Page 2 THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Printing and P iblishing Co., Third Avenue. fH. F. PULLEN, MANAGING EprrTor. ” } | SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c. By Mail—Canada or Great Lritain, in advance, per year $6.00, To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.50 TELEPHONE 98. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING Contract Rates on application. Si De, «niet: Friday, November t4, 19'9 - 75 cents per inc. -_ DAILY EDITION, One More Day for Victory Loan Campaign. Tomorrow night the Viclory Loan campaign closes. By that iime it is assumed that Prince Rupert will have gone the limit the purchase of bonds, The people here will have taken all they ean afiord. Those who did not go to the war owe a solemn duty to those who went. It is their duty to provide the cash with which to carry on during the time of unrest following the great struggle. Such a period was inevitable. During such a time large sums of money have to be spent in keeping open the channels of wade and seeing that industries are not interrupted with consequent unemployment. It is not the time to inquire if the money has all been wisely spent. Probably it has not, In the meantime we cannot afford to starve the Government out. Our very life as a nation is at stake and we must invest our money in order tha the nation may carry on. Probably a good many people have not been asked to sub scribe. In any canvass there are always a number who are missed. If there are such, they are asked to call at the mayor's office on Thitd Avenue, opposite the Grand Trunk Pacific tickel office, any time before eleven p.m. and there they can secure full information in regard to the bonds and can purchase as many as they may require. Advertisers May Now Get Results. This is the time of year when all advertisers may count on getting results. People are in the buying humor just before Christmas. Already purchases are being made by those who are sending presents to the old country or who wish to get the pick of the Christmas goods. From now until the end of the year wil be a busy time with local merchants for the city and district iia: been prosperous and much of the money will be spent before the festive season closes. We believe that there are many important methods of ad- verlising. Possibly the most important of all is to give good value and good service. Courtesy goes a long way in bringing customers back, once they have visited a place of business. Al! these are of only secondary value, however, in attracting new customers. That “a satisfied customer is the best advertising’ is only partially true. The merchant who depends wholly on tha is likely to be left in the race. To altract new customers the shop window is very important If the business place is on a good street with a large amount of passing, the shop window is of great value. Next to the sho; window as an advertising medium is the daily newspaper. I is read by practically the whole community and it brings resu!ts It is only necessary to glance through the pages of any great daily to note that practically every successful business house is one that advertises in the newspapers. There are other methods of advertising that are sometime: used with effect, but in these busy days the average man throw: his mail circulars in the waste basket unread, and camouflage letters are not as popular as they were a year or two ago. Thi rewspapers are the only sure method of reaching the customers f See ALBERT © McCAFFERY before you purchase Anything in the Building Line We handle Prince Aapere Spruce Co.’s Lumber . Cc, Mill’s Fir Lime Cennent Plaster Brick Shingles Laths Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. THE DAILY NEWS DOES MONEY EVAPORATE? Money spent on medicinal prep arations often does! In this way - You buy a preparation, use per haps a third of it, and put the ro mainder on the shelf. When next you need it—unfit for use! Two thirds of the money value of your expenditure has “ evaporated.” Just there is where Zam-Buk is so different—so superior! Zam-Bulk is not only 100 per cent. medicine but, owing to its freedom from animal fat, ¢t never becomes rancid, but will keep indefinitely Buy a box today, use what yor require, put the remainder away, and when you have occasion to use it again, you will find its healine. soothing and germ-destroying pow ers just as effective as the day you bought the bor! Zam-Buk stops bleeding, ends pain, draws out soreness and prevents blood-poisoning in cuts, burns and scalds. Without equal as a remedy for eczema, sores, piles, ulcers an” blood-poisoning. 50c. box am Buk ESSINGTON DRIVE WAS WONDERFUL Population of 100 Subscribe $42, - 000 to Last Victory Loan. PORT ESSINGTON, Novy. Essington people may well fee proud of their showing in th Victory Loan Drive. A populatior of 100 made up of 66 whites an 14. 34 Japs who contributed $2,500 show a grand total of 842,00¢ whieh is $420 per capita. Thi is the showing for, the village af ter the cannery staffs have gon south for the winter. None the canneries operating on Skeena contributed anything. Cunningham & Son, Ltd., scribed $20,000; $22,000 was sub scribed by the individual pur chasers. The showing is 1 out o every 2%; $40,( actuall been paid into the banks, 82,0: only of the total was taken o mm terms. Capt. MaeGormiek, and Gunn: Smith were the punch behind th drive. With quiet assurance, en ergy. contidence and contagious enthusiasm they prepared their battle ground Of the spirit their attack the figures tell tale They exeeeded their estimate by 87,000, and the unit quota of $8,000 by $34,000, earn ing 17 crests.for the Honor Flag The Publicity Committee « Women did a heap of talking, anc were “Behind the Button.” When the river freezes over an: the bleak wintry winds blow dow) the Skeena and FEestall and tly little village frozen in for th winter, it can well feel the eeu soling satisfaction of having don its bit and having done it well the last big Vietory Drive bridging from war to peace. > “ th: Kh sul? has thy ow is tlre oe ee ee ee ee ee * LOCAL NEWS ITEMS , ee ee Rh. E. Dugan, of Prince George arrived on last night's train. > Bruce Will Edmunds, the fame ‘cellist, coretist, banjo playe: ind all-round musician, has rv joined the Westholme Orchestra. . . . W. F, Eve, John Kirkland an: B. M. Harrison were arrivals fro Anyox on the Prince George }a nigut and are registered at th. Hotel Prince Rupert. Mr. and Mrs. F. Duboard, «© Hazelton, reached the city lasi night from the interior. Mr. Du board is one of the owners of th: Hnineea Hotel at Old Hazelton. . . . RK. L. Clothier, the Stewart as sayer and brother of Geo. Cloth- ier, district mining engineer, ar rived from Stewart last night, ac companied by Mrs. Clothier. * * * The regular G. T. P. through train did not pull in till 2:30 thi: morning. It had been delayed by heavy snow storms on the prair. jes. At 7 o'clock a two-car ldcal got in from Prince George with the local passengers. The Prince Sieorge left for the south about 3:30 a.m, on the aprival of the through train, * * . Capt. Halvorsen, skipper of the steam whaler Brown, which has been operating out of Rose Har. bor during the summer, has gone to Norway on sick leave. He was the leader of the whaling fleet for the season, seventy leviathans be. ing his bag. In the ecateh were several sperm whales, small ones, only about thirty feet in length, NOTICE OF CANCELLATION. NOTICE ts hereby given that the reserve existing over Lots 1819 and 1820, Queen Charlotte District, by reason of a notice ed in the B, C, Gazette of 27th Ik eomber, 1907, is cancelled G. RAR. NADEN, Deputy Minister of Lands Department of Landa, evnd September, 1919 ate CANCELLATION OF RESERVE NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that the reserve existing over Lots 4005 and 004 Range 5, Coast District, is cancelled, . R. NADEN, Deputy Minister of La Latuis Departinent, Victoria, B. C., Sth October, 1919. IN PROBATE IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA TION ACT and IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CHARLES W SHAIRLIN DECEASED INTESTATE, NOTICE 8 HEREBY GIVEN TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN of an Order by th Honorable Mr. Justice Clement, in the above matter on the 30th day of October A.D. 1919, as follows IT 18 ORDERED that the said John MecMullin shall be allowed to swear to th death of the said deceased as occurring on the 25th day of October, 1918, aft the expiration of one month from the dat of the first publication of notice of thi order, unless in the meantime proof | furnished to the Registrar of this Cour at Prince Rupert, B. C., that the said ds ceased, Charles W. Shairlin, was alive sit sequently to the said 25th day of October 1918 AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that th said John H. MeMullin do publish not of this order in the Prince Rupert Dat) News, a hewspaper Prine published at Rupert, B. C., for a pertod of one mon?! DATED at Prince Rupert, B. C., this 30th day of October, A.D. 1919 JOHN H. MeMULLIN, Omecial Administrator _ MINERAL ACT. Certificate of Improvements NOTICE, “Silver Tip’ and ‘Monarch Minera Claims, situate in the Naas River Mining Division of Cassiar District Where located About four head of Alice Arm on its west side TAKE NOTICE that Lewis W. Patmore F. M. ©. No, 31018-C, agent for B. H Tyrwhitt Drake, Registrar of the Suprem Court of British Columbia, B. C., Free Miner's Certificate No. 33583-C, miles fron to the Mining Recorder for @ Certificals of Improvemen'a, for the purpnes t taining a Crown Grant of each of above claims. And further take notice that action. it der section 85, must be commenced be fer the issuance of such Certificate of Impres ments awa this 18th day of September, A 191 QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS LAND DIS TRICT-RECORDING DISTRICT OF SKEENA. D Prince Rupert, B. C., prospector, inten to apply for a licence to prospect for « oll and petroicum over the following «« seribed fands on the West Coast of Gra ham Island Commencing at a pest planted at thre miles north of the north east corner Lot 2437, thence 80 +haine north, then 80 chains west, thence 80 chains thence 80 chains east to point of eon mencement. PETER PIOMBO Located July 27, 1919 _ Dated September 25th, LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In Queen Charlotte Islands Land District Recording District of Prince Rupert, am situate at Port Clements, Graham Island TAKE NOTICE that we, the Gratam !: land Spruce & Cedar Co., Limited, of Por Clements, occupation lumbermen, inten to apply for permission to lease the fol lowing deseribed lands Commencing at a post NW. corner of Block 53, townsite of Por Clements; thence N. 70 deg. W 540 ft thence south 33 deg. W 455 ft: thene south 237.77 ft.; thence east 479.05 ft thence following the shore line in a north asterly direction to the »elnt of een 19190 planted at thr or less GRAHAM ISLAND SPRUCE & CEDAR ¢ LIMITED. Dated Anenet 12th 1910 —_——_ FOR ELECTRICAL WORK Geo. Waddell 336 2nd Ave. Phones BLACK 367 — GREEN 394 Save Money in Lamps. Fer Comfort, Courtesy~ and Service go to The SAVOY HOTEL F. T. Bowness MANAGER Phone 37 P.O. Box 1704 Hotel Prince Rupert FIRST-CLASS CAFE A La Carte. The “Gartland” Boarding House 416 Sixth Avenue East Near Drydock Board by Month or Week. Phone Red 245 Se : i is. Jewelry | —— ee ee ee Luxury Much of a jeweler’s stock clocks, rings, chains, ete necessity nowadays. » SUCN ag Vatcnhes » Can Le ea ed a It is necessary to keep up to date. of jewelry give real pleasure, Prese nts and Who wil! Say that a little pleasure is not needed by most of us? Often a person would rather have the pleasure a gift brings than twice the mon it costs. We show a splendid selection of pifts thig season tall ini nyhow. JOHN BULGER Jeweler intend, sixty days from the date hereof, to apply TAKE NOTICE that I, Peter Piombo, of mencement and containing 7.1 acres, more The Gift Store = MINING. STOCK FOR SAL I have for sale part of the treasury shares in The B. C. Silver Mines, Ltd. Capital $1,500,000 One of Properties is situated between the famous Premier Mine and the Bush Mines, Ltd. These shares will be listed on the Vancouver Stock Exchange. For further particulars apply to O. B. BUSH 344 Pender Street W. VANCOUVER R. W. . Cameron G Co. Beg to announee that nut being able to obtain their old corner on Second Avenur, at the head of what The used to be Centre Street, they have opened on Old fhird Avenue, No, 626, with a carefully . Firm Come stock of Back Jewellery, Watches and Clocks, Toilet Re- selected quisites, Cutlery, Cut Glass, elc. All fresh from: the factories, and are welcome their new and old new store at No. 626 Third Avenue Opporite Dominion Telegraph Office ow ready & time patrons in ther CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY mr PACIFIE Lt dks B.C. Coast Steamship Services S. 8. PRINCESS MARY for Ketchikan, Juneau, Skagway, Alaska, from Prince Ruperts November 12, 22; December 2 and 198 For Vancouver. Victoria and Seattie from Prince Rupert November 16, 25, and Decemb« 8. 8. PRINCESS BEATRICE a From Prince Rupert for Swanson Bay, Ocean Fails, Hardy Bay, Vancouver and Victoria— Saturday at # pm Beaver Cove, Powell River, hLvery For rates, reservations and sailings, apply | W. ©. OROHARD, Gonera! Agent. Cor 3rd Avenue an! 4th Street Prince Rupert, B.C OOOO OLLI! LOO ICTR S.S. PRINCE RUPERT $.S. PRINCE GEORGE SAILING ; FALLS, THURSDAY and SUNDAY MIDNIGHT for SWANSON BAY, OCEAN VANCOUVER, VICTORIA and SEATTLE. WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY MIDNIGHT FOR ANYOX. 8. 8. PRINCE JOHN For Stewart, October 29th, November 12th and 26th Massett, and Port Clements, November 6th, 13th ana Novemt & 2 Southern Queen Charlotte Island Points, October 31st Passenger Monday, W®dnesday and Saturday & Prince George, Edmonton and Winnines, making all points east and sould for Smithers, se ¢ i tions for direct connes AGENCY Al... OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES For information and reservations apply » a City Ticket Office, 526 Third Avenue. Phon blic ith THEO COLLART, Notary Pu 5-Room house with bath and FURNITURE, ‘" lots Avenue for $3,100.00, Terms to sul a pear aeTaTe o. Box 06. Oe nnnsssnntl MARINE INSURANCE PHONE BLUE 69, WESTHOLME THEATRE FIRE INSUAANCE BLOOK,