wednesday, Novemben 12, 191 9. — ee a EAL NEW = Doge 6 aa eee Sistine _ ————_—_—_————— : Sees . ee _ _ — a i ———— —————— rr i _- an Res > We, bs “If you want to know if you are a yourself this question—‘Can you can, you are a success. If you can’t, drop out.’’ That’s plain talk, but it’s true. That’s something for the young man of Canada to think over. are not saving money—you are not getting anywhere. You are lifting your feet and put- ting them down on the same spot day after day, marking time. No man ever succeeded that way. Take a grip on yourself and cut out those careless, useless expend- itures you make day after day. Victory Bonds are your oppor- tunity. Buy a “big block” of Victory Bonds. If you u save money Buy them on easy terms -- under the instalment plan. Grit your teeth—and pay for them! You can do it. ae we And think what this money saved | ~ may mean to you later in fide =iIt a may mean an interest in some busi- i ness; it may mean the making of . a home. It will mean that you can ’ 7 of the Deminion of Canada avail yourself of some investment opportunity that will ensure your financial or business success. possession of some “ ready money” has often been the foundation of a fortune. Begin saving to-day. Buy Victory Bonds Issued by Canada’s Victory Loan Comunittee in co operation with the Minister of Finance The 27 RED OUT OF U.S. CONGRESS ‘ “tukee Socialist Was in Open POSition to Recent War. veclal via GO. T Pp Telographs, ) W ASHING TON Nov, 44.- -Hold-. g . dhe Pw ineligible for Lh Berger — Congress, Vie. denied *, Milwaukee Socialist, Y an oy e bis Seat in the house “son te cn mine yote. The' Wlained lis ‘eligibility, it was te Dpositi, because of his te + 2M to the late war. he vo Wing = “Seal Berger was MWY LEONARD __ DEFEATS BARTFIELD as \ Mard cen Nov, 42. Benny Brooklyn Y defeated Bartileld, at The n an eight-round ad ny, lightweight cham. at a trouble in hold his dow test. " at all stages of _— STATE PURCHASE OF LIQUOR TRAFFIC Railwaymen’s Leader Says Pro- hibition Not Acceptable to British Workman. (Spevial via GO. TP. Telegraph.) LONDON, November t1. Thomas, leader of the vailwaymen, in supporting proposais for public ownership of the liquor trade, said would be blind to his knowledge and experience with the working clases if he did not quite honestly and firmly say that prohibition would not be accept English intimate able to them at this time. In place} of prohibition they would accept state purchase and control of the ‘iquor traffic. GERMAN REPATRIATION BERLIN, Nov. 12. 225,000 Genman prisoners have been returned to Germany from the British internment camps The 55,000 that still remain are expected to be all back by the end of November. that he| ‘POLAND ASKS FOR | (Special via G.T.P. Telegraphs.;) | LONDON, Novy, 11.—It has been learned from reliable sources that} | Poland is about to issue an inter- | vention to all the belligerent par-|ed States revenue cutter Bear is oa ties in Russia, The intervention, | pack from her thirty-third annual ; which will be issued to Finland) patrol of the Behring Sea. Owing the | @nd Esthonia also, will ask for) to the early ice this year she was On) unable the cessation of hostilities November 25 and the sending of | delegates to a peace conference at Warsaw. The allies will be asked to send representatives ITION CLAIMS PROHIB COMMISSION ADJOURNS | VANGOUVER, Nev 11, -—-Mr. | Justice W. H. P. Glement, sitting }as to investigate | « iaims for compensation of those who had lost as a result of the commiissionel More than|enactment of the Prohibition Act, | opened the investigation here on made at the request of counsel and will be till Deeember 15 Monday, but adjourned the sit- tings before any evidence Was) taken The adjournment was ‘BEAR RETURNS FROM | PEACE WITH RUSSIA | HER ANNUAL PATROL Unable to Reach Point Barrow With Supplies. | SEATTLE, Nov. 11.—The Unit. to reach Point Barrow with supplies, This was very un- fortunate and will cause consider- able hardship and privation to the people located at that place and in the vicinity this winter. It will be June or July before Point Bar. row is again accessible. —_—_ NORTH VANCOUVER, Nov. 12. An old timer of this district died yestemday when Charles Le- roy passed away at his home, He had reached the great age of 104 years and Wad lived in British Co. lumbia since 1882. He was horn in France and settled firot at Port Moody where he was married at the age of 85, See ALBERT & McCAFFERY before you purchase Anything in the Building Line Prince Rupert Spruce Co.’s Lumber Lime : eae ™ Plaster Brick Shingles Laths Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phone 524 Cor. Fulton and Sixth National Grocery Co. VEGETABLES A SPECIALTY Motor Delivery Prompt Attention