The Consoli8ated Mining and Smelting Company of Canada, Ltd. Office, Smelting and Refining Department TRAIL, BRITISH COLUMBIA SMELTERS AND REFINERS ''; rtiiThaser of Gold, Silver, Copper, Lead and Zinprc " producers of Gold, Silver, Copper, Pig Lead and nc TADANAC, TRAIL Fishermen s First Aid Kits Containing Iodine, Lysol, Cotton, Bandages, Salts, Etc. All Packed in a Strong Cedar Chest I B.r coast ISTiiAMSMPS $3.00 Complete 0r mes 1M TTfw Pioneer Drutejists nilDDAVLfc SIXTH ST TELEPHONF.S 86 20C Three Graduate Pharmacists UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED ' Milllnti I turn Prlnr Ruwrt vi VtNCOIVEK. VICTORIA, Kmuiimhi Uajr. Ilulnljle, Orran Palls, Alert tit . etc.. Tuewla). 1:SV p.m. lor VN'nl IKK. Ml liilitl. Ilulrdjlr. Alert llaj. ne , Frldar inllnl(hl I ALICE A KM. ANYOX, STMVAKT. Na lUter. Port Kimtiwo, sun-day. 8.00 p.m. Z1 a1 Aenue K M SMITH trnt Prince Kuprrt. H C Ttrouch t'rkrti "old to Vlrtorla and Seattle .anil tatrace checked Ihrouch to (letllnttlon B. C. Coast Steamship Service SAILINGS FROM ritl.NCE RUPERT To Ketchikan, Wrangell. Juneau, Sfcagway .larch 8. 19. 39. To Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle Murch 12, 2$. Princess Mary Ocean Falls, eta, Vanco river and Victoria, every rriaay, iv v-iu. Agents For All Steamship Lines W C Orchard, General Arent, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, Phone 31 Canadian National CTht Largcft Railway Splem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Sailing from PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, SEATTLE and Intermedial-- points. Thursday & Sunday 10 p.m. lor ANYOX each Wrdnes4jy at 4 pan. For STEWART each Wednesday and Saturday at I p.m. For North and South Queen Charlotte Islands fortnightly. MSSKMihll TWAIN'S LEAVE PMM'E KITEKT MOM) IV, HKIi;l)V anl HVTIHIUV at llflW m. for l'"; (iK)K(iK. Llt.MOMOV, WIXMI't". U points, Extern Canada, lulled stales. AUK.M'Y ALL OCtX STKAMMIir LlMKH t'lt.v Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave, I'rlnce Rupert t'honc 260 COAL ! COAL ! PEMBINA EGG Delivered, per ton $12.00 ALBERTA EGG Delivered, per ton J2.50 ALBERTA LUMP Delivered, per ton . .... w.l Special Prices On Your Winter Supply WOOD JIST AKIUVEI). NEW SHIPMENT OF BIRCH AND JACK PINL MILL ENDSPcr loud $' tX CUTTINGS Per load J-oU HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580 COAL nr Ihe real Coal our fa-Edson and Cassidy-'Y'lington In any quantities. Uulklcy Valley Hay, Gin and Robin Hood Flour. 1 r,e Runer F-"1 IMlaVfo iru urn , ""3 uo nmi ooo Stii.i LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone G8 Cartage, Warehousing, ano Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal. Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Plane snn Fumilure Movlnir VeMMllelUUU.Ufjl If you lose anything, advertise for it. Local Items i a Taxi Phone 4, Dig 4 Taxi, tf City accounts totalling $13,121.44 for the two weeks ending February 28 .were passed for payment by the council' at its meeting last night.. Whist and Cribbagc Drive and Dance, Moose Hall, March 28, at 3 p.m. Presentation of cups. Gents. 75c. Ladies 50c. Oood prizes. 53 A. A. Cox, Vancouver architect, who is well known here has returned to Vancouver from a trip to Montreal where he was made a fellow of the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada. During the month of February, 1800 gallons of fuel oil was used in the City Hall heating system ac cording to a report presented to the council last night by the Janitor, J. W. Exley. The dally consumption was 64 gallons at a cost of $3.55 per day. A court of revision consisting of Mayor Orme, Aid. Collart, Aid. Pillsbury and Aid. Black was appointed by resolution of the city council last night to sit on April 15 in connection with local lnprove-ment assessment on certain pieces of concrete sidewalks' down town and on Ambrose Avenue grading. ANNOUNCEMENTS Royal Purple Bridge, Whist and Dance at Elks' Home. Thursday March 6. "The RebeUlon of Youth." First United Church, March 7. Pioneers' Bridge, Dance March 10. Whist and Pythian Sisters Tea at Mrs. Bhenton's, 530 Eighth Avenue West, Monday, afc)ij atiU St. PAtrleW Ugyrtfcertr MoiSe m l- m Mooeeheart Bridge, Whist and Dance, Friday, March 21. Catholic Women's League Spring Sale. April 24. Ridley Home Basaar May 8. r Galvanized1 Iron, Pipe Fit tings,' Hclting, Etc. Pull line of new and ud Oslr. and BUisk Pipe tnd F.ttlngs; pw Rubber Brit. 1 to ia-!nch: a!a: Pyramid Hair Qelt. tft Xngltnh make. Trjr durable; ntw C irtifufcd Iron. 6, 8 ar.d 10 ft. -bectv almaya In atock; uard flat Oalv gric.'U. 30-lneh by 10 ft. Full rt-ck of Steel Spilt Pulley; Potato and Orals S)aelni: Barted Wire: Wire Ro-ei Canvaa: Doora; Windows: Roof-Felt: darden aud Air Beat: Borm TnaJna: litre handle and Equipment j broken, 7t all deicrlptiona. Snqulriea aollelted. ,Qf ne j. 1S5 Pcwetl St. Vancouver, II. r. JI NK CO. HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Parks, city. B.C. Central Hotel IMIEK SCW MANAGEMENT Minimi llratrd: Travrllrro' Samplr IliKim: llct and Cold Water tYre llus MrrU All Train and Rates $1.00 and Up MT.CI.U, MONTHLY KATES C. R. RIGGART & A. DONALD Proprietor PHONE 51 A. H. Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water In all rooms A. J. PRUD1IOMME. Prop. Cor. of Frasei und Fifth Sts. New Royal Hotel i. Ziirrlll. Prop. THE HOTEL MOUTH WHILE Hot .V Cold Water: Stenm Heat 75c PER DAY AND UP Trlpplinne SKI Royal Mrs. Teresa Zarelli, San Francis ico; A Phillips, C.N.R.; Pete Mony i luk and J. J. Melllgan, city; J. C. .Lenoski, Anyox. Wfiite Lunch Has Reopened UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT THE DAILY NEWS Dorit "Dose" Hp Dentist. 686. adache f- RPft fohead. and tempios w.nn hot water and inhale the vapors. This clears the head and usually brings quick relief, especially in those cases which so often accompany colds. If headaches come too often', consult a physician. . ,' VICKS Wp-VAPOR UB Okr Million Jars Uslq YIarh Dr. J. R. Gosse. Phone Billiard! tonight Canadian vs. Grotto. S3 Modern G-room flat for rent close in, excellent condition. Ilelgersen. 53 Mrs. Ernest Love of Stewart was a passenger aboard the Catala thU morning going through for a trip to Seatte. Mrs. Helen Nuich of Alice Arm was a passenger aboard the Catala this mornlrur bound for a trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Brand will sail on the Prince Oeorge Thurs day night for a vacation trip to Vancouver. E. J. Smith, returned to the city on the Qatala this" morning after making the round trip to Anyox and Stewart on business. Merely routine business was ta ken up at a meeting last niijht. of the local Moose Legion. W. B. Mc- Callum. head of the Legion, Was in the chair. Rev. W. B. Jennings- returned to the city on the G&UUWhla morn-i ing" Ironr Alice" Arm-'wneMr'he'wton ducted- Anglican Church service on Sunday. ' prince Kupert seniors ana inwr i mediate Alii Star? vs. Kln?oHt' Senior and Intermediate Teams rt "Schlbition Hall tonight. First gam 8 o'cloth. Adults 50c. Children !0- 53. Dn recommendation of the board of works, the city council made a special grant last night of $200 for sewer maintenance. This amount will be used to repair a sewer on Second Avenue which has been Aid. W.M. Brown, chairman board of works, explained. The case of J. A. Swanson, charged under the motorvehlele Act was remanded for eight days on coming up before Magistrate Mc-Clymont in city police , court th! morning. Accused has retained Mil ton Gonzales for his counsel. E. F Jones, city solicitor, is prosecuting Ven. Archdeacon E. Hodson of Ocean Falls, archdeacon of the diocese of Caledonia, who Is making a tour of this district on diocesan business, arrived, In. Ihe city on the Catala this morning from Stewart and will proceed tomorrow by train to various interior points A prdposal that a new oar for the (telephone department be purchas-ied, the typo to be provided by the I 'superintendent was referred to the ( utilities committee by the city council at us meeting iasi nigni. Aid. Macdonald stito " vt t oM truck had now outllwd its usr-M' ness and it would be good business to purchase a new one ' Regain Lost Vigour -With This Refreshing Beverage 'Are ypu tired, rua down, m't slcrpT read what Mr. John J. Metcalfe of 820 " ' bOntarIo!s't.,'Toronto,aay8: ! wii.orun JowQinllihthil I J. Or. Wataon'i Tonic Sioul iJ am pltn. J is bear wilncM to In woodcHul elficlcncT." For 75o you may purcnv enough In-cnnlients (o make 3 Rullona of Dr. Watson'aTonicStoutandAleT-Entland'i old reliable tonics a refreshing, healthful drink, used for 03 yean. Sold br Ormex Ud. l'rlnei' lliiprrt, M. ALLIEN & CO., LIMITED 139G Richards St. Vancouver, R.C Women's Strap Slippers AND OXFORDS In Patent Leather, Kid and Brown Calf. These Are Very Special $3.95 ELECTRICITY IN THE HOME .Miss E. F. Thompson, Well Known Expert, to Give Demonstration So many new uses for electricity in the home have been discovered during the last few years that many women find It hard to keep up with the latest developments Faced with a variety of ranges, refrigerators, Irons, washing machines, vacuum cleaners, toasters, hot water heaters and various looking appliances all of which help to lighten the dally task the MISS E. F. THOMPSON lady, tormerly from London, England will demonstrate here how to make the best use of her new servants. Certain women, however, have Ven making a study of the most efficient methods of utilizing all these new labor-saving devices, with results which are extremely interesting. One such woman is Miss E. Frances Thompson, former-v home econlmist for the London Englandi County Council, who Is to give lectures here this week. Under the general heading of el-Ktrtclty in the home. Miss Thomp-ion plans to demonstrate, by ex ample and illustration, the way the modern housewife may lighten her tasks through the adequate use f electrical appliances. Invitations to the lectures, which will be given each afternoon and evening from Friday, March 7 at 2:30 pjn.. have been sent to women's organisations .hroughout the city. Considerable nterest has already been evinced. Through the courtesy of the Northern B. C. Power Company, Ltd., the meetings will be held in 'he Moowe Hall, Third Avenue. here a model electric kitchen has been Installed in miniature. Miss Thompson te speaking under the auspices of the Northern D. C. Power Co. Ltd.. and the Canadian General Electric Company. It is emphasized by Mr. J. J. Little, General Manager of the Northern B. C. Power Co. Ltd., that the addresses are free to all who care' to .Miss Thompson is Internationally knmefi ifnr hier WOrk In 'household' eeehrjtriWs. She ftoWs diplomas f 6V"! Dictitlcs and Home Economics awarded by th? Board of Education In England, and lectured for several years n these subjects In London aav and evening schools for the L.C.C. In Canada she has addressed numerous women's crganiiatlons .h rough mi Ontario l the Marl-Mme 'r. i, nee .. Mi.s Thompson's weekly r.u!i. tn-uv 'r CKGW has been x .-.r " lv looked for- waid t; by humor jus housewives. Packard's Boudoir Slippers Rubber Heels. All Colors and Sizes. Special 95c PAGE TIIREE Special Clearance Shoe Sale h .1 . OF ODD LINES IIERE RE A FEW OF OUR REAL SPECIALS: Men's Dress Boots Goodyear Welted, Rubber Heels, Black and Brown, Medium and High Toe. All Sizes. Special $4.85 FAMILY SHOE STORE LTD. EJ3E25SKSaaSl Local Items J Johnson Smith Glasses fitted 6y registered optometrist at Heilbroner's Store. (tf O. E. Qulick, local manager of the Swift-Canadian Co., returned to the city on the Catala this I morning from a brief trip to Anyox and Stewart.- ' Slight Improvement Is reported in the condition of Carl Johnson of the New Knox Hotel who Is seriously 111 In the Prince Rupert General Hospital with pneumonia. Union steamer Catala, Capt. A. E. Dickson, arrived! In port at 10 JO this morning with a light passen- average housewife Is puzzled as toiler list from Anyox, Stewart and other northern points and sailed at 1 jo p.m. for Vancouver and way points. THE WEATHER Prince Rupert Part cloudy, calm temperature, 37. Terrace Cloudy, calm, 30. Rosswood Cloudy, calm. 28. Alyansh Cloudy, calm, 26. . Alice Arm Snowing, calm, 32. Anyox Partly cloudy, calm,. 23. Stewart Partly cloudy, calm, 28. Port Simpson Part cloudy, calm 28. Haysport Part cloudy, calm, 30. Hazelton Snowing, cloudy, calm, 30. Hazelton Snowing, calm, 22. Smlthers Cloudy, calm. 29. Burns Lake Cloudy, calm, 29. Vanderhoof Part cloudy, calm, 14. Quesnel Cloudy, calm, mild. Soda Creek Cloudy, calm, mild. Eighth Cabin Snowing, calm. Atlin Clear, calm, 18. Carmacks Part cloudy, calm, 6b. Whitehorse Clear, tight wind, Dawson Clear, calm, 15b. 1-CSl 0 Wins Billiards Defeated' William Murray Last Niht in Final of Empress Social Club Tourney Defeating William Murray by a score of 500 to 403, Johnson Smith last night won the final of the Junior championship billiard tournament at the Empress Social Club. There were 32 players entered In the competition which was a straight elimination open to club members with no handicaps. This afternoon's train, due from the East at 3.30, was reported this morning to be on time. WHEN A CHILD IS FEVERISH, CROSS.UPSET Colic, gat, sour belch ing, frequent vomiting feverUhneas, in babiea and children, generally show food ia aouring la the little digeitlre tract. When theae aynip-toms appear, pre Babr a teaspoonful of Phil-lira Milk of Magnesia. Add it to the flrtt bottle of feod in the morning. Older ehildren should be given i! Ubleoonful in a glaa of water. Thia will cemfort the child make hit ttomach and boweI easy. In five minutes he ia comfortable, happy. It will iweep the bowel free of all aou., indigestible food. It open the bowel in constipation, colds, children's ailments. Children take it readily because it is palatable, pleasant-tasting. Learn its many uses for mother and child. Write for the interesting book, "Useful Information." Address The Chas. II. Phillips Chemical Co., Windsor, Ont It will be sent FREE. In buying, be sure to get genuine Phil-lips Milk of Magnesia. Doctor hare prescribed it for over 50 years. six SHIPS AT YOURIERVKE Six famous ships! Famous for their Intimate, homelike atmosphoro ... their fine and generous menus... their efficient but never obtrusive service. And bywords for steadtnessl This traditional Cunard comfort and Cunard. service Is now available to Cabin passengers at nev low rates. Minimum cabin class rates from Montreal now only $130 to North British Ports, $135 to the Channel Ports. , Special reduction of I2 on round trip Cabin Class bookings in the ten off-season months. Tourist Third Cabin rates also adujjed.'(' Wtskly .otlingt.ta, tji'P,, from Montreal (Ond Ousbec). Iron April 26th onw4(di: took tfiraagh.TIk CN(f,Un, WHailkti5l.,W.,Voneov.r, (Telephone Seymour 3M3 ?). or any tleosiihlp ageM. VCUNARD OANADIAN 8 E R V I O E CASIN TOURIST THIRD CASIN THIRD CtASi