I Thursday, December 11, 1930. Give Yoiss? CMMvem Dlnnerware, chins, crockery, glassware. Hcilbroner's Store. Local Items Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ratchford will sail on the Prince George to Glasses fitted by registered night for a trip to Vancouver and GREAT COMPULSION optometrist at Hcilbroncr's store. elsewhere In the south and Bttd up fhlr H COAST it Pinaud's Special Offer COc Lilas de France Talcum Free with a $1.00 Bottle of Lilas de France Lotion- 50c Liquid Brilliantine Free with a $1.35 Bottle of Eau de Quinine Qrmes ItA. Ztfio Pioneer DrttQgisls Phones 81 & 82 Third' Ave. & Sixtlit. THREE GRADUATE PIIAKMICISTS TheFish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE KUl'EUT, B.C. J ' 1 CANADIAN NATIONAL sMmSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OPERATING (i. T. 1. 20.000-TON FLOATING DKYDOCK Engineer. Machinists HoilermakerH, Hlarkimltha, Pattern,' j Makers Founder, Woodworker!, Etc. ( KI.KCIltIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK . TIIONES 43 AND 385 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY SAILINGS JAKK ADVANTAGE OF YOUR VAT ATI ON PERIOD BY iSIMi UNION STEAMER CONNECTIONS Z. r "-"' na loaves Prince Rupert for Vancouver FIUI)AY MIDNIGHT, dec. 19th, arriving Viuu i.ver Sunday Midnight. Dec. 21st. C; iktust served on board Mon. A.M., Dec. 22nd if desired) Kt'TUKNlNO leave Vancouver lor Prince Rupert EITHER TUESDAY. 8 P.M., DEC. 30th iS. S. Cardena) arriving back in Prince h i Friday, Jan. 2nd OH FRIDAY', 9 lM, JAN. 2nd (S. S. Ca-4 mvlng back In Prince Rupert Sunday P.M., Jan. 4th. Special Return Fare -$40.00 (Meals and Berths Included) T. krr, ()n Suo N0W TH E FEBIlUAItY ?8th, 1931 iWlth ' final re-v-irn limit -March 31st. 1031 . , Ticki Hoarding nil sailings U u and Information ....... ....... l i... ii'uvlll.' nllflW MSR V vi. ikl 1 ailUllyl ' - - , ... It. ' . U. C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT To Ketchikan, Wrancell, Junenu, Skagway December 13. 27. To Vancouvct, Victoria, Seattle-December 3, 17. January 1. VMoouver and Vic-torla, Fll etc. Prlncso, Msry -Oc. evory rndny, 10 pJn. Airents For All Steamship Lines J W c orchartf. Agent. SrdAv.. Prlnos Ruprt. Phonal. Mrs. M. Knott will sail on the Princes tary tomorrow night for Vancouyrwherjce she will proceed to Ijs Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Caldler will sail on the Prince George tonight for Vancouver where they will spend the Christmas holiday rea son. W. H. Palrbalrn, after a visit of a week or- so in the city, sailed by the Prince William last evening on his return to Queen Charlotte City. For drunkenness, Andy Simpson was fined $25, with option of thirty days' imprisonment, by Magistrate McClymont in city police court this morning. The school board, at Its regular monthly meeting last night, pass ed a budget for November totalling $8,298.01 of which $767.91 was made up of account and $7531 salaries; Mnr.G. A. Hunter of this city was the winner of second prize In a recipe competition conducted by the Vancouver Province. There were rhfh'y entrants from all parts of the province Norman I Fjteman, local representative of the International Fisheries Commission, who returned to the city this week after spending some time In Ketchikan on official duties, will san, tonight on the Prince Oeorge for Vancouver where he will spend the Christmas holidays at his home. Miss 8. A. Mills, principal oi Dorden Street School, in her report to the school board a,te the meeting tost night, mentioned thfrt Uioeflttinco to the .school grounds mm rutfa as pmm mm 7; '-surfacing, several children lre4yr &ffred' minor a , result of falling on ding rocks. As it is a city ch, the matter will be re- ferrW tfl the city engineer for fcfTtTOfofar awmthfjt roeeslng of the Board of School Trustees was held lM ri?bt. Buslns3s wes merelt routine nature and the sieawasted only about three - qtmrtw of an hour. Those present were Mrs. T M. Spencer, chair- manL.W. Waujrh. W..R. McAfee irliBarhe and J. H. Thompson jtiiiswes; ; J. O. Williamson, secre tary, and D. H. Hartntss. Miss A. Mercer. Miss S. A. Mill. Miss O. E. McArthur and Miss J. D Moffatt. teachers. Hi Mm ri-NSLw - J 1 CTTVh bp- istocrms OF iaiit ranspovtanoii fANADI AN National ofTe rs many luxuries anil comforts which ailil pleasure to your trip South by Steamer or Eot by Train. Sailings from Prince Ituprrt to Vancouver, thence via Trl-Clty Serlce to Victoria ami Seattle, Thursdays 10.00 p.m. For Anjox and Stewart, Wednesdays 4.00 p.m. Regular scrtlcra to North and South Queen Charlotte Inlands. Particulars of sailings, rates, etc., on request. Passenger trains leave Prince It 11 pert for Edmonton, Winnipeg, and points East every; Monday, Wednesday and Saturday at 11.30 a.m. R. F. MrNAl'CIITON Uialrlrl Fmurnirr Afmt I'rlnr. ltuprrt O, -C.'' Mills 'Is able' tff'be1 about again after having been confined to his home for almost a month with an'1 attack of mumps. W. O. Harold of the C.N.R. city ticket office staff returned to the city yesterday after spending a va cation visiting In Vancouver and Seattle. D. H; 1 Hartness principal of King Edward High School, report ed to the school board at Its meet ing last night that plaster was falling from the ceiling of the an nex to his school. The matter was referred to the High School com mittee with power to act. - W. T. Batchellor, president of the Portland Canal Power Co., which is planning a hydro-electric on the American side of Portland Ca nal below Hyder, and Mrs. "Batchellor will be passengers bound from Stewart to Seattle on the ss Prince Oeorge this evening. Mention was again made at last night's meeting of the school board of a recent communication in which establshment of high schools here had been urged. The board felt that Aid. Brown at the meeting of the city council, had adequately explained why nothing had been done In the matter. A recent' Incident where an 18-year old girl from Greece had sought to enter Borden Street School to receive instruction in English only was reported to the school board at Its meeting last night. The suggestion of Miss Mills that a private tutor should be obtained for such a pupil was endorsed by the board. The school board last night authorized the secretary to write a letter to the principals of King Edward High School and Booth Memorial School Expressing appreciation of members of the board at having been snt complimentary tickets for thi.fprfocomlng Christ mas .enterliloi&cpl of those school. ; t Miss E. A. Mercer, principal of Booth Memorial School. In her re-Tort for the month o; November o resented to the, Jfchapl board at Armistice Day had been suitably observed in her school Miss Merger thanked the board for granting permission to use the school auditorium for the forthcoming Christmas entertainment. TENDEK8 WANTED Scaled tenders for the purchase of the Anglican Mission Boat "Northern Cross" will be received by the undersigned up to noon December IS, 1930. Terms strictly "ash. The boat may be Inspected at the local Dry Dock and typed general particulars may be had from, lev: W. II. Rushbrook, P. O. 553, Prince Rupert, B.C. 276 . ANNOUNCEMENTS High School Concert, Dec. 11. Royal Purple Bridge and Whist series, not game, December 15. Operetta "The Enchanted Palace," Booth Memorial School, Dec. 16 and 17. Moose Christmas Tree Whist Drive and Dance, December 19. Canadian Legion B.E.S.L. Christmas Tree December 20. Moose Christmas Tree Dec. 21. Baptist Christmas Tree December 23. Sons of Norway Christmas Tree December 26. "Lief Erlcksbn Christmas Gathering Decemb"er26MoofilIall. Moose Legion dance .New Year's Eve. Hogmanay dance I.O.D.E. Elks' New Year's Eve Cabaret, j Elks' Home. , j Presbyterian Burns' Banquet on January 23. . 1 Shoe McARTHUR' HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel l!Mi:K NEW MAN.Ulf.MKNT Htrum llraltd; Trnvfllrr' Kmnil Unonu: lint and CuU tVatrr Frrt Una Mrrti Ml Trahi anil IWlfll Rates $1.00 and Up snxiu montiilV itui C K.H1G0 I:T & A. DONALD ri'iprlrluri PHONE 51 Savoy Hotel Prince Uupen's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water In all rooms. A. J. ritUnilOMMK. Prop. Cor. of Fraser tnd Fifth Sts. New Royal Hotel I. Zarrtll, Prop. THE 1IOTI.L MOUTH WHILE Hot tc Cold Wittr. Stm Hot 75c PEK DAY AND UP Trlfpliniir tgl Itoyal Mr. and Mrs. R. 8. Hogan, Prince Rupert; N. S. Drewer and II. Loakcs, Dlgby; O. Harrison. Boston Grill Large Cabaret SPECIAL DINNERS Thursdays and Saturdays DANCING Every Saturday NUht, 9 to 13 Dance Hall for Hire Accomodation for Private Parties Phone 457 Prince Rupert KJHBHBaSBBBBBBHi If you arc in the market for shoes you cannot afford to miss the great opportunity wc offer at our big sale. We have thousands of pairs of quality shoes on the racks to sell at less than cost price. Men's, women's and children's shoes. When you consider your Christinas buying there is nothing you could offer Her or Him more appropriate and more appreciated than a nifty stylish pate of shoes or slippers of which wc offer a great variety at manufacturers' prices. Below arc a few Jincs of our wonderful bargains: Ladies' Shoes New shipment Ladies' Shoes just arrived. Patent, buckle strap, Cuban heels Off Special 0.9 Ladies' Ties and Pumps Ladies' Patent Ties and Pumps, covered spike heels CO Qff Special Sale Price ?Oy0 Odd lines in Patent, Kid and Colored Pumps. Reg. $7.00 and CM AR. $8.00. Sale Price ...... Vt'tw Boys' Shoes Leckie Oil Tan Boy's Shoe& Sizes 1 .95 Sale Price Astoria Shoes Men's Oxford Astoria Shoes, black and brown calf. Reg. '7 QSS $10.50. AH one price . . . V 1 iwMoooooooMtooiKHWiwooflCHsoe Hart Shoes Ladies' Hart Shoes are Canada's best We stock them in patent and kid, black and biege, ties and oxfords. Black and brown cut out, three buttons. We are discontinuing this line and selling them at 25 off. School Shoes Leckie Red Stitch Shoes. The best shoes on the market.. 1C Sizes 1 to 5. Sale price pTCeTEcJ Valentine and Martin Boys' Shoes. Sizes 1 to 5 Sale Price 2.8S Men's Black Oxfords Men's Oxfords, black calf 9 AC Reg. $6.00. Sale Price House Slippers Great variety of House Slippers for everybody. All lines reduced. S SHOE STORE . The Sweet Tone of The Chimes Aii,exa;ct reproduction of the Westminster Abbey Bells, are given by our Westminster , Abbey Clocks Only $35.00 OUR EASY PAYMENT PLAN Enables you to secure one at $5.00 down balance, monthly. JOHN BULGER, LTD. Third Ave. V. Telephone 122 50rtHKHKHW O HW 0 0 O 0 O O O O 0 OUR COAL IS IN A DRY SHED When you are buying coal look on the economical side of life. If you buy wet jcoal, you arc losing 10. So,stai Voajf and burn dry coal and see what 10 means to you. PEMUINA EGO Delivered, Per Ton $1W0 MINEHEAD EGG Delivered, Per Ton 12.50 MINEHEAD LUMP Delivered, Per Ton 13.50 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PnONE 580 Early Ad. Copy is appreciated 1