FAGS rVTO The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited! Third Avenue,. t)J bu;.j-' H. F. PULL EN - - - Managing-Editor DAILY EDITION Exhibition SPECIALS The British America Paint Co. Ltd., of Victoria, B.C., two V't-gallons of Satin-Glo, to the winner of the greatest number of first' prizes in this section Mrs. John Dybhavn. The Dollar Store (Miss E. M. Earl ' of Prince Rupert, $3.00 worth of stamped goods to the winner of the first prize for a pair of pUlow slips in white embroidery Mrs. E. F. IF uiaw'- , i Prince Rupert. The Dollar Store (Miss E. M. Barl) , Bab , Boanet crochets-Mrs. Ol-of Prince Rupert, $2.00 worth of ;iyCT. lJrs Mordaunt. stamped good to the winner of the bouoU- Cap-Mrs. Oliver, second priae for a pair of pillow; Tea cloth, crocheU-Mrs. Holden, slips In white embroidery-Mrs. An- iMiJ5 3Iome We8ley. Prince Rupert dreaasen. Pillow Slips, crocheted or em- Beat Centrepiece in specials ex- bfoWfryMw. Mordaunt. Mary hiblt, Fuller Brush Co., floor dry mmx Kitlmaat. and two utiMty brushes, with mop SojR Cuahloni crocheted or em-holder Mrs. Andreassen. broidery-Mrs. Oliver, Clara Robln-SC1IOOL EXHIBITS son, Kitlmaat. Exhibition of Writing. Drawing, Knitted Socks Mrs. Oliver. Painting in school from Grade Best Bed Spread Mrs. M. C. Du-Three to Bight, Inclusive Booth J doward. Port Simpson; Mrs. E. Du-SchooL Borden 8treet School, An-, oward. Port Simpson, Bather Shep-nuneiatlon School, Seal Cove Pard, Port Simpson. ' School. I Best Dresser arf Mrs. Oliver, Project Competition for Junior Oradi s Crrudi l Borden Street School. Sewing Gradi R Be ' C ookery Uniform (Apron. Cap. Pot Holder .airl Towel) Vera Morse insnd Morse Pyjamas or nightgown Beatrice Berner. Vivur. WuiThuil Grade 10- Silk R:iyor. or Co. ton Dress- -Lui-uif Brook-sbaak Cooking Thre kinds ; coined fruit, -Orac" How Glass Jelly --Grace Howe Specials Grr.itcsi M'lmbn of first prizes m domo.ti. ck-dc' suit ion Bunk -i MnntiTu' Mid.-.i ;raci Howe Manual Training Best plCC Woodwork Ali Walter ti.i;. Grade 8 Boo1 h School C- ' i;! .i:i Joe No- la she!! Grade . Bon ! S' n;et Scbo!: Mos! LuM:r! tiv, individual Pr -Montreal Jen Bans Mcdui' Tho. MrTokrn desk' Poultrv and Pets W. H S!li :u :: tr won the i'.-Uu". -in1: D:tk ' rm.sh Cock. Dark Cvr nisli Hen -nr.' scond .'.nrt third . D:-ik i'm'! ; -.i. p.uk-t Dark Coru.h Ci;i:k"s o ,r:- ;'"misi. P'-n. spimu- lei! i ; ' ; ' : 1 i orfc Rp.iP.a.-C' 01'' En p, icrt liur.hi;.' C'oi -.u.i.nuini Hunbiir He' u.'M n.unbvr '. t'oe Go! i: .::;le!!.- Hco "".!( 8' Oil! Pi';i T'.'.u'.. P ': : ' '; ..e'r; Hanibiu--: Hen, Brawn Red Couli Cock, Brown Rod Coch Hen, Brown Red Coch Pen, Buff Polish Cock. Buff Polish Hen, W. C. Blue Polish Hen, W. C. Black Polish Hen, Houdan Hen. Oold Seabright Bant Cock. Thoa. Smith won the following--Black Red Pyle Bantam Cock, Black Red Pyle Bantam Hen, Black Red j Pyle Bantam Pen, Black Red Pyle Bantam Cockerel, Black Red Pyle Bantam Pullet. , Henry Smith won the following- - Barred Hock cockerel. Barred Rock Pullet. Barred Rock Pen. Mrs. A. J. Galland won the followingSingle Comb R. I. Red Cock, Single Comb R. J. Red Hen (first, second and third), Single Comb R- i. iteu uoctcrei, oingae irono n. i. Red Pullet (first, second and third', Single Comb R. I. Red Pen, Plymouth Rock Hen. Pair of Rabbits Doug. Sutherland. Darrow Gomez, Jack Bremner. Pair of Ducks Jack Unwln. Specials W. II. Sherman Jr. won the followingBest Pen in the Show, Beat Cockerel In the Show. Best Pullet hi Show. Best Hen In Show, Beet Male Bird in Show. INDIAN SECTION Indian Arts Bast Made Indian Root Basket, plain Mrs. Alex. Campbell, Bella Bella. Best Made Root Basket, fancy-Mrs. Alex. Campbell. Best Made Indian Cedar Bark, plain Churles Powell. MetlakaUa. Best Made Basket, Native ColoringSauna Wright. Kltkatla. Mrs. Andrew Brown Massett. Best Made Collection Cedar Bark Monday, Sept. 8, 1930. Prize Lists Basket Charles Powell. MetlakaUa. Best Example of Bead Work Mrs. M. C. Dudoward. Best Example of Native Weaving Mrs. Cecelia McDames. Skeena Crossing. Fancy Work Crocneted yoke 6. Wesley, Pr. Rupert Mrs Holden, Prtnee Rupert, Crocheted Dollle, under 12 in. ches Mrs. Mordaunt, Mrs. Oliver, I jKyra Dudoward, Port Simpson. Best Dresser Scarf, white embroi deryMrs. Mordawnt, Miss S. Wesley, Prince Rupert. Centre Piece in Colors Flora Morrison, Kitlmaat. Embroidery Apron Esther Shep-pard, Anibel Bolton, Kitlmaat. Fancy Towels, embroidered Salome Wesley, Anabel Bolton. Flowers, Vegetables Beat 12 potatoes Charles Pe- w ll, MetlakaUa. Beat 1 loaves Bread Mrs. Oliver, Pi mce Rupert; Mrs. Holden, Prinee Rupert. Best pan of Buns Mrs. Oliver, Prince Rupert; Mrs. Holden, Prinee Rupert. Best pot of Jam Mrs. Mordaunt. Beat made pot of Wild Berry Fruit Mrs. Holden. Best exhibit bottled Fruit Mrs. Mordaunt; Mrs Holden. Beat made Cake Mrs. Holden. Best dried or smoked Salmon- -Mrs. Mary Watley. . School Ehibits Best example drawing, colored P "' Simpson; Port Easington. Br.it example drawing, under 12 Willie Stevens. Greenville; Vl- : McNeil, Greenville. Best example of drawing, over l ' -Rosa Spalding, Port Esslngton; P ifus McNeil, Qreenvllle. Best model drawing Willie Ste vans, OreenvUle; Rufus McNeil. Best Colored map of North Am- erica 3. Nina Spalding, Port Bs- lint km. Beat colored map of British Co lumbia Helen Starr, Port Esslngton. Writing competition under 16 Edith Dennis, Port Simpson; Wal tcr Dudoward, Port Simpson. Writing, pupils under 15 Helen atarr. Esslngton; Ros Spalding, Esslngton Writing, pupils under IS Quee- 'nie Roberts, Port Easington; Grace Spalding. Esslngton Writing, pupils under 11 Myrtle Ross. Simpson; Willie McKay. Greenville. Writing, pupils under U Edna Campbell. Esslngton; Alec Stevens Oreonvllle t example of pupils' hand work actual work of pupil exhi .biting Port Simpson; Klncolith. Best hand-made garment Alice iRuss. Port Simpson; Greenville school. I Specials Totem pole-i-SpecAal prise awarded AHen Prcvoat'Meilakatla. Indian Mats Special prfae1 'awi arded Mrs. M. 0. ' Dtidoward. Model of salmon cannery Port Simpson Indian Day School, Primary Dcpt- Examples of needlework Port Simpson Indian Day School. Examples of Needlework Kln-clolth Indian Day School. Kltkatla Indian Day School WrltlnK Cora Watt. Design in color Cora Watt. Chas. Tolmie For drowlng. Harel Stewart Map of England Diploma, best general exhibit-Coqualeetza Institute V.A.C.T00K TWO GAMES !AT WEEK-END Richardson ritched For Locals On! Saturday Hut Lost Foot Game My Score of 11-3 I Fine Game Sunday Lambie and Straight in Pitcher's Dael With Prince Rupert Only Getting Three Hits X litis DAILY NEYfS Monday. Septambr r . V. A. C.'s took both week.esnd j niTun ball in real big lcaeur games from Prince Rupert in the stle- Stewart and Premier climax -Fair Week series here by scores of : ;d a more or less uninteresting 11-3 and 2-0 By virtue of their I 5asebaU' S0Qn last Monday night victories, the boys from down south i v!t!l onc ot fincst exhibitions tnnk fnur nut nt r f i 'eon to the lcal diamond for inar played here, the only game they lost going 11 innings. On Saturday afternoon. Bill Richardson, who opposed Lambie in Thursday's contest, went on the mound for the locals, and although he was touched for 10 Safeties, bis support was terrible eight errors being ehalked'up against his team mates. Colemari ' Hall started the gswe for the Visitors and with ths core five totw in ills favor, retired at the end of the third, and Lewis finished the game, never being in serious trouble. Downle. catching for Prince Rupert, got a foul tip off Perkins' hat in the second inning, that cut his finger badly and he played second thereafter, Alex Mitchell going behind the plate. Between one of the innings of the game, Hal Straight and Karl Lewis pulled off one of Nick Altrock's stunts. With two bats for oars, Hal rowed around the infield, while Earl fished with a real fishing line. In taking a drink out of a bottle, the boat upset and Hal mahaged to swim to the sidelines with his pitching mate. Artma4 'nralcr wfes needed to bringJ L rbcrlti6,'hfe, which he did with' bfr i. ;' Sunday's Game . Bill Lambie was on the mound In Sunday's encounter, facing Harold Straight, southpaw. Lambie pitched a fine game, allowing wry seven hits and moat of 'them were of the scratch variety. Straight held the locals to three bingles, two of which were rather lucky. The game was featured by three double plan by thetorsplys, second baseman, bpiM. $eo(plwt man In each case, f yery titue' the Prince Rupert team looked a bit dangerous, it seemed they would Just naturally hit into a double. W. Mitchell and George Araeneau were the only leeal players to reach sec ond. V. A. C. scored their first run in the fifth. Lewis, first man up hit a single between first and second. He went to second when Lambie tos sed out Perkins at first and to third. when Cole went out. Lambie to W. Mitchell. On a passed ball be came home. Nelson throwing Just a second too soon for Lambie to catch him at the plate. It was 'a tough break, for Straight, who was at hat, struck out - tfw lliiminiir iftU- Lewis (9). Riehardeon (ID; score one wr-iiK'.wiun r iaiE-3BrTtwo ning when V. A- C. scored their second counter. Crcanr'slngled and stole second. Jacobean struck out. Hail whiffed the osone too. Croat scored when Lewis singled past second. Lewis went to second on a crooked threw by Lambie to Batch htm oft tint. Perkins was hit by a pitched ball. Cole rolled one down to Harold, at third who missed it, the bases being filled. Straight hit a fly to left field. Arseneau making a fine catch. THE BOX SCORES Saturday's Game V. A. C AB R II PO A Papke 2b 5 1 Cross lb 5 2 J Jaeobeen sa 4 Hall p.. 3b 5 Lewis 3b., p 4 Perkins c S Cole If 4 Straight rf 5 McKlssock cf 4 Totals 41 11 10 27 9 5 Wei AV. Mltehdllb: ... 3-0 1 io-i -o Downle-2b 3 0 0 .2 0 2 Howe rf. 5 0 1 0 0 Richardson p. 2 l 1 0 3 Arseneau If 4 0 0 1 0 A. Mitchell 2b., e 4 0 0 10 2 Chenoski 3b., cf. 4 1 0 0 Harold cf ., 2b 3 12 4 Gavin 3b 2 0 0 0 Totals 35 3 0 27 13 8 V. A. C. . 2 0 3 0 3 0 1 0 2-11 P. R 0 200001003 8ummary Three base hit, Harold, Cross 2), Lewis; stolen base, W Mitchell. Jacobxcn. Hall (2. f , CAPTURED HIAM CUP Stewart Beats - Premier 3 to 2 In Final Baseball Game .of Season BTWART. Sept. 8: Playing day. The game was the final oi ! the Hiam Cup seri-s. both teams , 1 eie tied in pouv of gumes won I vnu nith the Stag1 .ul srt for any thing to happen both teams took ' :.: field determined to win. Anci Stewart won the seore of 3-2 was I the closest recorded since the ser-i ee began two months ago it wjs r pfteher's battle all the way, MeNell fop Stewart and Bruce for Premier uneorkinc; their whole tattle of tricks to keep the fans on their toes for the whole seven in-; nings, and both were accorded air- j tight support by their team-ma t-ea. As an indication of the brand of nitching, Bruce fanned 10 men in the seven innings and McNeil made nine whiff the air. neither allowed any free pases on balls: and only five safeties were hung up. Bruce being nicked for two and McNeil for three. Of the three errors marked in the scorer's book, two were made by Stewart players and one by Premier. By virtue of their win last Monday, Stewart retains possession of the1 H lam Cup which was presented some years ago by T. A. Hiam for annual competition between Stewart. Hyder (Alaska) and Premier teams. This year Hyder was unable to compete. The game on Monday night was played for the most part in brilliant sunshine and a large crowd turned ut to see the rival teams perform. SEND-OFF FOR BASEBALLERS The Vancouver Athletic Club baseball team, after Its flve-Rame baseball series here with the locals, sailed last night by the steamer Prince Rupert on its return to Vancouver. A large crowd was on hand to see the Vancouver boys off and a great ovation was accorded them as they sailed. During their stay in the city, the Vancouver players made a large number of friends, all of whom are hoping that they may come back again next year. Lewis, McKlssock; sacrifice bit. Cole; first base on balls oft Hall (3). Richardson (2): struck out bv Hall runs, one hit off Hall in three innings, one run. five hits off Lewis in atx innings, winning pitcher. HaU; wild pitch, Hall (1), Lewis (1) ; ten on bases, P. R. (11), V. A. C. (6); 6ele play Cross to Jacobean; time Uf game 2:30; umpires, Stephen St Menatse. Sunday' Game A. O. AD R II PO A E iPapke 2fc 4 0 13 Cross lb 4 1 1 13 Jaeobeen as. 4 0 2 2 Hail 3o 4 0 0 0 Lewis cf 4 12 1 Perkins c 3 0 0 8 Cole If 4 0 0 0 Straight p 4 0 10 McKlesoek rf 3 0 Q 0 6 2 0' 0 2 0 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 Totals 34 2 7 27 16 P.R.- ABR II PO A Weedle as i 0 0 2 2 W. MUeheU lb 0 1 14 0 Downle of. 0 0 10 Lambie p 0 0 0 6 Hewe rf 0 0 0 0 A-Mltoheliab, 3 0 0 1 3 sceneou If 2 0 Q-2 0 liroW 3b. a... .. .3 0 n 1 3 Nelson -3 0 r"A 1 Q Totals . "!a9 0 3 27 16 2 V. A. C. ... 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 12 P. R. 00000000 0 U Summary Stolen base, W. Mitchell, Cross; earned runs, V. A. C. (It; struck out by Straight 17), by Lambie (6t; left on bases, VAC. (Q), P. R. i3i ; double play, Straight to Papke to Cross. Hall to Papke to Cross. Hall to Papke to Cross; passe ball Nelson (l; first base on errors against. P n. (It, V. A. C '2' hit by pitcher Arseneau, Perkins time of game. 1:30; umpire. Moiuu Conway Tearle presents Young Stiiblin,; wh defeat' Phil ScoU at Wimbledon stadium, recently, with mascot as the former takes Waterloo boat train for America -!- BA11E RUTH'S HOME RUN RECORD BEING SMASHED IN MINORS ' BALTIMORE, Sept. 8: Joe Haueer, first baseman of the Baltimore Orioles. Interna- ' tional League, yesterday drove out Ms sixtieth homer of she 1 ' reason and equalled the world ecord which was 'created in 1 192Tfcy Babe Ruth. With the! n.i nest allH almost month to ! go. It is expected Haueer will far exceed the record. 4 Ole Ben and Charles Anderson, for drunfeennees, .were eTch fined :5. with option of -thirty days' imprisonment, by MftgtstraJe Mc-: lymont in city police eoaft thla morning Having already had on? o more such Ojfaiees against him Oscar Byefwaeeatesaed to thirty liys imprfclpinsnt, without option of fine, Io fctojdcatlon. gfTSBSBsBBBBBBaSBBBBBBBBBBalBBBH Big League Scores SATURDAY'S SCORES American League Washington 2. New York 3. Doaton 1. Philadelphia X St. Louis 4, Detroit a. Cleveland 1-4, Chieaaa 38. National League Philadelphia S, Brooklyn 22. ' Chicago 1ft, Pittobutc 14. New York 12-7. Boston 1-2. Cincinnati 4, St. Louis 9. SUNUAVS SCORES National League Pittsburg 9. Chicago 7. Cincinnati 6-2, St. LouJali-4. New York 2, Brooklyn i. Philadelphia 1-1, Doaton 03. American League Philadelphia 6. Washington ?. Cleveland 2, Chicago . St. Louis 9. Detroit 6. Boston 5-2, New York 3-0. BASEBALL BANQUET Vancouver Players Entertained and Orme Cup Presented to Sons ot Canada A baseball banquet w i the Commodore Cafe 8atu: p'ng far the dual purpose t talnlng the members of u . couver Athletic Club squ,n: ;ame here to play at the r.i .it presenting to the Som 4da the Orme Cup cmbien eity diamond championshn V.:.!'-"Tit:; the Canucks captured by out on top both in the first :'1 v, mil halves of the season Aid. Q. W. Rudderham. r A': of 'he Prince Rupert Baseb.i . a i.iation, wa3 In the chair. Them v i large attendance both . : M couver and prince Rupert t; ilaye.s and fans. The Orme Cup was pres : 1 M nor Orme, its donor, t V i-h'jil, uapValn of the So: spoke suitably. H. R. Lov . v. i f the Sons of Canada te.i undo a few remarks approi th occasion. I: a general discussion v. : owed, the advisability of rr-v or the formation next v unlor or Intermediate to ' league wm stressed The pi kiad been for Prince Rupi : the Vancouver team In ;o this season was also mem . r speakers expressing the nope the bringing here of a V o, team each fall could be tr.ai annual event. By doing u (alt that the game hen v, greatly encouraged. Among the speakers wrt ( man Hall captain of the v r Howard FrtezeU, F . Stcphi r H. old Straight, Barl Lewis ,o .; .. Cole (Vancouver). Andy b and Stan Moran. A vote of thanks was - Andy Donald and Stan Moil their enterprise in having i) struraental In bringing tii' ' couver team here for the si : wek. Two plane called here y ' afternoon. About 1 30 :i ton J Alaska Airways svsplanc ted byE. A. Meyrlng. arrlvro Ketchikan to take honv of people from that ci w; been attending the Exlutnti' while at 5 PJX. a Western t Airways flying boat, pllote t. w N. Cummlng, arrived in ti' ulll-' of fishery patrol duty CURZON'S MEN'S WEAR V SHIRTS OF ALL KINDS UNDERWEAR SOCKS, DRESS SOX, WORK SOX MITTS AND GLOVES OF ALL KINDS MADE OF LEATHER, WOOL & CANVAS PANTS, OVERALLS, BREECHES, TROUSERS BRACES, GARTERS, ARM BANDS COLLARS, NECKTIES, HANDKERCHIEFS BLANKETS, TOWELS AT THE GRATT0N BUILDING 2ND AVE NEXT POST OFFICE CURZON'S