PAOE SIX Christmas BLOOMERS Lace Trimmed 1.45 each . ..' v BRASSIER SETS- 2.95 PYJAMAS-2-piece - $2.95 PYJAMAS-8-picca' $6.95 PULLOVER SWEATERS- WOOL SCARVES- SILK SCARVES- BOX HANDKERCHIEFS-DRESSES Crope de Ghine EVENING DRESSES HOSIERY-Chiffdn MID-WINTER HATS each DEMER THIRD AVENUE $2.95 95c $1.95 '"...75c $12.95 $19.50 $1.75 $3.95 S' PRINCE RUPERT Are You a Judge of Whisky Men have been known to think, and even heard to My, that the whiaky with a "kick" or a bite ia stronger than the whisky without it. It ia seldom so, the "kick" is doe to one fact and one fact only, which ia the admixture of raw spirit to a blend. "WHITE HORSE ia a whisky without a bite or kick, and which fits perfectly each occasion and every mood. - A more mellow, generous and delightful spirit than "WHITE HORSE" ia not obtainable. White Horse "n Whisky DISTILLED, BLENDED AND BOTTLED M SCOTLAND This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. SOMETHING NEW FOR LADIES AND GENTS Large assortment 'new clothes for autumn and winter lust to hand. AH finest qualHytandl latesT pat terns. Come7 in and see us today!. Suit or overcoat complete and iin-ished in three days. lint, the Cutter Steam cleaning, pressing and alter lng. We deliver any part of the city. LING THE TAILOR 817 Second Ave. Vhone C19 SPEED WITH SAFETY Is what you will enjoy in a comfortable roomy car, by calling TAXI 25 rroW&eti reliability and courtesy Is our motto. A trial will be appreciated. Phone 36. Matt Videck Ambulance and Taxi Service Daily News Want Ads. bring quick Results Orr recommendation of principals, the school board decided last night that it could not entertain an offer son. "If your board approves of my request, might I ask that I be advised of the selections made, not later than December 17, and that all children so chosen attend the matinee of December 20 on which oc- school board and also the teachers, would be my guests. More Correspondence On Overstaffing of Schools Received Another communication was read it 1nt. nloht' mopMnff nf th srhnnl school. Blue Ribbon Baking Powder Malkln's Best Baking Powder, 2Vi lbs. Malkln's Best Baking Powder, 5 lbs Spices All kinds On each Rowntree's Cocoa --Vs 22c 75c $1.40 3 for 2 for Ginger Snaps 1 Cp 3 lbs, xox per lb for Soda Biscuits Plain or salted, 3 for Gainer's Cottage Rolls In Xmas boxes, per lb. Gainer's Hams In Xmas boxes, per lb 25c 25c 40c 25c 30c 35c Christmas Stoekincs, Christmas Crackers, Plum I'uddincs, "Christmas Candles and Nuts. Come in and look them over. The Economy Cash & Carry "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Phone 3CA 319 Third Ave. THE DAILY NEWS Theatre Offer Is I WIRELESS Made to Schools 1 Qp POLICE Co!. McMordie Would Give Free Pass to Most Popular Child In ,; Each Division, . i' Whole Province Is Covered By Service One of Stations Located In Prince Rupert TRANSMIT FINGER PRINTS Operating one of the most com- from Col. S. P. McMordie, manager plete and successful short-wave of the Capitol Theatre, to give free wireless chains on the continent the passes to the most popular pupil In British Columbia police radio sys-i each division of the schools. A let- tern has handled 3600 messages, j ter will be sent to Col. McMordie containing 180.00Q words, at its sev-; thanking him for his offer and ex- en stations in its first year, it was j pressing regret that it could hot be learned recently. Many smart cap- was as follows: j tern, which keeps the headquarters "Christmas will soon be here and at Victoria In touch with its far-as this day belongs particularly to flung posts from the Yukon to the the children, the Capitol Theatre forty-ninth parallel, would like to be Santa Claus to a ' As a sidelight on the use of the limited number of the children of service, It is stated that plane to the schools of the city. "To select the children, the consent and co-operation of the school board Is necessary and I am writing to ask if you would kindly help me in this matter and ask the teachers of the various class ee to have their pupils select a child from each class room and I would be pleased to give them a pass to the theatre from, say December 20 to January 3, in this way covering the Christmas sea- shore communication could be maintained throughout the search for the missing aviators in the northern country if planes taking part in the search for the Burjpe and Renahan parties had similar apparatus. , Aircraft Contact The police sets, of fifty watte power, operate on wave lengths of 40, 46, 82 and 86 metres, and have a range of from 50 to 700 miles, by craft operating over any part of British Columbia, through one or other of its stations located at Victoria, Vancouver, Prince Rupert, casion I would be very pleased if the d th tro, eratlng out of Prince Rupert. The system "was Instituted after j experiments In the fall and spring! of 1928-29, under instruction from! Col. J. H. McMullln, superintendent j of the provincial police. A dally two-way service is kept up with! each police divisional post In recently that schools of this city, ine service. iViA HHa o roA an1 imrlof cnth frnn SPECIAL 1 lb. Blue Ribbon Tea;' . 1 lb. Blue Ribbon Coffee: 1 8-cup T oHiac Mucin Drip Percolator All for cc or uuuiiO UAuasv. Club Meeting The regular fortnightly meeting 'of the Ladles' Music Club, which was held yesterday, was to have been in charge of Mrs. F. N. Good who, however, was unable to attend j as she is a patient In the Prince Ru-1 pert General Hospital suffering ! from the effects of a broken ankle. ! In Mrs. Good's absence, a paper on jBthelbert Nevln was read by Mrs. C. L. Monroe. 1 The program was as follows: Pianoforte solo, "An Egyptian Love Song," Miss Ruth Gillies, I Song. "The Rosary." Mrs. C. E. Cullln. Pianoforte solo, "The Venezla Suite," Mrs. E. J. Smith. Snng. "Mighty Lak a Rose," Mrs. W. Crulkshank. h i 1 H I i, Qranvllle St . Vancouver. Karl Anderson, Prince Ooorge, B.C. Smlthers Drug Store, Smith- OFFICERS OF LADIES' AID Mrs. J. J. Tayne Elected President of United Church Group For Coming Year At the annual meeting f the Ladles' Aid of First United Church, which was held this week, officers were elected as follows: Honorary President, Mrs. W. H. President, Mrs. J. J. Payne. Vice-president, Mrs. G. V. Wilkinson. Secretary, Mrs. Thomas Silver-sides. Treasurer, Mrs. P. C. Miller. Press Correspondent, Mrs. J. S. Irvine. Chaplain, Miss Isabel Haddock. Auditor, T. C. Wilding. District News ALICE ARM Rev. and Mrs. W. B. Jermjhjp arc training local children for lite daylight. These sets could maintain annul Christmas Tree entiWMlA contact with similarly equipped air merit which will be held here dar ing Christmas week, J. W. Strombeek left last wee for Vancouver where he will spend a vacation. . STEWART James Knight was, taken M week to the Prince Rupert General Hospital suffering from' i the fractured skull and Dlmitrl Rosa- province, and replies to queries from laeff with spinal injuries as a re-Victoria headquarters can be re-1 suit 0f an accident last week when board from S. J. Willis, superlnteri-! ceivea "l U1C ,"s'uc U1 "" they were struck by a runaway ore dent of education, who suggested minuies irom tne iarinesi nmi oi , bucket which crashed into a tlm- judging from the average number ver iae snori-wave wire-of be less system that first word was re- each pupils in class, might , over staffed with teachers. The fact lvec, or tne uoaena bpencer ira- that senior matriculation and com- B- ana UKxwwe news oi we mercial classes were operated in North Pine and Houston murders connection with the High School recently. ; might account for the number of ( Transmit Prints t-orhPM thprf. Mr Willis admitted ! Arrangements are now being ber hook as they were riding over the Premier tram line. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Crawford and daughter. Miss Helen Crawford who left last week for Vancouver will motor as far south as Tia Juana, Mexico. As for the public schools, Mr. Wil- made for the transmission of finger j And one f 8tewttrt li, felt that forty pupils In a class P"n JlTZ ' nh oneers. Unreported to be seriously could be handled nicely. , tt hn Undsay Is also aerttnitfv tain Instant recognition from the of Miss E. A. "Mercer, principal at m nere-a Booth Memorial School, presented criminal Investigation department (UI les here of any prints they photo-, statement to the board showing Tecrcury of the At- thc number of pupils in each class graph at the scene of a crime. lnJOconvatlve Aviation her school. The board was unable Finger printing Is growing In 1m- SsnScnnlai rein ' nnrtanee nollce forces all preseniea mis nam-? at mc annual v u i v.i. as over cut down the teaching T staff .TvTi.. of that the the world world exchange enhanM notes notes on on known Known meeting of the ,tul,iMlnn British Columbia ,,. I subjects to be taught at Douglas - , House, the new provincial police Braiaaa'itAgrizroira school to open shortly with a ten Demonstration Friday and Saturday Blue Ribbon Coffee and Tea weeks' course for Junior police of-: fleers. Transmission of the classlfl- 1 1 cations by wireless will bring . the advantages of the central criminal bureau to every part of the system In the province. 1 I While many agencies are making use of short-wave wireless communication, few have developed its effectiveness to the' pojnt where j they maintain constant touch over was held reccnt.'y in Pentlcton. Week-End Specials Malkln Best Tea xirLM. riv,n ih Mrh nn.m.i fnr tier conditions as embraced In the s British Columbia police wireless drawing on one Drip Percolator : system. Victoria Colonist. 3 lb. tin Grimes Golden Fancy Apples, box Cowan's Perfection Coooa- Vk 2 tins Malkln's Best Clams. 2 tins Smyrna Table Fig 2 lbs J. Libby's HOme Style Pickles large Jar Acadia Cod Fish 2-lb. box . Superior Swedish Hard Tacks, per lb 'Sunnybrook Creamery Butter, 3 lb. brick ... Eggs Fresh Extras 2 doz. .Sunklst Oranges The Dailv Newsman be nur- . 5 doz. chased at Jap Oranges Post Off Ice News Stand, 325 , per box S1.40 $2.40 45c 35c 35c 25c 50c' 15c' i Malkln's Best Fancy Sockeye 4 Hp 1 Salmon, 1 lb. tin IVlj Creamettes Macaroni per pkg 10C! I Asheroft Tomato Catsup OCJp I 20 os. bottle AOK IDrookflcld Creamery Butter A (In j per lb ., Ul $1.15 $1.15 95c $1.00 ers, B.C. , . P. GAMULA, 'Proprietor It. W. Riley. Terrace, B.C. .-fth Street. Phone 208' General Rtnrn, Anvox. . : Alberta Market TELEPHONE" 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR SKEENA IIRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throufhout the City u Phone 566 Rupert Motors Garage and Service Station " DODGE and BANTAM AUSTIN Distributors FENDER AND IIODY WORK A SPECIALTY TIIUUS. & Fill. TWO SHOWS 7 and 9 p.m. Alexander Gray, Bernicc Claire and Noah IJeery in SONG OF THE ...FLAMF." A Gorgeous Spectacle of the Russian .Revolution 3 Sinrinr. Danrinr and All inr Tp'rhnlrnlnr ft COMEDY "SCRAPPILY MARRIED" ITS A WOW CARTOON "NOAH'S LARK" FOX NEWS Admission 20c & 65c Feature Starts at 7:10 & D io SATURDAY & MONDAY and Remember Saturday Matinee at " no THE SPOILERS" BACK UP YOUR PRAYERS WITH WORKS- in British Columbia EVERYONE is mentally wishing for a return of more prosperous times. If, Instead of wishing, we would all insist on li. C. Products every time we made a ' 'purchase, We would soon create a feeling of confidence that would sweep the country . . . and confidence is the first step of the journey wards prosperity. Start with your next purchase. Ask for B.C. Products. B.C. PRODUCTS BUREAU of the VANCOUVER BOARD OF TRADE BiK',BlSHSBH ,$1,000.00 To Spend Will Be Yours . .Deposit 5.00 Monthly For 141 Months With YORKSHIRE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION u Paying 6 Interest Compounded Semi-Annually - LOCAL AGENTS McCAFKERY, GIBBONS & COLLART, LTD. THIRD AVENUE TELEPIIONT It Norwegian. Anchovies Skin and Boneless, large tin 30c Make Delicious Sandwiches. Ask JACK SELVIG Third Avenue & First Street Prince Rupert , JU Dr Alexander X-RAY SERVICE PHONE 875 I1ESNER BLOCK DENTIST COAL Iny theireal, Coal -our fa -mUs Edttv ahd Ca-IT Wrnmctori'fn any fiaantllle. Also IJulklcy Valley Grain and Robin Hood Flour Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 558 Get the habit of reading the advertisements in this paper, and taking advantage of .the help they bringou.