——— = Page 4 — — ——— WOMEN’S ABXILIARY FOR LABOR COUNCIL ° Local Organization is to Assist in Defence of Mcmbers on Trial. G The Central Laber Council, 0. KB. UL, had its regular meeting on Zam-Suk’s soothing and healing | Tuesday night. The council voted wer. “Zam-Buk has been our | 8100 to aid in the defence of Pousehold dalm oS ee ~~ union members now on trial in and we could not do withou Winnipeg. Subscription lists are wan says Mr. George A. Kilburn of 8 hiso going out for this purpose. . Man. he ccoums and skin troubles of [A committee was appointed to all kinds Zam-Buk has no equal; [organize a Women's Auxiliary to @iso for old sores, ulcers, abscesee®, 14). Council. IH is intended to r i , pil nent Meeeeeanr - make this a permanent organiza- All dealers or Zam-Buk Co, Te | tion. ronto. 50c. box, 3 for $1.26. \ delegate asked for a ruling on the position of persons hold- ing cards in both the A. F. of L. S arm O. B. U. The following ru:- ing was made after some discus- sion: “That no delegate be seated on the Central Labor Council whe ah holds an official position in the A. F. of L.” This will probably not affect private members of Uh TORK’ A. F. of L. & The committee who were look- SELL ing into the matter of getling a pool table for the hall was dis- T O V E charged. It was decided that th: attendance of the meetings was getting so large that a table would be in the way. Gurneys commenced mak- The assistant secretary was ing stoves in 1843. Still in instructed to write to the» City the same line of business Council drawing its attention to 1919. Hundreds in use in plank road leading from Third Prince Rupert. Ave. E. to Cow Bay. This Was . most dangerous and’ the request ON SALB AT was made that it be either repair- Fred Stork’s |)" °°“ — Hardware BASKETBALL PLANNED SECOND AVENUE T0 COMMENCE SOON Meeting to be Held Friday Wher Schedule Will-be Drawn for Season. xg ~ - 3 . The Prince Rupert Basketbal! : r sj} Association held a meeting on S Ss | Tuesday evening and arranged SQ] for a general meeting of all thos« 5 Brand Products cg] interested to take place on Fri- day. The general feeling of th ~ Shemreck Lard —- |meeting was that the, schedule P The fir " should be drawn up at once an Snes OF the games started With that ix bs & Shawreck {Lams and Bacoa ~. | view all organizations intending St Unequalied for sweetness £0] to enter teams are asked to bi in cure and flavor Oo) | represented at the next meeting > Shamrock Pe'ter = as the schedule will be drawn vu; x Best Grade Creamery ~~) | then with only those teams in- Shamrock ‘a: sage ~ eluded which have entered up t Osi that time. ~“)* Pare Perk, in Cartons " ; FPF. W. Moersch was electe: secretary-treasurer and has al- Buy the Best and Save ready taken over the new duties & a M XQ oney x? The teams that are expected & a —— enter are Sons of England, Seon: P. Burns & Co,Ltd. = of Canada, Drydock. Commercia! Teavellers, and St. Andrew's Prince Repert. B.C. si ep nent , & a ~ = | Sport Briefs | He ~~ Low Marsh, writing in the Te- remnto Star, says that rough tac- tics im athletics should be re- warded the same way as rough tactics in the streets are. He says a would do some rugby and hockey players good if they were given good stiff jail sentenées for some of their dirty work. The Edmonton Arema is caus- ‘mg considerable worry this win- ter. It happens that a big sero. plane bas been piaced on the floor of the rink as it Bas been founc fe ™ake an extellent aenodrome in the meantime the owners of the machine do not want to re move it while the skaters want ihe rink flooded for the winter sport A compromise may be reached by hanging the big bicd to the f of the rink with ropes skating and the aeroplane will net lose its Rome international aerial racing es Ha Crain, Feed a dixed sport plier is contem- y, Plated by at least three big uni- it versilies—(ivumbia, Harvard and Seeds any Fertilizer j Vale Negotiations are now an- ger Way for a three cornered m between the three big coiieces <7 Specialty ft would be moexteliicxd on the plan of the recent New York. Terente Mai! Oruers promptly attented to cake we >» . * P. ©. Box 333 908 Sra Ave. A third major baseball! league /* S again mooted. Col. Jacob Duppert, president of the Yankees fectares that Ban Johnson s stan: Violin Lessons in refusing te meet with him om aay commilftee means that one af them must get out of the J]. SENESCU ieague. Both are determined to Lender of the Westholme Orches §/ 0° im the big leagues and both tre, is cpea to give Violin Lessons have big followings, se KM would be an easy thing to start another Phene 15, Conisel Motel league with such an organizer as ether. Se Sees the dangerous condition of the then e rink can be used for deconbed SKBBNA LAND RECORDING DIVISION DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS TAKE NOTION that William J. Leary of Skidewate, B.C. settler, totends to apply for a Hicense to prospect for coal and petroleym on and under the following fescribed lands: Commencing @t a post planted twenty chaits east of the Gerth-east corner of in. Stf, thence west #0 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thenee south 80 chains, to point of com mencement Dated this gore una of Sceaper, 1919 4. LEARY Hieant SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION MISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary of sneer ?. B.¢ settler, intends to apply for @ license to prospect for coal and petroleum on and w tr the following described lands :— Commencing. at @ post planted twenty ehains east of the north-east corner of DL S44, thence east #0 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thenee north 86 chains, to point of cum mencement. Pated this 23rd day of October, 1919. __ WILLIAM 3. LEARY, Applicant SKEBENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary of Shidegate, B.C.. settler, intends to apply for a license to prospect for coal and petroleum on and onder the following described lands Commencing at a post planted twenty ehains east of the north-east corner of mi Sit, themee east S80 chains, thence orth 80 chains, thence West 80 chains hence south 80 chains, to point of com m neement Deted this 23rd of October, 1919 . _ wi Vat J. LEARY. Applicant SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS TAKE NOTICE that Willtam J. Leary of Shidegate, B.C... settler, intends to apply for a license to prospect for coal end petroleum on and under tiv te ppl s license to pr — enc er lho wing petroleum on end lands de sertbed Cotameneing at a post planted twenty ‘heains north of the south-west corner of PT. 266. thence west 80 chains, thence merth 80 chains, thence east §¢ chains thence south 8@ chains, to peint of com- @® ocement Oated this 23rd day of October, 1919 WILLIAM 3. LEARY, Applicant SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary of SS idegate, 8. c.. settler. intends to apply a heemse to = Estimates Gives thence West $0 chains. thence / chains, thence east 3¢ «hens. ) thence sorth S06 chains. te peiat of com «rneement Dated thts @ora of Octeber. 191° WILLIAM 3. LEARY. Applicant <7? OF GUEES CHARLOTTE NDS Is 5. ©. setter, miends te appt, | a * post planted cor mile / theace weet 66 chains, thence ’ __ WILUAM 7. LEARY pees | WILLIAW 2. LEARY. Applicant TAKE NOTICE that P wie ; for & levees te “eireeam <«e ead wander ‘ends SERENA LAND RECORIMNG DIVISRON mtemts to apply OMTRICT OF SEN CHARL‘)TTE TARE NOPICE tet Witham J Leary of | SC. setter. etemts t apety/ pest planted at thelfer & license Lm a et for coal one Peieoheom sa me fellewme | der mted unten — Commencing ct 6 pett planted 3 fee) rere wok oles Gerth of the porth-e@eet coreer of | commen: aT hence cast 64 chains tears! Dated Me ert 8° cheese, eece eret §¢ chet { of commen. etetd thie feet Gen PLAYDS