rAur. iv70 The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every AfternoQn, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert . ' ';' ' Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue r H. F. PULLBN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Em-pire and United States, paid ia advance, per year 6.00 Tl I 1. -II n Loet readers, rwr insertion, ner lino . .5X i..tv . y.::,'..: :::;":r:;:r "T:,. : v, :i . Advertising and Circulation Telephone ........98 Editor and Reporters Telephone 86 .Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION Evprvthinp1 enmps tn t.hntjp whn unif nrirt1 mictlo Knt ! The are the days when wish bones are at a discount but backbones are at a premium. DETAIL DIFFICULT ""v "jr emu iinciiiy uiuptr jusi oecause me owners did not attend to the details. In manv cases they tried to make good fellows of themselves and forgot to work hard. Life is a matter of endless .detail. Nature builds that way and the sure foundation to success of any kind is to attend carefully to the detail and do it every day. Life is just a matter of one experience after DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Kippers "THE DA!!TIEST UREAKFAST FOUD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. I'UINCE KUPERT, B.C. CITY I.V FORTUNATE POSITION TODAY; POWER DEVEL-LOP3IENT OMINOUS (continued j there might be another Premier ! along the line of the C. N. R. east of Prince Rupert? Spsaktng of agricultural resources of the central Interior, the pj man 10 Ait omer countries, per year , . . .ou, sneaker declared uj- man id an pans oi aeiinern ana lentrai. um.sn uoiumDia, paid in advance for yearly period 3.00 v Or four months for 1.00 For lesser period, paid in advance, per month J0 City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance $5.00 Transient advertising on front page, per inch 2.80 Legal notice's, each insertion, per agate line IE ; veiop anotherMnrwmfTe. The 'Premier had nravefrttiHs a ramark- j able mine and who knew but what 1 that the .fertile valleys of the south such as -the Okanagan ?T, were not comparable in THU l) MIX NEVv3 Wednesday, Septe, 192? went out of Prince Rupert to stores tn Vancouver, Calgary, Winnipeg, etc. He ventured to think that the volume of moncv that went out --- wranT uneml: et neoeaaary. Ulthln a camDarativeiv . .,"7. those who simply wait are often disappointed. Just now; Prince Rupert is much m the public eye as a result of the ! to account, activities of the Power Corporation of Canada and this is ! Great water paw of the district the time to add our own efforts as they are worth twice ,oawe in for the attention of tho as much whn combined with those of the powerful finan-Today Prtnce Rupert had sometimes it is that little effort that proves the turning tag in and developing a large point in OUr favor. amount of electrical energy. There As a rule publicity efforts are spasmodic. People get was comparatively little local mar-tired, enthusiasm wanes, no results are seen and the ef- re90t and "t forts cease. wSeinTUrJer WThUt As an illustration of how difficult it is to estimate re-people bad conaidered coolly and sults-directly, let us take the Daily News classified adver- calmly before investing that money tising as an example. Sometimes a person inserts an ad-! Thv mut a pobk' mar-vertigement, gets no results and forgets about it Weeks power toey ptopo aftenvards a telephone call comes from some one who fos'SfZ TTcS suddenly realized that what was advertised was just what : would to it that tadiistrieTwew the person Wanted. That often happens. ! brought in to use the energy they Take another instance: A member of the Daily News wefe developing. That ought to be staff sometimes advertises something which he wishes to . T J"MOtaUon ,or locaJ Ppie sell. As there is no charge for the advertisement to mem-; of oZianal bers of the staff, he leaves it in the paper a long time. For n5f5 Se two or three weeks there is no reply and he thinks adver- tyae la? in ohina and Japan Tbxe tising that particular article useless. Then as if out of a V1 astomwtog development clear sky come several replies and one results Tn business iAijrT6!! ta, bippta to Mnrdone. It was the persistent advertising that broughtj vaster in the near future. It was bO c p With .il the City. One effort or two may pot SUCCeed'but Inevitable that Prince Rupert, closer it is the persistent efforts of everv organization and many tothe 0rlent nd ttr har-citwens that briius resuits. Just when we tire and feel than Vancouwr- must shale to like jiving up, is often the time when results are obtained. : S "S'nottveTr; There is pothinj? so attractive as a live town with live citi- oTm t an y re zens, well painted buildings, lighted shops and flashing tholr customers well and careful not to overcharge and prosperity is assured. Some Handicaps At the same tune, the speaker pointed out, Prtqoe Rupert had some handicaps which should not be ovelooked. One of the moat serious handicaps was that Vancouver had a great 'start on Prince Rupert. It was a city of 100.000 when Prince Rupert 'was born. It was a great port and had the advantage of the , leraie rneer vauey Denind it as T -11 ..tA . . .. , wwi a oetng eweer io aeaiue. Fort- T . t . UWIMUCB L,re ""iicuit mutter is 10 auentt iland and the Panama to details. It is compuratively easy to do the big things but ; natural that ships abouM go to the the litwe things that really count are often neglected. That; 1)0,01 where there were sufficient is why BGme people fail. 1 j varieties of commodities to make Prince Ruoert neoDle must havp spnn f,,s;nftoCftc "J5?'!?? mbound and out" rliTU -ri"i I "r.TV,VTON "- . nnce Kupert nad not at present the commodities necessary for mied cargoes outbound or the population and centres nearby for to receive thaw cargoes inbound. The same condition applied to paa-aenger traffic. It was natural that the travelers should go to the distributing point whieh on this coast at present was Vancouver. It wa like a large magnet and a little one. The large one drew in all the business. If ever Prince Rupert could get 36,600 people, it would not notice Vancouver's magnet and would have little cause for further worry. j Vancouver talked and thought only in terms of Vancouver and 'sometime might not be very broad-minded about it. It was necessary ! for Prince Rupert to fight for everything it got and, even then, it often I did not get its share because in the j south there was the population and the votes. "We do not want a spirit of Jealousy or recrimination here," declared Mr. Manson. "It la no use far saying nasty things about Vancouver. It is better that you should Just keep pulling and pulling, continue reasonable optimism, do the beat you can to develop your resources, continually boost the advantages of the city and district and. if you fed Inclined to speculate, put your money in the local rather than the outside venture and support the proposition that supports our own locality." Delivering a message more parti cularly to the merchants, Mr. Man-1 son wondered how mm h money j the mm tu-fftnatttfc Um In RriMah Cf- point where it woiiU he depleted or , ,L v u.. t . . . tu, tu uitww ,m.wi are not nearly so good. You were fortunate in having had lueh a splendid canning season. Halibut prices may not have aeen good bti. they are bound to soon be better. You have gone through this world depression better than possibly any other city. You will be bound to feel the dip but the wave will soon turn and we will all work up hill That will be tbi time, I think, when you vill find outside capital coming here for thr establishment of indus- might approximate that which, was i trio and the developing of your re- spent uwoonl stores. A uwm could not get along that way. He wondered if the toeri'hants were careful enough themselves. Did they buy as far as possible in British Columbia and Canada. He thought it was desirable that the merchants shook! Bert Morgan, the president, in . . . m ia l The Librarian :iss Edith Mll'r GeU Apiwintment At Special Meeting of Board Last Niht At a snechl meeting of the Prlhce '.pert Public Library Board last ?bt Mifti Edith Miller was ap-ointed assistant librarian. She will ve onlv part thne to the work. There were 13 applicants in all it a number were unable to do work at a time convenient to 'e librarian and this barred them '-am being possible appointees. Mias .'lller will take over her duties next Mnnday. The Letterbox RENTAL OP THE manama Mr. Mansnn iur nis uu- wr , rfrpsj cnncurrpH henrtllv In his ! Editor. Dally News:" 1 TR itrj; on counsel that the use of Canadian j Rumors have been circulated In goods .uvuld always be encouraged, the past anl are now being clrcula-In ir.oving a vote of thanks to the ! ted that the Capitol theatre can- endeavor to educate their custom-1 speaker. Jamas H. Thompson wel-1 not be rented for local entertainers to use the home products. jcomati Mr. Maiuoo-back to the city 'menu. Such rumors are very un-, "As for Prince Rupert. I am notiand to the dinner. His talk had been fair and quite erroneous for, with the butt Huvr.horuwi rtx.nv? I much appreciated and he for one the exception of nubile hoidhvs. sl Mr. Manson in bringing his address ' 'Mr. Thompson) shared Mr. Man- the theatre can be rented at any site as tne thivw Buikley n-tJ" and certainly . . 1U ,., nnttmwm as tn Prince Ru- nm 10 u close, we muy 11m nme Hit, - i wh- rtU i . nn marc m9xe ,w,ue . same nM irrt pnthnsi.ism hut lust pert's prospects. The vote of thanks ; lt i. aio beinir said th.at.I hav daw "riLS'S??.!? !as 001(1 as yo know how. cast aside was seconded by R. E. Benson and flsked mM per nlght aBental fllLT11? aUncmi and optimtem, and et: carried with enthusiasm and ap- for thefltrCt Thu 8tatementi 1 a . . i auwii to-coia common scire, hiwm'" iiiau is nuiie unirue ana. as i Know 1 mm vt?L srnvHi - vnpn ir cntim r u..MM : ' - ' ' 1 r v ' " - ..wbo "v .wKa mam can MTf av tht V. . X3wy prmae T9tir-rf Runrt i ic MXlUrC auilFUI IIU1K. UUIIII 4hA nAAnU 9 4UI. M n u?puX uv"' Pf,r Per inieruon iu (nopea 10 sncoassruuy develop the . T ' " -, mfltter of fnrt 'tela pertaining to the association'.! L,iasanieu anvpniaincr. ner lnspnin.i. npr wnrn z 'nu n niin rwiTvr inriTintrv in fh w vuuiraci raies on appucauon. 3IUST HELP THEMSELVES central interior in competition with the coast which had the advantage of water transportation both of logs to the mills and the products of the mills to tne markets abroad. Temporarily (tore was an almost insuperable handicap as far as the m ulterior was coooamed. This condi- I"1 w6ttW orever- though. Wednesdav Seat. 17 jq3q TT "t38 ! " mto more atd .wore uses and the timbr of the coast weald ultimately reash a I think you are situated better to- anaira vers Ken up day than you have ever been before. ; 1 I slmffly Simmy cannot wumei think ihuik that iimi any uny big uik i , ( m corporation with Sir Herbert Holt ! llSSlStflJll I'O groat sum of money into a com-1 raunlty like thte unless it intends to follow it ap with more mmy for the dovelopment of industries. Prince Rupert Fortunate 'rMaaottme,' you are sae of i r -r-- "' Imlnrie! T wish thpm tn tnrtw v acUy the rental which I have ask ed of all organizations wjshlng to rent' the theatre, As the receipt oj (ha iheatrai vary on dlffereot nights 3f the Flavor M P" Pull Pun I Utin deIldo.,.fl. ' comei to you in perfect condition. All of (I goodneu ! Kaled tlth. Ir the clean w.x wrPrdPw The daya work goei much ta.i with WRIClErs to iu,t,in ,S 0(1 retreth. a - IIANHYw ' Sl J PACKS week, Uie policy which I have fol J nm 1 .if wen, amce newming manager, if lUCItllfilliS fin VP If M ia desired to rent the tba- tse For Monday, theerttal wW be the .avenge of the jf$ufr jjreaed-ing Mondays. If fo? Tuesday, the average of the foitr preceding Tuesdays, and so on for the other days of the week. Ib&feve thh rental to be fair and -reasonable. Thanking you, Mr. Editor, for Z ANIt.Ka New Secretary Uouelas Frincll Is F.lertr l in rii of William lambie II .i.-nrl The Prince Rup. n chants' Aaaoention. a' saat evaning, elected i ImII as secretary to mi space in your valuable columns, i:IaWa. who has rest am, .uon. Yours very truly. J Various routine biM-. I lng to the welfare of tin S. P. McMORDJE. ' was taken up and ( Manager, formed to look aft t . Capitol Theatre, Prince Rupert, functions. LIBE R A T I O N ONE does not' have1 to go back many years to reach" the time when most of the water used in the house had to be carried frpm the spring or well, not always situated close to the house. --n. Even the introduction of the hand .pump, which brought water to the kitchen, did not dispense with the backbreak ing work of pumping and lift iog heavy pails. Woman's work on the farm, and indeed in the city, involved an enormous expenditure of strength and vitality. Among other tasks she was dependent on her own hands to do the family washing, a good deal of the milkiog, the filling and cleaning of lamps, ironing, taking care of the poultry (which meant also the pouj-try house), to say nothing of innumerable minor tasks, and at the same time had to rear, feed, clothe and otherwise provide for her children. lit i-Tbdiy she is liberated from muth ofrtthe drudgery of hcnlsehblduasks. .The washing, ironing, lighting, cook ing; and on the farm, milking, poultry work, dairy work, snd the pumping of water, can now be done by electricity. The electrical servant also relieves the man of the house bold from many tasks which he used to take as a matter of course. The Northern Electric Com. pany is pleased that in the manufacture of wires snd cables, and in the distribution of many electrical household appliances, it has been able to assist in the liberation of woman from some of her work, that so frequently over taxed her strength and co durance. Northern Electric COMPANY LIMITED A National Electrical Sertict "A- .... -- 11 fl'JBffi ' 150 150 ROBSON ROBSON STREET STREET VANCOUVER, VANCOUVER. B.C. D.C. '. IN mem DO YOU KNOW Thil st s remit experimental uvrk carried U M fr lb tarn) ge-. (let tvhitb had been en-liiteJ, mtrt thn 20 pr(tUl, pnfilait nj frttej uut or eUtlricat rrrei J,r Jdrmt tut he J,txU(ed, mil c u tick ri trydj muf wsinasjisraaMnawaaMigwaai . t - j