pagz nro ln..n SnM iinrlnH niuiimini, inniMtft evit-t. n .1 HearTA nutc uiiuci say lunaiu ocvuiiii; kiic ucaiicu Bite wui uito hub is seiueu suiue ui-uon uuwuru uumiinir may ue Th oj i.i. i h. hp t.h nn.rinM nt t u n..i expected. We look to see the railway company carry out its other revues, and talented soloists his wife by the time next winter is promises and an announcement of a definite nature should that win lead them in their num- over. be forthcoming in the near future. "iltais one secret of nood flavor" Thcc beers arc very highly recommended as an aid to digestion because they are properly brewed and aged. They havc a beneficial place in daily routine, especially In the life of the working man, -because good beer is invigorating and strength replacing. Owing to the groat percentage of extracts, together with the low alcohol content, these beers arc an aid to digestion and healthful stimulants. At nil Gorrmmrnt lUquor Slorrt and lleer Varlort PBLSENEK LAdER PHOENIX EXPORT CLUE RBXRON EXPORT PL This advertisement i not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia, Balagno, Pauline Brady, Lindsay niiiiiiiiv'iinmnt - j Waugh, Joyee Gawthome, Norma KAILAl IIOThL ICurry, Margaret Bryune and Doreen1 The work on the railway hotel will also help the local Byune win be the "Kupies," and it situation a good deal. It is understood that negotiations m worth oin t0 "Qi of perience&f 'Australian Couple unP u itij WINNIPEG. Sept. 12. To have Just to see them dance and lived three summers tn saccesston ..r4tV.n. n n,4.4A int. h. I II t . , . ii 1 . , i i m ii . uiK- ' nmiuuv 4 miiiin iiivei v CI til IK, wui . bers. ' They live in Australia. At the end ' The Elks are staging the show for f last, summer in Australia they their Christmas Cheer Fund, and started off for England arriving when the seat sale opens at the there at the beginning of summer. Orrr.e Drug Ltd.. on Monday at 10 Now at the end of northern sui-l.m. it Is expected that there will mer they are proeeedtac some, be a rush, for reservations. The where they will find the southern show will be presented at the Moose summer commencing, i Hall next Wednesday, Thursday and Mr. and Mrs. Oosse, and their Friday. 0.E.S.TEA THURSDAY" Mrs. Emily Maxwell Worthy Grand 1 Matron For British Columbia, Honor Guest Yesterday Mrs. Dan Jabour. Borden Street, was a tea hostess yesterday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Emily Maxwell of Vancouver, Worthy Grand Matron of the Order of the Eastern Star, who la here on an official visit. Mm. Jabour was assisted by Mrs. J. If. McLeod. worthy matron of Belist Chapter here. The decorated tea table was spread with an Italian cut cloth and , In the centre was a silver basket containing orange culendulas and blue bachelor buttons with tall orange tapers in silver sconces. Pouring were Mrs L. W. Kergln, ADDRESSES GIRLS Mrs. w. D. Vance, Mrs. W. O. Vigar and Mrs. Shelford Darton, past worthy matrons of the Order of the; Eastern J8tar)ervtteu1 ware Mrs ,C. H. filkln Mrs. R. E. Benson, Mts., i jr . w. Alien. Mrs A j nnllanrl nnrt Miss Winnie Dlbb. Don Matheeon, who spent a few. days In the city with his parents, City Treasurer and Mrs. D. J. Matheson, following his return from Stewart where he was en gaged in geological work during the summer, sailed last night on the Prince George for Vancouver where he will resume his studies at the University of British Colum bla. eldest son arrived in Winnipeg jsjs-iterday over Canadian National , lines, arid iewted for trie day. tjef ere i continuing their Journey to Jasper i Parti and Vancouver. Wfssti tfofy leave -Vancouver they rtH MtTbe days-from Sydney, and S days from home, which is Adefekie. I Mr. oosse is on the boara of Ol-' rectors of the News Limited, which : publish several newayapors In I South and West Australia He is i president of the Zoological Society of South Australia. Three Canadian Buffalo, which I were presented to the society last February, were Just shedding their winter coat at the beginning of the Australian winter when Mr. Oosse left. It will take them three or four years he states, to fall in line with Australian seasonal conditions. During the week that he has been In Canada, Mr Oosse made some arrangements for the exchange of Canadian and Australian animals for aoos. OF LOCAL SCHOOL "' Miss Helen Randal, registrar of the Graduate Nurses' Association of British Columbia and inapsefcw of training schools for- the province, who was here yesterday, ad dressed the girls of King HdwaM High School yesterday afternoon and members of the nursing stafr of the Prince Rupert Rupert General Hospital last evening. After having made her annual inspection of the Prince Ruprrt. BeAla Bella. Port Simpson and Hazelton hospi-tal training schools, Miss Randal sailed last night by the ss. Prlnc? George on her return to inn VaILY NfclvS Friday, September y. ig3 The Daily News At Jasper SIGHT WAS ' PRINCE RUPERT - UR1TISII COLUMBIA WONDERFUL Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third AvenUe . "1, 1NIN nlac LINOLEUM H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor Philadelphia Academic Tarty Us Interesting Trip From Jasper SUBSCRIPTION RATES By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United State, paid in advance, per year By mail to all other countries, pur year 6.00 7.50 By mail to all parte of Neithcrn and Central British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly period 3.00 Or four months for .rt 1-00 For leaser period, paid jn advance, per month 50 Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION ARE YOU SAVING MONEY? Friday. Sept. 12, 1930 Saving money is a great problem. Many people not only! fail to save but they sink gradually deeper in the mire of; debt until life becomes a burden to them and they are a j nuisance to their neighbors. ' By so arranging the household budget to suit the in-j come any person can save at least a little. A savings bank ; balance gives a person a feeling of exhiliration, an inde-i pendence that cannot be obtained in any other way. Toj know that you are ahead of the game and can control your ; expenditures is a great satisfaction to any person. To feel i that you are the victim of circumstances and cannot get' ahead is a severe handicap X T. B. .Mac .mil y. president of Sun me Assurance Co.. who visi'od ni'unioin reoon this week for company convention CHEER FUND GETS BENEFIT WINNIPEG, MAN; Sept. 11 "I v?as one of the most glorious sigh' I have ever scn. From the top o ; Mount Castlt guard I ; Hinted 15 i .nl-c withni: ttv ni.-i "'w' "aid Dr. Kirkpatrick of the department of chemistry, i :i "crs; Pennsy'vania, wlv.'e enthusiast i-i cally relating his experiences i W'nnipeg yesterday after a month's exploration :rip through he mountains surr nding an-1 n Jasper National Park mad1 along with three ass- :.Uf in the university. Taking with them thirteen horses and one guide the party Parted out from a poi'.- '"srlv 2n m'.'es south of Jasp r ind m.irl , the trip to the park in for: -travel linf days. Several side trip, were taken while enr-i-ife ani a cording to Dr. Kllpatn k th"v cov ered mw than 500 miles on horses. Itfwat white- enrrvjte that th party attempted th- t-!imb o' "Queen of Hearts" Musical Comedy Moont CastfoguArd. Dr Kilpatricfc to Be Stared With Medern tea the only one . ar-essfu! i Settings reachteg the summit making the, climb to two and on" -half hours. The Elks show committee, is According to the records of pre- ' rhr- nf tHir mmirai nmA vious climber carved on trees a.' v wini IVJ Tn onvp an idea what can be done bv savin p and invest- "Queen of Hearts." stated this the foot of the mountain Dr Kil ing in good securities let US assume that a person wants, morning that they were very an- Patricks time Is the 'aste&t yet $10,000 on which to retire in 25 years. All he has to do is to ftroM kno JJTk Z T T,' ,, ... . , . , , , . that the Moose Lodge have removed party included I. K. Simmons de- set aside $18 a month, invest it at four and a half per cent! to of rtmem of cbemiatrv. uniwsitv and reinvest the interest every year as he receives it Com-"This has always been a handicap of Pennfy'vanla. W. Stiock of th-pounding the interest is the great thing. It makes the-cap-; in putting over a show there, and academy of science Philadelphia ital Work for you double time. ' the lodge went to great expense to and Miss Mary Bullock, also o: - reinforcing the roof, etc., so that PhUapelphia- ny show" woukl "" advan- Dr. Kltpatrtck and Mr Srmmon Ti?rkAtiT rTinv ni7 rnvui-viiPVT PROMPT ACTION OF GO EKN3IENT tage of the same staging as in a continued their Journey vesterda We congratulate Premier Bennett and his cabinet Oil modern theatre. over Canadian National Railway? their prompt action with a view to relieving unemploy-! aio Mr. and Mrs. c. j. McNaugh, far Northbau, ont., from winch ment We hope that they will undertake the erection of a professional ghow producers, which point they win motor federal building at Prince Rupert and also come to the aid LTS fr p10- PhJkdeiPhia. Mr. strock and was of the provincial gpvernment in the building of the trans- Z? ScT STy" Canada highway to Prmce Rupert. These are both badly ing win be the most elaborate ever needed and if they go ahead at once they will help a great seen in prince Rupert, deal in relieving the unemployment situation. j ot cours the three-act farce The federal building already has a site prepared with T"9:01 a1wo"drjul ha8 ... drawn the moat but the i. ii rri. i u 1 i j. attention, the basement excavated. The work could proceed at very ,BlMlcal revue6 ouUi not be for-short notice if it should be decided to do so. It is understood gotten. And with the "Kuoie Don that the government is not renewing the lease on the Revue-led by Mr. McNaughton, you nresent nremises and if thev move it would seem to be the will e one of the peppiest revues DODGING WINTERS reasonable thinrr to move into a buildine of their own. 1 .the I0?- LtIe Ita" Three summers in succession e baptist Ladies' Aid Tea Success gvftfttantI Sum Krallzed at Affair Tea4er$ay Afternoon at Home ' of Sirs. P. W. Dafoe The Ladles or First Baptist Church held a successful tea and rale of hone cooking at the home of Mr. F. W. Dafoe yesterday and ' tiM i i Dint Ui REFRESH YOUR ROOMS WITH ItEAUTIIUL FLOORS The dullest raided a substantial sum. Thej rooms were beautifully decorated' i with sweet peas and rosea. Mrs. Dafoe. with Mrs. J. A. Limtsay, received the guests. At Um hosne :ooWn stall. Mrs. P. H. Linfe? and Mrs. J. Tttmrber had charge. The tea room was in charge of Mrs. C. Campbell, Mrs. C. OUker, Mrs. Lar-km and Mrs. R. Green. Mrs. Geo. Iflbbard acted as cashier. Conveners 'or the tea were Mrs. Oeo. Johnstone and Mrs. S. Hamblin. CRISP... anil refreshing as a breeze Kcllogg'g Corn Flakes and milk or cream. Great for a warm-day lunch. So easy to digest, so extra crisp, they help you feel fit I CORN FLAKES teniae responds to the stimulus of Dominion inlaid Lino leum. It is surprising how quickly this colourful floor puts character, beauty and individuality into room. It Is s practical floor, too; easy to lay and to dean; odourless; and permanent because' inlaid. Beautify your home with Dominion InlalJ Linoleum with its rich, mellow, soft lustre Do mo lac Finish that reduces polishing to a minimum. Dominion Inlaid linoleum offers distinctive designs for every room in the bouse, at surprisingly moderate prices. Other IJtautlful Dominion Floort Dominion Piinted Linoleum and Dominion Linoleum Rugs also give exceptional choice in beautiful floors ... at popular prices. At Utust Furnhl'mt anl DtparlmtmiJ Stottt. tldt i Cfult if Iht (Mirri lit mmi Domimmm Bmlnklf Utolnm. GUESTS AT LUNCHEON J At the Botary luncheon ys' i-jday guests included A. M. M ui n. 'K.C., former attorney-general 0 'i Bushby, Herold Daley, fr-m Albany, Australia apd the four a-noemen from Saskatchewan win had Just arrived from a sixtn months' adventurous trip Arctic. Mr. Daley brought Kn -- Ings from the Albany Rotary club ! of which he Is a member t". More than 12,000,000 people ddl8ht In KrllncK, Corn I'laLrs every djr, KelloKg's rs nprci'lly lnlllna in sammrr. They fur. rnrrjr, and rrt ant to rasy to direst tbry don't "hear the body. Serve for Lrralfast, the eliUdren'a tapper Crrat with fruit or honey added. Oveti-frwh in the Inner sealed waitlla wrapjrer. SolJ lir all t;roern. Served by lioleli, reitauran$i, rafrtrriai. Made br Kellog g in London, Ontario. S ?RN