.PAGE .FOint THE DAILY NEWS H I I .1 I . .1 . i I ! ! i V TOPI HccUegRaof Between 5t. Lquis anil Brooklyn Continues Chicago J las Dropped JBaek.Again BROOKLYN. Sept. 17: One run scored in the tenth inning save St. Louis Cardinals the victory over OwoWyn Robins yesterday - and boosted the Cards into lint place in the National League stapling, a single point ahead of the Dodgers.: The defeat snapped Brooklyn's winning Htreak which had extended to II straight games. Twenty-eight thousand fans saw the game. Chicago Cubs fell further back when they were shut out jby the New York (Plants. In the American League, Philadelphia Athletics practically copped the. flM by winning a 4oubJebead- er from the White -Sox at Chicago. Yesterday's scores: National League Chicago 0, Kew York 7. ' ! St. Louis 1, Brooklyn 0. ! Pittsburg 14, Philadelphia 15. j American League Philadelphia 6-10, Chicago 4-2. Boston 5, Detroit 7. New York 19, 8t. Louis 10. Baseball Standing National League w. L. Pet. St. Louis ..,83 60 .530 . Brooklyn M 81 .579 Chicago 82 ,62 .563 New York 79 06 .519 Pittsburg 74 60 517 Boston 67 78 .467 Cincinnati 55 85 393 Philadelphia 50 94 .347 AmcriQnntLeague . L. Philadelphia 98 47 Washington . 88 55 New York ,82 68 .CScveMnil 16 48 Detroit 71 74 St. Louis 60 86 Chicago 55 89 Boston .... 48 96 GOT BAG OF B?RDS Hinten Paty Had Good L"t Shootinf; Geese and Dn its at Iearl Harbor on Mon:lay J. A. Hlntnn. Lyman Hint-n nr. ' Roger Wright returned to port -terday afternoon with the openm, bag for local nimrods since the opening on Monday of the bird shooting season. They were at Pearl Harbor and brought home five fine geese and about 25 ducks. They made the trip on Mr. Hinton sr.'i Starlight. Jockey Lave me Fa tor has piloted almost 1000 homes to prjres totalling well above $2,000,000. but has never led the winning list of Jockeys for a season.' The 'Ashes" have retp.rned 4o Australia as .they well .deserved to do, and the story of the . final tmt match of 1080 is now anelent his-, tory. The match was perhaps re-' maricable most for the ,up.lvaral. opinion .excited -that, in igftme al- j ways leisurely -at its ,bt, Ittnejess ' ' cricket, once a side bas ioJJain$d a preponderating advantage, was , capable of developing ,hto down- i right tedium. A decant as- pect of the game was shown a few days later at Bristol when the Aus- j traUans met, Gloucester Jn a two : days' jnatoh; Ths tsrrolnatfcd Jn a i tie after ope qf the most eAtsaw-i dinary and thrilling games everi played between1 n- English country an an Australian eleven H Gloucestershire in the &nd .left Australia 118 runs to make to win, and the Australians started off with a first wicket partnership of -39. By the time their score had climbed tc 73 half the side wee out, and .when Bradman was accounted for .with the score at .81 the 6,000 spectators began to sit up and take notice. Another wicket, fell with the score at 86, and by the time the total had reached 108 Australia were Just 10 runs from the goal and had two wickets to fall. Within three runs of victory Australia lost another wicket. Then two eingwdrgiseeifed.j The field closed in; a funjwasmaB ted for victory and Glouetestdrehlw j meant to stoplt iney oXUd. The ' bowing was too deadly for tHeTatF" men to take a final risk, and the inevitable happened. One of them stopped a straight one with his pad and the match was a tie. j Gar Wood. w:i. ; . i:u dnvr of !laiui3.rtli Tf ohv defender. Mb Amcncu IX. ui hiss craft with Orlin Johnsoa. his mechanic. JUNIOR FOOTBALL High School and Borden Street School wp"l tneet tonight In the Junior Football League with line-ups as fallows: ' High School 8uehlro, Blake. Fisher. Eby, Cross, Davey, Marshall. Hill. Walters. Welle and Wingham: I'rtncb 0-jjh of aihietcM who mr Eii"0:-:h warn at tSamford Bi ag u.- ;tn v aiTiUi.'d mtnua '.hci .... u. mill i:humplon LaduUiac wmwi ACCIDENT Shamrock y Had .Bad Luck Today 4n Third Race When Ma.ln Halyard Snapped AHWr.OItT. Sept. 17: Sir Thomas Upton's Challenger Shamrock V Jp&t her third straight ace .in the America' Cjip e.rics vtoay when her ;nain bajtasd jnjyped 43 min-MteeMterafeWtand she had ,to be taktrt n faw, Ihe Enterprise contkMUag lie r way on the course. Th? Shamrock was holding a flight lead wen her mainsail cme &av$ oa (the deck as the ihaljKird .blftk carried away. The race started at 10: 10 a.m. under tdeal conditions. There was a 12 -knot hreese with some sea. Both yachts crossed the starting Use together on the 15-raile beat Jo windward. The Shamrock held a technical advantage at the start bring to windward. Thb wind holding true, the Enterprise had a straight run home after ,the turn before the wind. It is expeetcd that repairs can lie jaade to Mir Shamrock prior (o torn meow's scheduled race. Tlie Enterprise rounded tbc half way mark at 12:54 and started on the 15-mile ran back toward the finish line before the wind. The Enterprise crossed the finish line at 2:34 p.m., scoring her hollow victory in the third race pf the series. The American hoat now has to win but one of the .four remaining races to retain (he coveted America's Cup. .pares, Lindclh Krukson and ;hurch. Border) Street School H. Morgan. W. Fisher, J. Currie, A. Hardy, captain, J. Naylor. W. Wtlliseroft, S Veltch, T. Dungate, J. Campbell. T. Nakamoto and L. Wilson; spares, R Shrubsall and J. Lindsay. London Wh.' fu.ii. 5 t: Quick J H fl RELIEF, ( -rjr Rheumatism "tML II Lumbago mm Neuralgia Headaches Cold3 ASPIRIN tablets will relieve pain. - No doubt about that Even those deep-seated pains that make a man's very bones ache. Even the systemic pains that women suffer. They yield to these tablets! Genuine Aspirin has many important uses. Read the proven directions found in every package of Aspirin tablets and don't endure needless pains from neuralgia, neuritis, rheumatism, etc Keep a bottle of these tablets in the house; carry the pocket tin if subject to unexpected headaches, sudden colds. Quick relief, without any harmful effects. Aspirin does not depress the heart Just look each time for the name Aspirin and' .the word genuint printed in red on every box. TRACE MARK MS. SPIRIN HINTS FOR GARDENERS BULBS FOR WINTER BLOOMING One ean easily have house flow ers from early in November until well on in February by planting suitable bulbs in pots or bowls at this tlnje Nacissus, hyacinths, Chinese miles, tulips, freexias, scillas. daffodils and others can be grown in sptl, ..water, pebbles, or fibre. For jail rouiijd satisfaction, fibre is prob-lably the best substance in which to jgrow them, as it can be bought ! along with the bulbs, is cleanest to handle, requires no drainage, and T AP A I ITEMC ' ' ' . . , : can be' used over and over again, j ston's mother, Mrs. Joshua King-Tulips, daffodils narcissus and hy-jham. returned to .the city on' th acii.th should be planted deej Prince George this jRaBlntf 'Mr. enoiu-h so that tnly the tip of the Johnston was accompanied home puis srows aoove tnc surface. The tnines.- iuysnouia not bo ncariv as deep The narrisu3 and Chine. c lily wii: bliion: in about six weeks to eight weeks, while the hjancintbs, tulips xi dr.f ftxdlK will not como on in h a th.":i two or three month" By pi mtipg the narcissus in succes- ProvlncJaVonstable H. ;L. Mc-Kenney of Terrace arrived .in the city on today'4raln from .the Interior. Mr. and Mrs. LvPtGulle of Prince George, arrived hi the .city qn today's train .to spsnd.a few days at the home pf Mr. and MtpV-fr -Kennedy. S-A. Corjey, whp resides atnLorne ! Creek where tie Jjaa. mining Inter-: ests, arrived in Ue cjty on tpday' i train from the Interior fpr a brief visit In town. I I w. r.. isner pi mjs cuy js aci-1 ing as crown prosecutor in the two I criminal clases which are 'being, heard at. the Supreme Court As-! j sizes here this week. I Peter Spence, Massett Jndlan 1 I was fined $10. with option of seven 'days' Imprlsonraent, by Magistrate. ! MeClymbnt in city police court this: morning for drunkenness. I j CUR. steamer Prince Wtlltamd I Capt. William Thomas, is reported j due back at 2 o'clock tomorrow j morning from a regular voyage top j the south end of the Queen Char i lotte Islands. I Louis McLeod and Henry Thomas Hayward. for drunkenness, were each fined $S5, with option of 30 days' imprisonment, by Magistrate McClymont in city police court this morning. Miss Clara Stiles of Los Angeles arrived In tfee city on the Prince George this morning from the south and will be the guest for the next week or so of her brtCher and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. II. B Stiles, 736 Fourth Avenuej Eal4 . , Mrs. A. W. Lipsin and, son and daughter, who hvi been an a hol-day trip ;t MoWetL New Yort and elsewhere in the east, returned heme on the Prince Ooorge this knornlng, accompanied by Mr.. Lip-, sin who met them in Vancouver. Mrs. S. D. Johnatpp and son. who have been visiting in "Victoria and (at Prosoeet LakTwHH',Mrs John jby Mrs. K Ingham Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Treleaven ar rived in toe city on the as. Prinze' Qeorge thir morning trom Vaneoa-1 ver Mr TreJegven being here to assume hi new duties as account- i ant In the local hmnnh of U iBavoldae who is being transferred . Capt. Harry Nedden. who has not I J)Cn hare for Tverml months. Is In I q; Princ, Lrsanriui -j, it. nnun m,.-. v ;Iirr.y Z ..7"!. .ZZ mmtw .vnui,. nun Mmmt. Oapt. Nedden bring out the new steamer Prlnc David of which 'he has recently been In command on the triangle run. W. O. MhdM. freight traffic, manager, Qartadlan N Clonal Rati ways, western region, with head ouarW InvWtonlpgg, arrlyed ltic.cltbhthe Prince George this11 morning from Vancouver In the course of a western Inspection tour and proceeded east .by train. He was accompanied here by J. M. McRae, genera freight agent, Vancouver. Dr. R. E. Foerster of the Biological Board staff at .Cultus Lake, who has been Investigating the salmon spawning situation 4n this district, arrived In the oity on to day' trn after a brief vlflt to Lakelse Lake hatchery. He will at. tend the meeting .of the western oxecuUve pf the BJolQglcal Board held In the city C.-W. Arnett, well known in the city through contracting wprk.hee In the past, arrived on the Prince George .this moxnlflg f.rom Van equrar and entrained for Edmon ton enroute to Calgary in which ithe Pacific Great Eastern Railway in the vicinity of Xillooet. D. B. Finn, formerly director of the B. C Packers and now In ; charge of the new scientific de partment of the B.C Packers, ar- nved in the clfy on the t;s Prlnc sion iw) crops oi flowers can .bc:Bank of Monttea.' MeedinK Q.r P'.ca tod j,. jic sa-ne bowl, while iia-M I. ine oinu'r at intwrvais ori, ion of bloom inm. i bru.iry ,in 'he time 'hrn t n o , me nowers win commence Af r phntlnc. place th- bulbs in .1 d,. . vk n- ...i .w- . i perat , . M hr Iron . Mr. ,n A6ic d. H r.. . :i nnmrihlP Whn th. mnJtT"' mucu. fimwna, n i;rowVi has developed well (this can be ascertained by turning one of the pots or bowls out in the hand) bring out "Into fair light and a tem-perat ire of about 55 degrees. Water more liberally and In a week or two' remo.r to full sun and a temperature of 85 or 70 degrees. After the flower; come out, keep the planA fairly rol, not much over 66 degrees and, if possible, give them much lower temperature at night, or at least for a few hours a day. This will make the bloom last ln-Wr. Twenty Years Ago In rrir.ee Kupert September J,!. 1910 A cor mitlee of the Prince Ru- p r' B .rd of Trade, delegated to go into the saatter with the ciMriavhich Is being o nci' has rcomnended tha thsithla week. a esam at ap salmperty pf fbiB Gran l Trunk TpRic Railwa reducro from $7,191,500. the sum fixed by 4he government aseeesor to $1.72.3iOO. Revmi petitions for plank road ways hive fcocn submitted to th.il district he has a farm wh.l$h he city m-iiidta': one noverlni? Fourthjwlll vjsAt. Mr. Arnett Is .at present Avmui. frqm McBrlde Street u engaged In controetlng wprjc on Hays Cove Circle The roof of Peter Black's fine biu in,!, i at the corner of First Av- emi' and Seventh Street was com- pitted TJic opening will be mark - ed wlti) a grand ball on or abo October 15. 0NJLY UC; cfowxi Weditesday, mto HOT POINT IRON An exceptional electric iron is now available. For only 50c down and 50c a month you can have the kind of El ectric Iron, you have always wante.d ... a genuine Hot-point. This .offer is good only till October Jst, so do pot dc lay. Come in and choose YOUR Hotpoint today. Northern BritishCoIumbia Powc Company Limited ' " " " George this morning from Vs,n- but it m wwvr- He Is here to attend a of information f tn Ql ie "XMOWWal Board. w warioo. J'ttOBn of the Unl "0" nritlsh Coumbta who Is 6, ' of tbo dlrectoss of the Dlologl Board, ouoe riesth with him. Mrs. J. P. Scarlett and son. whj in connection w have been on a trip to Vancouver. Me DassenstMB ahdMd 4ha Prince Qeorie thU aften rrt, 1 ' of - - r , brth. Provincial Constable Wm. Jllarrl- son. after a brief Ulp south on es- court duty, returned to the oity on the Prince George this morning from Vancouver. Dave Roberts, C.N.R. loeomotlv .engineer at Melville and formerly Ir&ZWlTM S -wwi .aiv ivvMtii w (v SZftsaaav Hi having spent a gouple of days visiting in town. James Haslett, pW timer of thU city and now residing at Ocean Falls, arrived in the city on tho Prince George this morning from the paper town, being called here for Jury service at the Supreme Court Assizes. Members of the Vandcrhoof rtial Society enlijj'ed a cornmMn- igjnit party ana ainner at the ide last Friday .evening.' 1M ' 'I John D. Charleson left last week ! on a business -trip vto Vancouver. Mrs. 8. E. Dalleyihaa .returned to her home here from the coast much improved In health. Oeorge Cheuy of the O. K. Hotel here left last week ior a trip to his native home in China. He expects! to be away about a car. The action of the govern,raent In stopping provc,mentwprc.o.n the northern waterway was discussed jvt a mcctinpt of the Vanerhoof and District Board of Trade last week Uon in comicrM i. E. F. Little. and J. Altken. Prim e Goorge The Endako m the C.inadLin i darrcc on Frld .. Uon with the upon. ball. Rev. B. S. Prodtti : last week attnv KChureh rural df a; STEWART Jaek FltegeniM : Seattle where hi: i the winter. Oct Qlilck resun v. TELEPHONE SSJ VALKNTIN UAIity Fg SKFENA RHAM1 r n.,Her& creamery Cottage Cheat FRESH PASTECniXP' J"1 Pl,n AND CREAM LINDSAY'S Cartage and SW( Phone 68 ' . ..... Cartage, WrenouS -Dlstilbutlng. 1 aB, Motor Scrvi 'e . .. ulantt V We Splali in - Furniture ajo