PAGE TWO MACDONALD RE-ELECTED For Other Posts secretary-treasurer by acclamation at the annual meeting last night of the Prince Rupert Trades it Labor. Council. There were keen contests, however, for other offices and those chosen were Vice-president son. Thomefs B. ' Black. Statistician J. M. Morrison. Sergeant-at-arms Jaok Ratch- ford. BxecuUTe-J. J. Qillis, Aid. W. M. Brown and J. S. Black. Finance committee aid . James Black, J. J. QUlls and J. M. Morri Geofge Geddes, J. 8. 'Black, A. Foreman and J. McPhee. Complaints were made that certain stores in this ctty were not observing the Minimum Wage Act. Investigation will be made and such storekeepers as refuse to abide by RESULTS IN BADMINTON Again President of Trades Council i Tournament Now With l)erry Secretary; Con- 1 Semi-Finals and ;Aon (ijpected .Monda ship tournament: Mixed Doubles Secaad round beat Mr. and 16-5, 15-5. Men's Doubles j . ..-.. 1 in mauls ui ran owpntna ou bu 11 Another game was also played in the fixture from Tuesday night, M. M. McLachlan, Orotic, beating O. P. Tinker, Canadian Legion, 260 to 34 and making the aggregate on the four games so far played 889 to 188 in the Legion's favor. The game of A. Murray, Legion, vs. George Waugh, Grotto, will probably be played tonight. Mooseheart Women Had Success With Cards and Dancing Prince Rupert Fraternal Whist League results last night were as follows: Canadian Legion 5, Seal Cove 4. Grotto 5, Leif Btikson 4. Elevator 5. Drydock 4. I. O. O. F 7, Moose 2 Six Musketeers 9. St. AndrewrO. Dybhavn Cup Standing Grotto 10 I. O. O. F 12 St. Andrews 7 Drydock 7 Moose 6 fcelf Srikson .' 6 !8ix Musketeers fi Canadian Legion 5 A very successful whist drive and ' SaI Cofe 3 dance was held last night in the , levator 3 Moose Hall by Women of the Mooae-hesrt Legion, 125 persons being in attendance. Prise winners at cards: Ladies' first. Mrs. W. R. Cameron: second, Mrs. H. Skattebol; consolation, Mrs. Percy Cameron: men's first, A. Cam-pagnola: second. Olof Stegavtc; third, J. H. Prttchard. After cards delicious refreshments were served and dancing followed with music by the Premier orchestra. The committee in charge consisted of Mrs. H Skattebol. Mrs. O. Stegavig, Mrs. R. Giske, Mrs. A. O. Bartlett and Mrs. Knut Slatta. Mrs F. M. Crosby and Mrs. P. J. Rvan presided at the door and W. B. Mc-1 imit Actually SeeThemVanish" PimtJt nAA n anlrk 1,411... SlT Trm can tcutUj tken dij " o iiom amine todty. n . ttia btinl isiuortvw motatnt. I 'TRY A NIP TONIGHT INCORPORATED VICTORIA, Feb. 14. Provincial incorporations this week include that of the Northweatern Aerial Prospectors, Ltd., of Stewart with' capitalisation of $60,000. Local Items C. O. Rowe sailed last night on the Prince Riroert for A hiisHrf ' ' I fin in Unrwwv..... Callum was master of ceremonies. ' A1& Alvazoff sailed by BEST PROCURABLE nun 7 M0OUCI OP SCOTLAND Mm 0 MlvtMI HIKlivt. tha Oriiml Ubtl look for it t th Vendor'. nd iniUt on CRANT'S "BEST PROCURASLE" This advertiiement is not published or dispfayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. 3 1 6 6 7 7 7 8 10 ?0 4 IE 6 6 LOCALS WIN BASKETBALL Approaching ' Last Nijht's Ixop Came Has Finals Ex- Seen Here This Winter 1 Macdonaid and Frank ; The following further games were ' ..: . i . . ... . . . . . .V L"L ueay ure re-eiectea prBsweni anq,tpjaq j&i, nignt, nv jiie i.uu.b. m.BadiniTiton Clan's ctty champlqnr score. the first field 32-25 SCORE after a nice bit of Best UMapIe Leafs Win Girls' Game and Rankers, Intermediates Displaying the best brand of basketball that thq? have shown this year, Prince Rupert All-Stars I Mr. and Mrs. RobertBdrtlett beat j defeated the Y&XA. of Port SimD rC0l. and Mrs. J. W. NiChollS, 16-9, ! son S2-2S in th Rvhihitinn Wall 15-10. . . Third round j croW(j of tne season, in the fastest Mrs. V. Long and C. J. Norring- L0). that has ben soon on tho Mrs. Bartlett,,i0CllI f , for me time The Port j Mrs. J. H. 'Horton and W. Tobey 1 Jr. be- Miss Mary Astori and F. W. 'Allen. 15-11, 6-15, 15-10. Simpson team played a good com- vaiuiiiic unique uiiu r j iniiKta cJumgg kiihv nni ivir ann iri cop Legislative committee-E. Larsen, , Rrr,nr, ... ' binatlon game and started out well 1 1.- . I 1. I attempt to second round ted into points. As the game pro- Morns Blott and James Farquhar ; ceeded, the play became fester ... mwioa- : niHi OKU WWC lur UUO- ,Jii, han IK -A IK. I i -i . 'OHU, BJ H. T. w. m. ' Mil 11 1 mi nua nisi niiimo 1 1 innia t woffc with Ratohford From this time on Rupert was never beaded! although Port Simpson tied 4hj ' scon SO-20 daring the seoond iiatf.! There was never mon than a dX-1 feiwnae ef eight jsoints between the two teams at any time. Paul Brent- j Izen of Port Simpson and Dido . Our- vkb tied for high sewer wlte -ten points. During the second half play be-! came a bit rough wtth the result; that Alex Mitchell, A. Weatay and' Dido Gurvieh ware ruled otf 4he floor far four personal fouls. Bien- t2n and Alexcee were the best .on the Simpson team, their shooting. being quite accurate and their team play almost perfect. The Ru- siert team, as a whole, played a !ery goad combination game, and jJwerked"hard from the lint wnJs- VTh IntitrMnlari nunv " ' i-TV inAfcfAr.Mn ma..U .1.1. tttiie i deciding factor for theih win. as both' teams ware veqr evea matched. At half-time the score was 14.18 in Rupert's favor. With five min- . . w 0v uuiuif KIT M Uiin, f wic wuie W9 -iK i or Hupert. ,3 unhddd.two points with a lend 3 1 Wl ffiW Pl cemre 01 ine near. , . ifcofed n quick succession to finish the Prince Rupert last night on his re- ..... a r m. jacx ascweii, weu known pioneer lul" 10 Vancouver alter a business man of Telkwa, is paying Duslne vWt here, a brief visit to the citv. ha vine ar-' rived from the interior on yesterday afternoon's train. C E. Barnwell of the Dominton Fisheries office staff sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for a Rupert's scoring. During this time Brentsan scored a basket and a foul shot to end Simpson's rally; The individual saofe were: Part Simpson Prince Rupert W. Mitchell A. Mitchell W. Lambifr fc ( V. Meagher 2 Pts. P4 A. Wesley S W. Knott . 0 P. Alexcee .-. 5 P. Brentaen 10 1 Bryant 'A. Tait J. Johnstone 1 2, 2 2 E. Ratchiord 3 & Qurrlch 0 brief: Dtdo Qunrteh la The Maple Leafs tWfeated holiday trip to Vancouver arid else- fTollcr fn a .oneisidea ladies' wnere in tne south. John W. Allan, superintendent engineer. Dominion Fisheries, sailed by the Prince Rupert last night on his return to Vancouver after rpendlng several days here on of- business. Ladies' Game 4 4, .If- Pef. .3 (4 3 ihe en counter 1&-5. This game started out well with the M'aple Leafs scoring 6 points after a few minutes play. The Tollers did not seem to be able to take advantage of the rebound from many shots at the basket and consequently were out pointed. The Maple Leafs play ed a nice comblantion occasionally and showed that they could probably give a good account of themselves, while the Tollers are in need of quite a bit of practice. At half time the score was 13-2 in favor of the Maple Leafs. Intermediate League The Intermediates game between the Bankers and the C.N.R. proved to bequlte interesting with the Bankers winning out 31-22. Both teams played fast basketball but the game was marred with a little rough play that was unnecessary. At half time the score was 15-12 for the Bankers. II. MaeDonald was high scorer with 13 points he also turned in a very credible game with nice plays and by Intercepting passes. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY LOST Automobile cranker. Finder call 649, or return to Kalen Oarage. (30) it St.- r DAILY NEWS LOXG DISTANCE .RACES rui.4($&, and Bobby Laibunw and Tam jSuil Ocicv, sccuiid, Walter Smith. NISII EXCITEMENT TOURNEY Continued from page one) ' "-V, . AT SKllTaDUlng of Revelstoke finished third; and Fred Rush, fourth, of the Viking Club of Vancouver, the strongest runner of, the north, making a beautiful run with the handicap of a broken staff in one hour nine minutes forty-five sec onds. Knudsen iv$khin a second of the ninth man The novice race was won by Bun dtopita the handicap of broken "Smith, with Bob Reid second. Lskis. 1 Bobby Llhburne of Revelstoke In fhA ln mo A auant Tu nlr Ahram running mate of the Omineca &ki of Princeton hadfClub. uddy Brunnel. mc miaiurium: tvtv,i Tn inW Bmll, Minn his stick, thus enabling Knudsen t& TSi ;" " " '"-r bel MarshaU second in one hour forty-five seconds, tying wtthL . ,iM paondstrom for third position. Knut 1 k- Njven of the Omineca Ski Club. aQd Jean suffering from a sprained ankle, , ' . made the course in one hour eleven i i.rf . i minutes forty-seven seconds, with 1 Gotaas of Camrose fifth in In the junior girls events. Mar- one hour fourteen minutes forty- ' Jory Stanyer. Tootsy Brunell. Myrth ,w......vv ' klk lt .-J :JT f r'T'' " i,ttoaca i minutes thirty seconds. O. Fiskum of the iamous Omineca Ski Club took seventh plaee In one hour (eighteen niinuts forty-two aec- P Pettenon of the 41...nt.ln Ctrl Pnl. orut All.n O 1 r, . . . 1UVUIIMUU Ufc. VWUU IUTCI- " rai'niiuwv acureu uiitK nines on nut : i 1 . the act will be placed on the unfair R Allen and J. QUlatt. 15-5. 1S-8. ishot with Dido Ourrioh BMing ?Z mJ"u? IJndrudri r lZ, nf "f list. 'legion Leading .. In Carl Brand and Robert Bartlttt beat W Tobey Jr. and W. Cross, 15-11. 17-14 Is planned to play the finals neKtondar evening. Only one game was played in last nights Billiard League fixture ,ranaiiian t.,in r, t between the Canadian Legion and nSwin J S , ' . m a,- ,T x. I Oddfellows and Six Musketeers won place.s in the order named, and. in the youngest class for the beautiful cup presented by the Lindstroni camp of Houston. Mia Schjploerup .u. Olive Oerow arf runners-up tor in. honor of being the younnest pr:i winner of the Onunec.i SHi Club In the class A boys' jumping con- Omineea was unf anHnate in break- t?st over the Ruddv Hill some IngJits. ski staff but .finished ninth : splendid exhibitions of Jumping one hoar thtoty minutes five sac-' were given by John Oerow. first; opened the Jumping events with a Prevlou recordJ on the J""1' same course, led the field in one ihour thirty-three minutes forty ; . . n, . , , with Danny Trousdell torowdir him in company with his 1 ... . . and Pat Mulville. out, when bod LuiDume oi evw-t . . ,UoWmo ,., , W. A. Qourtay, federal denart- toke overtook him he showed luVlf. tj.naM filpi nhi -mnari a.rnlu, men, 0f Diitalic work. rudn.7-rk.. sportsmanship by giving Knudsen k. . . .V,,, . . . i.i , kuL ,. . . j the xmisn in one hour seven nun- has been seriously ill here wit' pneumon'a was able to sail las ' night by the Prince Rupert on his j return to his home In Victoria, ac i companied by Mrs Oourlay and J special nurse. Miss Betty Herch i mer. of Vanroiiver , n u r i n u k m a jm SCOTT 'S Y mm a a a i7m m aw av a iVTRV IT jtfUXf LtAXAtaX llV.TM-. WAV You need pay only for all 75 c The choirs f,f Scotch Whi,iT I ft ii.shed Liquoi die t' -iimhia X. I J SZXJx Af?b APSOtK J&A jamm smm Ortligghonic JO ISMS' tV.Za -JMT and this is how you do it RING your Victor Dealer a used Victor Record for each new one you buy. That gives you the new records (formerly 75c) for 55 cents each. Bring in as many as you wish; take as many as. you watit on this liberal retuoi offer. If you have no used reGbrds you still benefit by the recent reduction of all 75-ccnt Viator Records to onty 65 cents. . . . tfcneii'low price! Victor Talkhif M.ehlne Comp.ny of C.mda, Llmltfd Montreal Now-yeu gc more Vktor music for lew money Every wd Victor Record is word rnoncf! Another step tor ward in bringing you, at lower prices, good music by famous artists, perma-rttntjg yotu: .own ' property to play whenever you wish. Thousands now bringing in their used Victor Records getting new ones. Return offer gooi for a limited time only UECOKDS VICTROLAS AND ..DUTUOnilONIC McRAE BROS. VICTOR RADIO RECEIVERS