PAGE fWO The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Every Afteriooiu Except Sunday by.. Prince Rupert rublisbed paily uN'ews,, Umh&tflkHrilto'Hlmr 11 o?.I A .ac.f i II. F: PULLEN -VJnaiffhl&dttaimtllJI aVjIii OAILY RUITION SUBSCRIPTION RATES READING HIS SPEECH Ii'i'itatedTI ' TIT ? By mall to all other parts of British Columbia,; the; British Empire and United States, paid in advance, per;. year .,?--.. By mail to all other countries, ,per year . ..'i.W. Jj.'. By mail to all parts of Northern and Ceritraf rltistf; Colombia. i "if. Mm Almost any grandmother will tell you that no matter how red and irritated baby's skin may ba Dr. Chase's OmtmenUill bring relief at once and quickly restore the healthful condition of the skin. Keep Dr. Chase's Ointment along with baby's bath soap so that it may be applied promptly arid baby will never suffer from chafing or eczema. Br. Chase's Ointment Tossftwoj hrghlv'tocdJdna! qualitleXand worJS almost lite maSoTn clcarine and beautifying the elun. In bos or tube, eamo price, same quality. PROMOTIONS For lesser period, paid in advance, per month . .- -50 Keefe. Ceiidwen Morgan, Ea Mor- City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance ?5.(K) ris, Dorothy O'Neill, Dolly Postolu, ; Transient advertising on front page, per inch 2.80 Myrtle Rose, Mae Smith, Gudrun Local readers, per insertion, per line 25 Welle. Julius Welle, Charles Woods, Transient display advertising, per inch, per Insertion 1.40 Lillian Vaacjier. Classified advertising, per insertion, per word 02 i .Honor Rolls Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line Contract rates on application.' Advertising and Circulation Telephone ...v.... 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone ( ,.86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations .IB . Dportment, Helen Clarke: attendance, Jack Cherry, Willie Emmel-man, Dorothy Prltchard, Dolly Pos-Jtolu, Gudrun Welle, Lillian I Canadian History Presented Queen Mary, LO.DJL, NetU, Cliarie Woods. I it r it by Dorothy O'- 'J" " HM" Grade 7 to Grade 8 Saturday, June 23, 1930 Dons! AlUstone, Louis Astoria, ..' . . 1 Owen Brady, Minerva Brand, Nan- , f cy Brown, Betty Cameron, Grace THURSDAY NIGHT'S MEETING Clark, Vera Poqk. Ted Dungate, An interesting phase of the PattUllo-Pearson political gSSr SS'SSn.'SS meeting Thursday night was the large number of 'labor Hampton. Betty mgiis. Evelyn people present. To look the meeting OV6r it Would almost Meuse. Herbert Morgan, Audrey seem as if it might be a labor eratherintf. It has been suit- Parkin, catheran Phillips, Betty gested that there are two reasons for this. One is the fact f08"' Ma? fchbert 1 Jean Scott Isobel Sinclair. Iv-i t ... t, .. . . Ppvsv Proficiency, George Dybhavn; 1e- Ipotrment, Eileen Yates; atten- In his big Winnipeg meeting a few days agO.'H. B. Ben- dance' Betty Cameron, Andrew nett, leader of the Conservative party of all Canada, read H"dy' st"n- Rita fcEdr his speech. It was the subject o? mh comment that he ,KrS did so. People of the praine capital did not knovwhat to YaBlnM ttuie wiUon. Te Dun-thmk of the proceeding and they did not like it very well. gf"dr,': Here then is a suggestion. Let Mr. Bennett and Mr. GraTe ' to Grade 7 Brady change places. Mr. Brady does not have to read his j Jack Annesiey. Lea. Basso-Bert, speeches and he can talk as long as may be wished with or Jack! Campbell. Jessie cherry, Ed-without saying anything. Let Mr. Brady be the Premier urd clatK Jack clark- Margaret and relegate Mr. Bennett to the humble position. of Gon- n?lVamea,tCu Ha7ydga having to dig himself out on the morning after July 28. Hunt. Anna Johnson, Linian John- sdnarguf rlte Johnson, Mlkl Kan- MR. PEARSON CRITICIZED '1 Ctchum, Ruby Lee, MtWiP nfgM. Ge0?gG XLuSuo'Z dealt with the of question unemployment and expressed Wn: sike Munizoba, sumi himself as opposed to unemployment insurance if other Njakamotb, Joe Nayior, John o-Nein, means could be found of dealing with the question He is Murvan Phuiipson, Vernon scherk, Strongly in SVmnathv with lahor hut. tA rmr UVo t'n nm. Arthur Shenton. Robert Shrub- mit hfrrlsplf rW.'nitpfv nn t,a Jc,, Emllle Skattebol, Rosle Smith, ir" n" " .wuioi w ameuiB. Frank Barrett. Mr. l- earson s address was intensely interesting but we Honor Roiis do not see Why he should be timid about Unemployment in- Proficiency. Joe Nayior; deport- surance. If there is no unemployment, then there will be ment IIarry Edear: attndance, no one to take advantage of the insurance and the cost will if fS1- D,cltTFon. Mildred be very low. Sad to say however, even in good times there SaZ SES is unemployment and what is so terrible as for a man who is willing to work to find that there is no employment of- T, ?rade 5 it c,tde 6 v .u lfeanthihnk Sf nS!idren thG tterf X Jlfe. vve think that unemployment insurance vvell may go Cameron, Donald ciark, Maurice nanu in hand with anv other srhpniA Mp Paorann mn navpv Nnnr-v ThmM nKi favor. It is a Liberal policy. It has worked' well in other Robert Duggan Hazel Edgar Robert cuuuines anu any system to be adopted in 'Canada rridv V j"10"' Jamea irvme- Marceue M bo .proved as the result of the expedience of others JfiSSTS- unZ!'' JZ Lawrence, John MacLeod, Violet ,Mah, Margaret McLachlan, Alleen ' Jlteuse, Malcolm Murray, Chle Nl-shlkaze, Cecil Marr, Mary Nlshi-kaze, Patrick Phlllipson, Nora Pos-jtolu, James Schubert, Hazel Smith, jacK .unwln, Audrey Vlereck, Eng-ward Wick, Frank Wllllseroft, An nie Wong, Hlro Yamanaka, Olga Zelisko. Honor Rolls Proficiency, Joe Landry; deportment, Yukl Katsuyama; attendance, Robert Houston, Nancye Dawes, Yukl Katsuyama, Alleen Meuse, Tommy Jones. Grade 4 to Grade S Peggy Blott, Freddy Barber. Ro-saleen Brady, Odrddn Brochu, Betty Brown, Katharine Baker, Catherine Cameron, Margaret Christen-sen. Ethel Cousins, Mary Davey, Elsie Davles, Andrew Dybhavn, Genevieve Waugh, Thelma John-sen. Teddy Denning, Alma Dybhavn, Richard Fong, John Crimson, Billy Arlene Lee, Rudo)ph .Lqystadt, Edr. na AiacLean, unariotte Mcuougai, Teddy Mills, Annie Murray, Bertie O'Neill, Stanley Peacock, Charlotte Phlllipson, Mike Postuk, Oerald Roberts, Billy Smith, Hlsae Tsumura. Honor Rolls Proficiency, Annie Murray; deportment, Andrew Dybhavn; atten dance, Margaret Christensen, Richard Fong, Mike Postuk, Alma Dyb havn. Grade 3 to Grade 4 Toml Arakawa, Eric Barton, Clif ford Bruyn, Joan Baker. Yvonne THE JJAtLY Hffvv 3 Saturday, June a, 1 Connon, Sam Currie, Robert Col-Eby, Margaret Ferguson, Mitchell j lart. Malcolm Campbell Dorothy Gay,. Dorothy Orlmble, William f Crawford, Arnold Dohl. Frances Qrosvenor. Eileen Hamblln, A MlMllT TMim DalBlelih, Anna Duff. Jean Caraer- Blanche Jensen, Mary MacDonald, rVnllVi LHT5L.C1IJ ,on- QJoriaJDeWolf,. Dorothy Fowler. David McMeekln, Freda Mussallem,; ' Vema Graham; Helen OreenShlzu 1 Bessie O'Brien, Jack Storrle, Fran-) ' Hamasakl. David Houston. Nona ces Steeaviir. Plnra Wlkdal. Grace aviny rupns suctctded in studies Hodgson. Harvey Huseby. Haroye1 Allen. Lilian Croxford. Victor De- Kihara, Maureen Klrkpatrlek, Kam Marco, Clarence Dixon. Edith Fer- ... f Borden. Street School term pro-, Lee, Albert Mah, Gladys MeMsh, guson, Christian Fossum, Oeddes; imotlons are announced as follows: Donald Montgomery, Sada Naka-' George, Terry Grimble, Florence 1 . mato, Charles .Ormlstcn, Mysle FunnelL Alice Hallberg, Jean John-: r. j - Grade 9 From Grade 8 n x, n-.i-T" i -1 nun ' ... , ,.,. 7 nSi 1U P. Tejl Tsumura, Rertha Vuc-. kelson. Ruth Nelson, Oeorge Par-7.o6 DlngweiL Frank Pn Derrj-, n Oeorge Dibb, . kovlfih Agnes Wick. Nellie Wong. Reta sons. Stromdahl, Marybelle .Willie Pjnmplman flarl FrlrVnn l . . .1. I- .. . . . .. jlt f ti, " j Kooen wunscrcu, .mrojie yaman- stiles, Edna Bags&aw, Artnur Da- .m ; 1 -.n. .tA 1 1 3.00 onn ye r 5f P Margaret Rupert Fong j.j scudyjcSrtstlne flS Vn ,5 to John Wilson, vey. Edna Dickens, ' Victor Dell, Or fouh'mdnths for, k...f.V.?7 w..,.. 1.00 bell Fldler. Eileen Green. Howard' ? -i: n r LJ Proficiency. Toml Arakawa; de- Daip ow Gomez, Raymond Fossum, portment, Hlrojle -Yamanaka; at-j Bill Garllck, Kay Hlrano. Arthur tendance, Clement Phlllipson, My- MacDonald, Catherine McMeekln, sle Perry, Robert Wllllseroft. David Gorden Munro, Billy Nelson, Alfred Houston. 'Ritchie, Lois Ponder, Hadl Stiehlro, Grade 2 to Grade 3 BOOTll SCHOOL Booth Memorial School term pro motions are announced as follows: To Rich School , George Blake, Patricia Bunn, Edith Connery, Evelyn Dalgarno, Catherine Eastman. Elsie Franks, In- srirl Tlnllhrir MaMm Hunt ViT. ey, Marlon Ryan, Paul Stegavig, Zola Tee, Alex Walters, Lucille Erooksbank, Rene Cavanalle, Walter Cross, Dorothy berry, Pheme Flnley. Mary Geary, Trevor Hill, Annie Kach, Ned McLeod, Robert Parker, Robert, Pcachey, Henry Skinner, Hedy Suehiro, Adella Thurber, Velma Walters. To Grade 8 Norman Allen, Cecllle Cavanalle, Owen Green,' Allen- Klrkendall. Henry Llndseth, Angus MePhce, Clara Pierce, Douglas .Sutherland, Isobel Blrrell, Peter Ouyan, Margaret Mussallem, Oehard Sather, George Vlereck, Veronica King, Beatrice Berner, Bertie Cross, Hilda Hanson, Kllborn Lamb, Frances Llsney, Martin Mlkkclson, Donald Ryan, Jean Stamp-Vincent, Lewis Cromp, Thelma Hedstrom, Tsunejl Nakamqto, Eleanor Slevert, John Wardroper, Inger Murvold, Dorothy Bush, Edna Gillies, Lillian Jones, Gordon Lawson, Helen McNaugh-ton, Kazu Nlshio, .Ernest Santur-bane, Vlclan Wratnall, Asta Dybhavn, Ethel Moorchouse, Cyril Ross, Edna Strand, Edith Wilkinson. . TV 1 J k I I iiaanon, iiazei mil, uouy noim-t , Grade 7 berg, Giro Kanayai Nick Killas, Ar-1 Norma Archie, James. Colussl..Al-tHur Thompson, Lorraine Jabour.uen Davles. Mildred Dixon. Floyd FOR BABY Safety First' Five generations of babies have been kept clean, fresh, fragrant, and free from skin troubles by the use of BABY'S OWN Merle West , Charles Anerson, Betty Barber, I Grade 6. Billy Barker, Harry Basso, George ' Clssle Armstrong. Dorothy Blake, Annie Postolu. Grade 1 to Grade 2 Helmer Anderson. Alek Bill. Walter Bird, Vivian Bruyn. Patricia Clark. Gloria Cook, Ella Dahl, Betty Davey, Mabel Echert, Margaret Fowler, John Good, Roberta Graham. Wllla Graham. James Had-don, Ellen Johnson, Setsuo Kuw- hara, Doris Leach. Qracee Lee, Ir- Marguerite Menzies. Florence Parker, Robert Ritchie, Annie Stengel, Evelyn Thomas, Alice Woro-bec. Grade 5 Howard Beale. Beryl Birch, Ger-aldine Clausen. Elmer Clausen. Donald Duncan, . Clarance Flnley Joy Green, David Geary. Hadley Harkinron. , Ivar Johnson, Charlie ene Undsay, Cedric Mah. Margaret i rd, Jean McLean. Ray Mont Morgan, Lloyd McDougall, Douglas Payne, Nicholas Pavlikls, Robert Parks, Albert Phlllipson. Mary Pos-tuk, Billy Pilfold, Marcus Perry, Paul Postolu, William Scherk, Sachiko Tsumura, James Waugh, Hen-ery Wong. Peggy1 Wong, Bobby Vu-covlch, Emily Yamanaka. Honor Rolls Proficiency, Patricia Clark; de gomery. Donald Norton. Lioyd Rlee John Slatta, Marjorle Sflversides Helen Valentine. Stanlry Wardro-per. Dorothy Wllkle. Helen Bcver-Idge. George Brown. Russell Cameron, Isabel Connery, Donald East- I man, j Helen . Fuller, Jim Gullck jBobhy " "Hale, Alice Hunter, Ous jKrause, Bruce Love, Robert Man- son, Neil Monroe, Azot Olsen. Vii Bi,)iiirl, T...m.... t!torla St&mfbrd. Jrfinle Rtra "Uiiliuu, ; mC-iti tendance. Mary Postuk. Orace Lee. I Edith Smith. Gwjr&ih .waa TAin Watt . nixlr Ufr.fltfellWF1 Berner, John Bunn," JjmelBrem ner, Marjorle Cook;v MimlS:by Irene Olske. Margaret Olfker, Phyl lis Hamblln. Harold Ivarson, Wln-nlfred King, BJorg Luth, Edna Mlkkclson, Bobby Morlson, Edgar Preston, Eda Slatta, Malcolm Smith, Velma Thurber, Melven win Llndseth, Victor Miller. Brian WaUa' Pn,11P WlUlamson. Parsons, James Ritchie, Violet Grade 4. Stamp-Vincent, Lawrence Swan- Margaret Armstrong. Ethel Bury, son, Robert Tobey, Muriel Weston, Batty Dickens, Oeorge Carlyle. Dor-Edith Brewerton, Eileen Bury, Iris 0thy Davles. Alex Galland, Lester ioroouia. Aiian uavies, can oy, Thekla Fulton, Martin Hanson, Jenny Johnston, Annie McLeod, William Murdoch, Frederick Peach- IT'S WISE T Jnst UtitHt dow of TOlItMUk of MpnMi In water. That ii au alkali, effettix-, yvi Urml'-. rt hxt beta the itanilard antacid for 50 year among phyaiclana everywhere. One apoonful will neutralise at once many time Hi volume In aekl. It i the right wi.y, the nulek, pleaant and efl5-dent way to kill the eicea acid. The itomach become iweet, the pain de- Baker, Cecil Campbell, Mary Clark, I Malsie Cameron, Sydney Croxford, rrr-r. - - - Englna Chrlstenson, Desmond Margaret Dougherty, Linda Field, orjmble, Hayen Hanklnson, Erhll uook, oie uy-Dnavn, viola DyDnavn, ; Alice uomez, oustair Hoiisten, sol-Joan Forrest, Joh,n Fraser, Fuml : berg Jensln. Alt Larsen. Mary Mar-Hamazakl, 1 Edith Hudson, LesUe tin, Adele Mussallem, Harold Pon-Crawford. Clifford Johnson, Floyd j der. Tarjar RyuUd. Alex Strachan Joy, Lois Judge, Rol Judge, Itn i Betty Wood. Ellen May Bell, Mary Kanaya, Ryoichl Kihara. William i Bremner, Herbert Chandler, Jean Long, Sigrud Lovstedt. Betty Mil- i Dalzell. Robert Elklns, Robert Glbj ler, Jngver Morse. Marie Norton, j son. Willie Hale. Malko Ixuml. Ro Kathleen O'Neill, Helen Ormlston. Annie Postolu, Minnie Wiggins, Patricia Wiggins, Koichi Nlshlkazl. Victoria Zararuke, Norman McLeod, Hlsaye Kihara. Honor Rolls bert Kelscy. Harley Lear. Isame Matsumoto. Keith McLeod. Margaret Preston, Honora Sllversldes, Jean Sunberg, Sabra Woodhouse. Donald Bake . Amaranth Bury. Mickey Casey, Violet Dell, Martin Proficiency, Lois Judge; deport-1 Erickson, Margaret Sue Gullck vuatauui iirtiuictuy juuna iu uue iiuerai party lor ex- steen Hfeabeth stureeon. Orace ment- Les,le Crawford; attendance. Daphne Hemmell. Eric Jackson lension OI tne program Of democracy and the Other that Watklnson.- Billy wmiscroft, Leslie GeorKe Baker- Englna Chrlstensen,jjanetta King, Harry LundquUt tne Liberal candidate is one who has made his own way wuson, Kanaku Yamanaka, nw-in the world and appeals strongly to all those who are do- Ikd Yamanaka, Eileen Yates, wai- inrr rVio anmo terZelisko. Walls, Richard Boyle. Jack Brem ner. Angelo Christlano. 'Edith Cromp, Margaret Fuller. Wlnnl-tred Grant. Helge Holkartad. Peter Husey, Slgna Johnson. Hazel Lear, Ian Matheson. Ian MacLean, Jea-nle Robertson,, Stanley Sscherk, Pearl Stienberg. Klye Suehiro, Asl Wick. Joan Watt. Grade 3 Stanley Balllnter, Nancy Brem-ifL Kay Case. Richard Cameron, Spencer Dav!a, Joyce Edwards. Feaaby, Gladys Hall Del-e Lemon. Jackie McNaughton. t( McDonald, John NlchoUs, re Jersted, Annie Peterson. Jack Ritchie. Norma Smith, Jlmmte SUles. Ned Tobey, BeUy WUklnson. Melbourne Buscey. Bessie Chandler. Duncan McRae. Ralph Morin, Mil- Irtd Nelson. John Johnsen. Forstad PfUerson, Peter Rorvlk. Dorothy SlfrubsaU. Harry Skogmo. Myrtle V4Jpy. Fred Wardroper. Mario Bus-sanlch, Eva Chandler. Sylvia Croxford, Harry Dagget, Nancy Delgren, Dorothy Fuller, June OUker, Fred Lewis, Margaret McMeekln. Matilda McLeod, Pearl Menzies, Betty Newton, Fred Newton, Joe Norton,) Mary Pierce, Alastelr Rosa, Inez Sicuro, Goodwin Stromdahl, Mal-j colm Wilding. i t Grade 2 j Ralph Anderson. Jean Beveridbe, Betty Bromner, Elsie Bagshaw, Cllf- ment Flan, atoma Siveetencd instantly rojnutet. "I lV)l't.dpe,d rti crude nti hrxk In. iley the boat war yet evuiv.,1 IQ , the year of aeartnieg. That u rhiiil Jlilk of Magneila. ' lie aure to get the Rennine Phillipcf Milk of JUgnei prescribed by pl,, eiani for 60 year in correcting tictu aeldt. Each buttle contain full dtr tiont any drugttore. ford Carlyle, Donald Ebv j), Jensen, John Johson. Helen Kra- OUxaML CharUrtte Harrin, Phviiu u, Evan Love. Malri Matheson. HKL Ollter Keays. Curtis K,rKn-Robert Parsons. Robert Rudder- dall. John Lawrie rorn-ii Man-ham, Samuel Service. Ckrrrron ftte Murvold. Aim Munro Stamford. James Sheldon. Jack Jmi MeKy. Donald N i- i a,-Wulkle. Maud Bagshaw, Olaf An- M Petersen, Ina Roben. ,,i M,ir 1e,ion, Wilfred Chandler, Oeorgotld Storseth. Robert Tiv;,.r Nur. Ccik, Herbert Davles. Emmaaiske " Walters, ;Mona Whytc Eric Apkaug Holkertid. Norman Webb, Love,JCehntto MeCrimmon aqv Mlmmy Johnson Louis Kiindson,! Armafrpng. John Be -v. TUJtt Ddlnug Klunrj. Ilasel Mastln. Is-; Cttar Bunw, Reggie B it. RoHtrt abel McCrlmmon. Jean Ponder, Capstick. Viator Field. Ei. rjjxt Ruth Seherk. Hazel Smith, Jesn'te HanWnson. AJf .h r jid Starr!. Alfrid Wilcdal. ShlrUw . "oya eays, uickj KirC'imaJI Beth Lord, Osmanci Mani:-- Carl Mailer, Jarvte McLeod. Froja: Mc-Keown, Patrlela NlchuU Ham Pettersop, William Shrubs : '.n 3()uireff. LUUam Skogm R -,; :xl Valpea, John Watt, Jolm VV . r. Jan toft Ltland. Effle Mc - Blake, Oeorge Bagshaw. 3"4:i Bobby Bby, Irene Fmic: Ar-ante Halt. Ray Hougan. Ai . .' xm. Jofte Ketlbach. Laui.. 1 .v?. Aten Lftfhton. Henry MikK .:. Neva MtUr, Jean Mackay A;r, jj ' iTetoon. Mabe; Kesbjtt Th.nji Pierce, Marlon Sheppartf i,tn Sunberg, Ftorrle Walker R.iiif Warns, Judith Jerstad, Jean Franks, Jean Krause. BlUy Manson.' 1J"50 noon I p.m. ffi&iT : t77io nADSTEn " PHAETON Th.ClubSeian . ThCoarh . . 750 Jr Th Sport Coup A tompUl, Im, , CommmUl Cm mi Trr. from tits ON.R, TRALNS Christina Oook,- Hazet Goomba,Wal "tm'm-mr .w - .. larn Dil Marinn EriPv,r. ntnwl From TfestDaily. except Tws- For Eastr-Dally, $810 HO 70 (Sit irf rknlt rtmJmJ) 94H except Sunday, TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR S KEEN A BRANT) Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throurhout the City CHOOSE A Sl r How aisf jiiig it is to Drive this Six! TF you havo never been at the wheel of a six-cylinder car, you have no idea of all the satisfying performance which the new Chevrolet Six holds in store for you. In this remarkable new car, greater moodiness has been gained by a new harmonic balancer anil a balanced -1 Impound crankshaft. Economy unsur-passed by any other car is assured by advancements in carhurrtion and engine design. More enjoyable riding comfort is provided by efficient Love-joy hydraulic shock absorbers, front and rear. Combined with mch notable performance features are lavish refinements In the beamy, cxrulpmcnt and appoint, ment of the smart new Fiaher bodies. Just as surely as you Inspect the new Chevrolet . . drive It and compare it . . jour verdict will bet "Uertft lh biggest fofua in the lotcett price fiULn For with all its 6-cyIlnder advantages prices are as low as $635 at factory. Ask about the General Motors Owner Service Policy, the most complete Ja Uic industry; and about the C MAX t.encral Motors own I)iV-,mi nn. tsaoH CHEVROLET SIX , ROSS & MOORE, LIMITED- IT'S PET TER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. 1IECAUS E 4 iiMi IT'S CXNgDlAJ