PAGE FOTO CELEBRATE , DOMINION DAY HERE Sons of Canada to Hold Usual Sports and Games on July 1 The,local sons of Canada have decided to hold the usual celebration of Dominion bay In Prince Rupert this year. At a meeting last night, preliminary arrangements were made for the celebration. The program will Include children's sports, track meet, baseball and football ?ames and dance in the evening, The entire proceeds of the celebration will be given over to the Boys' Band to. assist them in making the proposed trip to Vancouver. Following are committee chairmen for the celebration: General chairman, G. W. Johnstone. Finance, A. J. Pnidhbmme. Children's sports 'find band, b. W. Johnstone. Football and baseball, H. R. Love. Trade sports, J. Campbell. Advertising, A D. CUlles. Dance, J. M. Morrison. There will be another mefetmg next Tuesday. WINNER'S Defeated Edmonton United By Five to Nil on Thursday KDMQjrtfON, June 7: Disjpliiyln?; reraarkable .control of the tall and ghrfag an exhibition of the typically 'BdBlM!t W&t'&terig that bordered on perfection, Glasgow Rangers added another one to their long list ..jit, successes hex?! Thursday night by defeating Edmonton United by a score of five to nlL More than fpur thousand spectators wero in attendance. Dominion Day Football Cup Fixture List The following fixture list for the Dominion Day Cup, second soccer .trophy of the season to go into competition, is announced: June 9 Canadian Legion vs. Regiment. . . June 13 Prince Rupert Athletic Club vs. Canadian Legion. June 16 Regiment vs. Prince Rupert Athletic Club. ., July 1 Final between two high Quick RE Rheumatism Lumbago Neuralgia Headaches Cold3 tMTJB all SIX I VZW HUM wmm ill . ASPIRIN tablets will relievo x pain. No doubt .about that Ejen those deep-seated pains that make a man's very bones ache. Even the systemic pains that women suffer. They yield to these tablets 1 Genuine Aspirin has many important uses. Read the proven directions found in every package of Aspirin tablets and don't endure needless tains from neuralgia, neuritis, rheumatism, etc Keep a .bottle of these tablets in the house; carry the pocket tin if subject to unexpected headsches. sudden colds. Quick relief, without any harmful effects. Aspirin does not depress the heart Just look each time., for the name Aspirin and the word genuine printed in red on every box SPORT CHAT Native Sons of Canada and Central? are billed to et tomorrow afternoon in a postponed baseb'all fixture. The Canucks will make an- HiU.. ...4 A . 11 A. 1 I Scorers for the Regiment last Canadian Legion. Jamef Andrewsl1 w was referee and C. L. YouhgmaMt and J. N. Kelly, linesmen. The final standing for the Gilhuly Cup Is as follows: W. D. L. F. A. P. Regiment ...4 1 1 11 4 9 Athletic Club 4 0 2 10 4 8 Canadian Legion ..0 1 5 1 14 1 Regiment and Canadian Legion are scheduled to meet next Monday evening in the first of the Dominion Cup play-offs. Rose of England Winner of Race Wedding Favor Second and Micmac Third in Oak Stakes at Ascot Yesterday . EPSOM DOWNS. June 7: Lord Glenely's Rose of England won the! Oak Stakes here yesterday. Wedding Favor was second and 'MWmaic third of the 15 horses that ran. Yank Orchestra ' Gave Dance Her William McAdoo Passes in New ;e 3 D. W. Phillips and his vls'tlng orchestra from Seattle gave a dance in the Elks' Home last night. While ; the crowd was not as large as might have been expected, all present had a very enjoyable time dancing to harmonious music furnished by the! six-piece band. During the evening refreshments were served buffet style. York City Today I NEW YORK. June 7: William i McAdoo. former mayor of New York 1 and assistant secretary of the nivy under President Grover Cleveland, I died here today. He was 70 years old. J SAW CAPTAIN VANCOUVER, July 7: The chief engineer .of Old Maid No. i jnrormed, Mrs. piJJep today that her husbapd had been seen on the streets by an old 'acquaintance last night and seemed to be in a dare. The police are investigating. CUBS BEAT BROOKLYN Pirates Win Over Braves Athletics Take Call From Browns cuun w tupiure uiai emsive J BROOKLYN Jim TTVn f rlt. SS'JSSJ &iJJS 'tanlaP W Vahc f-i. wi . ,aUed to Ptop Chicago Cubs andJ , -Tl ".V VJL"" , Y iney ran weir string of victories to place along with the Efts. Backstop nlne by defwtJng Brookl ranks in city baseball are to get Am n ..!,.,.. , ' . ,iZ (considerable bolstering up with the Llnth Pirate' jnnin? gave Pittsburg .recent arrival in the city of two victory Jfer Boston Braves, new wfchers-CecU Downey, who KIn out hU( mteeAtn I has been spending some time in homer of the the pnlU Vancouver, and J. Gomez, who re- lbeat cindnnaU Reds. cenuy arnvea irum oan rrancisco.. In th. An,vri(.9n T-Mum. This Gomez Is said to be some ball player. He has a brother on the New York Yankees line-up and himself was tried out for the Sm Francisco Seals this spring. Downey will go to the Centrals and Oomez1 to. the Native Sons of .Canada or vice versa. REGIMENT WINS CUlP took Gilhuly Trophy Last Night By Beating Canadian Legion in Final Fixture The Canadian Legion fielded only eight men for last night's '011-huly Cup football game and, at half time, the match was called off on account of rain and lack 6f In terest wun ine score standing nvei to nil for the Regiment .who thfflfr take the Gilhuly Cup, first football I trophy of the season. It waFflfcairn disappointing that, the ,Legion should repeat, as they did last Tuesday night, the fielding of a short team. httalfaffered in his career. irir, Asks Support - a St. Browns' rallv in the nlrtth inning fell short and the Philadel phia Athletics wqn out. Yesterday's scores: American League Boston 4, Cleveland 9. New York-Chicago, rain. Philadelphia 5, St. Louis 4. National League Pittsburg 4, Boston 3, Chicago 13, Brooklyn Q. St. Louis 7, New York 10. Cincinnati 5, Philadelphia 14, HIS FIRST KNOCKOUT K. 0. Christner Floored in Fourth Round at Detroit By Primo HOI Camera a . , . HPTPnTT Tuna 7 Vlnfnm 1 6 AAfl faniho paid $75,000 for the prtvl-' lege of watching him perform, Primo Camera, giant Italian pugilist, knocked out Meyer ("K. 0." Christnet of Akron in the f ninth night were Smurthwalte, two; Mac-f scheduled 10-round bout. It Was donald, Watson and Wilson, orifejth'e. first knockout that Chrtttrier eacn. unarue mptie and George f Howe played a good gfcme ftttlfeT 1 For Yacht Club During Races At the meeting of the Chamber of Commerce last night, George Bush-by, president -of the Yacht Club, asked for the support of members of the board in connection with the entertaining of the visiting yachts men in connection with the race pn June 24 from Seattle to Prince Ru pert. He .thought it would be a means of securing a great deal of publicity for the city, much more than they would get for the $129 they had just voted for an advertisement in a publicity booklet. LOCAL BOXERS GOING SOUTH RAIN SjTOFS TENNIS Vesterday rain prevented any fur ther games being played in the C. N. R .tennis- tournament. The schedule announced for yesterday1 applicable today, weather! permitting. SOFTDAL.L POSTPONED Owing, to unfavorable weather, last night's C. N. R. softbaH fixture between Dry Dock and Round House was postponed. 4'4 worn out are 1 tisT Asr 2 10 OK to your tires early thfe season. 'J Have them inspected by a Dominion Tire Dealer. Replace worn out tires with Dominion Royals, standard equipment oh many of Canada's finest cars. Snappier pick-up, easier steering, quicker braking, speed with safety, mileage, are provided for m the deep thick tread and buttressed sidewalls of their massive carcass. Dominion Royals as well as Royal Masters, Dominion Endurance for light cars and Royal Heavy Service Tires are sold by Dominion Tire Dealers everywhere, conveniently located and equipped to give "you ;r; added mileage through tire servlce of MINid GIRLS HONOR THEIR LEADER The Canadian Girls in Training of Flrct Presbyterian Church said their farewells last night to Mrs. Joseph Greer, their esteemed and popular lader for several years, who is leaving "tomorrow night for Victoria t? reside. The girls coupled their expressions of regret at Mrs. Greer'', departure and their best wishes for her happiness and prosperity in the future with the presentation of a handsome sllveY Art Easson of the Empress Social ix,at atnd W P111 Qlub win sail pn the Prince Riipert tonwmw night jor, Ocean Falls, ac- companying Billy Bagshaw of this city-who s to , mix with 8coty Crawford, in a 10-?ourid bout at the paper town next 'Thursday evtnlnc. aria . rranKie Neei, who win do sx roupds with Alex Harvey. Vernier King -s Opponent Named George Braden to Run Against Prime Minister In Prince Albert Contest PRINCE ALBERT. June 7: George Braden of Rosthern was nominated By a Ooruerva'tlve conven tion here Jast night to content the-j ieaerai ruling or prince Albert against Premier King. tion w..s made on behalf of the girls by Miss wttiilei Vance. The girls have not yet decided who win be their new .senior leader succeeding Mrs. Greer but thty named Miss Muriel Vance, who Was president last year, as their Junior leader. Other officers for the year were chosen a follows: President, .Mis Beulah McKinley. Vice-president, Miss Sheila Stuart. Secretary, Mlsc Mabel Ivarson.. Treasurer, M&s Helen Walker. Flower convener, Miss Cleo Mils-sallem. There ws a good turn out at ll1e meeting. Before the close, delicious refreshments were serveed. NO TENNIS GAA1ES Owlnr to rain, no games were Mf,A4 'Via DHn.. T7nnol4 Tershlt I An active fluid (hat atlatkt disease germs in the kln. In harmony with tli theory of the greatest liviug.skln tperlallht. It lias had many brilliant successes over bkin disease. Sea Cadets Hold fag Day Today Funds Ilelnr Raised on Streets Assist in Work of Corps Club's toufntrheht. The scheduled land possibly 'to hear him speak. announced for yesterday will stand for today. DDD ior ache and eczema lng to JUhe 25. TO to The entire local corps of the Sea Cadets are on, the city streets today engaged in tagging pedestrians to raise funds tor the work of Uie corps. The tag day is under the auspices Of the, I0al htahch of the Navy League pf Canada and the boys are taking watches of four hours each. Headquarters are being made at the oflfce of the Northern Shipping Co. those in charge there being Robert Blance, Philip" Ray and Initiator Young. Is Cdniing Here prom England A committee will have in hand arrangements to meet Mr. Pooley SMITH II0P OFF hrltlsh Columbia Aviator Will Essay Atlanflc Flight Tomorrow DUELJN, June 7: Capt. 'Charles Kingsford-Smlth and three com- LOCAL ITEMS The Lief Erlckson Society has discontinued for the summer months holding of regular A. H. Waddington of the Forest Branch service returned to the city on today's train from a trip to the interior on official business. J. O. BouHlknne. of the Corporation of Canada construe-1 tion staff returned to tholty on today's tran ropi a brief trip to Falls RJver.,1 ,, . ' C. H. Sawle, publisher of the Omlneca Herald, left on today's trajn orvhls return to New Hazel-tori, aftefj a day visit in the city ori business. inductor T. M. Spencer, who 1st l runmne-on trains brtwwn Rmith. in Norway. W. J, McCUTCHKON, I)ItUGGlSTiPan,ons' lv,n the Southern Cross, tibn with 900th aiihlversary of the .expect to nop off on a trans-Atlan-, founding of the Christian Church OKMES LTD. j tic flight at 2 o'clock Sunday. j in Norway. I A. lAj Cohflon. who has bten on 1 la trip south in the course of which I iie nuenciea me Lmerai convention : at Kamloops, returned to the city j from Vancouver on Cne Prince Ru pert this morning, Mrs. J6tyi Ivrsor Mrs. H. Lei-land and Mrs. Edsviek were amdne members. ontrie ltfcal Scandinavian-colony who left oh today's train! for New York wh'ere they will embark fdr Trouahjem. Norway, to' amend tne ceieoratlon in connec da i ,v. wis. DOMINION the highest quality. ! Sole lJntfth 'Columbia Distributors McLENNAN. iMcFEELY & PKIOIl, LIMITED, 99 East Cordova Street, Vancouver, B.C.; 1400 Government Street, Victoria, H.C.; 801 Columbia Street, New Westminster, B.C. DO i Lutheran West End Ladies' Aid The West T.:k. Lutheran Chn : 6f Mrs. Tom tv.t.i. Place Thursday What a Frierui W was sung an.i I reading, p'-ay i' the pastor, o-: program wen Piano sole. Vf Solo, Olive Dv'i: Com-nent:. : count of tht- -iiv led by Mrs Ti i sponct'3 out f i'1 ;' lenci? and hi:: Solo. "Ha vi i1 Lord." Mm. 1 : Hymn, "I I 1 1; Delicious n fi' ! .At. the meeting of the Chamber of erSAand. Prince Geonrn nrrivH n M and social Commerce last night, a letter from thl city on today's train to spend the Canadian Chamber of Com-! the week-end at his home here, merce in Great Britain announced. . that II. T. Pooley, director of the Bjarne Anderson, who has been British Columbia Producers' Or- 111 In the Prince Ttupert General j ganizatlon, would Visit Prince Ru- Hospital for several months, lft 'pert in the course of an extended on todaVa train for New York1 tour of Canada on June 23 remain- , where he will embark for his hn"ie was a fair at' ' Progressive 9 6t r. ft' 1 kr .b!:.ivr. :V f rrtt'- ....vft f.'-" .iowefl-'" s sr n w v i When you want w rt economical &wtew Jumbcr cuttei for information r . - , saWO1' n-19 Montreal jJoB"