; New wetter ‘on Queen” Charttte te Members of I.W.W. Fired on Parade Proposa roug t to England from Lenine yesterday on the Pinee oun Killing Three Soldiers and Fatally land will be in town for a few By Colonel Malone. diye; fie’ enya thet things ‘ate Wounding two; Man Lynched. ; * looking up at the Islanus. A num- (special to The News vis 1. T.P. Telegrapns. |ber of returned soldiers ar ¢ “rs are pur- » ‘ LONDON, Nov. 12.—Premier Lioyd George stated yesterday that LABOR MINISTER IN | chasing improved | maa ne quaueiiain ‘etaen ie ws ih P. Telegraphs, : the Government contemplated making peace with the Bolsheviks. THE DRURY CABINET Skidegate and bringine in stork chembere of in Savant “ can 2—Three former soldiers, overshadows every other here. {and sheep. can Legion, were killed, two other service men This topic NOW it is generally understood that Lioyd George has long favored Teronto, Nov. 12.—At a con- ¢ such a course but has been overborne by his colleagues in the| ference of labor members elect, An engineer has just: retuned wounded, probably fatally, and several soldiers iess seriously, when " eae the pos-ililiie- | a party, said to be members of the 1. W. W., fired on the Armistice iof establishing a pulp moll ati cabinet. and defeated labor candidates | Gimnshewa and it 1 Whpected that ion ot sen ahead 2 tng rete: of an phone is to anal The inner history behind the Premier’s announcement is inter- sar Mills laber=member elect |! fore long the industry will b lynched. Eight bhoe believed to have been Three weoks ago Kolchak’s p ro PE NE for Fort William, was selected as! egtablished, the power coming . ght mem of the 1. W. W. ere in jail guarded from esting. oar ecase the * Minister of Mines in the!feom Mosquito and Skidegate the mob of several hundred friends of the men who were shot down. in London, afterwards visiting Paris with the assurance that the) [)euey Government Lakes. The shots came from the roofs of bulldings as the parade white Armies had the Russian situation entirely in hand. He said) ——————————————- —enanegn - |reached Lower Avenue, which is Centralia’s main street, ye al that they iad reconciled all the differences between the generals and . LL HE BE PRESIDEN: Gt GERMANY? » ‘venue. The parade of veterans broke up quickly while the unt- were delaying the capture of Petrograd only in order to accomplish it with Lhe least possible bloodshed. The White Army leaders had arranged for the summary trial of the Bolshevist leaders. The British and French authorities apparentiy fully accepted these statements although many with an intimate knowledge cf | Russian developments ridiculed them. Kolchak’s defeat and re tire | ment conpievely altered the situation. Simuitaneousiy Colone. | Malone arrived with Lenine’s new peace proposals. | The Soviet ask for an answer by November 15, intimating that| ctherwise it will transfer the offer to the Central Powers. —_——— j OOLONEL PECK = 100BOTTLES HEARS OF NEED RYE WHISKY OF THIS PORT} ssisre mace oy omer mins on Inspector Dunbar. ‘ermed marchers made a dash to raid the |. W. W. hall. The service nen soon stripped the hall of all furniture and documents and ar- euted six mon. These were thrown into jail and were guarded by ormenscidiers to prevent their eacape and at the same time pro- oct theta frora lynching. The mod seeking the prisoners was fought ack by the returned men. CENTRALIA, Nov. 12. (Noon). State troops are patrolling the sity. The citizens today planned to drive all radicals from Cen- readquarters for Lewis County, Industrial Workers operating from vere into the logging camps. NAVAL BASE RAILWAYMEN FORB.C. COAST, VOTING ON A sbaten ‘dai tlie BIG ST RIKE For Possible Base for British 4 Pacific Squadron. the Council of the Board of Last evening on the arrival « Trade and Discusses with Them the train, Chief Minty of the Pro Matters of Vital vincial Police Department. anu Interest. Inspector Dunbar of the G. 7. i police department, seized thre boxes of express which on exa Peek inet council of the Board ination proved to contain 04 i of Trade woe the purpose of talk. hundred botties of good Canard ing over the needs of the ports™7® whisky. The boxes had 4 M. P. McCaffery presided and D parently been put on the rail i. SteWam read a memorandum Prince George, and were cons willining some of the most im- ed to one “Miller” at Po la ward, where the train did not st») ea (Special via G.T.P. Telegrapns.> DDDECSED VICTORIA'S 2 WASHINGTON, Nov. 12.—Three CANADIAN CLU@ LAST NIGHT! hundred and seventy-five thou- . sand union machinists through- wuieiac bi 4.4.0. tebeene out the United States are voting VICTORIA. November 12.—The}*day on a proposed general strike throughout the United States, in connection with the railway -situation. The Yote is returnable lale this month. Yesterday afternoon at 5, Gol. cruiser New Zealand with Admiral Jellicoe on board left Victoria his morning for Vancouver. It is understood that the Admiral wilt peoceed as far north as Seymout Narrows in the Canadian Govern- Mr. Stewart told o . need ot pthe value of the goods, at Cov nent Patrol steamer inspecting ld of the need of I boat plying between this port ernment vendors prices, is over points suggested as possible naval od the canneries on the Skeenag ®?O®- = ; . A oases, One of-his stall is at pres- AFTER nd Naas and also givng a direet ~ A ery ee ent inspecting Alberni Canal for ie to the smaller miniy RE CHES ; —_ hat purpose. ta . A GOOD FIGURE Wield Marsua: + u Uindenbu g bas been brought to the fore as a pos It is understood that Admiral portant improvements required. ps and mil! centres, and lar@e : : iners’ Prepared migh if necessary to cipss, Ww gible candidate of the National Liberty party for the l’residency of (Ger Jellicoe will leave Vancouver on r A See wee ern- Queen Charlotte Islands. Mie Special via 6.7. ¥. Telegraphs many. Tbe photograph shows the famous nai! statue of Von enteenens the 19th for eastern Canada. ppeal ision of Gov thants here, he said, had been um PORONTO, Nov. 12.—With four] tm Bertin. tte size cam be appreciated when compared with the amertaas Before the Canadian Club here ment Department to able | make delivery of their, more days to go, the grand total] s@ffeer in the foresround : iast evening, the Admiral empha- Higher Court. pf the Victory Loan at midnight ° sized the necessity of maintain- foods to the various industrial Mints, As a result the business(eest Right amounted then to 4 ° ing the fleet not only in British (tpvcial vie O. T. P. Telegraps.) "as going to Vancouver when it #379, 111,700. u en um in waters, but also in those adjacent. INDIANAPOLIS, Nov. £2.—Al.. should be coming here. ° b Phe dominions must see to it thai }though the coal strike has been Mail Centre. this could not be developed to any the overseas naval forges arejcalied off, court action in the o strike case has not been called off © mail, the memorandum }extent. : k never again depleted as they were ' staled, should come here instead Will Back up City. pecu a ive oc Ss just prior to the outbreak of war.]by any means, The miners’ at- f bo Vancouver and naturally Colonel Peck dealt with each He said that the British Colum-|torneys are preparing their writ * Mail subsidy must cover de_| request in detail. He stated thal bians were quite justified in theirjof error with the view of appeal- Wery at the pos xe here he was prepared to back up th . ° ° : inxieties during the early months|ing the case to the United States Sad of at or ther "Rin wa city in its sdlatna on the Govern Some Industrials Dropped Fifty Points of the war and had inadequate} Cireuit Court of Appeal. They ex- Men : protection with von Spee's squad-]pect to file their petition within lion was made - aot }ment and suggested that a dele- . : Y is made of the fact tron O nin esterda Morn- ron standing off the coast, the next two or three days. : & that the Tilam » Of i » once Ook ¢ ‘ase ‘ap. |@ation go to the capital to on kK at present car eee The attorneys stated that they ) this port from the}mone lay before the vag a = ing; Railway and Steel only Firm LIQUOR CASES IN xpected to carry the case to the Alaskan : :@ canneries t sewiee tthe needs of this place. ' : Was q co Wut Chie eervins highest tribunal of the country if — inadequate. Instead offonel said that he had great fet! Securities. LOCAL POLICE COURT the Government is upheld in all 250,000 eases here it}in the future of Prince Rupert ai possible to handle a]}he hoped to see Oriental traf!) the lower courts. Ned salmon t b Mould be pou cases, coming this way and the busi (Special to The ann “ 7 = 00 IR iti te lesan ieeten wee Ob bela eas biaiiie © order , » -anter ‘ m . ; ovembe » e stock market continued to de- ' ‘ ‘ der to pipperly undertake |Ness of the north centering at thi NEW ORK, November 1 ’ ‘ is lice court this moraing charged LONG LIVE BOCHES, tk j tlmon distributing more | port. : celine today It opened from one to four per cent, lower with specu with having liquor in his posses- is rad ties are required. Colonel] Peck ee lative issues very weak General Motors showing a total decline sion other than in a private DOWN WITH ARMY” a aoe i or fish GOCKs. ewer . wr s , ; : ; “emt > banned . canuneteds is being the matte ne - t the sum of] fim y sterday’s opening of over 90 point dwelling. He was remanded —— Dut it is import A seapeee ee ai d on the Yesterday the towering speculative structure in the stock market] till to-monrow morning to ena-) That was the Cry in an Election t . : . > » ’ ‘ ti s ’ : . . ‘tion be hsp at re 000 aa on for four years cared by professional tntere sts toppled when gall laans rose to 25 = to —— — J e a Riot in Dortan, France. Deg : ae ie ae oe Dacamber 20. 19417, Losses of from id. Gamble was charged with tn anaes was touched up-| This should make permanent Pto-] yop cent., the maximum sine December 20, 1% 4 a nh san being drunk and disorderly, On (Special vie G. 7.1". Tetrerapne.» tor ond Advantages of this port| Vision for the industry. ave to almost forty points were sustained by many leader the request 6f Chief Vickers’ the PARIS, Nov. 42.—An election \ daily { rade was outlined. In connection with the center-] nt vice especially steels, equipments, motor’ and oils. Numer-|ease was also adjourned till to-/riot with revolutionary features Mu oneot te service was spoken | nes of the marine and —— ine other industrials which accompanied the October beom, also] morrow morning. occurred in the small industrial Dort © prime needs of the [departments here, the mem vesterday’s convulsive movement. Almost the only Mah Sang Sing, the Chinese}|town of Dortan where the Re- Tourist trade was already | said that his understanding wa- erumbled in who was arrested getting off the|publican candidates were received aig