“We Hurry” TAX! Phone 99 id Night Open Day a! New Management eel yoL. * NO. 266. (special to The News CENTRALIA, WASH., Nov. Bordeaux, Washington, L agisiative L jvrary Che Daily News Northern and Central British Columbia’s Newspaper 1 W.W. Prisoner Turns State’s Evidence at Centralia; Raid Made on Seattle Newspaper Union Labor Record seized and several employees arrested, including the editor; Lynched man buried in pauper’s grave without funeral service via 6.7. P, Telegraphs.) 14,.—Federal, state, county and ity officials investigating the Armistice Day affray were assisted the work when one of the prisoners, Britt Smith, also called ick Smith, said to be the secretary of the Centralia t. W. W. |, turned state’s evidence and pointed out four men whom he id were in the room from which some of the shots were fired Tuesday. All four carried guns just before the parade, Smith id, and he guessed they did some shooting. The police and former soldiers continued to seek alleged embers of the Industrial Workers of the World involved in the | shooting. Four industrial workers were taken from jail to ry Everett who was lynched after the shooting, when the local dertakers refused to do so. Accompanied by seventeen armed onal guardsmen the four prisoners went into the pauper sec- of the local cometery, dug a grave, lowered the body and {it up without services of any nature. TACOMA, November 14.—A report that an |. W. W. gathering was in preparation for attacking urston County jail at Olympia to release three men arrested Centralia on Tuesday, brought every available citizen who Id secure a weapon to the jail on Thursday night. SPOKANE, November 14.—Fifty-six men, ail of whom car- membership cards in the 1. W. W. or were in possession of literature, are being held in jail here on open charges. Seized Newspaper. RINCE VISITS WILSON IN BED Laid Wreath on Grave of George Washington at Mount Vernon. oT. FP J Telegraphs.) WASHINGTON, Nov. 14. Presi- Wilson, propped up in the ‘Hogany bed in which the King Edward VII slept when ‘sited Washington in 1860, led today the Prince of Wales. “visit to the White House fol- “a motor trip to Mount Ver- M, where the Prince laid a ‘ath on Washington's tomb. NER | STAFF FOR THE EMPIRE of Commons Committee ts Recommendations for Independent Body. i al a LONDON Nov *NmMons Arn Mended letegraphs.: 14.—The House y Committee has bt diab that an Imperial ete e developed on the Matives “pproved by repre. bions et overseas do- Riee _ which provide > ~ body entirely clear lish Wap Olllee com- see] of oMecers from British th dam of the } mpire, iy MEET ON CoasT ACH] VED. Nov. 44.—~ ‘The As ing of the Manufac- SOClation will be held h hep * ane ; bn, ul at Victoria next Prince Rupert Syuohony ()rchestra *d CONCERT NoveeaY EVENING EMBER l6th, 1919 Soloist Unc TAGGART Wn Scottish Baritone Ma! mee oP SEATTLE, November 14.—-Federal officers raided the office the Seattie Union Record, seized the entire plant and arrested al of the employees, E. B. Ault, the editor, among them. SEATTLE, Nov. 14.— (Noon). The plant of the Union Record ch was seized yesterday by the Federal authorities was re- d today and the paper issued. W. J. GREER GETS GYM. CONTRACT Dressingroom Will be Constructed At Cost of $1,350 in Base of Agricultural Hall. The contract for the improve- ments and new building work lt be done at the Agricultural Hai, fon the Prince Rupert Amateur Athletic Association was let last night. W. J. Greer is to do the work for $1,350. The association is going to get the construction started at once so some use of th: gymnasium may be made this winter. The new work provides the putting in of a locke: room below the main floor of the building taking advantage of the big basement space made by the slope of the ground. As well as the locker, room which is 34 ft. by 26 ft., there will be a 16 ft. by 16 ft. lounge room, The locker reom will be fitted up with 50 lockers, PRINCE JAPANESEMAKE GOOD SHOWING Already Have Exceeded Quota and Are Trying to Double it; City Figure $215,000. The Japanese residents of this city have passed their quota of $5,000 in the Victory Loan cam- paign and are making strenuous efforts to double the amount, Phes ilready won their tlag but are how many crowns they can secure for it. They are doing splendid work. The Chinese are also working hard. ‘There is no late report in regard to them, but the last word was that they had two-thirds of have ying the quota and expected to get their flag. rhe total for Prince Rupert is now $215,000, but Mayor MeUly mont and his committee of work- are anxious to make the quarter million before tomorrow night. They are working hard ind are getting results. ers CHURCH DEVELOPMENT IN THE BULKLEY VALLEY Archbishop Du Vernet Spends a Week Visiting New Churches: Very Cold Weather. \rchbishop F. HM, Du Vernet re- turmed to Prince Rupert on last evening's local train after visit- ing the church districts of Burns Lake and Endako. He reports that the influx of settlers into these districts is very noticeable and on each one of his rather frequent visits he observes manrk- ed changes and development Churches are now being estab- lished at both Burns Lake and Endako and work is going ahead on the building of meeting places. There are resident clergymen in both flelds now, Rev. Arthur Gar- lick being stationed at Burns Lake, while Rev. Wm. Sweetman is at Endako. Che archbishop also remorked on the premature and extreme cold that is prevailing in the Bulkley Valley just mow W hile there Te experienced: 30 below zero. weather, which is colder than Was ever rememifiered by the oldest timers this atts in the PRINCE RUPERT, B. G, F 18 ins, by 18 ins., and two shower | year, Ox baths. Besides the lockers the a ‘ specifications ~— a ae aan WAIT FOR PEACE T0 and a coal bin. ment chimney and stairs con- QUENCH BIG THIRST necting the basement and matn floor are also to be built. The Express Companies Forbidden to Accept Consignments Until Proclamation Made. height of the lower rooms will be 8 feet. GERMANS CUT CABLE OUTSIDE NEW YORK IN SPRING OF 1918 (Special via G, T. P. Telegraphs NEW YORK, Nov. 14. German submarines cut the cable between this country and England just outside New York harbor th Tetegraphs. The ex issued a (Special via 6 TV MONTREAL, Noy. 14. press companies have circular forbidding agents to ac cept liquor consignments for On tario and other ¢ until the proclamation Is issued rWO} cancelling the order-in-council proclamation of peace, Large orders have thus been held up. RUPERT RIDAY, NOVEMBER 1[4, 1919. ONE LIBERAL IN DRURY CABINET W. E. Raney, K.C., of Toronto is Attorney-General, With two Labor Ministers. special via U. T.P. Telegraptis.) TORONTO, Nov. 14.—There is one Liberal minister in the On- lario Farmer cabinet and two labor ministers, so the new Gov- ernment is assured of the sup- port of a good majority of the Legislature and will be able to Gpiyg on. The following wer syorn in at Government House Ss morning at 11 o'elock remier, Ernest G. Drury, of Barrie; Atiorney-General, W. 1 Raney, K. ©., Toronto (Liberal); Mmiister of Agriculture, Manning W. Dougherty, Peel County; Lands and Forests, Beniah Bowman, ot ,Gore Bay; Mines, Harry Mills, Fort William (Labor); Labor and Health, Walter Rollo, Hamilton wabor); Education, R. H. Grant, Carleton County; Public Works, F. Biggs, North Wentworth; | Provincial Secretary, H. ©, Nixon, North Brant: Provincial Treasur- er, Peter Smith, South Perth: without portfolio, Lieut.-Col. D. Carmichael, Grey. TWO MEN LOST FROM THE CRUISER RENOWN Special via Ju. T. P NEW YORK, Nov. 14.—Two able-bodied seamen of the crew of the British battle cruiser Re- nown plowing through the gale coming here from “Trinidad to take the Prince of Wales home, were lost at sea Sunday morning. \ midshipman had both legs broken when a huge wave -swept the deck, felegraphs.) STOCK EXCHANGE — IS STILL PANICKY (Special via G. T. Pf. Telegraphs.) NEW YORK, Nov. 14.-—The stock exchange today is still panicky. Call money last night was still very high, but this after- noon it was reduced fourteen points, followed by renewed liqui- dation, all speculative stocks showing -efalling quotations. PRINCE OF WALES VISITS PRESIDENT (Spectal via G.T.P. Telegraphs,) WASHINGTON, Novy. 13.—The Prince of Wales will call at the White House this afternoon to make an informal visit with President and Mrs. Wilson. The Prinee’s time is being erowded withithe many events on the pro- rranv for his entertainment. LYNCH OUTPOINTED BY PETE DERMANN special by 6. 7. P. Telegraphs.) PHILADELPHIA, Novy. 14.—Joe Lynch of New York outpointed Dermann, bantamweight hampion, in an eight-round bout. Pele RETAIL CLERKS \ get-together social and dance will be held in the K. of P. hall on Friday, November 14. All clerks, male or female, working which will come with the official | friends. | freshments. | RETAIL CLERKS ASSOCTATION ‘anadian points|in retail stores, whether members of our union or not, are invited to attend and bring their wives or Harvey's orchestra, Re- 266 the spring of 1918, but the break was spliced within Twelve hours This was made known for the first time by Col, J.J. Canty, viee VICTORY LOAN CAMPAIGN president of the American rel phone and Telegraph wo A cable’ from New York to In order that those who have not Southam was cut at the same time and repaired as quickly oe ite the Grand Tru Beautiful new line in fancy eppes Georgette waists at Goldbloom s Ladyem:th Coal, The best. Prince Rupert Coal Company, Phone 15. Victory Bonds msy do so The Office of Mayor McClymont nk office on Third Ave,, which is the headquarters for the campaign, will n each night this week until 11 o'clock me — may be purchased there had an opportunity of purchasing TORONTO, Novy. 14.——With tory Loan campaign figures now Dominion of $444,066,500 it wa I'his is almost fifty per cent abc the half billion, Toronto, $253,355,100; British $9,632,550; Saskatchewan, $8,- 815,900; Manitoba, $23,342,850; Montreal, $82,116,750; Quebec, $21,371,000; New Brunswick, $7,- 996,300; Nova Scotia, $13,400,55. ; Prince Edward Island, $1,369,050. VICTORIA, Nov, 14.—The of- flieial total to Wednesday night was $4,499,056 and the objective is $5,000,000. VANCOUVER, Nov. 14——Sub- scribing more than $2,000,000 on Wednesday, the Victory Loan neaday night stood at #22,090,538, om slightly less than %3,000,000 short of the objective of %$25,- 000,000. Grand Forks total $72,000. RAILWAY SHOP Increase in Wages of Four and Nine Cents per Hour Follow- ing Demand of 17 Cents. (opectal tea GU. T.. Teiegrapha.) MONTREAL, Nov. 14.—It is an- — es —_—_—_—_—- Victory Loe Total Now $444,066,500 total for British Columbia Wed-, NELSON, Nov. 14.—The Victory | crashed Loan total is $505,450 and the! Surbiton, Surrey. MEN GET RAS | | TA Xl Phone 75 and 85 We Never Sleep PRINCE RUPERT AUTO 707 Second Avenue M, H. LARGE) PRICE FIVE CENTS With Two Days to Go It is Expected Over Half Billion will be Subscribed by Saturday Night (Special to The News via G. T.P. Telegrapns.) two more days to go the Vic- show a grand total for the whole s officially announced last night. we the quota aimed at and it is expected that before the end of the week the figures will go over The results by provinces aré as follows: Ontario, including Columbia, $19,855,700; Alberta, TWO AVIATORS WERE KILLED After Starting for Australia. (Special via G.T.P. Telegrapns.) LONDON, Nov, 13.—Lieutenant R. M. Douglas, of the Australian Flying Corps, and his navigator, J. 8. L. Doss, were killed this momning when their machine into the ground near They started from Howthslow this morning on the England to Australia flight. BRITISH POLITICIAN _ FAILS TO RECOVER Lord Brassey Had Brilliant Career and Was Authority on Naval Matters. (£peciat via GO. T. P. London, Noy, 13.—Earl Brassey who was knocked down by a cab a Telegraphs.) nounced by the Canadian Railway | few days ago has succumbed to War Board that an agreement the injuries sustained. puoviding for inereases in the| rates of pay and changes i working conditions has been signed. The new agreement gives a. | ane the | He was a recognized authority on an increase from May 1 of four cents per hour to men in locomotive works and nine cents Lord Brassey was born in 1836 n the and came into prominesce as a ‘politician in W. E. Gladstone's He was both Civil Lord Secretary to the Admiralty. naval matters and at one time was per hour in“ear repair shops. ‘The | 8overnor of Victoria State in the demand was for 17 cents per | Avctapiian Commonwealth. He hour. jwas the owner of the famous The new agreement affects ap-| Yacht Sunbeam, upon which # proximately 5,000 employees Canada. ARRESTED FOR TAKING MONEY Cashier of Evans, Coleman & Evans Charged with Crime. ae (special Vea &. T.P. Telegraphs.) ; ; | book was written ly his wife who died several years ago. 72,500 POUNDS FISH SOLD THIS MORNING ‘Heligoland and Several Smatier Boats in With Their Catches. heavy weather is re- “Rather /ported by fish boats coming in | these days, but there have been VANCOUVER, Noy. 14.—S. W-' no big storms. The Heligoland Evans, cashier of Evans, Coleman was in this morning for, the fish & Evans, and 8. Strachan, mMan- sale with 50,000 Ibs. of halibut ager of Johnson & Reeve, brokers, ! and it is expected that there will are under arrest charged with pe “several of the larger boats misappropriating $31,000 belong-' from the Yakatat banks in this ing to the former firm. port next week. Prem e | Following are the prices and | catches . today: Heligoland, 50,- GEN ESTY | 000 Ibs., sold to Canadian, Fish & DECLARED IN AUSTRIA) “e'« Storage Co. at 17. 2e and 10.2¢. js Clara, 3,000 Ibs.; Maghnel, 3,- 500 Ibs.; Ingred, 4,000 Ibs., and | Dorreen, 12,000 Ibs. These boats jall sold to the Royal Fisheries at /417.8¢ and 10.4e, BROKE NON-STOP i to encape cone FLIGHT RECORD Cc. P. R. STEAMERS DUE - - (Special via G. 7. P, Telegrapns.: (Special via G.T.P. Telegraphs.) WASHINGTON, Nov. 13.—-Pilot- VICTORIA, Noy. 13.—The ©. P./ed by Lieut,-Commander Read, R. steamer Monteagle with troops| Seaplane N. CG. 4 broke the non- from Siberia is due here on Sun-| stop flight record reeently, The (Special by G,. 7. P. Delegrapns.) VIENNA, Noy. t4.—The General Amnesty Aet proclaimed in cele- bration of the declaration of the republic contains provisions that free from legal punishment those nationals who went to foreign countries to eseape conscription, day morning. The Empress of! machine flew from Pensecola, Russia due from Hongkong is due! Florida, to Memphis, Tennesee, on Monday. with 12 passengers, The distance — is 535 miles. The N, ©, 4 re- Toys, blocks, games, dolls, cently made the trans-Atiantic trains, children's books, mechani-| flight. eal toys, at Tite’s Santa Claus’ headquarters. tt) B. C. Undertakers. Phone 41. ~ “ue ‘a ——— “a * 3 = =