053 UR&JgS mi September 17, 1930. WHnetday. J,- l" - TUB , DAILY NEWS PAtT2 PT73 SHERIFF'S SALE i; V IN THE PRINCE COUNTY RUPERT COURT OF fi.AS.WD AfiVFRTlSiFMFNTS - FOR . SALE. FOR RENT LOST I FOUND I AiO ( W1LJUAA AtUAIAJUA li W V A. A.VAk AkUll A I .1 II If H .- - - , t- ; K, John Green Ryan, vs. substituted Marmot Consolidated for Joseph TOIIS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE RE AD BECAUSE IT IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST JftJOUQ AND OLD. Mines Limited mi .am Pursuant to judgment against thep? ' 'fondant in the above action by II! Honor, F. McB. Young, and by crdnr of the Coiirtj I willsejl .t Auction on Friday, the 26 day of. .ntember, 19J0, at th Court i; use. Prince Rupert-, B.C., in the r.irviffs Office at three o'clock - , all the estate, right, title an . rest of the defendant Marmot C o olMated Mines, Limited, in the 1 arts and premises mors particu-, ,.,:-'y described as those certain - .1 ml claim known as Red Bluff. Heath, Crawford, Ivy, Blue! E..-d, Billy Ooat, Derry, Daisy. Iron i: ;k Silver Spring, Lloyd George,! r :v.r Link. Patricia, Pat, King ::. r Fooks Fraction. Wire Gold,' -i- Gold No. 2, Wire Gold No. 3. :-i G'lld No. 4. Flossey, Sur; nuT Primrose, Eagle. Eagle Frac-:;. Elizabeth, Cupid No. 1. Mou:i- rj Boy. Mountain Hey no. l iintaln Boy No. 2, Mountain Boy 3. Victor, Mountain Tap, Mint, : - n Point, Greenstone, Galena. B and Maude, all of which us are -located on the Marmot r , t . in the Portland Canal Mining D. ion of the Provutce of British C ..mhta. L.i'.cd at Prince Rupert this 12th ( 'f Sept., 1930. & A. NICKERSON, Sheriff. Steamship Sailings For Vancouver ;:.day s. Pr Rupert 10 pan. nday ss. Prince Charles pj.i Tuesday as. Catala ... 3 SO pjn. " : i iirsday ss. Pr. George 10 pin. I nday ss. Fri. Maquinna lOpjrt ss. Cardena. 12 midnight '-'pi 14 ss. Prin. Louise pjn. ' pt. 24 ss. Pnn. Louise pju. From VancouTet Sunday as. Catala 4 pin. A.-(l -ss. Pr. G"i!:e 10.30 am. Thursday as. Carlena ..... p-ri- Friday saiTL Maquinna. 4 im. F.tur ss. Pr. Rupert. 10 30 a.m Bcpt 10 ss. Princess Louise ajn Vpt. 20 -ss. Princes Louise ajn. For Naas River and Port Simpson Sundayss. Catala 8 PJJI From Naas River and Port Simpson Tuesday ss. Cntala 1130 ajn. For Stewart and I'rtmier Sunday ss. Catal.i 8 pjn. Wr inosday ss P. George 4 pjn. .-i.niii-day as. Pr Rupert 4 pa, From Stewart ami Premiers' m clay -as. Prinev K'ipert 8 pjn. Tuesday as. Cntala 11 30 ajn Tiiurs.- -ss. Prince George 8 pJB. Tor Ocean rails un ss. Prtnrc Rupert 10 pjn. 'J'liurs. as. Prtiico ocorve 10 pjtt. r nday sa. Pt Mary. .10 pm From Ocean FV '. d. ss. Pr. O.'o"- 10:80 a.m. Fmiay -.ss. Prlncvs M iry 4 pjn. K:iliir--ss. Pr. Rupert 10 30 ajn. For North Queen Chariot tes i.uit ur - -as. Prince Ch.irles noon From North Queen Chariots Minday ss. Prince Charles pjn. For South Queen Charlottes Monday ss. Pr. William, ,8 p.m. From South Quen Charlottes Thurs -ss. Prince William, a.m. satur ss. Prince Charles a.m. For Alaska s.itur as. Prince Rupert 4 p.m. K'-pt. 20 ss. Princess Louise ajn. From Alaska-Sunday ss. Prinoe Rupert 8 p.m. ept 14 ss. Princess Louise pjn. R pt. 24 ss. Princess Louise pjn For Port Simpson and Wales Island-Thursday ss. Cardena P-m From Port Slmj?sh and lVnlM KtaViil- Friday ss. Cardena . 'tun ss. Prthce Wiltiam. pa From Skeena River as. Cardena pM For Anyot and Alice Arm Sunday as. .Catala 8 p m Wednesday as. Pr George 4.p From Anyot and Arlee AtfvntJii Tuesday ss. Catala l: Arfwhnlh Thnrs.-s.'PrJiwftaeoHie 8 PJWI For Skeeria River ' Sat - . Pr WUlVm 8 ajn Dr Alexander X-RAY SERVICE VJilONi: 575 BESNER BLOCK DENTIST I fDANCING! DANCING! Craig School of Dancing PRINCIPAL NAN CRAIG Medallist Miss Craig, who has returned from attending dancing studios at Chicago and Hollywood. Ls now ready to resume classes in every type of danc-lne and physical culture. STUDIO 247 Hays Rid?. Second Ave., Phne Black 7tl T A big, Opportunity who wit 'fwWtlyM TailjQMade Suits See our windows for special low prices. Regular Prices Kcduccd $5.00 to $15.00 Finest quality and latest patterns. Come in and see "us today before It is too late. SUITS Special order complete and finished Jn three days. See Line the Cutter Ling, the Tailor- Second Avenue f Phone C19 A. MACKENZIE FURNITURE Q4rfteM Suites; Dining Suites: Bedroom Suites; (jferpets nd Linoleum Rues everything for the llomeol r.iirlaol we mil mase sp awwan. if$ vin jpoor old furniture fn the ,jelltj, J Pttane "9 X DriYurself Taxi Way not enjoy a nice drive this evening or tomorrow? If you cannot drive now, why not earn? There 11 be a day whn you'll wish you could. Wc vrill tcaoti you. Our eharwes are lkI(lorC).,Lt(l. 1 rMttribut-.rs W ,tmttsU8R m-! PLVTlibARB H eeneernr' 1 ' fe Wheai may Thte is to warn any Prt4r-or par ties conteopplatlnt piirchasin; or harterlng gasoline launch "Biili Ken reiriKterea no. rlnce Rupert, B.C., that they will have to deal direct with the owner H. H. Hegan, Bella Bella, B.C. The uuthority of any agent to sell or charter said gasoline launch has this day been withdrawn. H. HOG AN, tf rieua ueiia, u.u. BRINGING UP HOW A3QOT OMS BREAK PAST? lf'i ;tn,c lis" vi. hi 1 ! U i f Holiday Resorts DOUGLAS LODGE RAINBOW TIUU T are plentiful this season In the Stuart Lake district, they take either fly ot spoon. In this wide virgin country there are hundred! ot mUM ot waterwajn in lake and stream with many pleasant bay and wooded isles, unexplored by whlt nun. Now that really good accommodation la provided and modern damping equipment la obtainable, many are taking fishing trip. Another Important attraction there la a ride or hike to the top of Mount Pope, from which a wonderful picture la aeen 100 miles ot lake and wooda In every direction. Apply to C.N.K. or by wire or letter to IHMKltu badge, fort Bt. James. IS.C. 8m Je 34 JITNEY SERVICE Stwwn Port element and Queen Charlotte City, Monday! ad Saturday. leavM INwt ClcmmU. 8.30 a.m. i)nrrn Tharlirtte U0.p.m. larni ss earh. Ilniind trip $!. U DVHOX. rort ClemenH Stage & Taxi Service Queen Charlotte Is. Eedan -Cars meet all boats at Port Clements and at Queen Charlotte pit . Bsgular trips to Port Clements everr Tuesday ana Thursday lea vine Q. C. City at am. returning from Port Cle-mesta at 2 pja. lutes nren CluirkiUe City to Port Clrtnentk 94 JW or SI! rrtorn or vice Trrsa. Interninlutte xlnt. loe. a mile. Bide in comfort, it costs no more. Phone 2 short. 1 long. Wire or phone ftut espense. jUlltMlJNIl 8TEtENS - Proprietor Biiii. fil'i. Prince Rupert School of Music Fall Term Begins September 2 II. AUBREY PRYCE rrofasaexand Teacher of Violin and Piano Orchestra Practice Tuesdays t., anurriti3ys. id' Telephone (51 Silversides Bros. WALLPAPERS PAINTS Window 01as Picture Frame Mouldings THIRD AVENUB - PHONE ti STEAM RATIIS 201 6th Street Phone Black 7G1 Opposite Prinre Rupert Hotel Ladles from 2 pin. to 0 p.m. Gents, from .. 10 ajn. to 10 pjn Hunts Furniture & Upholstry The Store of Quality" Complete House Furnlshlnes Terms Arrantcd G. M. HUNT Third Avenue, Thnne Eed'cTl The Elite Rcauty Parlor AIRS. SUTHERLAND Expert Marceling, Finger and Water Waving Telephone 499 FATHER OH- I'M TO TlRtaO TO ST UP- 1 PLAYKQ MINwAflJ9E 50L-P UAbT MIGHT AMD I'M ALL iM YOO HAO OETTtn? SO out por toon - BRRAK PAT- IWfA V r- .( rT ft ' l tm Pmmtmt itswi.r !m.. AniI Rvitatn nht v,m ' " " J. -twoiBipr" FOR RENT FOR RENT 4-room flat with bath. Phone 543. tf FLAT FOR RENT Wallace Block. Enquire store. tf j FURNISHED FLAT, 4 rooms and bath, Phone 547. tf FOR RENT Modern Flat, kitchen range. Westenhaver Bros. tf FOR RENT Five roomed flat furnished. Phone Blue 345. tf FOR RENT Furnished suite, two rooms. Phone Mussallem Grocery. (tf) FOR RENT Clean, well-furnished modern Apartment. Phone Blue 105. FOR RENT $5.00 a montn put3 a piano In jrour home. Walker's Music Store. FOR RENT nine-room flat close In Bath, moderate rental. Westen haver Bros. tf FOR RENT Extra warm modern house, 5 bed rooms. Also smaller houses furnished. Apply 215 Fourth Avenue East. tf HOUSES for Rent Two bed rooms. -living room, ktenen and bath. Three bed rooms, iving room, dining room, kitchen and bath. Good location. Will rent reasonably for a lease. Phone 845 or 180. 380 BOARD AND ROOM BOARD and Room. Phone Black 707. tf AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART We buy, srll or exchange any kind of furniture or household goods, musical instruments machinery, etc. General repairs, '.rating, packing and shipping. Workmanship guaranteed. Just phon? Black J20 and we will call. G. J. DAWES, Auctioneer., P Federal Block. tf. SECOND-HAND DEALERS New and Second-Hand Goods 0 Bought, Sold or Exchanged W. H. Montgomery 3rd Avenue Phone Blue 33) INTERNATIONAL COKHESPONDriNOft SCHOOLS Room 10 Smith Block Courses in Technical and Engln- 1 ering Training. Write or Phono I Local Agent for information. 'Box 155 F. J. Boutell Phone 7TO To Rent Cosy Two & Three Roomed Apartments Free use of electric light and washer Rentals $10 to $18 monthly DYER APARTMENTS 3RD AVE: C.N.H. TRAINS From East Daily, except Tuesday, 12-30 noon. For East Daily, except Sunday, 1 pjn. by cjoTLt- this rj&n t iMTaRFERtM1 i-raBSO WITH EVERT- J : , m ' 3 j 9H FOR SALE FOR SALE Single bed and dresser. Phone Blue 247. 222 FOR SALE Oak burfett, child's two wheel cycle. Phone Blue 714. 213 FOR SALE Bargain Launch Gwen in good condition. Pullen Dally News. if FOR SALE Piano cased Doherty Organ, good tone and condition. Phone N. Dalgllsh, Blue 232. 219 FOR Sale MeClary Electric Range and electric water heater, complete wjth switches. Phone Red 346. tf ' FOR SALE 1927 Ford touring., Ruxtell Axel, motor perfect, 4 tires. Giving away, $225 cash atJ Terrace, Box 85, FOR SALE Speedboat newly buiH this year 24 ft., 6 in. long, 6 ft. beam, 18 In. draft, 60 h.p. Reo engine, speed 16 to 18 miles. En-: quire Kiy Boat Shop, Cow Bay. 213 IFOR SALE Singer sewing ma chine, weigh scales, rugs, table lamp, fumed oak buffet, chairs, crosscut saw, MeClary Range, wheelbarrow, apply 501 5th Ave.! W. FULL equipment mining machinery for sale. Entire equipment 2 semi-deiesel compressors, drill sharpener, hoist, track, pipe, etc. complete, can be loaded direct on scows Anyox. 20 of cost. Inven-J tory and prlee on applications H. W. Heidman. 1750 William :SU Vancouver. B.C. 220 PLASTERING GEO. MA0KLIN Expert Plastering Artistic work ol all -kinds, stucco, chimneys built, oalsominlng. Phone 4:7 s.30 CHIROPRACTIC W. C. ASPINALL (Chiropractor) & 7 Exchange Blk. (Opp. Orme's) Sunshine and Red Ray Treatments Nervous, Female and Chlldntns Diseases Specially Treated Phone Green 241 MRS. JAMES CLARK Palmistry and Crystal Reading White House 225 Second Ave. Telephone 767 A. W. Edge Co. Wholesale & Retail Plate, Window and Ornamental Glass. Wallpaper. Wallfclts, Muresco Brushes, Paints, Varnishes, Oils, Painters' and Paperhangcrs' Supplies. Phone Red 53 P.O. Box 459 330 Second Ave, Prince Rupert HOW AWOT SAU'oACiE'b THi5 MORMiM ? AGENTS WANTED CALENDER Salesman. Full or part time. Good contract, highest commissions, exclusive line and territory. Apply, stating qualifications, to Box 520, Lon don, Ont. 220 nnvr worpv uvr i vvuiuvi SALARY Increased Selling Imper-1 lal Art 'Made-In-Canada' Christ -! mas nr. Greeting r-arrta cards, selection aoltl j entirely new. Novelty and beauty i combined, at priees unequalled i elsewhere. Sample book sent onj approval to reliable men and women only. Write "Imperial Art", 51 Wellington West, Toronto, tf SITUATIONS WANTED ADVERTISER 'is willing to invest sna. sum In local tartness if he can secure employment there. Apply Box 46 Daily News. 220 HELP WANTED j 1931 Census Clerks. Hundreds will be required. Write M.C.C. Civil Service School, 401 Kensington Bldg-, Winnipeg. SITUATIONS VACANT UHttib i.MAb money easuy earnea , taking orders now for our beautiful line of Personal Christmas Greeting Cards. Sell on sight. Regal Art Co.. 310 Spadina Ave. Toronto. tf SALVAGE AND TOWING "If it's on or under the water we do it" Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. Fully Equipped for Diving and General Salvage Work Boats and Scows of all descriptions for Oharer RowBaots and Canoes for Hire Bargains in Gas Engines AsTntlorEASTHOFE KNG1NES 'Northern B.C. Distributors Coolidse Propellers Sand and Gravel in any quantity, delivered arvywistie -by water Phone, Day or Night H1 P.O Box IK! PHOTO FINISHING iir expehtm SenU your Flint nnd Photo Work To Wrxtliall Photo Phthhlng ITIimv Kuprrt. !, . -Quality Ouarantecd. Prises rteiuoTiahl- 75.? TAXI 75 sr ND NIGHT SERVICE nd Courteous Drivers LUXURIOUS CARS ! C. M. BRYANT A. R. S. SI. Enf. ASSAY OFFICE Results guaranteed and returned by next mall. Stewart British Columbia By George McManus vvbu. ir IV. rJ KAI DOUUAR'i WORTH-TOO 54T A FRBE TICKET TO THE MINIATURE COURSE ACROVb THE STREET- SKEENA LAND nECORDIXO niSTMCT Take notice that the British Columbia FUhlng & Packing Company, Ltd, ot Vancouver, B.C., occupation, tlah packera. Intend to apply tor a lease ot the following described toreshore, situ ate on Naas Harbour, fronting on Lot S, Range 5, Coast District: Commencing at a post planted on the east side of Naas Harbour, thence west 15 chains, more or lieu, to the opposite shore; thence southerly, easterly, and northerly, fol- lowing high water mark, to the point ot commencement, and containing twenty f,Te &cre- mon w BRITISH COLUMBIA FISHINO & ; packino co ltd. ' j. h. Bushneii, Agent Dated 9th August, mo. -. r-- - "flOVEICNMEXT LIQI OR ACT" Notire of Application for Convent to Transfer of Beer Llcenre NOTICE ls hereoy given that at the -Dlntlor. of tour weeks from the first publication hereof, the undersigned intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board for consent to transfer of Beer Mccnee No. 1939, and Issued In respect -f the premises known at the "PORT 2fl78Bom'l 1,tuj J!or) m Lnt 7. S and 9, Block 47. District Un 744. Queen Charlotte District, Plan lore, from Herbert Hampton. Oaetand Clccone and Theodore Uoeconl to John Pyper. t Dated this 8th dty of August. 1930. JOHN PTPER, ! A Dpi leant. RA.NQE 3 COAST DISTRICT Recording Dtetrlet of Prince Rupert. ' TAKE NOTICE that Norman HU1 o( Vancouver, B.C., Clerk. Intends to apply for permission to lease the following dewrrbed foreshore lands: Commencing at a post planted on the south &horf of Swlndla Zalejiri &hmit 20 chains south and 100 chains west or the south west corner of Lot 333 thence westerly along Blgtk Water liui about 340 chains to a point behind Double Island, thence S ehalaa more or . less to Low Water Mark, thenoe eavttefir along Low Water Mark, thence north to point cf commencement and enclosing all tidal flats and laaoons and containing 120 acres more or less. Dated July 6th. 1930. Merman Hill Jaraea T. OaderhUl. A Kent. RANCIE S COAST DISTRICT Recording DSstftrt at Prince Rupert.. TAU NOncr that Frederic "Glare Un-derhlll of Vancouver. B. C. land 8ur-vcycr. Intends to apply for permission to lesse the following described fore-Khr.re lands: Oosnmenclng at a post plintetl on the South shore of small bay on North Bnd of Price 111 and about 2 n-.'k Kuth and 1 mile east of the south cast earner of Lot 33S. Sehooner rn4ai. thence North 10 chants to op-:vite shi-rn, thenss weaterlr. smitlierly r.nd Ea.terly alcnc High Water Mark o r-fn- of csmmeneameot and eeelos-in the bay and eentaialng 12 acres Rore or leas. Tnted July 4th. 140. Fradanc aire ItoderbUl. Tim T DniWhlll. Atent- RA.NQE 0 COAST D48TBICT Boearlln District of Praue nujiert, TAKE NOTICE that John Mwacd Un-tlcrhil! of Vancouver. B.C.. engineer, In trtd to ip4y for permission to lease he following deewtbed toreahera asodt: Ccmrr.:r.ctag at a p?st planted at the wrst end ot stnall hay about 1 l-2-iilM uutli and S mUea east cf the awth east corner cf Lot SSI Swindle tilasid, thenar louth east SO chains, to east cel. trance to W. taww aaetariy. norther :y and westarly alcng High Water 'Mar It o noint of eosameneement and eon. touting SO acres mere or ism. liateu July 4th. ItSO John Mward Caderhltt, James T TJndefhin. Aaent. RANCH S COAST DISTRICT Recording District ot Prince Rupert. TAKE NOTICE tost (Uehsrd Walter OnderhlU ot Vancouver, B.C.. Aceoun-I tant. tntaada to st)y far perotlsalanfto lease the following described tngtr lands: Commencing at a post planted at High Water Mark about 1.1 mUe south and 1-1 milt east of she south least corner of Lot SS6. Swindle Island, thence south chains to ltiand. thence least 7 chains to shore, thence north crly westerly and southerly along High Water Mark to point ot commenced meat and containing SO acres more of leas. Dated July 8th. 130. 4 Rlehard Walter UnderhUI. 1 Jamas T. UnderhUI. Agent! W Q01r , rt. -II 1U MAKE YOUR WANTS KNOWN THROUGH DAILY NEWS WANT AD. COLUMNS