1 L Thursday, Decsmbsr 11, 1920. paos nva Classified Advertisements. Business and Professional Men s Guide. Legal Notices A DAILY NEWS FOR SALE AD. WILL CONVERT THAT UNUSED PIECE OF FURNITURE INTO CASH. TRY IT! m CHEAPEST White Newsprint Parwr or wrapping or other purports, may be bought ten cents a cow as long as they lajit. Daily News. FOR RENT 4- ROOM for rent. Phone 943. 291 ; FLAT FOR RENT Wallace Bios Enquire store, f FURNISHED Apartments for rent. Apply Mussallem Oroeery, Phone 18. (tf FLAT for rent four rooms and I bath, 81xth and Fulton. Phone 543. tfj FOR RENT -room house wlthj both on Atlin Avenue. Phone Black 47. 281 FOR RENT Modern house. 5 rooms and bath. Apply Munro Bros. u FOR RENT Clean well famished modern apartments. Palmer Apartments. Phone Rel 444. t t To Rent Cosy Two & Three Roomed Apartments Free use of electric light and washer Rentals $10 to $10 monthly OYER APARTMENTS 3RD AVE. WANTED MAN Wants to root roan. Be 01, Dally News. 3ft) SITUATIONS WANTED PROPBRTY repairs. Plain foral- ture 3. WUkte, Phone Black 767. MB PRIVATE stenographer. 516 6th Ave. West. P. O. Box 306. 29. BOARD AND ROOM BOARD and Room. Phone Black 7or 11 i ROOM and Board. Phone Red ltt. TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer. Phone 177. Dry Bireh, Oedar and Jaek Pfatt tf RED'S TRANSFER. Cartage and , Furniture Morint. Phone 304. tf i SAI.VAGK AND TOWINO "If It's on or under the water we do It." raciticoaivageo. i - iu.i Ful'y Equipped for Diving and General Salvage Work Agents for EASTIIOPE ENGINES Boats and Scows of all descriptions for Charter Row Boats and Canoes for Hire Bargains in Gas Engines Northern B.C. Dlsirtoutors Coolidge Propellers . , otutu ana uravet m ujr Mmr. delivered anywhere by water Thone, Day or Night 564 PO Kox 1564 SECOND-HAND DEALERS j New and Second-Hand Goods Bought, Sold or Exchanged W. H. Montgomery 3rd Avenue Phone Blue 339 AUCTIONEER PRINCEiJliuPERT AUCTION MART We buy, srll or exchange any kind of furniture or household Roods, musical Instruments machinery, etc. General repairs, crating, packing and shipping. Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone Black 120 and we will call. G. J. DAWES, Auctioneer, Federal Block. tf -A PIly News want-ad . will prlng results. CHIROPRACTIC Sunshine and Itrd Ray Treatments Nervous. Female and Chlldrtns" Diseases Specially Treated W. C. ASPINALL (Chiropractor) Thone Green 24I;,-.. 10 & 7 Exchange BIk. (Opp.' Orme's) Anti Freeze Is Much Cheaper1 ThanaNew Radiator Anti Freeie is cold weather in surance for your motor and radiator We ' have a full ifne, including Prestone, Rador Glycerine and Alcohol Overhaul Your Old Tire Chains And anticipate your nee3sln this line while 'bur stock 1 . . is jcamnlclc, Cold WeaffierlZ Makes hard starting. Why not install a nevr battery nowti't (a OUR rillCE IS RIGHT 11-Platc Battery .$10.00 1 13-PIate Battery .$12.00 S.E.PARKER LTD. PHONE 83 FORT) DEALERS UM CT Nottec of Invtittoo to apply t Le mrrttnc OMMet of rrH Rupert, aaS w4t The Proctor ! una Tmkc notice that The CuMdiaa rl- ir Oo. lm, of vt)cou bc. era-i patloa FM PMen IntoMto to MM tnrmbart OomBWelne t pan pluM to the WtUi Wot shore ct W!t Uland. oepoilte the Fioetor latenda: three 5K5T 10 ehalMi fern North 10 ehln tltenre But ctalrU ' mort or lew to hUh wmWf mrl? Omt South mr uon niHi whot ohh v. - i: ,-- . af.n . THE CANADIAN nSKINOCO. fcTB, prr A. II. HUMM, Afo Dated Sept. Ut, J0 .M ACT Notlre of Intrntten to Appiy to Lease Uni In the 8UUm Land Reoordtac Dl-Wet'o' OMriar District, and altuat about thrre mltaa and ne-balf aauttk W TuUequah Pott Offloe on Taku Hlter. Take iMtlr that I. Wltllam Sttom. of TuUequah. BC- occupation mettft. intends to apply for a leaae ot tb fniinwins daaerlbed landa OommanctaR at a poat pUated n . . -1 W n n ri.1T M M D&no 01 a awiu. muww r 1 (4Mlna: thence awt rhalna: tbenot t. an tiln ttimire ct 40 ehatnl, and oontalninc SS0 acraa. more or ! I Wit L! AM BTRONO I Dated August IS ItSO. BRINGING UP ' .ivy GOLIM I'M THE ( OF THI HOOftS ,Oo&oooooooaooHooooHK0 I iaoottaatwwooooo I'VE COT MA.CJQIU COMOUERHD- ohop PRINCE CHJOOOOOOKHJOC ootttoHMOCKtoooaoooaooaoooo CHJOOCHMWHJOOO ooocHjoMKiooowooooooofloooaoooorKKHWCKWW Mail Schedule For the East cordlns District or Prince Bupert, and Monday, Wednesday and BatVXlrrAtT. urday 10 JO a jn. j one-balf mUea wert of the Arntaon From the East 1 Point. Dund Uland. j n,.,e' Ttk hotlet that The Canadian Flah- Sunday, Tuesday s.-.j-v and Thursday co. ua.. ot vaneirer. bc- oocu- .90 pjn. For Vancouver Tuesday 1 noon Thursday 9 p.ra. Friday , 11 pxn. Dec. 3, 17, and 31 pm. From Vancouver-Sunday 4 pjn Wednesday 1050 pjn. Friday pjn. Dec. 13 and 27.. pjn. for Anyox and Siewart Sunday .. ,,,, 7 pro. Wednesday 3 pin. "From Anyox and Stewart t . Tuesdays -L.,1LJ30 tuoA. Thursdays . 8 pjn. For Naas River and Port Simpson Sunday 7 p.m. From Naas River and Port Simpson Tuesday 1150 ajn. For Queen Charlottes Wednesday '. 7 pin. From Quern Charlottes-Sundays e. ajn. For Alaska-Dec. 13 and 17 ........ a.ni. From laska Dec. 3. 17, and 31 pjn. t Jt:il FATHER MASTER TUE MEa7 ALL XlQMT a iMOTROCTlOMS Today and Shop at Home Prince Rupert merchants are offering some great values for Christmas this year. Many of them nave dropped their prices to keep pace with the reductions made in the great centres of population. This is a good time to buy. Get the shopping done before Christmas is too near and the stores are crowded with.,, eager men and women' anxious to grab for anything. Most Prince Rupert people are not affected by the hard times. Many are better off today than they were last year because their money goes farther. They can buy more if they wish for their salaries remain the same. Friends need remembering just the same this year as in the past. Some of them need it more. Those who are able to do so would do well to shop mornings because at that time the merchants and their assistants have time to attend to your vants. Read the Daily News advertisements, for they will help you in your selection. RUPERT DAILY fr...- t MWD IS MERE-I'LL CO IM TUB KTTCHBNJ AKiO CIIVJE MER m i i 1 1 i i f i m i ' ' i t -w i v- i t ujc-nc last, 111 lmw Sw tr, Iik.. Ori trilr rnl rtttfw. LAND ACT Netle ot Intention to apply to Leave Pert bore In Riot S Coiut UMtrt t Land Re PtMOtt run racterf intend to appir tor a Mace 01 me ioiiowiiw aescnoea 1 ortnore ownmeneing at a pot planted on 5. 4! nr in wnita itiinn immm tivmu :,tA'io .h7n,- w..ri ..';V!nr. :v ! uarr. uji, h. alter after wnujn wMea oaw one 11 wiu wiu tnence North 10 chain; tnonce Eat ? eKAlt- wmtilnln A - nuw. m r - " - or, - r-.v,.r,,.v, "' rioni"" ww. uu per A. H. HelltiMl. Asent. Dated, September 6th. 1S30. LAND ACT Notice Of Intention to apply to Leaae Foreshore Tn Hn B fjnurt ni.trlet Land Re - 1 cording District of Prince Rupert, aad ; situate on an unnamed Island l)lng one mile North of liajruc u:and. Take ntlce that The Canadian Flsb Inc Co. Ltd- of Vancouver, BC, oecu batten Fish Packers Intends to apply for a lease of the following derailed j t orwthere : Commencing at a post plsnted on m Unnamed Island approximately one- quarter Of a mile North and ooe-hall. Of a mue West f Lot 6023 R S Coast. thence West Chain thence South 19 rf ins: thenoe East 8 chains more or ' ens to shore iine; tbe ore Nerth westerly lank high water mark to point nf wmmencemetit and containing 9 aeret, more or less THE CANADIAN FISHINa CO. VTU. oer A II. Ilollartd, Agent. Dated sept. 4ih. lm i'LU CO IM M' KkJoW Who t5 BO AnoOislD r r. NEWS I j 1 r I NOT1CE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF THK ESTATE Ot Q DO ROE SK1DOFF DECEASED. AUAa . BORT8 8KIZAK ALIAS JURKiJ BKI ZAK ALIAS JURKO SKIDIFF. NOT(CE. U hereby given that all pef-anhi tweltte rlalma acalnat tlie aboft named Ut of Anchorage. Territory .t formerly of the at of Prince Rupert. In tbe Province of Brltlih Oolumbts. aanaoa, vno aiea at Ancnorage aiorv mentioned on tbe tth akf of Februarr ib'ia uwiiiImJ unrf rArt teMtla f 1 : Jh" Vifi in tb tinflef. iondor'beVor.'fS. S?h : d i iproBerd to dlatrtbute . the aactt of th ibeoeaed among the beraon. entltlerf , thereto, thereto. having Having regard oifly to the - ..a . ... . , claim, ot which It hU then h .1... DATED at Vancouver. B.C.. this 17th day of November. A.D. 1030. MONTREAL TKUST COiiPANT. 814 Pender Street "West. Vancouver. BO. Administrator of the Estate ol the above-mentioned, Georg Bkkkrff, Deaeaaed within tb rProvUice ot British Columbia. ! n28. OS Jk " ' ' SKEF.NA LAND ntfoitniNO PlSTRlCI 1 ' nnl tw.t TJ.IH.V. rv,1,,. bla Fishing At Packing Company. Ltd, ; of Vancouver. .B.C.. oceupstion. f lsl i packers. Intends to apply for a lease ot; th following daaerlbed fcrah6re. altu ' l n f Harbour, fronting en Lot S i ! Following are retan prices current I here today: Fruits ' Apples Rome Beauties "C $2.50 fYenow'NewtonV fancy, b&x ........ 2.75' Newtons "C" 2.65 Jonathans, fancy box 31)0 'Btayman's Winesaps, box 3.00 Spitzenberg, fancy 2.75 Spltzenberg "CH 250 Winter Bananas, fancy 2.75 Delicious, fancy 3.35 j Delicious "C" 2.75 I Washington Oranges 15c to $1.20 ! Lemons, BUnkUt, doz. .40 IdAUi. . . a m t , . .... riunua uiayciiuii iz?- WJ -3V California Grapefruit, 8c to .15 Bananas, 2 lbs a Cranberries lb 50 Extracted honey, per Jar 25 Comb honey 55 Dates, bul lb 12 Raisins, bulk. Jb .15 Emperor Grapes, lb. 50 Jap Oranges 1.00 Bundle 1.95 Nuts-Almonds, shelled Valenclas .50 California soft shell" walnuts .M Walnuts, broken shelled 55 Walnuts, shelled halves 40 Peanuts 15 Vegetables-Potatoes, netted Jems, 9 lbs. ... 25 sack 250 Parsley, bunch 10 Hothouse Cucumbers, each .... .3) B.C. Celery, head 15 Hubbard, squash, lb n7 Garlic, Imported, per lb 4Q Cabbage, B.C .06 Onions, 6 lbs. 25 California, head lettuce, hd, .IS Hothouse Tomatoes, lb 25 Brusseles Sprouts 20 Artichokes, Globe, doz 250 RulV Tnmlrw 7 lh Cauliflower. B.C., head .. 25 to 25 Green Peppers lb. 25 Parsnips, 4 lbs .25 Carrots, 6 lbs 25 .Beets, lb . .fj Sweet Potatoes, 2 lbs 25 Flour Flour. 49s. No. 1 hard wheat .... 150 Pastry Flour, 10 lbs. 50 Lard- Smna'dTIIZI 25 25 Egesi- & &&': 63Z- 55 UAi. MWl UOZ. 0 bs: fresh eitras,,clcu. ... .70 Local new laid, doz. .75 Fed wheat. No. 3 Albertlt 2.23 No. 5, Alberta, ... 2.10 OatS 255 m at ornn CVn4r 225 Middlings . 2.75 1 iiiariey mney 2.3a; T-vlnp Mal MRh 3.60 Oyster shell . ia 1K: 1 . Tt!!OoTden urouna ou case 450 ; Fine oat chops 2.63 Crushed oats 2.63, nne barley chop 2.40 ww.iuiL . Lemoiirand orange peel . ,r I ' citron neel 55 JtJr itV 1i ' " Piirrnnt Ih . 5fl Apples, dried ' .'"L!.....25 Peaches, peeled 22 Snrlxntl lh I n tn. u - t( Prunes, 3040, 10 15 : Tn.nA inm lv. 111- ' ' ! , ! No. 1 creamery, lb. ... No. 2 creamery, 3 lbs L15, .-I Cheese-McLaren's 1 Cream, Jars, 45c and .85 1 naniembert, 8-os. pkg 66 Kraft Llmbcrger. Hs 55 Range 5 coast District: wtnne.n it . Pt planted on the east Udt ot Nasi ' YellOW, 100 it. IDS. A SO M Harbour, thence wt If tbln. more M (White. 100 lbs. 5.40 o th hrrt: opprelt .thenee, t,,.,,. BUtter f' luinwiy, easicriy, ana ncrinrnj, 10. lewuu high wktct rnsrk. to tbe point ot otinMnenremeat. imd centaUilbg twenty-five acres, more flf leas. Doted Bth August, JM0. t It, Bushnelt. Agent BRITIBII vvLUMDIA FlanXNCJ fackino co., ltd my in r.fi i rTp m ! llJ iuARKljT TYPEWRITERS. S'o bther value ran approach ' the aperlal REBUILT UNDERWOOD 5'( $75.00 -4i Very easy term! y All 'other make from $13.00 ' " 8L'M)STIIAN) AIlDI.Vft v MACHINES .,, United Typewriter Co. Ltd.. - VAMOLVKil. H.C. Singer Sewing Machines On Easy Monthly Payment ' As low as $350 per month, Cheaper to uuy than rent J' All makes of machines repaired. ..j McRAE BROS. LTD. 1 Nelson's Beauty Parlor, Crogu:gnole Permanent Wave'! Guaranteed $750 Skilled artists in all branches of beauty culture ,, 211 Third Street Phone Blue 561 Vood and Coal Cheer up! The best was coming. iivn Aft uric Try bur new coal just arrived CASEVS CARTAGE &' FUEL CO. Telephone 303 MRS. JAMES CLARK Palmistry and Crystal Reading While House 225 Second Ave, Telephone 767 1931 Wallpapers Now in stock SltVERSIDES BROS. Third Avenue Ontario Millds 50 ."Tew Zealand oatics JO Stilton, lb 40 Kraft .. .1 . .45 Nflrwegian goat .60 MaTWtl&nvt t 1 n. Vi rto A- "?fl " .v. uiu.ui ifw. "".Roquefort , 50 Swift's Brookfietd. lb. .45 Gorgonzok, lb 50 Qrookfleld Swiss, H-Ib. pkg 50 Qruyere ,45 Brndkflelrl Canadian cheese, 25 .-in.JK: xieats. f. lb. i5 Fowl. No, 1. lb 34c and .40 5MUng cMm lu- ,45 .45 fijfAgZZ 55 tHm. . h a ffrtlP first erarle 50 Cottage rolls, lb .33 Bacoh, side, sliced, best grade .,60 veaL win PO'K BhOUldef 35 Pork, dry salt . 55 Ayrsnire oacon, id J5cto .50 eVl SHOUlOer ISO P9TH, loin .--...... . t45 Pork, le : -.40' Beef, pot roast - 22c to 25 t5- V.itln it - rnn .7 . , ,. T. lTv VZ.TJ, "u Lamb. SrOUIdCr , 55 Beef. tak 35c to .45 crabs, 2 for 25 -..42iM,: & wnrsriw vctftJ ,iu Mutton, shoulder : 50 Fish- Smoked kippers, lb. 15 Kippered white salmon, lb. ... .25 Red smoked salmon .45 By Onorge MrMmus T V MMri- JCCS - I r " "X 1 1 I I'M TMU OOM'T MAKE Me V oLL TAKS ' Voo rB MtnrKH' J i laocva-thj ti ORDERS FROM j VJHAT? , I CoMM BS FOMKJV MTER OP" II S , r- C r it K .W fL m Mi 'IK 4ii in HI 'ft Mi I 3 mi