HEARD BY JUDGE OO __ mber Co. Awarded wn ; pars raster inet ©. K. Ytreberg. . were continued ade young yesterday af. pefore rhere are a number of; « 9 te appear when the eases them ready for, rs have ‘ ito The Marvin kK, Allen ee a y the issuing of worth. | + am s pending while more | pss OP . peing seoured, The; ee the hearing has not yet) a | Fo day afternoon the action | . wengngel wn Lumber Com- | ee) c. K. Ytrebergs was | [be plaintiul company | ded $91.59 after certain | y aoa had been made for the | rhe original claim | ‘ye was for $200, The} wer a sale of jum-| aay versus oneluded : J. Fred Smith vs.| also came up. The! cf ia q merchant of Port) ve and the defendant is a} vied weet resident of Mas-| rhe action arises over rg stove which the conens- | not the same as} « described to het by the plain- | ' at the time of sale. The | ‘tiff denies the allegation and ’ er the first sale for vepty-five dollars, he had had chance to sell the same stove sixty dollars but said that he | ; going to stand the $415 rhus he is suing Mrs. Rut- for the price of the stove.) oever wins the case the costs 4d expenses are soins to be avy, as they ine jude a lot o menses between here velling ¢Xh the islands as well as solici- s fees. IDE OIL FROM THE PEACE RIVER COUNTRY ident of Imperial Oi1 Com-_ pany Says Discoveries are Promising. claims was ates that a! | | ' Hdmonton, Nov. 13.—President | (0, Stillman, of the Imperial Oil} mpany, is here with his party ing the Northwest. on. his} ie is inspeeting o4l | es the country and! gt gists employed unpany have made most | discoveries in the; block. He asserts | irent that northern jumbia and Alberta are ined to become immense fac - sin the production of crude oi e near future. ; GRAM CHANGED AT EMPRESS THEATRE. : : Blind Man's Kyes,” ell ri Lytell is the feature tonight | the Empress Theatre. The story is a powerful one and ! oWs the nealeulable harm | hich can be caused numberless | ope through meali¢jous and | minal accusations based on | ke and envy Bert Lytell is in the pole of Hugh Overton, an of high standing in the iiiunity where he lives bul} PY loses everything dear to him} "i he is accused of a crime ich he did not commit. Mow he | termine incover the real! ing him to justice dramatically told in the vivid | Which is cleverly interspersed | ML sympathetic comedy and} bowing homance. ; : | | Mimal and Th i ‘rincess Mary passed a here ye slerday afternoon ‘Ing at +f She had a very ML passene | aot ‘ger list and picked Mout twenty-four passengers | re : ‘Ost of whom were bound Ket hikan “e the grant Circus film at the Myre be ght. COURT OF MBIA BRITISH > M iON acy ES OF THE ADMINISTRA- id Banas" OF THE RSTATE OF tks TATE SHAIRLIN, DECEASED, aye IS \ENEBY GIVEN TO WHOM “able yy f an Order by the © Matter 4 ‘tee Clement, ih the L 1 ol the 30th 4d it 1919. as rollows *Y Of October, ORDER: D lin i that the said of tl oe allowed to — £ the goin’ (faid (eceased as occurring of Setober, 1918, after ue month from the date " Of notice of this M bre ut in ie, nea bine proof ts tas. Kuper g SSYOr OF this Court icatio ~ wares that t - ith te mi Shairlin was ollie oat Le “ald 25th day of Ortober, T is py mi UR rh , 00D y tee ORDERE News ® Oder we Tht, do Dubllesepsne A ‘ war “ rinee KR ‘ pe ’*Spaper p, ublist upert Daily el | Py tor & period ae at Prince ” day op Prince Rupert, 5 month jonee" AD 194 » Chis Nel, MOMULLIN, THE DAILY NEWS Withdrawals Credits N 8 Lee eae \\\\ Ly \ \\ as 7, A GES, scm: —_ _— _———_—— If you have only $3 you can buy a Victory Bond Is your Bank account low ? Is “Cash on hand” rather scarce ? That is no reason why you should not buy at least one Victory Bond. The Victory Loan 1919 isn’t a rich man’s loan. It’s a NATIONAL LOAN. That means everybody—you,| your family, your friends and acquaintances. Not only those who have money “savea up,” but also those whe can save from week to week. You don’t have to own $50.00 right now to buy a $50.00 Victory Bond. You can do it with $5.00 cash. Make that the first payment on a $50.00 Bond. Pay the other instalments in ten months. Aimost anybody can save $1.00, $2.00 or $3.00 a week. Don’t neglect to buy because you haven’t a large sum. wae instalment plan will suit you to Thousands and thousands of Can- adians now own Victory Bonds they have paid for that way. Make your first ment Vic- tory Bond to-day. ais oe A few months from now you will ue glad rete did - beca use you wil! have r by then. Buy Victory Bonds $5 will start you Issued by Canada's Victory Loan Committee in co-opesgtion with the Minister of Finance of the Dominion of Canada. ———_—_ —_—_____-] WANTED Woman for store. Apply OMetal Administrator 137, two young women for clerical WANTED by refined lady, com- with new ( CLASSIFIED) **: fortable room, oF room and marine engine; ADVERTISING Phone 98 board with private family. Ap ply P. O. box 107 Prince Ru- pert, B, C _ 266 Apply Suite ____t Beings saeel ieaial SITUATIONS WANTED Biup 421. eS ena | WANTED by experienced ollice POR BALE seom 7 . ‘ REQUIRED BY LOCAL BANK man, position as accountant ol bookkeeper rhoroughly = re- for piano or anything of value, Also for sale ng boat and one engine cheap. \GIkL WANTED for housework-—| {he eycle man. 12, MeMordie Apts. Near MeBride Sectional book-cases, suite, oak and —- wieker easy chairs, oak rocker, kilehen cabinet and small table, — 2S, chine, price $15, phone 110, tf four —eyele 4 bh. pj POR SALE Beautiful new even- I, NEW HOUSE TO RENT. Phone or will trade ing gown, size 40. Slippers and | Black 454. tf searf to mateh. Owner leaving| “~~ fishing and hunt- town. For further particulars FOUuUnD 5 a hone Red 322. ea: i i ee a ; oe ». mae ———- ----- —— | FOUND — Wallet containing wee eGowan,| POR SALE—Medium- sized neater. money. Apply Daily News of- amas ae one ftlat-top oak office desk, fice. : reel, one 6 - - Phone Blue 148, 266 tf eee MISCELLANEOUS ee | FOR SALE Singer Sewing Ma-| Will the party who pieked up umbrella in the Table Supply on Saturday night please re- turn same to 116 Eighth Btreet FIREMAN who is also 600d B€D-| pon gap pe. to do sewing) ona) piacksmith, wants job. AD- the Toggery tf} FOR SALE-—Small pleasure ~Kitehen cabinet, cen- . °67 tre table, ply box 47 Daily News. | ehine, library table, two rigs, a. now pneady for rent. Apartments newly renovated, v man, intends to sewing ma- | lease the following Shop, Second Ave. and Fourth a Ane ced. sectional bookcases. Phone blue | PIVE- ROOMED MODERN HOUSE: april ana of a ae Street. 267 |DAY WORK De es came 414 for, appointments. 68 to rent on Fifth Avenue West. iit, eee bout abe —- ee an | | Senet, box 15 ee ee - Apply box 47, Daily News oltice.| /° chains, KITCHEN HELP WANTED-—In-| POR SALE—Gurney range in good mea a ¥ ‘halt lander Boarding House, 308 FOR SALE __| condition. $30.00, Apply 5°¢| STORE TO RENT in Westenhaver|""" “°° Second Avenue. Phone (ree) ..-——-————— — hoat Seventh Avenue Kast. 267 | Block. Apply to Harry Hanso,). tate September 1 TAKE notice that Emma foean Palls, B.C., oeeupation for . om ae ~ 7 West and receive reward, 266 work, Must have high schoo! liable and efticient. P. O - phone Blue 414 for appoint-|?ARKVLEW APARTMENT HOUs a education. Apply P.O. box 1/1! 133 ard ment, 267 ~208 and 210 Ninth Ave, West | VaNcou VER EAND DISTRICT DISTINCT Puince Rupert, B. ©. ul ee Single rooms for gentlemen PF COAST, RANGE Ul. Sn of sa fatale F ee tes 3 re