Wednesday; September 17, 1930. our PRFsmmrrm B.C. coast I ISTEAMSliil'S I Wil(' always be filled as your Doctor directs at Onncs, Ltd. Prompt and Careful Service rntliUMarrn for Grnriul Ktretiic H filcrnlnr l rrCrelnl in tk following iiiiMiliritnl leltrt from a wrll-LnoMit Canadian fuoj iiiPx'ctur (natie en flUOlf)j 'Some lime ago 1 puteliaM-ri (.enrra I Elrel i Ic ref rifrratwr ml It liaa a,irn natixfaction far Ih-iiikI riorclaliona. "I ihiHiftlit it would Iwt a luiury lint it i$ an nlutntulr nrceity in any hint old and trill mxm ;iv i,r itaelj in the taring of fooJ." ..i.jjj-j i -- AND nw.NKit jMiuutau 0 JA'vu;i Zflia Pioneer Drj.i&e?ists Phones 81 & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St. Three Graduate Pharmacists The General KVeclrie itefrigeratar , in more Hum a luxury "IT'S AN ABSOLUTE NECESSITY', Snyn Cniuiillnn Food IiisjM't'lor llic Getwvat Lire trie fritfvatur it a necrwitjr 1m-ctUM' it nut only luifVpiiariU keaJrii ... Iut it uImi aafr-(uaitla the family lindget. Lrarii tlie altaii(ac- of it aaalnl - in - airr! ini-rlianUni . . . ila aiMirious AlUStrrl ealiiitet linnl willi ixirrelaln . . . ami lt arcraoililc f i rrzlug regulator. EASY TLKMS .IrtMYCE) ff Gmral Ebrtrir RirMnr VI 1 1 ikalrr. in iai pamlimm m ( 1 1 i ri.wilincl. nwMuMi un Ik II rU itWn lh a.w.f. fMnr II 'ta-tio-D )J!f;TiVj in ,, GENERALBELECTEICMin ALL - ST K EL JIK E' 11 1 i: IK ATiO It ' NORTHERN IJRITISII COLU3IHIA POWER COMlNY LIMITED r.uarantrnl h C.SUUS CFNEI KI.KCTIUf: CO.. Mmllr.1 CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK Vl.i .'(Kltxfii Jifln; i vltn-juj' jr. Illjli SHIPYARD OI'HUATINU (. T. 1'. 20,000-TON FLOATING DKYDOCK Kngir.tcrs, Machinist!. Iktiletmakers, IUacksmlths, Pattern Makers Founders, WoodworkerN Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Eiiulped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 UNION STBAiMSIIirS LIMITED Kullinc Ciwi IYInr Kunrrt . For VANCOUVEH, VUTOIIIA. ut'dali, Aicrt Bay, etc. Tudy, 3.30 pm tor VANCOIH KH. yimtRlV llulfJiil. Alft Itay. etc.. ITWiy inldnUht t't MACK A KM. ANVOX. JiTKWAUT. NM Ulrr. IVrt HlmpKoa, Sunday, 8.00 D.ln. rr POUT SIMPSON and WAll UlI.iUSiD, Thurlay pm . 1X1 ttl Atrnue II M, jMip'tlt AXWt ., ITInc Rupfrt. II C. Tlroush tickrt told slvWrli. V. Wittl baar cbed lliruiuh to Uritlpatlon t.S ''-?; j: B. C. Coasl Steamship Service SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT To Ketchikan. Wrangell. Juneau, Skagwayr-leptcmber 10, 20. To Vancouver. Victoria, Seattle- September 14. 24. Princess Mary-Ocean Falls, etc., vaneouver ana Victoria,, every Friday, 10 p.m , . . v At en Is For All Steamship Lines W- C. Orchard, General Aeent, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, Phone 51 Local Items Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at Hcilbroner's store. '' y; n..f-il. ;:-) Prince Rupert Badmlhton Cluo annual meeting will be held In th. Dally News Rooms Monday, Sept 22 at 8 pju. Members and prospective members invited to attend. 217 Before buying your coal for the winter, if possible, call at our yard and sec what we have to offer. It will 'pay you. Albert k MtCaffery Ltd. Thones 116 or 117- tf Miss Dorothy Patmore ywsterday afternoon on the Catala for Vancouver to resume Her studies at the University of British COumbla after having spent the summer yacatlon at her home ftere. Northland Navigation Co.'s passenger and freight - motorstalp Northland, Capt. Len Williams, ar rived In port last evening from prlsinirIe invites Inspection ami charfes nothing for it. Take a look and be Convinced. ANNOUNCING demonstration in cur store ! Prin- , al! this week of jrf vib( ! 'tForden's Producls ui. undrieB svdooraua Milk, 0 tins 91M per Case $SJ0 2agle Brand Condtned aA Milk nr tin pkg. . I - Borden's Chocolate Malted Milk, per 1-lb. tin Reindeer Condensed Coffee QSn per large tin WV Chateau Cheese 'It spreads or slices' MHb. QC 1-lb. ARn A IlritUh Columbia Product 65c urn, pk. t -3tr Watts' Grocery 55 Telephones M QUALITY RIGHT PRICKS RIGHT SUITS, SHIRTS Real Raincoats Reliable quality made to order for particular men. Sec Win. Aultl WEE TAILOR SHOP Near PosCQf Bsc . , OIL UUltXEKS Agents for the famous "Ray Burner" for Industrial plants, hotels, apartment houses, etc. nnd the silent "York." fully automatic, for residences. We guarantee a saving of from one-third to one-half in fuel consumption. Enquiries Sol'x iteil Walter Longwill Heating Enaln cr Phone 581 P. o. Box 73(1 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE TORE? Dinnerware, , rhlna, crockery, glassware. Hcilbroner's Store. Mrs. P. Brochu and child sailed yesterday afternoon on the CataU for a trip' to' Vancouver. WKi vf: r: rr.,: Hoine ooowns, cathedral nan, for Bella Bella. Thursday, Sept. 18 from 3 to 6. 217 mmm I ,y,n,rnd,bn ternoon-on the Catala for a brief IVnL September i 18. busln trl? to Vancouver. He ex-morning, jpects to return to the city in about a week's, time. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dlbb sailed yesterday afternoon on the Catala for a trip to Vancouver and elsewhere In the south. Mr. Dlbb U making gradual recovery following a recent Illness. Jack Nelson left today with a crew of three men for Palls River where he has the contract to build two dwellings for the Power Cor poration of Canada. The house-rl ;will be occupied by operators of sailed . the new power plant there. Coats andurs of all kinds. Over one hundred coats to select from. Our repairs, cleaning and remodelling done on the premises. Everything guaranteed 30 cheaper than can be bought In the south. The old reliable OOLDBLOOM. 217 Rev. Nelson A. Harkness of Ketehikan and, after discharges, couver. orovlnclal secretary of the a parcel of canned salmon for British and Foreign Bible Society transshipment east over the Cana-m the course of his annual tour of Oan National Railways, sailed for this district, arrived in the city Seatt,e- todi-y. Tonight he will give an il- lustrated lecture In First Baptist Some days ago Ooldbloom. the j church Old Reliable, Inserted an advertise-1 ment in the Dally News and the I CiiM steamer Prince George, person who deciphered it mistook leapt; Harry Neddtn. arrived in port "Over 100 coats for "overcoats." at 12 0.clock noon tTOm Van. Now everyone knows that Gold-j C0UVer. Powell River and Ooean bloom does riot sell overcoats butPaU8 will sail at 4 o'clock this he dojwvsell fur -floats and other : oo- a. p. . fur modi at prices that are sur-1 bound tomorrow;: evening Dr. W. A. Clemens, director of Peoart-ire Bay biological station. Van-o'tvr Irland arrived In. th.i city 'yesterday afternoon from th Queen Charlotte Islands where he jha: b"n on "a'mon r?sareh w'k , He will, jpend a fw days at the Pwrt, Fi"h"ris Exoeri- mental Station before proceeding south. A charge In c'ty poli"e wrt against Carl Wohlln of theft has been adinurhd for rtght days. Another eharge of keeping liquor for sale has not as yet been taken up. After having spent the summer at OM Massett in charge of operations at the Massett Canners salmon cannery. John Dybhavn re turned to the city yesterday after noon from the Islands aboard the company boat Jedway. Mussallem's M EAT Market Shoulder Pork 6 lbs Shoulder Veal 5 lbs Side Pork fi lbs Boiling Beef . 3 lbs Veal Chops per lb. . . . , Pork Sausage 2 lbs Boiling Foul firm IK MVl 1U . . . $1 31 $1 Hamberger Steak OCo 2 21ha lbs, AtJ 25c 25c 35c 30c utumjrKpast of J3eef ofc iiiir- in i Sirloin Steak per lb 30c Hound Steak per lb "Vis Mussallem's Meat Market Phones 18 & 81 417 Fifth Aye. C. i I Couldn't hold a job ...ivas "B.O." the reason? Dismissed again! The president's secretary suspected why. So did others in the office. But no one wanted to tell him. It was too personal a matter. Was "B.O." the reason body odour? Judge by the facts. When he discovered his fault at last and how to correct it 'luck" changed. Today lie's a valued junior executive advancing fast. He knows the easy way to keep perspiration odourless. Even though you feel tkafcQiQu couldn't be guilty of "B.O.,"tliSs itypq important , a matter to take (anjnjiiememr ber this. We all pertlMrej' .Bores give off a quart of cJour-cauiSng TOwte i everi: bti cool days, science-says. True wc don't notice it in ourtehe because we so soon become accustomed to an ever-present odour. But it can be I V v liw Brother I iltii ) Bouquet From New York For Newl LIFEBUOY SHAVING CREAM It Mmcua! No pul. NdfrttttM uin vat vc n bad. Write lorontoiift. Local Printers Rose, Cowan & Latta Produced Circular Which Ilrought Favorable Communication The bouquet received from New York City in regard to local printing mentioned In the Daily News editorially yesterday. Was for ' ftrprk done by Rose. Cowan it Latti of Prince Rupert. Frank Dlbb. manager; It was printed on high grade deckle edged paper with a parchment finish and was a very striking piece of workmanship. The eulogy of the work came from Charles B. Miller, publisher's reprc sentative, Nfw York City, who said: "The story which you have pre sen ted ancut the Daily News anO Prince Rupert, in text, in typography, press work and the stock upon which it is printed is splendid and tells in gripping way facts of interest." Advt. Miss Dorothy Stephens of White Horse arrived In the city Sun- day on the Princess Louise and will visit for a couple of weeks with hot sister, Mrs. J. W. McAuley, Fourth Avenue West 4 ANNOUNCEMENTS "f i .... . n ijr ' ' Premier orchestra' JTovrity 'Dane Friday; otWber w United Church Anniversary Banquet October 6. St. Peter's Church Basaar Octo ber 9. Moose Bazaar, October 10. 17. Rupert East United Church Basaar, November 13. Presbyterian Basaar Nov. 20. Anglican W A. Bazaar Dec. 4. . . i . - t A. 4: H j 1 1 n ) 1 1 t ; (Body Odour) most annoying to others. Why risk offending? It's so easy to be safe. Just wash and bathe with lifebuoy. "Most refreshing soap I ever used!" say millions of delighted users. A Lifebuoy bath drives away fatigue, makes you feel gloriously fresh and fit. And no worries about "B.O." For this creamy, abundant, searching lather purifies pores destroys all odour. True complexion beauty Lifebuoy's gentle, yet thorough cleansing, frees clogged pores of impurities brings dull, sallow complexions back to healthy, radiant freshness. Its pleasant extra-clean scent that vanishes as you rinse tells you Lifebuoy purifies. Adopt Lifebuoy today. 323 Lifebuoy HEALTH SOAP stops body odour R. F. McNaughton. CNJt. district passenger agent, left on today 'r n r T r'HT n n train for a trip to various interior V j g R fl U points on official business. ji j 111 vl J - - - For any makes of cars and WYTV ARRIPAK trucks. Repairs, reinforcing IIV 1 LL rtllUl I rtLO retempering, new sprinjs. All f work guaranteed. n m. l ur a l North Star Spring Central Hotel Works I'NIIKH NEW MANAOBMEN'T Frtl Ave. E. p Q rjox 25g stmm nt-d. Tra ! inmpW Prince Rupert, B.C. ' ! Kaama; lli and Cold Walfr ' 1 I rre Itaa Mrt All Trtu and '" i i j; t1 -i , : j i.JV4tFf J-M Vp ' ! ,m,yr,lux w TYPFWRITFR C. R. HI GO ART & A. DONALD 1 1 I L II 111 1 LIlU 1 . ITrletor y0 uh,r vaUe nH aiireah PHONE 51 ,h PM"1" : REBUILT UNDERWOOD 5 $75.00 Savoy Hotel . All other make from $11.00 I Prince Rupert's leading fam- pi mmtkami aiidi.vo Uy hotel. Hot ind cold water m.uhinks a. j. pRirtiiMMMa prop. United Typewriter Co. Ltd. Cor, of Fraser md Fifth. Sts. vanich vek, u.c. Savoy . . John Cross, Skidegate. . New Royal Hotel gn, & Mallett TUB HOTEL W()T1I WtMLR f, . , LIMITKD t Si Cold Walr; Steam Hat ' " ii i j t 7e per day AND up Plumbing and Heating TriiiHw tm Engineers Royal , Automatic Domestic Oil J. Wacyijf Auyox; O. Clavrlng. Furnaces, f Idmonton; .Centrum, C.. R. A ip(mhflLJ Lyons, Matthew Hill; Mr. and Mw Telephone 171 James Jackson and Victor Benel- Show lioouj-as? Jhlrd Av. W. tan;elty.. 1 -V Boston Grill N.M. McLean Urge Cabaret BOAT BUILDER SPECIAL DINNERS , genl Cove Thursdays and Saturdays DANCINO Can 14,10 you ou; ' wa,er ua6cr 1001 for Ever Saturday NUht, 9 to 12 rePalrs- Dance Han for Hire Any class boat built at reason - Accomodation for Private aDle prices. Parties . j ... ... , . Roats For Sale, Real Bartalns I'hnne 4;7 Prince Rupert . i 4;l 1 - M