Today's Games 2 pjn. Miss Frizsell and Mitchell vs. Mr. and Mrs. Horton. I 2 pm. Mrs. S. P. McMordie vs. i Miss Vera Smith. 3 pa. BUI Tobey Jr. vs. Stamford. 3 pin. Moore vs. Wilding. 4 pjn. Norrington vs. Mitchell. 4 pjn-W. Lambie vs. Black. 5 pjn. Miss V. Smith and Brown vs. Mr. and Mrs. Bartlett C pjn. fltamforfl and Mitchell vs. Horner and Norrington. 7 pjn. Horton and Lambie vs. Farajtbarva Wflctag. 8 pjn. Winner of Norrington and Mitchell vs. McMordie. ,8 pjn. Brown vs. Winner of Moore and Wilding. Banquet in Honor of Mrs. P. J.Ryan A banquet was held last evening at the Boston Cafe under the auspices of the Pythian Staters in honor of Mrs. P. J. Ryan, who leaves shortly la make her home in Edmonton. On behalf of the Pythian Sisters, Past Chief Shenton presented Mrs. Ryan with a handsome cut glass sandwich tray. Mrs. Ryan responded suitably. The evening was spent in singing and cards and broke up at 11:30. "Progressive merchants advertise 10.7c 11.1c Excel, 21,000, Coltf Storage, 1 10.j and 6e Dominion Day SPORTS Acropolis Hill 9:45 A-M-Children's Flag Parade from N.B.C. Uegt, followed by Children's Sports 1:30 Track and Field Sports Junior Football Senior Baseball Elks vs. S.O.C. Dance--Moose Hall 9 P.M. I Premier Orchestra Refreshments , Proceeds in aid of Boys' Band Tour Fund 152 i : Defeated Canadian Legion by Score ! of Two 15 Nil Last Night j By means of-a wetl deserved win ' last night over the Canadian L-1 Iglofa. the Prince Rupert Athletic I Club went to the top m the tSuart Benefit Shield soeCTr competition. Sammy Currie's men had the sltu-, ation in full Control at all times ; and the Canadian Legion, which is i ; developing, the bad habit of per-' yistently fielding a short team.: never had a chance. A good-sized crowd of spectators witnessed the match. j Albert Dickens scored the first I goal for the Athletic Club soon af- j ter the opening, the Legion bln j I weakened through having onlyl eight men on the field. For the' Canadian Legion. Will Mitchell hit I !th UDriffht but th hull tnt hind. That was about the closeset I the Legion ever came to scoring. ;Splro Qurvich saved well from t Howe. I I In the second half, the Athletic Club reiterated its superiority and Nick Chenosfd put in the second! counter. Charlie Younarman. wha played a good game in goal for the Canadian Legion, was given no chance to save this one or the first etthw, for that matter. Field was another who played a good game for the Legion. . cum was referee wftfa O. and C. Smith actsng a The teams were: A1Wetic Ctab-S- Viktor anon, rw.h 1ir.rri'PrlnPert Canadian Melville, ifiOO, Cold Storage, and 6c. Toodie, 4,500, and Cape Spear, 6,000, AtHn, 11.4c and 8c. H. and R., 1,800, Cold Storage, ' ' 11.2c and 7c. j , Mayflower, 3,800, Royal, lLfic in ec. !, Helge.H 7,500, Cold Storage, li.le and 7c. Z-Z i-TiJeVVsMn ;,:W. Mooay and Stiles: I i;tttmr..MM8ay and a.- Mitchell: H Dickens, Bussanieh. A. Dickens. Cheneekf and FrteseH. Canadian Legion Yeuagmam D. Jack ttnd J. Currte; Field, Howe and Hadden; MacdonaW. Smith. WtMitcheU. Chenoekland (Mirer. LmWitMthe Regiment and Cana dian uegum scnedaied to meet W&Pm! etWtog tn the Do- mjnfoa-Dajr Cop .final, there will be , pa further piay in the Stuart Shield series until Friday evenlnz of next week when the Regiment is scheduled to meet th Prino Rupert Athletic Club. The name of Miss Margaret Frit was, by lnadvertanee, emitted from the list of performers at Charle Balagno's piano recital Thursday evening. LINDSAY'S Cartage arid Storage Phone 68 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize in Piano and Furniture Moving. . jsassMi8?ferir36y WsPljyp rSCsjf mOBBsssi sasBsssssyssyLsWTls This pittture shows the commotion in Oie rim when ihe members of .he New York Boxing Com-injs.siotieclared Schmellng the winner and duquauried Sharkey because of a ?oul blow For Passenger Qtrs Dominion Tire Dealers offer Canada's outstanding" tire values . . . Royal Masters, the world's finest; Dominion Royals, the best standard price tires on the market; Endurance, a sturdy medium-priced tire) . . . product! of Dominion Rubber Co. Limited. "Mrs. M. O. Kdgar and son are safltag tonrght on the Prtaee Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. Miss A. D. Harrison ol the Weal High School teaching staff tafiad last nisht on the Prtqeeat Ma-ry fori Vancouver where she will jtpendj the summer vacation. She, will be' teaching In Reginai Sask., next' term. j, Mrs. B. Walker and daughter, -' Miss Muriel Walker, sailed last ; night on the Princess Mary for Vancouver. Mrs. Walker .expects to J ! spend pert of the summer vacation 'in California, while Miss Walker ! ww anena a giru' camp near Vic torla. far and Mrs. W. O. Fulton and i family left on today's train for Lakelse lake. Mr. Fulton will re turn to the city neat "Wednesday and Mrs. Fulton and she children will remain at their summer home I at the Lake for the next two ! months. Miss L M. EUett of the looal Post Office staff, who. In course of a recent holiday vlalt to Victoria was tnkrn serious! v III. is now reported to be making satisfactory progress toward recovery although it' may be a tfme yet before, (he Is able to twnrauo the city. ' .'-.i- s MtssXECTA:' MertSfrl principal cr Booth School, with Miss M. Martin and MIm 3. Rothwell-of the samo school staff, laft this morning '.or Edmonton, en route to ttye Peace River. The? will no as far at Peace River crossing by train and then by boat to Fort Vermilion and! back. Miss Mercer and Miss liar tin then go to Victoria and Miss Rothwell to Reglna for the holl days. Oet the Ad. rending habt. PAGE F0U3 THE DAILY NEWS. Saturday CITY TENNIS TOURNEY TO TOP Srml-Finals Are Expected to Be v Played, Today In the city tennis tournament It Is expected that nearly all the ev- est will reach the semi-final stage ; today, finals in the ladles' doubles ! and ladies' single will be played on Sunday afternoon at two and four o'clock respectively if the weather holds fine. I In yesterday's matches there was some brilliant tennis. Mrs. Shadwell took three sets to put out Miss B. Edgecumbe in a hard fought singles. There was also an extremely fast match in the" evening when W. Lambie finally defeated 8. Horner after losing the first set 6-1. The resultas of the day were: W. Lamttid beat 6. Homer, 1-6, 6-3. 8-6. CoL McMordie beat W. H. Tobey 6-2. B-l. i A. Mitchell beat F. Bradshaw 8-6, ; 6-1. I Mrs. Shadwell beat Miss Edge- ! cumbe, 6-4, 8-7, 6-3. Messrs, Brown and McDonald j beat Llnsey and Robertson 6-2, 6-3 ' col. McMordie and Brand beat Col. Nicholls and Oregg, 9-7, 6-3. Misses L. Frlsaell and V. Smith beat Misses B. Edgecmnbe and P. Smith, 6-3, 7-5. Mr. and Mrs. Bartlett .beat Mr. Curtre and lbs. Ross 8-6, 6-4. Mrs. McMordie and Stamford beat Mrs. Shadwell and CoL McMordie 46, 6-3, 6-2. Earl Sande. who won the Belmont stakes xm Gallant Fox shortly after he had been injured in a motor accident. FISH SALES Summary American 39JQ00 pounds, and 6c and 11.2c and 7c. Canadian 2890 pounds, and 6c to 11. 0e and 8c. BBSKSr V-J IP-grade; through sleep- VLPI $ $m jh3 ing town and vu p Jf The modern motor bus! Operated to railway schedule exactitude, sale, efficient, comfortable. Bus tMnsport gams each day in popular favor. Royal Heavy Service tirfar fcu t! bus transport spectficstkms. pBwtfaLnwJjtrffSjrV heavy loads at hih Iir nl) l:Saf rt j tft-eaa. And they cut running costs through mileage . . . re conditions. DOMINI astoundine tfffifaffi opiating Sold ami Sen-it t-J hy Dominion Tirt Dealers HEilW SERVICE t EALERS Sol Bntish Cto McFEELY & PRIOR, LIMITED 99 East Cordova Street, Vancouver, B.C. 1400 Government Street, Victora, B.C. 801 Columbia Street, New Westminster, B.C. I AH A MFIUC owiMWiHWtWHweHMora mm m. m acs lasjiiii i T----T------T--T--aliiM innini inrin iinnnnnnn rn n n n rum rs rmrmmawr9wm nw www iasi osisa nn nnnnnnn wr BE SURE TO GET YOUR V t ' MONEY'S WORTH IT'S your money. You Ve, earned it It will be spent For indi clothes, fiuniture, food, all sorts of nMoawtios ... and if there's any left for luxuries. Tiif way to make that hard-earned money go farthest In to pftrchaRe ftrdducts of certain value. Products backed by well-known manufacturers. Products that are widely bought and used, that aro carefully and painstakingly kept to high standards tf quality, and that have been found over and over again to give full worth. Advertised products! When you buy a suit of clothesj a pair of shoes, or a household necessity, that is advertised in this paper you every dollar. Read over the grocery lists that appear weekly in the Daily News and note the savings you will jnake by purchasing from these lists. are buying a product whose maker is willing to talk about it, tell about it, put what ho knows about it in- print and i I, i W jljffid0 Jt- heriiyoji buy adverted ritorchnndise A K,,bt-tfaWWk of purcha'ting value from ; . Rccailsc it doesn't pay to Jidvcrlise poor products, It docs pay to buy those advertised.